Newspaper Page Text
Devoted to the Agricultural, Comm Industrial interests of White County
v T OL. XXV, No 5
fitnesses Hast Mot Absent
From Coart
Al Gwinnett superior court
week, Judge Lewis C.
fined two witnesses who
appear when the' cases were
The witnessess were summoned
the September pterin of court,
did not know: that this
held good fort;the adjourned
Judge Russell said :
“I want the public to take
that When ilijik you are subponed as
witness in court that
holds goodnmtil the case is
from the docket, it is not
to issue ij&w subpoenas when
caseds cjfhjniued from one term
court to another.” The law
quires, he said, judge,
lawyers, .jurors and court
as^el! is witnesses to be here.
"Running courts is an
business, cases ■ cannot be
wfien^witnesse* are absent.
entjrtJ;couty is groaning under
heavy load of taxes, and I am
going to allow delinquent or
witnesses to throw
wrenches in the machinery of
What Every Ktansman
Should Believe In
Be a real too per cent he-man.
Be loyal to the order.
Be true to your oath.
Be a peaceful and
Be devoted to yquf country
its governttfent.
Be sensible, not talkative.
Be closed Ijke a clam, not
like a lobster. •
Be a believes in secrecy and
tice^soine. But'active. _
BjP Bi quiet
ever ready to protect
chasity of any woman.
Bp uncovered wlien the
BP a true patriot at all times.
Be not subject to anger
ridiculed.. ,
Be careful when feeding the
as you may get hooked.
, 1 lie erfthused but not
► t bused. *
_Be - a believer in pure
hood.—The Searchlight.
■ t
^ r _ -T— __
‘Keep Windshields Clear
si __
(From The Scientific American)
The following formula has
found useful in keeping the
shield clear in wet weather :
drdm of sodium
salj), one ounce of water and
ounces of glycerine. Place a
ofj^his sA-iution on a piece of
nn^l wipe over downward the glass in stroke. a
lajfer, using a
Blue Nidge Dots
! --
Tjjiev, V. Si Nicholson
hUS fare-well sermon at
Pgfosant last Sunday.
jSlr. J. C. Allen visited the
side of hi* sister, Mrs. D. S.
dlpfj who is quite ill in tire
i»|jjktlahta. ij
^flr. G. W. Grindle has
suffering very painfully for
past few days from a snaged
They are nearing the
here with the highway.
'Rev. H. M. Edwaids is on
sick list at this writing.
1A11 hands and the cook are
here now.
If you are contemplating
ing a business college see us, as
l( an attractive offer on
ship.* Keep this in mind.
The Cleveland Courier.
Mr. Lamb Johnson has rented
the Morse Bros., wtrehouse here
and will deal in all kinds of ferti¬
lizers and Messrs, J N. Blalock
and R. W. Allison will be on hand
to wait on the public.
Mr. Reid Davis has been having
a lot of work done on his young
orchard at Mt. Yonuh the past
They were very busy gathering
fine apples at Hon. Thos. M. Bell’s
place last week.
There seems to be a great deal of
moving now. The people used to
move about the first or last of the
year but there are as many moving
in August as in January now.
We write Urge histories, build
high monuments, tell all of our
good deeds and spread flowers on
the dead but wouldn’t it be better
to spread some flowers on the
living while they can appreciate it.
Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Sesler, of
Bolt, W. Va., announces the ar¬
rival of a son, Mason B. Jr. The
little one weighed only 3$ lbs. at
birth. The mother informs us that
it is growing.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Allen spent
Sunday witli relatives at Cleveland.
Mr. Tom Ledford wilt ut-ive to
Yonnh soon.
Mr. Henry Sesler, of W. Va., is
spending a few weeks here for hi»
Work is progessiving nicely t
the highway up this way.
Cleveland, Ga., Noi., i 9 1923
We. the undersigned agree to
close our places of business Thurs¬
day November 29, 1923 for Thanks¬
giving and December 25 1913 for
Christmas •• H. A. Jarrsrd & Son,
Farmers & Merchants Bank,
Trotter & Palmer, J. P. Cooley,
Underwood Hardware Co,, Cleve¬
land Drug Co., United Barber
Shop, Mrs. C. C. Jarrard. White
County Bank, Cleveland Grocery
Co., J. W. Henderson, Mrs. S. E.
American Legion Hews.
By Jas. P. Davidson,
Ninth District Press Agent,
The next meeting of the White
County Post, Ameiican Legion,
will be held ut the Alley House,
Nacoochee Tuesday night, Nov. 27.
All ex-service men are requested to
be present.
The Adjustant says this is the
right time of the year to pay your
dues. Don’t be neglegent, buddies,
now is the time we must stand
closer than ever.
Secure one or more new mem
here for the meeting at Nacoochee,
November 2 y.
White County Post must have a
post flag and a service flag. What
are your ideas as to how we should
raise this money ?
At the national convention it
San Francisco. The American Leg¬
ion delegates and offices made it
known they would ask Congress to
pass tne bonus or know the why.
How could Congress ttftn down
a proposition if every ex-service
man in the U. S. was a member of
tfie American Legion?
If you are not a member join now.
White County needs a American
Legion Auxiliary. Every mother,
sister or wife of an ex-service man
is eligible for membership. How
many ladies desire to organize an
Auxiliary? .
CLEVELAND, Gl RGIA, NOV. 38, 1928.
Eduction loti, Hot,
Efforts to Enroll Teachers
Educalleo Association
The Georgia Education Associ¬
ation is making a determined anti
persistent effort to enroll the
teacher* and friends of education
in Georgia as members of its body.
There are 16,000 white teachers in
Georgia and several hundred more
school officials. Every one of these
should be a member of this AssocL
ation. A large, strong body of
educators, speaking as a unit thru
one organization can be an irresti
ble power for educational progress.
Georgia is far behind in the efficien¬
cy of tier schools. One big causi
for this it that her law-making
bodies and her taxing officials have
not felt the impel!jog force that its
teachers, organized ai a body
would give. The teachers’ influ¬
ence in Georgia has been weak and
of no force because they have
spoken as seperute individuals and
not »* a unit of 16,coo teachers,
Georgia has the smallest number of
teachers in her Educational Associ¬
ation of any Southern stase, Vir¬
ginia has um-oq members in
Association ; Kentucky over
Alabama and Mississippi, over 7,
000. Georgia bus less than 3,000.
Yet she has more teachers than any
of thesd Southern states. She
ought to have tiie biggest
ship and the strongest body of
teacher*. This can be mode true
if the leader# in education in evciy
•T •*$». IttiM JlUiWgff
Georgia Education Association.
The success of this campaign de¬
pends upon the city and county
superintendent* and college presi¬
dents in our state. The motto of
every school and college ought to
be "100 per cent perfect jn mem¬
bership in the Georgiy Education
Association.” The superintendent
who gives this campaign his entliu
isaslic support and leadership will
have all of bis teachers follow him
in joining the Educatioh 'Associ¬
* A better and stronger organi¬
zation of teachers Would greatly
aid our public grammer arid high
schools in doing better work. Our
state can never reach the highest
point of efficiency industrially, eco¬
nomically, socially, or morally un¬
til all of its children are well adu
cated. In this work teachers must
lead and can only lead when they
speak officially as one strong or¬
ganized unit.
We therefore give our strongest
indorsements to the effort* of the
Georgia Education Association ,lo
enrolling all the teachers of our
state. We hope that the county
and city superin ten deni* in this
country will immediately begin the
campaign to enroll our teachers.
We hope to report in an early issue
that this county has gpne over the
top and has one hundred per cent
membership. <*
Let White County do its part to
make the next meeting of the
Georgia Education Association in
Savannah, May 1 1031924. the
biggest convention of teachers ever
held in the South.
The Nacoochee parsonage aid
society present d Mrs. Greenway
with a nice check before conference.
All the chi :hes paid up on the
pastor’* salary and other assess¬
The pastor it at conference this
* W««k, f v
Tills Beautiful Book On Request
Royal Palm
Ohio Special
Suwanee River Special
Atlanta-.!aeksouville Express
Kansas City-Florida Special
Ass’t. General Passenger Agent, District Passenger Agent,
ATLANTA, GA. 48 N. Broad St
The teachers were the guest* of
Mr*. C, J. Meaders on }awt sec nd
Sunday. It is a great pleasure to
the teachers to spend the’diiy with
............... f *
Mi „ Sl , pb „,» g.e.l
last week-end, Miss Katherine
Eberhart, of Commerce, and Miss
Gene Stephens, a student at the
State JSformol. ‘ '
The attendance for Wednesday
was 183.,, ^
'fo the Citizens of the Town of
Whereas, section 3 of the
Charter of the Town of Cleveland
provides that there shall be held an
ejection in said town on the second
Wednesday in December of each
year for the purpose of electing a
Mayor and four Counciimen to
serve the Town of Cleveland for
the forthcoming year, now there¬
fore I, E. B. Craven, Mayor, do
give notice that such election shall
be held on the mh day of Decem¬
ber 1823 same being the second
Wednesday, for the purpose afore¬
Polls open at 9 o’clock A. M.
and close at 3 o’clock l’. M.
E. B. Craven, Mayor.
By,the Clerk, Thos. F. Underwood.
The members of the Missonary
Society of the Baptist Church will
meet next 4 VVriinesduy at the
church for the purpose of quilting
some quilts which wilt be sold *nd
the proceeds however small will be
added to the fund for improvement
of tb- church property. All mem¬
bers are requested to come ana
spend the day, bringing - lunch,
needle and tnimble.
You should patronize home in¬
dustries I have as good a nursery as
you will find anywhere. I guar¬
antee every tree .to be true to name.
Let me know your wants.
J. B. R. Barrett agt.,Cleveland Ga
White County Nursery Co.
Leaf, Ga.
Flty Your Subscription Now
1 . rn nemarn
County Distributor Wanted
Easy to Operate
light Exceptional opportunity to sell in this county the best electric
and power plant made. Requires no electrical or mechani¬
cal skill to operate. Quickly pays for itself by the work It does.
Lights feed, churns, the farm and lightens farm work. Pumps water, grind*
washes and does hundreds of other tiresome task*.
Special price on replacement batteries. Address reply tot
BATTERY COMPANY, 59 W. Peachtree St* Atlanta.
A New Body Type
The Tudor Sedan is a Wide doors, folding bent
distinctly new Ford designed body seats, well spaced interior,
type, admirably dark brown broadcloth
for harmony of exterior upholstery and attractive
appearance and excell¬ trimming* give it indivi¬
ence of interior comfort duality, comfort and con*
and convenience. venience. N
At $590, its price is lower See thi* exceptionally de¬
than any sedan ever put sirable new Ford product
on the American market. in Ford showroom*.
TAh car can be obtained on the Ford Weekly Pntchate Hem,