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&be Cleveland Courier.
Official Organ of Whitt County. Ga
Published Weekly at Cleveland Ga.
Jas. F. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at the Poet tffiee at Cleveland
Ga., ae second class mail matter.
Member Ninth Dietrict Press Associaion
" Georgia Press
“ National Editorial “
{Subscription, $ 1.50 per year
in advance
The Ninth District Press Associ¬
ation will meet in Clarkesville, Ga.,
on Friday, September ist. The
president is planing a most splend¬
id program. As the June meeting
in Cleveland was rained out it
expected that this one will be
very great importance to all the
members, as officers for the ensuing
year must be elected at this meeting.
Editor Singleton assures usClak
esville is expecting a large atten¬
dance and we trust that this meet¬
ing will be well attended.
Uncle George Rucker, editor of
the Alphaetta Free Press, says he
bad to lay off for a few days after
returning from the press trip.
Uncle George must have over done
<he thing. We noticed he seemed to
enjoy every minute of the trip es¬
pecially atunt night.
According to statistics the United
States uses over one million tons of
coul per day for the entire year.
The U. S. produces more coal than
Great Britain, Germany and
France, Our out for the year I920
was 588,200,000 tons.
Diversification is one of the first
•rest thing* a farmer can do. The
next is the organizing of a market.
Brooks County, has both and her
fanners are in fine shape financially.
White County farmers need to get
a co-operative marketing system
worked out. That will enable
them to always have a ready cash
market for all their products.
There is always a sale for farm
products, but it is much better for
the farmer that he sell his crops
along with other farmers. Car
•oud lots can be sold much easier
ban small shipments.
There is no better country for
producing chickens, eggs and other
country produce than White Coun¬
ty. Morristown, Tenn., ships
chickens and eggs by the car load.
Why can’t White County do the
same? She can, but she first must
work out a system of marketing.
A bill has been introduced in the
bouse making it a capital punish¬
ment for burglarizing a residence.
That wont stop it. Murder is a
capital crime, yet there were over
■t thousand murders in Georgia last
year. The best thing we see is to
get people to be strict performers
of the law.
The Cleveland Methodist Charge
has organized two Epworth
Leagues during the past week
through the skilful guidance and
thoughtful supervision of Rev.
Win, Green way. They are Chatta¬
hoochee and Loudsvill. Others will
be organized in the next few days
we are informed. Cleveland is
Headquarters of this charge and is
jsually allways on the foefront but
so far she is in the rear along with
serveral other churches.
A bill has been introduced in the
General Assembly to have a bi¬
ennial session of that body. It is re
ceiving just lots of support, and it
will pretty near pass. The only ob
jectiohable feature we are able to
find is that a bill might be able to
get through one legislature and it
would be two yeas before it could
be repealed. Yet it might be best.
What do they do that is really
worth while? But we see no
way around it other than have the
same old system of law making.
We favor making no new laws,
except when absolutely nessary for
a few yerrs, but the rigid enforce¬
ment of what we have, or a whole¬
sale canceling of them. What is
site use of having so many laws and
none of them enforced us they
should be?
the Cleveland courier, Cleveland, Georgia,
A bill has been introduced by
Senator Walker, of the 18th to a
bolish the office of the special at¬
torney for highway commission.
We believe that is a good bill and
should be passed. The highway
commission spends enough money
on other things without having an
attorney to draw a few thousand
yearly. If you favor that bill ask
your representative to support it.
The new junior college at Hia
wassee will open August 14. This
is a Baptist college and was form¬
erly Hiawassee High School before
it was merged into a junior college.
The editor is deeply indebted to
Mr. Clinton Faulkner for bringing
us a nice frog last Thursday.
Clinton realized we were craving
frog legs terriblely and succeeded
in duelling one. He saved our life
for a few days longer.
A bill has passe the house giving
the consent of the state to fedora!
governmet to frame rules and regu¬
lations to protect game birds and
fish in the forest reseruations.
This bill will also pass the senate
Somelody should bring before the
legislature the utter lack of law en
forcernen in the various counties of
Georgia, especially White County,
and, if possible, have enacted a law
that will protect our game. The
states of the North and East are
very strict in enforcing the gave
News dispatches tell us that the
Ku Klux are sending out good
speakihg to inform the people of
Georgia more fullp far whnt they
stand for.
There has peen more summer
people at Helen this summer than
any previous year. That is con vin
cidg proof this country is coming
to the front.
It‘s doggone hard to tell the dif¬
ference between a 50 year old wo¬
man and 11 sweet college graduate
now if you vew them from behind.
They all bob their hair, wear short
dresses and "roll them down”.
Well well time brings many chang¬
es. What's coming next?
The perilous coal and railroad
strikes are indeed a miserable and
inopt damnable shame. They are,
according to our honest belief, a
thing that the nation’s chief exec¬
utive should have put ’an end to
long ago, or at least, rendered a
hand. Why is it, dear reader, (if
you are a user of coal or not) that
the people shonld suffer by the con
troling hand of a few heads for
their own selfish and most perni¬
cious interest ? Pray, tell us is it
just and right for any industry,
matters not what it mayibe, to tie
up other industries and cause
countless thousands of poor inno¬
cent people to suffer untold misery
just because of a few individuals
employed in un industry not
ing their salary to be reduced, or
seeking their hours per week re¬
duced? Is that right? Then why
shouldn’t the President take a hand?
So far us lhe coal itself is con¬
cerned we people of White County
could get along fairly well, but the
condition it would place on others
things nnd industries would make
it awful embarassing to those of us
who show so little concern at
Too, the employees are not the
only ones to be looked at with an
eye of scorn, for it is clear that the
mine operators are, to a very large
degree, responsible for tlie people
suffering for the lack of coal on
account of the rising coal prices.
Shouldn’t the President play a
hand in this, as was done in many
commodities during the war?
We believe every man should re¬
ceive a just and fair compensation
for his work, but if he doesn’t
think tiiai by a reduction of a few
cents j>er week is right he shouldn’t
be allowed to tie up MW whole
country. What are your views?
Representative McMichael, of
Marion, introduced a bill in the
bows* Monday to take away from
the department ninety per cent of
the motor vehicle fund and distri
bute the same among the counties,
Rept. McMichael has been giving
the highway department b—11 on
several occasions, or whenever he
had a good chance. They need
that and just a whole lot more.
The people are good and tired of a
lot of of their rotteness.
The pictures made by the movie
men and the forestery photogra¬
phers is creating a desire for the
people in Atlanta and other south¬
ern cities to come to our mountains
and participate in our splendid and
wonderful climate and scenic beau¬
ty that is unexcelled anywhere.
Let’s all show our Anglo-Saxon
hospitality to these visitors so that
they will come to see us again.
United States negro troops are
sent to Texas, a special trainload,
to act as police among the striking
railroad men. There ought to be
no race prejudice, but there is race
prejudice. The sending of those
men is unwise, unjust to the negro
troops, calculated to breed more
race hatred hereafter, and every¬
body concerned ought to know it.
—Arthur Brisbane in Atlanta
Isn’t this a pretty way to settle
a strike. When there’s already
trouble you certainly don’t want
to stir up more trouble. Any man
with a spoonful of judgement will
tell you that the War Department
made a very serious mistake in
sending those negro soldiers to act
as police among striking railroud
men. It would propably have
worked in the North but it won’t
be recieved very strong by the
The streets of Cleveland are in
as bad condition as we ever saw
them tn the summer. We do nol
know who is responsible for them,
if any particular one is, but if the
town has any money they should
at least fix some of the had places
of our streets,
The back of Cleveland’s busi
ness houses are a shame to any
town. Now friends, that’s the ab¬
solute truth and there’s no way to
get around it, so let’s clean them
up. If something is not done at
once the council should take im¬
mediate action.
The Methodist Church has been
turned around and remodeling of
it will be started immediately. This
will add greatly to Cleveland’s
Mr. F. G.Jones returned home
Muscle Shoals Friday to look after
his interest in the State senatorial
campaign. Mr. Jones will make
an active canvass over the county.
Mr.B F. Anderson, a very prom¬
inent business man of Dahlonega,
spent a few minutes in our office
last Friday on his way to Burton
Dam to fish.
Mr. M.oss of Fla,, and Mr. Teas
ley, of Canton. Ga., were in White
county the first of the week. These
gentlemen were interested in apple
lands, but we have not learned
where they found wh it they want¬
ed or not.
Cleveland High School will open
Monday, Sept. 4th. A majority
of the faculty were elected for the
ensuing year.
Master Pat Cash, grandson of
Mr. S. D. Cash, went to Atlanta
Sunday afternoon with Rept. A.
H. Henderson to be page in the
Miss Mozelle Miller, after spend¬
ing a couple of weeks with home
folks, returned to Atlanta Sunday
We chronicle with deep regret
the accident of Mrs. Sarah Jack
son, mother of W. A. Jackson.
Grandma Jackson fell from the
porch of her son’s home Tuesday
afternoon, which caused the break¬
ing of her leg. She is very old and
it will be a miracle she recovers
enough to #ver be able Jq yvalk
The picture that the movie bunch
are making around Dahlonega is
[called : "The Flower of the Flock’
The patrons and many friends
of Prof. J. W. Marion deeply re¬
gret his illness and trust for his
early recovery to his usual good
Mrs. E. L. Russell and children,
accompanied by Miss AddieDavid
son, spent the past week-end with
her hotnefolks at Ponder, across
the Blue Ridge.
We are requested to announce
that there will be held a public
meeting in the court house Friday
night, Aug. 4th, for the purpose of
whether Clevelend should have
electric lights. Mr. John W. Greer,
an able speaker, of Moultrie, will
be here to tell you who he thinks so.
The meeting will start at 8 P. M.
all the ladies are especially invited.
Mr. Don Merritt spent Sunday
with homefolks.
You will notice the announce¬
ment of Mr. John K.Kenimer for
Senate in this issue of The Couier.
Mr. Kenimer is well known by the
people og White County as he has
been in politics before and has, no
doubt made a number of friends in
the several districts who will give
him all the aid and assistance possi¬
ble. Mr. Kenimer is very plain
and stands firm on what he thanks
is right. He is a man of good
habits. He is in the general mer¬
chandise business at Leaf. Mr.
Kenimer is capable of serving the
people in that august body.
We are requested to announce
that Saturday, August 14th, is the
day set to clean off theMt. Pleasant
cemetery. There are a number of
people in and around Cleveland
who have relatives buried at Ml.
Pleasant and we know they will
either go or send help. The good
people that live around Mt. Pleas¬
ant have a day 6et every year to
clean off the cemetery and people
who have <jp,tr ones resting there
should renffer theif assistance.They
don’t like to see a cemetery grown
up with wpet|s and grass, hence
they clean it off. We wish Cleve
| an d fi 9 d such sprit as that around
Mt. JMpusant, Cleveland may have
it, but if she does it is dormont.
Dont foreget to go to Mt. Pleasant
on August uth.
Rev. T. F. Goode will till the
pulpit at the Baptist church here
next Saturday and Sunday at it
A. M.
Mrs. C. C. Carroll, of Dallas,
was on a visit to relatives ior a few
days last week.
The Mptfioti&t Sunday School
will be held in the Cleveland High
School auditorium until the church
cun be put in condition.
A String Orchestra
The Ivy Girls will play in Cleve¬
land Aug. 8th. 8 P. M.
Mr. Luther Whit, an empolyee
on the Morse Bros, train road, was
run over by one of the cars Tues¬
day, His body was severly crushed.
He lived only a few hours after
this terrible tragedy.
To the Voterp of White County.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Tois is notice that I am a candidate
for the State Senate in approching pri¬
mary of Sept. t 8 , 1922, and it is true that
I will certainly appreciate your votes.
In event of my nomination and ulti¬
mate election I promise tile people, of
the County of Whjte, of the 3znd Senato¬
rial district of Georgia, and the state at
large my very best efforts in their behalf,
and I further promise to furnish the
people with a full record t}f my votes
cast in the Senate on all measures
coming before that body.
The people are entitled to this infor¬
If elected, one of my first acts will be
to abolish the city courts of Cleveland Ga.
I favor the repeat of the tax equali¬
zation law.
I favor the immediate enforcement of
the "Veasey Law” which it directed to
look into the inner workings of the
Roman Catholic Nunn&rics of our state.
Vote for me and 1 will vote for the
peoples’ interest if elected.
Siucerely youi-s,
John K, Kenimrf.
To the Voters of White County.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for election to the House of Representa¬
tives of Georgia.
If elected I promise to faithfully dis¬
charge the duties of the office to the best
of my ability and ever keep in mind that
I am a servant of the people of White
County and the State of Georgia. With
many thanks for any favor shown me in
this election, I am yours for service to
the best interests of White County.
0. B. West.
Gainesville Georgia.
June 19, 1922.
This is to inform the ladies and gentle¬
men of the Northeastern Circuit that my
name will be on the ballots for Judge in
the September Primary.
This Circuit is the largest in the State
and I a.u necessarily prevented from
canvassing to the extent that I would
like. I like to meet the people and talk
to them and deeply regret that my time
is so limited. 1 Bhal! therefore trust
them to look after my interests.
J. B. Jones.
Martin, Ga., July 17th 1922.
To the voters of the 9th Congressional
District of Georgia:
1 respectfully announce my candidacy
for the 68 th Congress subject to the
Democratic Primary of Sept. 13th 1922.
If nominated and elected, it will lie my
earnest desire and purpose to serve the
people worthily and well, and give faith -
sul service to the best interest of the citi¬
zens of the entire district. Thanking
you, both ladies and gentlemen, for your
support and suffrage, I am,
Respectfully Your,
James H. Crawford.
Legal Advertisements
Georgia White County.
April term of White County Superior
Court 1922.
Thos. W. Hardwick, Governor vs Ed
Dixon, Principal and H. O. Dixon and
C. W. Dixon, Securities, non residents
of said County Greetings:
You are hereby rdquired ’.o be and
appear personally, or by attorney, at the
next term of the Sujieripr Court to be
held in and for said coqnty on the second
Monday in October }M2, to show caUBe.
if any they have, why judgement should
not be rendered against them for the
amount of recognisance forfeited as afore¬
said as in default thereof the court will
proceed as to justice shall appertain.
Witness the Hon. J. B. Jones, Judge
of said court, this Mth, day of April 1922.
J, B. R. Barrett, C. 8 . C.
Georgia White County.
April term of White County Superior
Court 1982.
Thos. VV. Hardwick, Governor vs Wm.
Baker, Principal and Lester Baker and
F. R. Baker Securities, non residents of
said County Greetings:
You are hereby required to be and
appeal personally, or by an attorney, at
the next term of the Superior Court to be
held in and for said county on the second
Monday in October 1 922, to show cause,
if any they have, why judgement should
not lie rendered against them for the
amount of recognizance forfeited as afore¬
said as in default thereof t}ie court will
proeeed as to justice shall appertain
Witness tbeHon.J.p. Jones, Judge
of said court, this the 14 th, day of April
1922. J. B. R. Barrett, C. S. C.
Georgia White County,
April term of White County Superior
Court 1922.
Thos. W. Hardwick, Governor vs Arnold
Elier Principal, and W. C. Wise, L. C.
Warren and J. T. Ledbetter, Securities,
nonresidents of said County Greetings:
You are hereby required to he and
appear personally, or by an attorney, at
the next term of the Superior Court to be
held in and for said county on the second
Monday in October 1922, to show cause,
if any they have, why judgement should
not lie rendered against them for the
amount of recognizance forfeited ae afore¬
said as in default thereof tjie court will
proceed as to justice shall appertain
Witness the Hon. J. B. Jones, Judge of
said court, this 14th, day of April 1922.
J. B. R. Barrett, C. Si. C.
Georgia White County.
To whom it m»y concern ;
Notice is hereby given that Jesse Hunt
as administrator of B. M. C; x, deceased,
having applied to mt by petition for
leave to sell the real estate of said B. M.
Cox, deceased; and that an order was
made thereon at the July term 1923. for
citation, and that citation issue; all the
heirs at law and creditors of said B. M.
Cox, deceased, will take notice that I
will pass upon said application at the
Sept, ter m 1922, of the court of Ordi¬
nary of White County; and that unless
cause is shown to the contrary, at said
time, said leave will b« granted.
This 3rd, day of July 1922.
A. L, Dorsey, Ordinary
To the Voters of the Northeaster!*
1 hereby announce my candidacy fop
the Judgeship of the Northeastern Circuit
subject to the Democratic Primary.
Four years ago I aspired for this worthy
position and was defeated by Judge J, B.
Jones, who now holds this office. I am
thankful to those who supported me in
that election and at the same time bear
no ill feelings toward those who support¬
ed my opponent.
In offering for the Judgeship lean do
so with a record of more than thirty year*
as a practicing lawyer of this Circuit and
should I be elected I will endevor at all
times to peform the duties of the office in
a fair and inipartical manner.
Your support will be greatly appreci¬
Yours very truly
To Thk Votkks Of Thb North- Easts**
Circuit: 1 hereby announce my candi¬
dacy for the offiiec of Solictor Genera,
subject to the primary to be held in Sep¬
tember, and will appreciate your support.
Very truly,
Robert McMillian,
1 hereby announce myself a candidate
for the Legislature, subject to the demo¬
cratic, primary to be held Sept. 13tb and
also subject to the rules and regulations
of said primary. I earnestly solicit the
support and consideration of each and
every voter in White County. I promise
if elected to serve my jieople to the (test
of my ability and the best interest for
the state of Georgia and the county of
White. I have never lived in any other
county- and most of her citizens know me.
I have never aaked for an office until
this and I heleive if I am elected that I
can tie of some real benefit to the county.
Yours Respectful!,
G. A. Vandiver.
Being convinced of the desire of the
people of White County that I become
a candidate for State Senator. I respect¬
fully announce myself a candidate tor
that office, subject to the democratic
primary to be held Sept. i3th. 1932.
If elected, I shall devote tuyaelf in all
matters coming before that body, to the
best interest of ipv constituency of the
32nd senatorial district, as well as state
at large. Assuring you of my apprecia¬
tion of your support,
Respt. Yours. F, G. Jones.
To the voters of the Northeastern circuit:
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the office of Judge of the Superior courts
of the Northeastern circuit, subject to
the primary to be held September 13 th,
and I earnestly solicit your support and
influence. 1 promise, if elected, a
prompt, fair, and impartial discharge of
the duties of the office.
Yours truly,
I. II. Sutton
Clarkesville, Ga.
Georgia White County
To the voters of said county:
I hereby announce myself as a candidate
for the State Senate from the 32nd, Sena¬
torial District of Georgia, subject to the
Democratic Primary to be held on Wed*
nesday September 13th, 1938. if elected
I pledge myself to serve the best inter¬
ests of the people of this district.
Thanking the people for past support.
I am very respectfully,
A. H. Hrxdrrsoh,J r.
I hereby announce my candidacy for
Solicitor-General of the Northeastern
Circuit, subject *o the September pri¬
mary. AH support given me by the
people of the circut will be gratefully
Yours Respectfully,
Howard Thompson .
To the Voters of the 9ih, District.
I respectfully announce as a candidate
for the Democratic poiqingtiofl tq the
68 th, Congress, subject to the rules and
regulations governing the Primary Sep¬
tember l^th.
I hope I may get the unanimous vote
the peqp|e and will appreciate any
interest manifested in my election, ff
my duties |n behalf of the people wifi
I shall personally visit each
in the district.
Sincerely yours,
Thos. M. Bell.
Gainesville, Ga„
June 10,1928.
the Voters of the Circuit:
I respectfully submit my name as
candidate for nomination, at the primary
September 13th, for Judge of the Superi¬
or Courts of the Northeastern Circuit.
I realize the great responsibility of
an office, but, if elected, I will en¬
by the Divine help, to discharge
duties of tnis important position with
impartiality and justice to all, and in a
manner to ivlect credit on the Circuit.
H. 8, Pifry.