Newspaper Page Text
v^OL. XXIV, No 40.1
Bridge Honors War Heroes
01 White
Elaborate Ceremonies to be Held
at Dedication-Gossip
at State Capitol
By Paul Stevenson
Dedication of a new concrete
bridge near Cleveland on the
Cleveland-Blairsville Highway to
the memory of White County sol¬
diers who lost their lives in the
World War has been approved by
the State Highway Department and
elaborate ceremonies will be held
1 at the dedication when the bridge
is finished, it was learned Tuesday
from John N. Holder, chairman of
the State Highway Commission.
The suggestion that this bridge
be dedicated to the boys who died
in the World War was made by
Jas. P. Davidson, Cleveland news¬
paper editor," Chairman Holder
said. “We are glad to have the
opportunity of co-operating in this
movement and believe that lasting
memorials which will be of service
to the community will prove a satis¬
factory to honor our heroes. » t
In a letter to Chairman Holder
the Clevelond editor declared that
the network of good roads leading
into the North Georgia recreation
center is gradually being completed 4
The new bridge is located on
route No. 11 of the State Hignway
Department. This route runs from
Gainesville to Cleveland thence to
Blairsville and is one of the main
trunk highways leading into the
Efforts are now being made to
obtain appropriations from the gov¬
ernment for the construction of a
system of highwgys through the
Nantaliala and Cherokee national
forests. The government system
would be constructed so as to con¬
nect with the main trunk lines lead¬
ing to Atlanta.—Atlahta Georgian.
Hlue Ridge Dots
Rev. H. M. Edwards is working
preparatory to setting out a large
Mr. W. E. Mathis moved to
Demorest last week.
Mr, Alex Allen, of Canton, N.
C., was married last week. Bride’s
maiden name not known as yet.
We wish both a happy future.
Fodder pulling is the order of
the day here.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Davidson
paid us a short visit Sunday.
Rev. Nicholson preached a good
sermon at Mt. Plesant Sunday.
Mr. Marion Palmour has bought
the J. S. Parks home place and i is
going to move there soon.
Mr. Thacker is doing the civil
engineering on the ne w proposed
Mr. John Freeman aftera linger,
ing illness of diabetes of three years
standing, died Thursday and was
buried at Cleveland Cemetery Fri¬
day amid a large concourse of
friends and relatives. He was an
upright man and had a tender feel
mg for his fellowmen.
Mrs. \V. C. Black, of Banks
County, has been spending a while
w ith her old friends in this section.
Mr. Eugene Westmoreland bad
the misfortune of gening his eye
hurt but not seriously.
Mr. Mathews, of Atlanta, was
here a few days ago to locate a
summer home site.
Pay Your Subscription Now
g%: a
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Ih idl Interests oi White County
We hear on every hand expres¬
sions of appreciation of the great
preaching being done by Rev, H.
H. Jones. Of couise everybody
having their own special preference
for a particular sermon, as for us
we have seldom heard a better ser¬
mon than the one on Personal
Evangelism on Tuesday afternoon.
If our church members would put
it in practice we would have a
great church or rather churches in
The Epworth League seems to
be going along all O. K. under its
new officers. Lets all pull together
and make it a great League.
The Epworth League moonlight
picnic will be held on the 26th of
Sept, Ought to be a great time.
The Protracted Services will run
through Sunday night. Come be
with us we can assure you that if
you wiil, you will be a better
Christian, a better citizen, a better
father or mother. We will have
better homes, better communities
and wili altogether be on a higher
plane of living than we have been.
Bro. Jones is not only a good
preacher but is also a good singer.
The meeting at Nacoocliee closed
Sunday morning with a great
crowd. We believe that the meet¬
ing of great good for the church
and community.
Itev, H. II Jones who is doing
the preaching in the Revival. Ser¬
vices at Cleveland will preach for
me at Loudsville Sunday afternoon
next at 3 : P, M.
Sunday School Superintendents
all over the charge take notice:
Orphants Home Day is on Sunday
Sept., 30th. Work day Saturday
Sept., 26.
Hlue Creek News
We are having some cool plesant
weather for fodder pulling.
We are sorry to say that Mr.
Edgar Smith has not recovered his
car yet. We hope lie will get it
and the man also.
On Friday the 14th the Death
Angel visited the home of Mrs,
Savannah Taylor and carried her
to the great beyond. She had been
afflicted and suffering for quite
awhile. She leaves to mourn her
departure 3 sons and 2 daughters.
She was a good Christain lady,
one that will be missed by the com
munity. Her remains were laid to
rest in the Fairfield Cemetery.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Thurmond a girl.
An escaped convict was caught
near Mr. J. II. Stovall’s last week
by Rev. V. S. Nicholson, W. E.
Foster and Mr. Caudell. They
took him back to Clarkesville
where he belonged.
The new circuit bill consisting
of Habersham, Stephens, Rabun
Towns and White, leaving Hall,
Dawson, Lumpkin and Union 10 i
the present Circuit was Killed. Just
right. Do not need any new Cir¬
cuit in these parts. It may be it
does not suit the conveniences who
wish to visit other courts. But
when the bottom of the tax papers
pockets are reached it is time to
come to a halt.—Dahlonega Nug
\Vi,os 1 i , 1 1 ... s two \\ hite .
County Grand Juries
Has their wishes— the people*’
been carried out?
CLEVELAND, GEORGIA* • SEPT. , 2i, 1923 .
John Freeman Dies Alter
Lingering Illness
Mr. John Freeman, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Barney Freeman, died at
the home of his parents last Thurs¬
day after a lingering illness through
a period of two or three years of
When lie reached the age of 16
lie went to Knoxville, Term,,
where he secured a good position
and remained with t he same
ployer until lie was forced to- leave
his job on account of his ill health!
In hir earlier life he proved to be
very helpful to his parenls in mak¬
ing ends meet.
In his period of early
he joined the Baptist Church
was a faithful member.
lie leaves a father, mother, 4
ters and 2 brothers to mourn
His remains were interred in
Cleveland Cemetery Friday Sept.,
14th. Rev. W. K. Power
ducted the funeral services,
a large concourse of relatives and
friends paid their last respects
the deceased.
W. R, Power.
School is progressing nii <'y.
We are glad to have another with
which is, Miss Josephine Kenyon,
of Westerly, Ga.
Rev. Jones talked to the sclitm
children Wednesday morning
he will talk again Friday at y
M. We thank Rev, Jones
much for doing this
are great many of these cnildie
cannot attend the services at tl
Supt. Edwards, Mesdames Rus¬
sell, Telford, Sutton and Meadows
attended the services.
The 10th and nth grades deserve
honor for their behavoir during tlie
absence of the teachers.
Mr. Marvin Allison is trying to
organizing a Boy Scout movement
in Cleveland and we hope lie will
We are very very glad to have
the nth grade back with us.
Mrs. Sarah Ash spent Sunday
with Mrs. Pardue.
We are having some dry weath¬
er at present.
Several from this section attend¬
ed meeting up Lumpkin County
Your correspondent spent a short
while at Mr. Pete Arlington’s
Mr. T. B. Ledford is very busy
gathering his fodder.
Appropriations made by the federal
government for fighting the venereal
diseases have been gradually yeduced
since the war closed, and quite like
i ty will soon be entirely withdrawn,
the government taking the position
that man pow%r Is not now a need of
our army, but is a local problem,
therefore, the state, county and city
should do the work. In withdrawing
federal aid the government urges the
necessity of continuing the fight.
Many thousands of dollars have been
spent in our state along this line;
much good has been accomplished;
thousands of cases have been success¬
fully treated and thousands of exam¬
inations and diagnoses have been
made. The work should continue and
the cities, counties and state should
put up the necessary funds.
There are three things that every
mother shoulc insist upon when her
baby comes—> ea, four things. See
that the dro s are put in its eyes.
mat it is r. istered with the State
Board of H- slth, that it is gi en
Toxln-antitoi.. and vaccinated against
v- %
Fa!k^. Writes Seeking Informa¬
tion About This Section,
Sept. 8 1923.
Mr. James P. Davidson.
Editor Cleveland Courier.
Clef-eland, Ga.
.Dear Sir :
I am intensely interested
in helping to establish a Poultry,
Dairy a^id Cheese producing com¬
munity that will take care of the
local demand for farm products
Jjsere in Georgia, and cater to the
extensive tourist trade that will
come your way in another year or
two. If the folks, as a whole, gel
together and do something, 1 will
pay your county a visit at my first
opportunity and explain my idea
of 1 “Swiss Colony Idea" with a
community house where the home
folks can make their own working
clothes and toy Swiss dolls and
other saleable articles that will help
put ; your county on the map.
There h only one sure way of de¬
veloping a community, and that is
by clftiug something and getting
J* have talked this matter over
-wiil] Mr. James A. Holloman, and
He will write you what’s what,
about my idea. Mr. J. A. Ilollo
. man stated that you were one of
i the most progressive boosters for
better roads and farming co'11
tjions in your county, and Union
and Towns as well. Here is hop¬
ing I will be able to get in with
you and help you make The
Cleveland Courier, the origonal
“Go Getter" newspaper published
in Northern Georgia. I am a
stav-rmta!,believer- in raisiWg poultry
for meat and eggs as a side Line to
every farm or ranch.
I own some of the prettiest poul¬
try in Georgia, and will have over
fifty birds on exhibitation at the
Southeastern Fair.
J have also written a letter to
Pres. B. II. Stone, at Blairsville.
and hope to meet with your associ¬
ation at the next meeting of the
Nacoocliee—Hiawasee Scenic High¬
way Association, with Mr. IIollo-
91.75 ROUND r
Special train leaves at 10:59 A- M.
Thursday, September 97th.
Tickets good returning on all regular
trains up to and including 7:40 I*. M.
train front Atlanta Saturday, September
These tickets will not he honored on
trains 34 and 38 returning.
For fares and schedule from other
{points consult nearest ticket assent.
“The Southern ServesThe South”
man, if llie present plans do not
I am desirous of obtaining the
following information as it will
give me a better chance to explain
my idea, if 1 know just what kind
of folks farm the Nacoocliee valley
and where would be the logical
point or place to establish a Swiss
Community Idea : wb re the motto
will be work part: of the day at
the community plant. This will
give eacli worker a weekly pay and
at the same time he or she can
attend to improving the home
grounds or else make saleable toys
or other wares that will help ad¬
vertise the county to the folks at
You sure have some friend in
Mr. Holloman, lie has done more
good for your district in the last
two weeks than all the politicians
have done in a life-time. Is it
possible to reach Hiawasee from
Clayton via Buick car? Please
state just what sort of town is 11 i a -
wasce, and what supports the
present population? Who is Mayor
of Hiawasee?
] am told that your paper is the
nearest publication to Hiawasee.
Please send a back number of your
paper by return mail, for which 1
thank you in advance, as I mean
business and will be ready to do
business just as soAn as the .South¬
eastern Fair is /over and 1 can
transfer my (lock of high grade
poulty to a convenient farm in
your section where folks live.
What folks need is some recreation
and that will come just is soon as
the Swiss Colony Idea is broad¬
casted to the pleasure seekers.
Well lime is hoping- you write
soon and many thanks for the reply
Joseph Falks.
I ^ NOTICE, TALKING and MACHINE the largest OWNERS! and moat complete s
w« repair all makes of Phonographs carry
1 y stock of repair parts in the south. distributors Parts for of all the makes. famous Expert Okeh repair- Rec¬ J —,
nun. We are southern
ords. If there is no Okeh record dealer in your town, write
us for our Record Catalog.
JAMES K. POLK, INC,, 294 Decatur St., Atlanta.
New Life Saving Enterprise
Everyone vitb a grain of sense
knows that the natural and best food
for the human baby is human milk.
Everybody, even the most foolish,
knows that the mother should nurse
her offspring, yet some mothers do
not have milk enough find others are
so stingy and selfish that they won't
nurse their babies. All doctors and
statistici us know that artificially fed
babies 1 nmlly are sickly and often
die, so a new industry, we can so
call it, iir.d come into existence In
New York and Chicago, the collecting
and sale of human milk. This life
saving food is worth its weight In
gold t > a starving infant, and all of
the n i!k offered finds a ready sale.
Mothers with babies who have more
milk than their own baby can con¬
sume, go twice a day to the dairy to
be milked or to milk, themselves.
They are paid 10c per ounce for their
mib. and some mothers can spare as
arch as ten or twelve ounces. One
Italian .mother took her sick baby to
i dinlc for treatment; it was having
' ioinach trouble and bowel dlstub
ince. The physicians found that It
ivas being overfed and advised the
mother to let it nurse less often and
jot so much. She went by their ad
rice; the baby improved. These clr
rmpjrtances came to the notice of a
risking niifse, and she persuaded the
mother to go to the Dairy. She did
10 , and In one year sold $968 worth
Jf food. No telling how many lives
ihe savod and how many parents were
made happy by seeing their starving
tables made round and plump.
Milk from nM klnde of mothers is
laken; it is made safe by pasteuriza¬
tion. It has been found th- . by add¬
ing a little human milk to cows, goat
sr other milk, some unknown element
Is given It that causes it to agree with
the babies. We will watch the prog¬
ress of the Human Dairy with a great
leal of ^-“pfpst
Every burn Into this wo*-ld has
the.ngji. torn healthy and well,
You that you are physi
cal’ 3 a parent.
Do orget to swat the fly; make
it your dally business to kill every
one that gets into the house.