Newspaper Page Text
Nothing Helped until She
Began Taking Lydia £. Pink*
ham’s Vegetable Compound
too It got up
soon. made
me so sick that I was
tired of living and
the weakness run me
down something aw¬
ful. I could not get
up out of bed morn¬
ings back; on account of
my I thought it
would break in two,
and if I started to do
any work I would
have to lie down. I do
notbelieve that any woman ever suffered
worse than I did. I spent lots of money,
but nothing helped me until I began to
take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound. the first I bottle, felt a whole I lot better
after and am still tak¬
ing it for I feet am ” sure it is what has put
me on my
If you are suffering from a displace¬
ment, sideache irregularities, backache, nervous¬
ness, or any other form of fe¬
male weaknes you should write to The
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn,
Massachusetts, for Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Private Text-Book upon lt “Ailments Pe¬
culiar to Women. ’ will be sent you
free upon request. This r . book contains
valuable information.
Natural Enough.
“Did you,” said the clever
man, "note thut bit of news in
paper about an Albert Itoss having
baby born with claws Instead of
“No,” replied his audience;
remarkable 1”
“Hardly remarkable,” said the clev¬
er young man, muking ready for a
hasty retreat. "It might be called
remarkable had the baby albatross
had toes Instead of claw's.”
Edith—How does Jack make love\
Ethel—Well, I should define It a3
unskilled labor.
Men are taught virtue and a love
Of Independence by living In the coun¬
3ah;3batTUqfvb Tfkh&TknrnaiMM
in G to 14 Days
All Druggists are authorized to
refund money if PAZO OINT¬
MENT fails to cure any case of
ordinary cases in 6 days, the
worst cases in 14 days.
PAZO OINTMENT instantly Re¬
lieves ITCHING PILES and you
can get restful sleep after the
first application. 60o.
Now I* the Time to Get Rid of Th#*e
Ugly Spots
There's no longer the slightest need ot
feeling ashamed of your freckles, as Othine
—double strength—is guaranteed to remove
these homely spots.
Simply get an ounce of Othine from any
druggist gist and and apply apply a a little little ot of it it night nigi and
morning n g j and and you yot shou2d soon see that even
the worst erst freckles have begun to disappear,
while the lighter ones have vanished en
tlrely. It is seldom that more than ah
ounce ia needed to complete!/ clear the
skin and gain a beautiful, clear complexion.
Be sure to ask for the double-strength
Othine, as this is sold under guarantee of
money back If it faiis to remove freckles.
82 page book—how tokeepyoor
■ dosr well — how to care for him
B when «lek. Result of 88 year*' experi
■ ence with every known doir disease.
S Mailed FEES,. Write tod.v. Dept. 90.
■ 12& gAjfc 3*._ _New York
Evar Mad*
Liberal Bottles 35e S OLD 8VEBIWHEBF
I m£YES Looks/ disf,gure y °UR*i
1 - / EYE EYE SALVE SALVE tor for tpeed?
25 f relief. Absolutely itfe.
at .t all druggists.
Gathered From All Parts Of Tha
Glob# And Told In Short
German professors of hygiene have
criticized the increase of alcoholism in
Germany in a memorial addressed
to (the various governments urging
that further steps be taken to con¬
serve the national foodstuffs now used
in making liquor, and to protect pub
lls health against the increasing con¬
sumption of alcohol
Eamon de Valera, the Republican
leader, was arrested by free state
troops at Ennis County Clare, Ire¬
land, on his appearance to address a
Republican meeting in the election
Premier Poincare's reply to the lat¬
est British note will stoutly reaffirm
the French position on the reparation
issue, it was forecast. It will reject
the British proposals for submission
of the legality of the occupation of
the Ruhr to the permanent court of
international justice and for an in¬
ternational commission of experts to
re-estimate the paying capacity of
A Reuter dispatch from Berlin says
the report current abroad that Chan¬
cellor 'Stresemann has been assassi¬
nated is untrue. The rumor gained
currency in newspaper circles in Lon¬
don. The source of it has not yet
been ascertained.
Communists stormed the city hall at
Datteln, Germany, 19 miles northeast
of Essen, disarmed the police and
took possession of the town, says the
Berlin Central News. Militia, which
was summoned from a neighboring
town, also, was disarmed. Many cas¬
ualties occurred on both sides.
The Deauville Casino’s baccarat
bank had been broken by the loss of
ten million francs in recent night’s
play, says the Paris Herald. The syn¬
dicate running the bank, comprising
two wealthy Greeks an dan American,
have decided to go out of business,
and no one has been found who Is
willing to take over the game]
Eamon de Valera, arrested under
msot dramatic circumstances at En¬
nis, Ireland, when ^be appeared to
deliver a speech in the election cam¬
paign, will probably be taken to Linn
erlck, where he is imprisoned at pres¬
ent, to Mount Joy jail within the next
few days.
The Inter-allied reparations commis¬
sion has formally notified Germany
that reparations constitute a prior
claim on the resources which Ger¬
many has expected to utilize to guar¬
antee her gold loan.
Belief that President Coolidge will
support the contention of the disabled
American veterans that the next ses¬
sion of congress should give priority
to soldier legislation to those meas¬
ures extending relief to the war’s dis¬
abled, was expressed by James A. Mc¬
Farland. national commander of the
organization following an interview at
the white house.
History omits the description of
many of the interesting things about
Methusaleh, among them his liquid
capacity. But, says the department
of agriculture, if he had been given
the task of disposing of all the “pop”
consumed in the country last year, he
would have had to start at birth and
downed eight bottles every minute of
his 969 years.
A telegram of inquiry was sent to of¬
ficers of the disabled American Vet¬
eran at Cincinnati, Ohio, by Secretary
Hughes, asking an explanation of its
announcement regarding receipt of a
state department telegram regarding
the case of Grover Cleveland Bergdoll
and the release of Hooven Griffis from
a German prison.
The five-power naval treaty nego
j tiated at the Washington armament
: conference and the four-power Pacific
treaty concluded here in December,
! 1921, has become effective with the
| ! formal exchange of ratifications at the
state department.
The veterans’ bureau in proceeding
j | with the original plan of installing a
complete negro personnel in the vet
j erans’ hospital at Tuskegee, Ala., an¬
nounces that six negro physicians
i have been selected for duty at the hos
| pital and will /leave for their posts
within the next week or ten days, Di
; rector Hines of the bureau says. He
j says there has been no change in the
i original policy which has been the
! subject of protest by white residents
1 of Tuskegee in sevreal conferences
j with the director.
I George B. Christian, Jr., secretary
j j to President Coolidge Harding, accepted resigned, it but
President condi¬
tionally—that he would remain long
enough to “break in” the new regime
at the white house.
Members of the American commis¬
sion now in Mexico are expected to
reach Washington either late this
month or early next month, bringing
with them the official report of the
joint deliberations with Mexican com¬
missioners which have had in view
the ultimate recognition of the Mexi¬
can government by the United States.
American agriculture, wtucn has
been turning |OUt a capacity product
with its physical equipment in a run¬
down condition, must within the next
ten years save ;up and invest in the
farm plant from eight to ten billion
dollars of new capital, according to
economists of the department of agri¬
culture ,who say this is a conservative
Public lands totaling 23,022,630
acres have been transfered to home¬
steaders during the past two years.
A department of interior summary
shows that the number of patents is¬
sued for ithis area was 110,330.
The practicability of the rural cred¬
its cat ha sheen demonstrated in the
opinion of federal farm loan board
members by the fact that in the two
months the intemrediate credit banks
have been in operation approximately
five million dollars has been loaned
to the farmers.
Funeral services for Marie Watn
wright were held at Scranton, Pa. A
requiem high mass was sung at St.
Peter's cathedral. Miss Wainwright,
a resident of New York, died at the
home of her cousin, Dr. J. M. Wain¬
wright, in Scranton.
Ex-United States Senator , W. R.
Webb, well known Tennessee educa¬
tor, while speaking in Nashville at tha
Georgia Peabody School for Teachers,
quoted Caesar: “Restore the prestige
of Roman womanhood and don't bob
your hair.”
A disease hitherto unknown in the
United States has been discovered in
S. C„ and has proved de¬
structive to beans. W. D. Moore, plant
pathologist, made a report on speci¬
mens of plants obtained from the
field of I. L. Mayer, near Greenwood,
and declared that the disease had nev¬
er \ before occurred in the United
States. Whether the disease will af¬
fect pease and other legumes is not
Seizure of a complete plant for the
manufacture of counterfeit ?100 fed¬
eral reserve notes in Floral Park, L.
I., was announced by Joseph A. Palma,
chief of secret service agents in New
With all the voting precincts in
Russell county, Alabama, heard from
except Glenvllle, the proposed bond
issue of $186,000 to pay off the in¬
debtedness of the county was shown
to have been defeated In the election
held by a majority of 46 votes.
The United States government not
only will do everything it can to ob¬
tain the release of Lieutenant Hooven
Griffis, Hamilton, Ohio, from prison
Ju Germany, but will exert all its
to bring Grover Cleveland
Bergdoll, draft evader, back to Amer¬
ica. This was the gist of a telegram
from Secretary of State Hughes, to
Raymond A. Lasance, national adju¬
tant of the Disabled American Veter¬
ans of the World War at national
headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Declaring that the seriousness of
the situation in Europe could not be
exaggerated, John W. Davis, former
American ambassador to Great Brit¬
ain, urged upon his return on the
steamship Olympic the creation of an
International commission, with an
American membership to determine
the amount of reparations that Ger¬
many is able to pay.
W. Cameron Forbes, former gover¬
nor general of the Philippines, defend¬
ed the administration of Governor
General Wood in an address at. the
institute of Politics, Williamston,
Mass., and said tha tthe time had
not come for Philippine Independence.
After a street fight which follow¬
ed a public meeting at Elmira, N. Y.,
at which Ku Klux Klan principles
were explained, the Rev. Nicholas
Oocaboon, of Buffalo, and several
other persons who had been speakers
were escorted to their train by police.
George Stewart, brother and busi¬
ness manager of Anita Stewart, mo¬
tion picture actress, Is in a serious
condition at a New York hospital with
injuries reported to have been re¬
ceived in a fight on the Albany Post
Southern cotton planters have suf¬
fered this season a loss, approximate¬
ly at present cotton prices of $750,
000,000 through the ravages of the
boll weevil and drought, President E.
E. Bartlett, Jr., of the New York cot¬
ton exchange, declares in a statement
urging the use of more funds to fight
the weevil.
A tense situation prevails at Steu¬
benville, Ohio, and the police are pre¬
pared for quick action to prevent a
repetition of the outbreak against the
Ku Klux Klan, which culminated in
a pistol fight between Darwin L. Gib¬
son, said to be one of the local klan
officers, and a group of men who fired
upon him as he was driving in a dark¬
ened street. Previously a group of
about one hundred men said to be
members of the Ku Klux Klan from
towns was attacked in one of
streets. A score were bad¬
beaten and several automobiles
Mrs. Alex Harris, 75, was shot and
killed by Charles Wilder,
her son-in-law, who according to
City, Ala., police, later sent
bullet into his own brain.
The Huntsville, Ala., vCivltan Club
-renewed agitation for the exten¬
of the city limits of Huntsville
that the big mill suburbs, which
belong to the city, may be
in and counted as a part of the
of Huntsville. It is claim¬
the extension of the limits /pro- <
would give Huntsville a pod
of twenty-three thousand
The Marvelous t
Extension Department, Moody
Bible Institute, Chicago.
TEXT —Repent and turn ... bo
Iniquity shall not be your ruin.—
Ezekiel 18 : 20 .
One thought shines like a day-dawn
through this short sentence. It Is the
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pang tells of possible despair.
In God’s word both the present In¬
iquity and the impending ruin are ful¬
ly stated. Sicknesses, heartaches,
tears, God-defyings, deaths, are fully
stated here. You do not find any stoi¬
cal heartless ignoring of our suffer¬
ings or needs. Every phase of them
is dealt with both for time and eterni¬
ty. Iniquity is therefore real, and
ruin may be ns real.
Ruin [ There Is not a pleasing or
winsome consideration attachable to
the word, a ruined city, a ruined
home, ruined health, ruined reputation,
a mined soul! It all stands (nay
falls) hidden in a night unlit by even
the faintest glow worm’s light. Ruinl
It means worth, but wortti discarded
to fhe past. It means value Indeed,
but hopelessness, it Is the guilt of
- •eternal sin"—a stumbling to a
God, through Ezekiel, was calling
to His people, although they were
Inlqultlous. His purpose was to end
the wrecking before it became ruin.
And tills is the very business of the
Christian's Gospel. It can prevent the
doom. It is uttered that men “might
not perish.” Is there any subject In
all the world one-thousandth so ro¬
mantic! Behold! here the ruin of a
soul is prevented, not by a fence of
fatalism placed between the soul and
ruin, but by a work of grace wrought
within the soul Itself which causes it
to turn in its journey toward ruin and
eternally journey toward increasing
First, then, there is the iniquity
ture. If the malady were a physical
one, we might hear the physician say
2jM perhaps there is one chance in fifty or
one In twenty for recovery.
Rut it Is never so here. "He is able
to save unto the uttermost.” The
sinner “of whom I am chief” having
been saved, certainly it “Is worthy of
all acceptation” that Christ falls with
none who accept Him. Find In all
the universe one, just one failure,
where this remedy hns been accepted
and has failed. If you could find one,
then you would find that all had failed
and that there was no real Gospel to
announce to sinful men.
Second. There is ruin rendered for¬
ever Impossible. It Is first saved, then
safe. It is "kept by the power of
God,” and with that keeping who could
be ruined? "We are not of the night,”
eternal day lias begun.
Third. It is the very opposite to
ruin. Over against that word there
is set for the saved soul, "riches of
grace," “no condemnation,” “salva¬
tion.” Are you thinking of ruined
Place them over against It
these “riches.” Is It the guilt In ruin?
Place over against It "no condemna¬
tion." Is It wreck? Then place over
against it "salvation.” Look into the
depths and behold the impending ruin,
then look, oh soul, Into the heights
and behold the place prepared by Him
who made the worlds. There is what
you escape; here Is what you gain.
And It is all personal. Let it be
stated, “I am the man who has suf¬
fered from iniquity, I the man ap¬
proaching ruin; but I am the man,
through grace in Christ Jesus—saved
and safe.” To Israel the cali was
but in tlie Gospel of grace
is personal. “Christ loved Me and
gave himself fqr Me.” It is our Lord
Jesus who says to poor Bartimeus,
“What wilt thou that I should do unto
thee?” It is all personal to that blind
sufferer. Now, “Bartimeus" means
“son of the unclean.” And that Is
my name. That same Jesus appeals
to me, an unclean soul, the son of
the unclean, saying, “What wilt thou
that I should do unto thee?” And
He gave me cleanness.
Anger Without Sin,
The steam that is let off never runs,
anything. It is steam repressed and
that speeds our trains and
ships. And so it is with temper.
some relief may be afforded to
nerves by an occasional
the energy expended in an¬
Is largely wasted. Habitual “sput
means weakness, while right¬
indignation steadily directed to
ends is a great possession. “Be
angry and sin not,” says the scrip
One can be angry in a construc¬
helpful way. He may set his face
wrongs. To turn one’s wrath
steadily against these things is to
a noble part.
Weafy of earth and laden with mj
I look at heaven and long to en¬
in. But there no evil thing may
a home. And yet I hear a vole#
bids me “Come.”—S. J. Stone.
edy. The word
“iniquity” pictures
the crippled and
distorted soul,
made so by sin.
Its condition Is
bad, but it is not
the worst. “So”
is the saving word.
It opens up a
possible avenue
of escape from
ruin. One sigh
suggests the fall¬
ing of all one’s
Motor to Church
in Comfort
The Chevrolet 5-Passenger Sedan is
'fir most popular for family use, because
f mmmW it affords comfort, weather protec¬
tion and the home atmosphere all
the year ’round for five people—-yet
may be economically operated with
SUPERIOR only one or two passengers.
5-Pass. Sedan Its power, reliability and low up¬
*860 keep appeal to men. Women like its
handsome lines, fine upholstery,
plate glass windows with Temstedt
f. o. b. Flint, Mich. regulators, and fine finish.
Everybody value appreciates its great
at $86®, f. o. b. Flint, Mich.
Prices f. o. b. Flint, Michigan
I’*'- iTTTTr . i--SUPERIOR SUPERIOR Roadster Roadstei .... $519
1 SUPERIOR ---- Touring 52$
SUPERIOR _____________ Utility Coups ... 489
Sedanette . . . . '859
SUPERIOR Sedan .... 849
SUPERIOR Commercial Chassis . 42$
SUPERIOR Llaht Delivery ... 51#
Utility Express Truck Chassis
Chevrolet Motor Company
Division of General SMoton Corporation
Detroit, Michigan
“It has been hinted that you are an
"That’s unjust,” replied Senator
Sorghum. “During a campaign the
crowds seem comparatively calm. I’m
the one that’s agitated.”
Baby’s Was Stomach
Puffed Up
Tight With Gas
“I was fearful we were going to lose
our little boy. He couldn’t eat any¬
thing and his little stomach was ail
puffed up with gas and felt tight and
bard. A neighbor told me about
Teethlna and I stopped everything
else and gave him that and now be
has 16 teetli and is the jolilest little
fellow in the world,” writes Mrs, C. E.
Grimes, Colquitt, Ga.
Here is another striking instance
where much suffering and anxiety
could have been avoided had Mrs.
Grimes known of Teethina and had
given it at the first sign of trouble.
Teethlna is sold by leading drug¬
gists or send 30c to the Moffett Labo¬
ratories, Columbus, Ga., and receive
a full size package and a free copy
of Moffett’s Illustrated Baby Book.—
Surely a Veteran.
Irvin Cobh, the humorist, nodded
townrd a long-haired individual at a
New York tea and murmured:
“That chup Is Monks, the veteran
scenario writer."
“Him a veteran?” said Mr. Cobb’s
companion. “Why, he’s hardly more
than nineteen.”
“Ah, but his scenarios!" said Mr.
Cobb. “If the plots of his scenarios
aren’t veterans I’ll eat my silk shirt.”
There is only one medicine that really
stands out pre-eminent a« a medicine for
j curable ailments of the kidneys, liver and
i bladder.
Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root stands the
highest for the reason that it has proven
! to be juat the remedy needed in thousands
i upon thousands of distressing quickly cases. be¬
! Swamp-Root makes friends
cause its mild and immediate effect is
! soon realized in most cases. It is a gen¬
tle, healing vegetable compound. all
Start treatment at once. Sold at
drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium
and large.
However, if you wish first to test this
; great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper.—Advertisement.
The Obstacle.
“Ah, now, really, little boy,” said a
lady motorist, halting her car In front
of the Johnson residence on Rumpus
Ridge, “don’t you think you ought to
take a bath?”
“Reckon so,” replied young Greedy
Johnson, who seemed to be sadly
soiled, “if I can ever find one that’ll
fit me.”—Kansas City Star.
Cuticura Soothes Baby Rashes
That itch and burn, by hot baths
of Cuticura Soap followed by gentle
anointings of Cuticura Ointment.
Nothing better, purer, sweeter, espe¬
cially if a little of the fragrant Cuti¬
cura Talcum is dusted on at the fin¬
ish. 25c each.—Advertisement.
Hold on to the job you have and
you won't need any letters of Intro¬
Japan to Be Short of Rice,
A report recently given out by the
Department of Agriculture contains
the Information that a shortage in the
rice crop of Japan may be expected
on account of heavy ice In the Bering
sea. Studies of weather conditions
in Japan have resulted in the belief
there that whenever the ice is heavy
in Bering sea ocean currents bring It
to the Jauanese coast and • produce
weather unfavorable to the rj?e 4 c(vp
of that country. The shortage now
an official forecast, and rice gfbweirs
in Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas 1 and
other Southern rice-growing,,. Kfates
are expected to profit accordingly.,
Laziness is lunacy, always;'activity
Is the only intelligence...
Vanity is the only lnteReetukP en¬
joyment of some women. ,
Good to the, last drop
feiB be uniformity of
Maxwell House is due
to the methods of
cleaning, roasting and
fifty packing, embodying
blending years experience
in a coffee
unvarying in Quality
and cleanliness.csj
For over 50 Malaria
years ithasbeen
the household Chills
remedy for all
forms of and
It is a Reliable, Fever
General Invig¬ Dengue
orating Tonic.
For over forty years be&ottftil women hare boefa
keeping their akin soft, cleax and fr ee f rom
Freckles with DE. C. H. BfiBBTO FRKC1CU Oimm
Fully guaranteed. Booklet postpaid. free. Two DH.C.H. rises, Bfc&BT fljft
ot66o- At druggists loath Mlehigiu* or CHICAGO, OUk
CQEPAJY, »7 5 Aiwm,
W, N. U.. ATLANTA. NO. 34-1923