Newspaper Page Text
"j.Ufi 1 T
Every After Meal
Have a packet in your
pocket for ever-ready
Aids digestion.
Allays thirst.
Soothes the throat.
For Quality, Flavor and
i the Sealed Package, _
Wk WJtffx&e?
Keep Stomach and Bowels Right
By giving baby the harmless, pnrely
vegetable, inf ants’ and children’s regulator.
brings astonishing^gratifying result*
Is making baby’s stomach digest
food and bowels move as
they should at teething j
time. Guaranteed free <
from narcotics, opt
ates. alcohol and aU fcuw
* harmful ents. Safe ingredU and Jrvf JiS"
satisfactory. i
At Druggists All A (
Chill Tonic
Destroys Malarial Germs
in the Blood. 60 c
Differently Expressed.
‘‘They used to call him a boneliead. M
“That was before he succeeded.
Now they say he Is a man of hard,
solid sense.”—Boston Transcript.
Sure Relief
I .unifirSTJON/l
(Wl * "
vT 6 Bellans
.. ..
H°t water ,
Sure Relief
Architects Wonder Why People Insist
on Having Locks Through¬
out the House,
It has long been a question with
architects why people should have
doors throughout the house so com¬
pletely equipped with ldcfts. Why,
for example, should all the closet and
bedroom doors have locks? Did you
ever lock your bedroom door? Prob¬
ably not. It may be desirable to put
locks on closet doors. Do not put a
lock on a door just because It is a
door. Perhaps, after all, you will,
never At any event, a bolt
or a thumb turn will serve all
purposes of a lock and you will not
have a key to look after.
However, it should be said that a’
mortised latch will usually cost more
thnn a bit key lock. Of course, If you
have a small boy in the house you
will want a lock on the pantry
Some people have thought it desirable
to have one closet In the house
equipped with a good cylinder lock.
Such a closet may come In very handy
at certain times, perhaps if for noth¬
ing else than In * which to
as a space
store the family skeleton.
uTTui « I
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Accessories Are Important; !
Hat and Scarf Sets Stay
S TYLES in Clothes may come and
go, making transitions from one ex¬
treme to another, but accessories of
dress—the fans, combs, earrings, and
jewels that tone up dress different for women,
and harmonize it with back¬
grounds, keem to be less susceptible
to change than other things. Novel¬
ties that appear in accessories are
added- to the store of feminine knick
knacks that every woman appears to
gather about her and cherishes
whether their money value is great or
Hence the ostrich fan, tortoise shell
~ 3 Sb and drop earrings of an earlier
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Displaying Latest Accessories.
day are still fashionable In the present
year of, grace. In fact, old-fashioned
j jewelry of all descriptions Is staging
, a spectacular comeback—If it Is suf
flciently old, Many 014 designs have
reappeared-In. modern jewelry and the
effect they give is quaint and charm¬
ing. This is j.partleularly true of the
combination of 'diamonds with jet, in
brooches, chains aiid earrings, which
has onyx.’ reappeared hi rhinestone and
The young Iftdy In the picture Is
wearifife earrlngg. ^qf qn old design.
-•Her Tomb Is golden shell, to match
the blonde of her hair. The ostrich
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■v Two of the Latest Flat and Scarf Set*.
fan is also in a color’that harmonizes
with the colbr of her’gown and brace
let shown is of-white -vegetable Ivory,
If Is very prettily ■$« with brilliants.
In accessories fer -less-formal wear
thebe is a fad for “tinkle bracelets” of
thin glass made in all sorts of bril
liant colors. Several of These are
worn on the wrist at the same time
and the faint music of - their clashing
gives them their name. A brand new
idea in swagger sticks lias recently,
come out. Thesi sticks are made of a
composition resembling celluloid and
come in all colbrs. Generally thtty
have tips and beads of gold or silver,
or they-may be finished with the same
substance in a'different are* color. /
Bead_ necklaces still the most
■nrtpuian Item in, costume jewelry
just now topa'z-cqlpred 'glass head?
appear to Me «n,every iwoman’s mind
as more to be desired, titan any others,
.These red-brown tones- harmonize with
all the colors most fashionable for
dresses' and jeuIW, snd, lighter,-tones
ranging ipto/amber,’ share their popu¬
larity. The color of the costume
dictates what that of the necklace
shall be, but fine white crystal and
good strands of pearls are worn with
A number of novelty fabrics more
or less furry and cozy looking have
been brought out this fail; to be
used in making the popular hat-and
scarf sets that appear to have come to
stay. The-familiar angora, chinchilla
and nstrakhan cloths are supplemented
by these new weaves and give op¬
portunity for much greater diversity
In these matched seta. It will widen
their sales. Every woman appears to
want “something different”—that Is;
just a Uttle different from the belong-
lugs of her sister women-—and so, like
the Athenians, we are always running
around after something new.
At the right of the Illustration
given here one of the prettiest of these
novelty fabrics appears In a hat and
scarf that are sure to make a conquest
wherever they are shown. The fabric
Is woven with a square mesh having a
crossbar In contrasting color, arid It
Invites decorations of yarn. Quaint
yarn flowers in several colors appear
on tbe bat and scarf and the latter Is
finished with a deep fringe of yam.
Every needlewoman, will appreciate
the possibilities of adornment which
r'this particular cloth offers and the op
J portunlty for the display of individual
taste in the matter of embellishments.
. A hat of chinchilla cloth with wing
trimming of j angora Is shown at the
left, and srhrfs to match either of
these fabrics are made. But one of
tbe new kn.tted scarfs is shown_a
smart and comfortable affair having
knitted ornaments and yarn tassels at
the gathered ends. It bears a plain
tweed tailored suit company and to
gether they proclaim their fitness for
crisp autumn days. All street clothes
are so flavored with sports styles that
these matched sets belong as much in
the street as in the sports class. They
have a cheerful aspect and we shall
meet them everywhere.
Women who are adept at knitting
and crocheting, make the scarf-and
hat or sweater-and-hat set™ for them
(tfL If 13L Wsstsra Nawai n»ln* |
Army Officers Given Privileges.
Washington, ^rniy officers who -AM on duty In
D. C., are now permitted
to dress in civilian attire. The new
order requires them to wear their uni¬
form on certain occasions.
Cuticura for Pimply Facet*
To remove pimples and blachpeads
smear them with Cuticura Ointment.
Wash off In five minutes with Cuti¬
cura Soap and hot water. Once clear
keep your skin clear by using them for
daily toilet purposes. Don’t fall to in¬
clude Cuticura Talcum. Advertisement.
What’s the matter, driver?”
The engine misses.”
“Pardon me—‘miss,’ not ‘Missus’.”
Through the Use of Lydia E.Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound
Two Interesting Cases
! Some female troubles may through
/ ’ neglect reach stage when
a an oper
' ation is necessary. But most of the
common ailments are not the surgical
ones; displacements, they are not caused growths, by serious al¬
tumors or
though the the When symptoms disturbing may ailments appear
first appear, take Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable Compound to re¬
lieve the present distress and p re
vent letters more have serious bean received troubles. from Many
men who have been restored to health
Compound by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable have been
advised after operations physicians.
by attending
Mrs.Edwards Avoids Operation
Wilson, N. able C.—“ For about a year
I was not to do anything, not
even pains my housework, sides and because of the
in my the bearing
down pains. I could only lie around
the house. The doctor said nothing
but an operation would help me, but
I tried different medicines wbicn did
Peculiar Lydia K, Women Pinbham’a
to " will be
to the Lydia E. Pinkham
This book contain valuable
fOt VlttABS
I! Chill Tonic a
For over 50 Malaria
years it has been
the household Chills
remedy for all
i forms of an d v
». “ 18 . a D itenable, v 1 1 Fever
General Inyig- Dengue
Orating Tonic., .
If you destroy delicacy and a sense
of shame In a young girl you deprave
her very fast.—Mrs. Stowe.
Important to All Women
Readers of This Paper
Thousands upon thousands of women
have kidney or bladder trouble and never
suspect it.
Women'll complaints often prove to be
nothing else but kidney trouble, or the
remit of kidney or bladder disease.
If the kidneys are not in a healthy con¬
dition, they may cause the other organs
;o become diseased.
You may suffer pain in the back, head¬
ache and Iobr of ambition.
Poor health makes you nervous, irri¬
table and maybe despondent; it makes
any one so.
But hundreds of women claim that Dr.
Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, by restoring health
to the kidneys, proved to be just condi¬ the
remedy needed to overcome such
Many aend for a sample bottle to see
what Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver
and bladder medicine, will do for them. By
enclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Binghamton, N. Y., you may receive sam¬
ple size bottle by parcel post. You can
purchase medium and large size bottles at
all drug stores.—Advertisement.
A man may be brilliant or ae may
be useful, but the brilliant man doesn’t
have to work so hard.
This Little One
Had Colic for
Three Months
»« My baby suffered from colic for
three months and I was afraid I was
going to lose her,” writes Mrs. A. J.
Tolbert, of Holley, Fla., “bat she soon
got over It when I gave her Teethtna,
and now I will never be without it, for
I give it to both say iltttfr’- mes and
It keeps them well.”
folk- is a very common ccHHH
with babies and if not correBil W
kii turbitfifo-s, : often lead-- Teethtna to more con-ec^^^^S sferj^Bgijl
S fj'-distresiAHBH vkV1)HH|
- -T
M m ! tfe;
Teeriifm. can bo bad ataWBBBm
r. -end T'V to the
'< :>;rmm~, Ga., anJWBHH
iarce pa<'<‘ and Baby a fre<jSHH| RrnflHBH
A fanatic is one who ‘s
“consequences” will be woi
they kctnstlly will be. j
Alabama Mayor Out
With Facts
Judge G. W. Thomason, Mayor of
Tarrant City, Alabama, widely known
and highly esteemed pioneer citizen,
recently gave his unqualified endorse¬
ment to the Tanlac treatment.
“Chronic indigestion brought me to
the verge of a general breakdown
three years ago,” said Judge Thom¬
ason, “and nothing seemed to afford
much relief. I was eating scarcely
enough to keep going on, and food
stayed In my stomach like a rock,
causing pain and extreme nervousness.
no trying good, Lydia until E.Pinkham’s m> sister Insisted Vegetable on my
Compound. like it. I know She said that there she was nothing right,
for I began to improve with the n rat
bottle and it has done me more good
than do anything anything eise.
home and I SCI
friends. M Li rj
8, Box 44 , Wils
Another Os
Akron, Ohio.ri
Lydia E. Pink hi
pound too I highly! had
for me. dd a
ness that the
but an operation
my mother had 1
had Compound done for and! heij
made I am glad to te
me chlldrei a stronj
had two
R. G. Whstovjb
Akror, Ohio.
Text-Book free upoA
you Co., Lyiui, upon req Ma
Fooling the iHHHH
im invention i or
far mm is the “cackle iHHHHH
1 - increase the
*'i yield. h< i This ptpt <-crr>-si><ni4lu^HHHH| cluck
is a
an on-and-off switch by meaSH the^^S
which the electric lights (n
house will be uutoiuatically turnetMI
at dark or early in the morning; all
turned of hours off of when light the have desired been number
added to
the hen’s working day.—Utility Bul¬
Rain Needed.
O We’ve simply got to have rain
Crops need it, I suppose.”
“Crops, nothing. It’s pot the farm¬
ers I’m thinking about. Our golf
course Is nearly burned out."
1 . She seems very arrogant, Why, I
"Haven’t you heard? She went to j
Paris for her divorce.”
1 I
for Economical Transportation
Farm Products
Modem, progessive farmers, being
also business men, now depend on
fast economical motor transporta¬
tion to save time, save products
and get the money.
Chevrolet Superior Light Delivery,
with four post body was built espe¬ Prices f. 6. Flint, Mich
cially for farm needs. It has the o. .
space and power for a big load, Superior Superior 2-Pass. Roadster $490
which it moves fast at low 5-Pass. Taurine; 495
mile. a very " 5>u perioir 2-Pass Utility
cost per Su • • • • • 640
For heavy work, Chevrolet Utility 5-Pass. Sedan . 793
Express Truck only Superior Superior Light Delivery . 495
only, at $550 chassis Oiaasis Commercial
offers a remarkable value. Utility Express . . Truck . . , 395
Fits any standard truck body. Chassis . . . . 550
Chevrolet Motor Company
Division of General Motors Corporation Dealers and Service
Detroit, Michigan Stations Everywhere
pries* tffmetia*. SmpUmber I at
Light Delivery
( f. o. b, Flint, Mick.
Sleep was often impossible, and I grad¬
ually weakened so I could hardly at¬
tend to my office duties.
“The first bottle of Tanlac Improved
me wonderfully, and each successive
bottle gave added impetus to my re¬
turning strength. I felt ten year*
younger when I finished the sixth bot¬
tle a short time later. Tanlac gave
me new zest In life that still remain*
with me.
Tanlac is for sale by all good drug¬
ram mu
Fot over iorty years beaottJtil women have been
keeping Frecklee their skin soft, clear and tree from
Fully guaranteed. Booklet free. Two sines, IL36
or 65c. At druggists or postpaid,
im. C. B. BK&ttY oo., aavr.A So. UcUrsa Ave., CHICAGO
® UGunranteed YourDruggist^^SB^^^s
by IS**
Exclusive Agency
Now Open in Your Territory
Large profits, quick sales. We start you La
business right in your own home town. No
experience necessary. Open to both men
and women. Write today.
^aduated, lot.est stei Ind Ible.
|Yc Dru
W. N. U. f n
glottis? Medical ITofel^^B
Stude—I don’t kno^B||
put It on the shelf
room with the rest of till
struments.—Boston Transi