Newspaper Page Text
- ____ V
Hermit Crab Ha* Peculiar Habit of
Seeking Out Shells of Dead Mol
lusks for Domicile.
The most peculiar thing about the
hermit crab Is his curious habit of
living In the shell of dead mollusks.
His motive la to protect his hind-body,
p'he fore part of his anatomy is cov¬
ered with a thick, horny crust. Ills
abdomen Is soft and Invested with a
delicate membrane. Tlie slightest rup¬
ture or abrasion to this abdomen cov¬
ering is almost certain to be fatal.
With Its belly, the hermit crab holds
on to Its portable home, Occasionally
It will change one acquired shell for
another. When exchanging shells it
must act with utmost caution and dis¬
patch lest it be harmed by some en¬
emy who may be lurking near.
This exchange Is often made at the
mere whim of the animal, but after
each moulting is compelled to And a
larger home to accommodate Its grow¬
ing body.
If you Insist upon bavin* Dr, Poory’s
"‘Dead Shot" for Worms or Tapeworm,
the e druggist druggist will will get get It for or you. you. Or Or you you can
•end 60 60 cents cents to to Wi Wright’s Indian Vegetable
Pill * m Co., *WV., 372 014 Pearl J, I St,, oi,, New avcw York »uia City, and auu
wet It by return mall. Money back If not
sat 1, fled.—Advertlaement.
Chicago to London.
A special train will carry freight
from Chicago to New York in 48
hours, observes Capper’s Weekly. This
freight will lie rushed aboard the great
Ship Majestic, the world’s largest boat,
built: by the Germans and now oper¬
ated by an English company, and if
all goes/ well seven days after the
freight Is loaded in Chicago It will bo
unloaded in England. Wliat would Co¬
lumbus think if he could see this mod¬
em ship, says W. I>. Boyce, according
to Capper’s Weekly. The Majestic
crosses the Atlantic In about one-sev¬
enth of the time. It could carry the
throe ships Columbus used, Ids entire
(Crew and 2,000 other passengers, to
pay nothing of the tons and tons of
freight. Four hundred years hence
they may read about our trying to
Bend freight from Chicago to England
in seven days, and wonder why we
rwere so slow. Probably airships as
lilg ns the Majestic will lie making Hie
Chljjiigo-London today’s time. trip in one-seventh of
A Lady of Diatinction
Is recognized by the delicate fascinat¬
ing influence of the perfume she uses.
A bath with Cuticura Soap and hot
Water to thoroughly eleanse the pores
followed by a dusting with Cuticura
Talcum powder usually means a clear,
Bweet, healthy skin.—Advertisement.
Natural Skepticism.
Grnmercy—Why did you change
yoi(r efficiency expert?
Park—I found he was nlways in
dub t.—.Judge.
in New York City alone from kid*
ney trouble last year. Don’t allow
yourself to become a victim by
neglecting pains and aches. Guard
Against this trouble by taking
The world’s standai d remedy for lddney,
liver, bladder and uric acid troubles.
Holland’s National Remedy since 1696.
AH druggists, three sizes.
Leek for the name Gold Medal on every bo*
and accept no imitation
ulated brings relief ttd*. to inflamed eyes, gran¬
dependable, afcwolutuly styt*8, etc. A simple,
safe remedy,
25c—all druggists or by mail from
Saved mv baby'
■ .A f yy ■ 2’ « v - •*- ; ->yV \
Zoifor Springs, 5.19291 FI
Anglo-American Drug Co., 215 Fulton St, New York. M,
Dear Sirs: |
I am using Mrs. Winslow’s Syrup. It saved my baby m N
from dying of colic, which sbehnd for three months.
Some one advised me to get get Mrs. Mrs. Winslow's Winslow's Syrup Syrup
i ours truly.
Worn, on request) a
Colic is quickly overcome by this pleas¬
diarrhoea, ant, satisfactory flatulency remedy, and constipation, which relieves keeping baby
healthy and happy. Non-narcotic, non-alcoholic.
77ie Infants’ and Children’s Regulator
Formula on every label. Write for free booklet containing letters from mothers.
At All Druggists.
Gv«»ral SMiee Ajnts: ilarsid F.Bite/fit A Q>..tsc„ .Yew Ywk. tVnmto. Omdon
New Shoes
Old Shoes
Tight Shoes
all feel the same
if you shake
into them
The Antiseptic. Healing Powder
lor the Feet
Takes the friction from the shoe, fresh¬
ens the feet and gives new vigor. At
nJght, when your feet are tired, sore
and swollen from walking or dancing,
Sprinkle ALLEN’S FOOT-EASE in the ;
foot-bath end enjoy the bites ot feet
without an ache.
Over 1,500,WOO pounds of Powder for the
Feet j ware ined by our Army and Navy dur¬
ing th e war.
and MICE
Always use the genuine
It forces these pasta to run from the building fof
water and fresh air. Hats, mice, cockroaches, water*
bngs carriers and ants destroy food and property and ar«
of disease.
Directions In 16 languages in every box.
2 oz. size 36c. 16 o*. size f 1.50.
Gone to the Dogs.
Headline—“Hermits Eat Grass nnd
Bark.” We should rather expect them
to moo or whinny.
you use less
It Is Criminal to Allow Accidents
That May Be Prevented-Use
Price P. P.«3.50.
W-S Safe-Stop
Removes DanaruffStopsHalr Falling
Restores Color and
Beauty to and Gray fl.oo and Pruirfirista Faded Hair
« 0 e, at
Hljcox Chem- W ks. ratcUoe up. W. Y.
HINDERCORNS r™, oto , *«.
louses, eta., storm >P» all all pain, pain, ensures ensures comfort comfort to t the
feet, makes walking Iktne easy. easy. !6o. Ifio. by by mail mall or or at at Drue- 1
gists. II lseox Chemical Chemical Work Works, a, Patchogtie, Patchogne, N. N. Y. Y
DROPSY lieved TREATED WEEK Short in breathing: a few FREE hours; ONE re¬
few days; regulates the swelling reduced in a
and heart; liver, kidneys, stomach
entire purifies the blood, strengthens the
system. Write for From Trial Treatment,
SWEET DREAMS -ns Evar »TO Graatect Made REMEDY
Liberal Bottles 35<y SOLDEVKRVVi HERE
W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 31-1922.
Brief News Items Gathered Here And
There From All Sections Of
The State
Atlanta.—At a meeting of the Geor¬
gia Association of county
ers called for August 2 and 3 at the
Kimbali House, in Atlanta by Presi¬
dent Judge A. B. Moore, the members
will discuss pending highway legisla¬
tion. it is understood that the body
will indorse bills presented by the
joint committee ot the house and sen¬
ate recommending $5,000,000 bond is¬
sue for next year, with power given
the general assembly to authorize suc¬
cessive issues to meet federal aid al¬
lowed to Georgia for road construc¬
The commissioners expect to ap¬
pear before the committee on consti¬
tutional amendments and urge the
passage of the proposed bills. Frank
Page, chairman of the state highway
department of North Carolina, and a
veteran good roads worker, will visit
Atlanta at the same time at the in¬
vitation of the commissioners’ asso¬
ciation, and will discuss before the
legislative committee the method by
which North Carolina has built roads
through bond issues.
The Georgia good roads association,
which originally urged a bond issue
of $75,000,000 to be sold as needed
over a long period of years, has ac¬
cepted the $5,000,000 proposed by the
joint committee and Is working ac¬
tively in support of the proposed
amendment, which must be voted by
the people next November before they
become effective.
Library Of College Burned
Macon.—The work of a life time,
3,000 volumes, including lectures and
manuscripts of various kinds owned
by Professor J. 8. Murray, were re¬
cently lost in a fire which destroyed
(lie library at Furman university,
Greenville, S. C. Professor Murray,
prior to his connection with Furman
four years ago, was a professor at
Mercer for twenty-six years, and he
is now in the city on a visit to
friends. Professor Murray began his
collection of books and pamphlets
when he was a student in Leipsig, in
Germany, and a number of the vol¬
umes wore unusual and will be hard
to replace. In addition to these. Pro¬
fessor Murray’s lectures prepared over
a series of forty years were destroy¬
ed. No insurance was carried and
they represent a total loss estimated
at 90,000.
Returns Sealed Verdict On Forgery
Atlanta.—The jury trying H. M.
Fisher, alias R. M. Key, on charges
of having forged the name of Mayor
Key to a check for $250, returned a
sealed verdict. Judge Charles Roop,
of Carrollton, presiding in the absence
of Judge John D. Humphries, instruct¬
ed the jury to hand the verdict to the
deputy sheriff in the event the mem¬
bers arrived at a verdict before retir¬
ing. Mayor Key was the first wit¬
ness for the prosecution. He testi¬
fied (hat he had never seen the check,
which was drawn on a Roswell, Ga.,
bank by R. M. Key, attorney, and pass¬
ed on an Atlanta bank. The names
of James L. Key also had been writ¬
ten on the back of the check as In
Mrs. Hoover Honors Girl Scouts
Rome.—The visit of Mrs. Herbert
Hoover, of Washington. National Pres¬
ident of the Girl Scouts, to Oloudland
was marked bv the presentation by
her to Miss Bobbie Lipscomb, of
Rome, and Miss Marguerite Gunn, of
Macon, of the golden eaglet badges
and a very brief talk on the purposes
of the order. Mrs. Hoover was the
guest of Camp Juliette Law at Cloud
land. where a very large number of
Girl Scouts are camped, the site hav¬
ing been selected as the regional camp
of the southeastern states.
Loom Fixer Wanted For Federal Pen
Atlanta.—The United States civil
service commission announces an
open competitive examination for loom
fixers to fill vacancies in the United
States penitentiary, Atlanta, at $24 a
week. The duties of the appointee
w ill be to see that the looms are kept
clean and in perfect running condi¬
tion; to see that they produce a
smooth piece of cloth; and to
their looms from one class of goods
to another as the demands require,
Hapeville Clerk Wounds Himself
Savannah.—E. M. Colley of Hape
ville. mail clerk for the past ten years
on the Central of Georgia trains, At
Ianta-Maeon-Savannah line, is resting
well following an operation at a hos
pital, performed to remove a bullet
imbeded in his hip when a pistol he
carried in his car was dropped on
the floor of the station and acciden¬
tally discharged.
Governor To Pass On Bandit’s Case
Atlanta.—Preparation to make an
urgent plea before the state prison
commission and Governor Hardwick
for the life of Frank DuPre just as
soon as the youthful slayer has been
resented was being made by his attor
ne -'- H- A. Allen. Determination
ask executive clemency for the con¬
demned y outh, who is under convic
tion for the murder of Irby C. Walker.
Pinkerton detective, in the
street jewel holdup last
was voied by the attorney
a decision fo the state supreme court.
Judge Holds That Warrants Did Nol
Allege Specific Violations
Of Law
Atlanta,—Whisky charges contained
in warrants issued under the revenue
act against Clark Grier, well-known
republican figure of Augusta, were dis¬
missed when Judge Sibley held that
the warrants did not allege a specific
violation of the law.
An order cancelling a bond of $50(1
which Grier had posted for his ap
pearance for trial in October v/as
given by Judge Sibley on petition ol
the defendant, who attacked the pro¬
ceedings against him as null and void
Grier was represented by Attorneys
Hooper Alexander and David J. Mey
Grier was arrested in Atlanta in
June on a warrant issued by Commis¬
sioner W. C. Carter on an affidavit
purporting to have been sworn to by
Fred Dismuke, federal prohibition di¬
rector. The warrant charged him
with a whisky transaction in 1919,
Grier contended that Dismuke had nol
sworn to the affidavit, and that a
fraud was perpetrated on the com¬
missioner in order to secure the War¬
rant. He laid his arrest to political
“Darky Day” To Be Strong Feature
Athens.—“Old time darky day,’’ at
which time all the old negroes of the
“black mammy” and “Uncle Remus"
type will gather to spin yarns and
otherwise entertain the visitors, is ex
pected to be one of the most attrac¬
tive features of the Athens and Clarke
County fair, which will be held in
October, it was announced. On “old
time darky day” all the old negro
mammies and men of the “Uncle Re¬
mus" type will be assembled in a
particular spot and a committee of
old citizens composed of such men
and women as Larry Gantt, well-known
newspaper man and Miss Mildred
Rutherford, an authority on ante hel¬
ium customs and folk, will pick out
those most nearly conforming to the
real, genuine "Aunt Llndy” and
“Uncle Ben” character and award
them prizes.
Intelligent Care Makes Cotton Thrive
Valdosta— What intelligent cultiva¬
tion and systematic poisoning with cal¬
cium arsenate wiii do for sea island
cotton, the growing of which was
thought to be eternally doomed when
the boll weevil invaded this section
four years ago, is adequately shown at
the sea island cotton experiment sta¬
tion near Hahira, in this county. B.
M, Gaddis, director of the station, in
addition to the experimental check
plats, has a 15-acre field of sea island
cotton which expert cotton growers
believe will make a bale to the acre.
The seed planted by Mr. Gaddis is of
an early maturing variety, which rep¬
resents a growing period several weeks
shorter than sea island cotton has for¬
merly required. The stalks are now
bending to the ground with fully-ma¬
tured bolls.
Bold Daylight Burglars Rob Homes
Thomasville.—The screen door bur¬
glar has been getting in much work
in Thomasville of late. The plan is to
go to a house where the back is screen¬
ed in and where the residents are in
the habit of going out with having only
the screen door fastened. The burglars
seem to know when the occupants are
away, and proceed to make a hole in
the screen, lift the latch and effect
entrance. Many houses have been en¬
tered in this manner, usually in the
afternoons. Some houses have also
been entered at night.
John Bull's Voice in Big Rum Raia
Savannah.—The roar of the British
lion was heard in a hearing before the
local commissioner when representa
fives of half a dozen European coun¬
tries were haled before the United
States preliminary tribunal to answer
charges of alleged infraction of the
prohibition laws. A raid on the Brit¬
ish vessel Brazilier was the occasion
for the probe. British Vice
J. T. Roche and an attorney appeared
to protest against the alleged right of
American federal agents to search a
British ship for booze.
Manning Convicted Of Murders Again
Covington.—Clyde Manning, star wit¬
ness in the famous Williams murder
case, was again found guilty and sen¬
tenced to life imprisonment, the same
as that given to him in a former trial.
Manning is the former negro “farm
boss” on the Williams farm and con¬
! fessed accomplice of Williams in the
i alleged slaying of eleven negroes on
the Williams farm.
i Second District Primary September 13
! Albany.—The Democratic executive
! committee of the second district met.
- mere recently and ordered the congres¬
i sional primary held on September 13,
' the state primary. Entries
i the day of
will close August 15. but at this time
1 there is indication of opposition to
Representative Frank Park, who will
be a candidate for renomination.
! Dr. Deloach Favors Port At Savannah
Atlanta.—Warm praise for the
movement to build a state-owned sys¬
i tem of terminals and wharves at Sa¬
I vannah is voiced by Dr. R. J. DeLoach,
I director of Armour's bureau of agri¬
j cultural research, who is in Atlanta
on business. Dr. DeLoach is one ol
the foremost agricultural authorities
- in the country. He is a native Geor
! gian and now occupies one of the
most important posts of its kind ir
the country. Dr. DeLoach has made
an extensive study of marketing sys¬
•e — -»
for Bsttdf
When you’ve eaten fully and have a stuffy feel¬
ing—or when your stomach is unruly and feels
upset — WRIGLEY’S will bring relief and make
you feel fit again.
It calms and soothes the stomach and nerves,
aids appetite and digestion, keeps the mouth
6weet and teeth clean.
Wriglev’* P. K. is the new double treat — peppermint sugar jacket
Over peppermint chewing gum.
Sugar jacket just “melts la your mouth,” then you get the de¬
lectable chewing center with all the usual Wrigley benefits.
Save the Good for
Wrappers Valuable
They ate Premiums
mmm t
Jor Economical Transportatio
The World’s Lowest Priced
QUALITY Light Delivery Cat
525 Mich. F. Flint O. B. ,
Complete with Body, as Illustrated
The Greatest Dollar Value in the
Commercial Car Market
i^I? s y farm nCed * ***** CaX t0 Carry m2k ’ garden truck > feed and all moderate
wSZSZ.’SZXZ?*’ “ -*«"
SiE.’SrSJS' ** Co* »«k of two tarn.
With two extra seats makes a fine bus or jitney for livery, hotel or school
Can be had with special panel body at very reasonable cost.
Comparisons Sell Chevrolet
STANDARD REAR AXLE CON¬ gauge, lighting and starting switch,
STRUCTION. — Strong, Quiet and choke pull.
Spiral Bevel Gears. Standard Type of Carburetor,
Standard Transmission three exhaust heater. with
speeds forward and one reverse. Powerful, Valve-In-Head
Standard Braking System —foot the Motor—
service brake, hand emergency brake. same type as used in successful
StandardElectricalSystem cars selling at much higher prices.
—Start¬ Demountable Rims —with extra
er, storage battery, electric lights. rim.
Standard Cooling System —pump Full Weather Protection —Water*
circulation, large, honey-comb radia¬ proof curtains for entire body.
tor and fan. Many
Standard Doors —two roadster Other Advantages which will
on be noticed on inspection, comparison
coupe, and light delivery, four on and demonstration.
touring and sedan. Investigate
Standard Instrument Board — the Difference
speedometer, ammeter, oil pressure Before You Buy
Chevrolet Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan
Division of General Motors Corporation
n??AlJTV f L< P Pr i*L cd Dealers ere 5,000 Chevrolet Application, will be Conafafeng
DUALITY Automobile. A i Throughout and Service the Station, World from rilorie, High dot Grade Adequacy Dealer, C-dverS in Ter.
Dealers and Parts Depots Wanted
in all territory not adequately covered. Address —
Chevrolet Motor Company
445 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia