Newspaper Page Text
For many years druggists have watched
with much interest the remarkable record
maintained by Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root,
cine. the great kidney, liver and bladder medi¬
It is a physician’s prescription.
Swamp-Root is a strengthening medi¬
cine. It helps the kidneys, liver and blad¬
der do the work nature intended they
shoald do.
Swamp-Root has stood the test of years.
It is sold by all druggists on its merit and
it should help you. No other kidney medi¬
cine has so many friends.
Be sure to get Swamp-Root and start
treatment at once.
However, if yon wish first to test this
great preparartion send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper.—Advertisement.
Platform Wit.
At a political gathering a man named
Hay was called upon to move a reso¬
lution. The gentleman was decidedly
persona non grata to many In the audi¬
ence, and they drowned his voice with
their tumult.
The chairman vainly tried to restore
order; at last, getting exasperated, he
shouted at the top of his voice; “Will
you hear Mr. Hay?”
“No,” yelled the disturbers.
“Then all I’ve got to say Is that this
is the first Instance on record of jack,
asses refusing hay.”
Say “Bayer” and Insist!
Unless you see the name “Bayer” on I
package tablets not r
or on you are get¬
ting the genuine Bayer product pre¬
scribed by physicians over twenty-two
years and proved safe by millions for 1
Colds Headache
Toothache Lumbago
Earache Rheumatism
Neuralgia Pain, Pain
Accept “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin”
only. Each unbroken package contains
proper directions. Ilandy boxes of
twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug¬
gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100.
Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer
Manufacture of Monoacetlcacidester of
Rare Presence of Mind.
During a drought in Ohio a clergy¬
man had just begun his prayer for
rain. “Oh, Lord,” he prayed, “send
down from heaven we beseech Thee—” !
Just then an airplane came crashing
through the roof of the church. j
“—no further evidences for the pres¬
ent of Thy great bounty,” concluded
the minister.—Boston Evening Tran¬
Sure Relief
tV? \T 6 Bell-ams ps CBtn_
f 3 ’ 1 Hot water
Sure Relief
LadieSt Make Money -Well-known soap; p»t per
fumes, toil let, household, food prepa rations. |
Cash or credit, X Modern Lab.. St. Louis, Mo.
Agent#-—We have a household article every |
woman buys. Just show it and take order.
Live wires can make $75 to $100 week. Don- I
nell Specialty Co., 1482 Broadway, New York. j
Improved ship. $1.25 Porto 1,000; Rieo Potato 5,000, Plants, ready j
to per over $1-10 f.o.b. f.o.b.
Alma, Ga. J. G. Barber, Rockingham, Ga, j
(men AGENTS and women) ANT> DISTRICT earn $75.00 MANAGERS weekly selling j
guaranteed etlk hosiery to consumers. Spare i
time SIERY satisfactory. CO., Box 2S, FIFTH Sta. O, New AVENUE York City. HO¬ j
HO BYE To restore gray or I
faded hair to orig¬ !
inal color, dou’fc use
a dye—it’js danger¬ ;
ous—Get a bottle of
Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer — Safe Safe as as water water — — j
apply it and watch results. M good druggists,
75c, or direct frees HESSiC-ELUS, QisakU, Teas,
Keep Stomach zud Bowels Right |
By *rivi ng baby the bannlest, purely
vegetable, infanta’ and children'* resrulator.
brinys aetonishinar, gratif yiny re»uit3 I
baby'f ftanach digest > |
in aakin*
food they an should 4 bo-wels at teetiaay more a |
tact Guaranteed opi¬ free | !
from narcotics,
ates, alcohol and ail
harmful inyredi.
eats. Sale and
{At JOraesfit, Art
The Occurrences Of Seven Days Given
In An Epitomized Form For
Quick Reading
Great Britain is attempting to nul¬
lify a portion of the Chester agreement
under which Turkey granted American
capitalists important commercial con¬
cessions. The protest will declare that
Britain will refuse to recognize the
validity of any giants within the area
of Mesopotamia.
The proposals contained in the Ger¬
man note which was delivered in the
German language are regarded in
French official circles as for Anglo
Saxon and neutral consumption only.
It is stated that the French believe
there was no hope or desire in Berlin
that the proposals be accepted.
One hundred persons have been kill¬
ed in an ammunition explosion In a
factory at Tula, Russia. Those killed
include General Malinikoff and many
military officers and three members of
the local Soviet.
All manner of views, “from grave to
gay, from lively to severe,” are aimed
in the London newspapers in reference
to the United States Supreme court’s
ruling anent liquor. However, the grave
and severe are most numerous. One of
the suggestions ia that Great Britain
declare war on the United States to
enforce the sacred right of her sub
jects to drink as much liquor as they
like, wherever they like or, alternate
Iy, to retaliate by placing a ban on
chewing gum and compel American
ships to dump their supply of this
commodity in the English channel.
France has officially warned Turkey
anew that she does not like the Tur
kish concent ration of troops on the
Syrian frontier and has added that if
Turkish military pressure on the Syr
ian border is not removed it may be
difficult for France to go on with the
Lausanne peace negotiations.
Emilio Piecarillo, the Emperor "Pick”
to the rum running fraternity of Crow’s
Nest Pass, and 22-year-old Mrs. Flor
ence Lassandra, his confederate in
crime, were hanged in the jailyard
at Ft. Saskatchewan, Alta., Canada,
for the murder of Steve Lawson of the
Alberta provincial police.
The French reply to the German
reparations offer is a short, terse doc¬
ument; the text of 'it went forward
to Brussells recently. It Is an un¬
equivocal refusal of Chancellor Cuno’s
proposals. Though the nature of the
contents has not been disclosed offic¬
ially, it can be asserted that the note
In no way takes the form of a coun¬
The government of Chancellor Cuno
unable to make peace with the Franco
Belgians in thte Ruhr, is tottering,
according to all indications. It is antic¬
ipated that C-uno will resign as soon
as the French and Belgian govem
ments dispatch him their formal re
jection of Germany’s thirty bilion gold
mark reparations offer.
The British government, although of
the opinion that the German repara¬
tions note provides a suitable basis
for discussion, will not interfere in
face of the flat rejection of the pro¬
posal by the French and Belgian gov¬
Two directors of the Heinrich’s
Mine and Machine works, at Hattin
gen, have been sentenced by a French
court-martial to serve five years in
prison and to pay fines amounting to
250.000,000 marks.
The offices of The Tribune, the only
American newspaper in Mexico, and
the building of the Young Men’s Chris¬
tian association were destroyed by
fire at Tampico, Mexico.
Chicago has been picked by admin
istration powers for the 1924 Republi¬
can national convention where the Har
ding forces will do battle with the in
surgents of the West who hope to throw
the nomination to Hiram Johnson or
some other opponent of the president,
Sky students see a weird summer
ahead as a result of the sun taking its
vacation this year. Scientists do not
see a summerless year—in fact, they
do not know what to predict, except
that the weather will not be that of a
normal summer.
Senate opponents of the world court
have won an initial victory. President
Harding has let it bo known that he
will avoid a fight with the senate over
the court. He believes in the tribunal
with his whple heart, a white houso
spokeman said recently, but he does
not think/ it would comport with the
dignity of the president to organize a
campaign from the white house for the
purpose of driving the senate to do bis
Most women work because they
need the money. Such is the conclu
sion reached as a result of a survey
made by the women’s bureau of the
department of labor. j
Great Britain and France probably
will recognize the Mexican govern
ment if the American negotiations,
which begin soon, are successful. The
two American commissioners, Charles
B. Warren and John Barron Payne,
are to leave Washington for Mexico
City to meet with the two commis¬
sioners selected by President Obre -1
Bringing to an end the first phase
of refinancing the government’s great
war-time debt, the treasury announces
a new ottering of 1400,000,000 in treas¬
ury notes to complete the refunding and
retiring of the victory notes which,
when issued, aggregated more than four
blilion dollars.
A dispatch from Fort Worth, Texas,
says Congressman Thomas L. Blwtos.
of Abilene, a strong anti-labor member
of congress, has been charged by in¬
dictment with criminal libel in the re¬
port of the grand jury returned to the
county clerk of Comanche county, Tex¬
as, but that so far, no warrant has been
issued for his arrest.
Sanntal Gompers has launched what
labor leaders interpret as a tight to
drive from the American Federation of
Labor the radical movement in the
About two thousand passengers were
trapped in a tunnel under the East riv¬
er when an interborough subway train
stalled and held up three other trains
and had to walk along narrow runways
to exits in Long Island City.
The lid's off on Broadway. "Come
and get us" is the defiant laugh of pro¬
hibition law violators as flasks are
pulled out in the gay cafes of America’s
, Two men are known to be dead, and
eight missing as the result of an ex¬
plosion which entombed ten men at.
the southeastern mine of the Rocky
Mountain Fuel company, near Aguilar,
Payroll bandits perpetrated attacks
on four persons entering, or leaving
New York banks with funds, escaping
with nearly seven thousand dollars.
One of the robberies ended ini a pis¬
tol battle, in which one bandit was
killed by a policeman after a running
fight through west Broadway and one
of his two companions was captured
The French and "Belgian govern¬
ments, after formally rejecting the thir¬
ty billion gold mark offer of Germany,
will send to Berlin a communication
containing the minimum sum which is
acceptable as reparations, it has been
disclosed. This has caused much op¬
timism among the statesmen of Europe,
who now believe that the end of Ruhr
deadlock is in sight.
Wu Pei Fu, powerful military leader
and sponsor of the Peking government
(China), and Chang Tso Ling, virtual
dictator of Manchuria, have agreed up¬
on a further truce of three months.
Turkey is demobilizing, not moboliz
ing, troops in Syria and, therefore,
there is no justification of French fears
that Turkey Is threatening the Syrian
frontier. This, it is stated in Turkish
circles, will probably donstltute the
substance of the reply to the French
note of protest.
The collapse of the second near east¬
ern peace conference is viewed as im¬
minent by many competent observers.
The allies are insisting that Turkish
tribunals obtain permission from alt
lied consuls before a foreigner is ar¬
rested or brouhgt to trial.
Swooping down upon China’s fastest
express train after ft had been wreelied
and piled in a ditch, Chinese bandits
kidnaped three hundred passengers,
including several Americans, and es¬
caped in the wild and desolate coun¬
try in the vicinity of Lin Cheng.
A general exodus of the rum fleet
that has been off the New Jersey coast
for several months began when the
British tanker Warszawa, and the
yacht Istar got up steam and sailed
out to sea. Both were out of sight by
Two young men, grotesquely fat in
their fur-lined aviation suits, hopped
from the cabin of the huge army mono¬
plane T-s, at Rockwell field, North
Island, recently into the pages of
American history. Lieutenants John
A. MacReady and Oakley Kelly had
crossed the American continent, from
Roosevelt field, Long Island, just out¬
side New York city, in 26 hours, 50
minutes, 43 2-5 seconds, th j first
non-stop flight ever made from coast
to coast.
A test case has been started to de¬
termine whether food and fuel can
legally be supplied to “rum row” by
American vessels. If such action is
found illegal, dry chiefs plan to starve
the liquor fleet out of existence.
Knett Little, 23, planter, and his
bride of three months were burned to
death when their home near Ohat
chee, Ala., was destroyed by fire. The
' charred remains were found on bed
springs, Indicating that their lives
were lost as they slept.
The increasing cost of living is get
ting close to the skin. Knit under
-wear will cost 5 to 25 per cent more
next winter and cotton and worsted
will advance proportionately.
Charles E. Ruthenberg, of Cleveland,
was found guilty of violating the Mich
igan law against criminal syndicalism,
Ruthenberg faces a prison sentence of
ten years or fine or $5,000 or both,
The jury was out four hours and fifty
minutes and took three ballots,
An Assyrian silk worker is under
arrest following a fight with two de¬
tectives of in John front D. of Rockefeller, the Fifth Jr. avenue j
Struck by an infuriated bull, Charlie
Blakely, 40, well - known planter . ot ,j
the Reedy Fork section, lies at the
point of death at a Greenville, S. C.
hospital. His neck is fractured.
Convinced that college hazers saw 1
Leighton Mount die, if they did not
actually kill him, Oscar Wolff, coroner
of Cook county, Chicago, hailed the
inquest over the blaachpd skeleton of
the long-lost Northwestern university
freshman to question every student
who took part in the freshxnan-sopho
more rush of 1921, which preceded
Mount's disappearance.
8J DodsorTs Liver Tone” Straightens You Up Better Than Salivating,
Dangerous Calomel and Doesn't Upset You—Don't
Lose a Day’s Work-Read Guarantee
I discovered a vegetable compound
that (Joes the work of dangerous,
sickening calomel and I want every
reader of this paper to buy a bottle
for a few cents and if it doesn’t
straighten you up better and quicker
than salivating calomel just go back
to the store and get your money back.
I guarantee that one spoonful of
Dodson’s Liver Tone will put your
sluggish liver to work and clean your
thirty feet of bowels of the sour bile
and constipation poison which is
making you feel miserable. of
I guarantee that one spoonful
this harmless liquid liver medicine
will relieve the headache, biliousness,
Agreed With Her Aspirations.
“(’a) crazy to ride in an airplane.”
“Yes, you certainly are."—Carnegie
do what we claim for It—rid your system
of Catarrh or Deafness caused by
sists of an Ointment which Quickly
Relieves the catarrhal Inflammation, and
the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which
acts through the Blood on the Mucous
Surfaces thus assisting: to restore nor¬
mal conditions.
Sold by druggists for over 40 Years.
F. J. Cheney * Co.. Toledo, O.
Her First Love Affair.
He was sixteen and I was fifteen.
He told me to meet him at the show at
seven o’clock. I was there on the dot,
bat there was no sign of him. I thought
something had delayed him, so I
waited. I waited and waited. Sudden¬
ly I remembered that It was April
Fools’ day. The next day in school he
started to tease me about it, and so
ended my first love affair.
To go out for an afternoon at the
Homemakers’ club, to respond to roll
cali with the names of favorite vege¬
tables, listen to three rewrites from
the cyclopedia on social conditions In
eastern Mesopotamia, to return home
and delight your husband with a din¬
ner of breaded veal—sthat Is the life.—
II. W. Davis In Judge.
The Answer.
A little fellow took up ids grand¬
mother’s spectacles and put them on
his nose, as children will. Then peer¬
ing through the glasses he frowned
and said : “But I can’t see grandma ;
there must be something between my
eyes and the glasses. What is it?”
“Seventy years, my child,” the old
lady answered.—Boston Transcript.
About one-half of a man’s life is de¬
voted to rectifying the mistakes of the
other half.
Why divide breakfast the family ?
“T Y THY take coffee for your- There's complete satisfaction in
* self, while saying “No” to Postum, and safety alike for young
the children? It is true, and old. Postum is a pure cereal
as most parents are careful to beverage. It is coffee-like in color
explain, that little folks should and flavor, but free from ele¬
not endanger health and growth any
through the drug element in coffee ment that can harm. Thousands
and tea, but— who are now saying “No” to
Your health is valuable, too— themselves as well as to the chil¬
and their desire for a hot drink dren, as a safeguard against coffee
with breakfast may be as great ills, have found better comfort and
as yours. better health, in Postum.
grocer sells Jriostum in two forms: Instant
Postum (in tins) prepared instantly in the cup by the
addition of boiling water. Postum Cereal (in packages)
for those who prefer the flavor brought out by boiling
fully 20 minutes. The cost of either is about one-half
cent a cup.
Jpf I
coated tongue, ague, malaria, sour
stomach or any other distress caused
by a torpid liver as calomei, quickly as a dose
of vile, nauseating besides it
will not make you sick or keep you
from a day’s work.
Calomel is poison—it’s mercury—
it attacks the bones often causing
rheumatism. Calomel is dangerous.
It sickens—while my Dodson’s Liver
Tone is safe, pleasant and harmless.
Eat anything afterwards, because it
can not salivate. Give it to the chil¬
dren because it doesn’t upset the
stomach or shock the liver. Take a
spoonful tonight and wake up feeling
fine and ready for a full day’s work.
Every year you plant Irish Potatoes.
Every year you have Potato Bugs.
Every year you should use
Irish Potato Bng Killer
Guaranteed to destroy the hug without damage to the plant
Also destroys all leaf eating insects on cabbage, cucumber,
cantaloupe, squash and tomato vines. Ap
_____ w * /,<< ply lightly. Cost low. Applicaton easy.
. , vN Results sure.
For Sale by Drug, Seed
and General Stores
Westminster, - - - S. C.
Would Be Something Worth While,
Those Egyptian perfumes lasted
8,000 years. That was a wonderful
perfume, but we wonder if those
Egyptians also lmd a face powder
which would keep the shine off a lady’s
nose for more than twenty minutes.
Mother—How many times have I
told you not to play with that horrid
Baxter boy?
Aggrieved Willie—-What do you
think I am anyway, ma—an adding
machine?—American Legion Weekly.
Thought for the Day.
Too many husbands say to their
families in the evening what they
wanted to say to dissatisfied custom¬
ers during the day—but don’t dare.
Respectfully Submitted.
Caller—“Is the editor in?” Office
Caller—“Well, throw this
in the waste basket.”
Busiest man Is oftenest called on
for help. Sharpest knife is oftenest
Another Whack at Lawyers.
During the course of a trial soma
years ago, a witness was asked by
the prosecuting attorney If he knew
what It meant to take an oath.
He replied:
“To take an oath means that yon
swear to tell the truth, the whola
truth, and nothing but the truth.” •'
“What happens if you do not tell -
the truth?” asked the judge.
‘If you do not tell the truth, your
honor,” replied the witness, “It mean*
that you are dishonored in the sight
of God, dishonored in dishonored the sight of
man—in fact, you are In
the sight of everyone except law
y ers. ”—E very body ’ s.
His Opinion.
“He thinks the town Is full of
“He ran for office the other day and
most of the citizens voted for the other
A doctor Is making money wlu>n h«
begins to call his patients his clien¬