Newspaper Page Text
Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Cons*
pound Made Her Eat, Sleep
and Feel Better Every Way
Chicago, 111.—“I was weak and run¬
down and in each a nervous condition
that I could hardly
do my work. I was
tired all the time,
and dizzy, and could
not sleep and had no
appetite. I tried dif¬
ferent medicines for
years, but they did
not help me. Then !
I read in the papers
about Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Compound Vegetable and what
_______Jit had done for other
women and gave it a trial. I began to eat
better and could sleep, and consider it a
wonderful medicine. I recommend it to
friends and will never be without it. ’
my M. Ohlen, 3640 S. Marshfield
Ave., Chicago, Illinois.
It is such letters as these that testify
to the value of Lydia E. Pinkham a
Vegetable Compound. This woman
speaks front the fullness of her heart
She describes as correctly as she can
her condition, first the symptoms that
bothered her the most, and later the
disappearance of those symptoms. It
is a sincere expression of gratitude.
For nearly fifty years Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable Compound bes been
so Braised by women.
ftSl Alriqht
A vegetable
■Tl aperient. adda
tone and vlgoi; to
the digestive and
e’.imin-itive system.
Improve* the appe¬
tite, relieve# Sick
Headache and Bil
ioueneee, Constipation. corrects
Chips off fiie Old Block
One-third tha regular dose. Made
of same ingredients, then candy
coated. For children and adults.
AS S UUtAo U Wft UKtHtftANEWDfiy
mmsmm, i
Make You. Fit Tomorrow.
*v.M.n114. CO., penwiT.
Scientific Ration.
“Bergamot, Beanpile,” snapped that
householder’s wife, “I wish you’d drop
‘this talk about glueosides and carbo¬
hydrates: It makes nie sick.’’
“On the contrary, my dear," remon¬
strated M. Beanpole, “It makes you
well. A scientific ration is the latest
medical decree.”
“Never mind that. It is hard enough
to hire help now. If a cook lias to be
a chemist, I’ll never get a girl,’’
Time- Tried
and all iiumut of
Her set and Cattle
I Jno. R.Butchings. Durham,
—''For Mexican 15 years I have used
consider it Mustang the best Liniment
tty used it on a bad gall 00
use’s neck and it cured it its
No Sting or Smart
Contains No Alcohol
•. F R F F ClL,.sent Write for absolutely beautiful SOUVENIR free witbedmpieta PEN
directions for using Mustang Liniment for family
ailments, and for livestock and poultry. LyonMfg.
Co., 42 South Fifth St . Brooklyn. NY.
25c-50c-$ 1.00
Sold by Drug and General Storeg
Portrait Agents—-Portraits and frames at big
reductions. Write for new catalog. Central
Portrait Co., 17 N. Crawford Ave., Chicago.
Mitchell A VOID dropulDj
strong drugs io
•yes sore from Alk*U
Salve Eye that brings or The other old comforting simple irritation. remedy relief
is best. 25c, all druggists
r Sale-—-541 -Acre Cotton, Stock and Truck
-m, two miles of Centrevilla, Miss.; largest
ipping z* int south Mississippi; on Prentiss
* two-story house and barn
jfaway. Good
beautiful grove. Land fertile; well-#a
ed. Thirty dollars per acre, half caah.
100,000 wanted. No buying, selling or invest¬
ment. Send dime for instructions. No stamps.
P BAROLA, 311S Calumet Ave., CHICAGO.
Millions Frost-Proof Cabbage Plants—Lead¬
ing varieties, mailed postpaid; ZOO—S-Oc;
700—SI; 1,000—31-50; expressed, 1,000—$1;
10,000—$7.50. Walter Parks, Pisgah, N. C.
----- «*»*——.* —etion at
Christ for
Extension enj Department, Moody
«S» Bible Bil Institute, Chicago. «$»
TEXT—For Christ is not entered into
the holy place made with hands, which
are the figures of the true; but into
heaven itself, now to appear In the
presence of God for us.—Heb. 9:24.
“Ton lovely Man” Is to occupy our
thoughts again today. In our last
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our profession, Christ Jesus.” The
supreme mission of tiie Holy Spirit is
to testify of Christ and make Him
known, and here He summons us to
behold Him in His priestly office, be¬
cause “for us” He is there—on our be¬
half—representing us in all the ac¬
ceptableness of His own Person before
God. Ah, He cannot forgot those for
whom He died and whom His grace
has made His own forever. The love
that led Him to the cross for us is a
love that cannot change and It will
never abandon .those upon whom it
lias once been bestowed, but will bear
them unceasingly in the presence of
God and thus maintain, in all its in¬
tegrity, the relationship In which by
death and resurrection He has estab¬
lished them.
His presence there within the veil
is the believer's security, and upon it
the Spirit of God bases our “strong
consolation,” saying in chapter 6:18:
“That We -might have 'a strong conso¬
lation, Who have fled for refuge to lay
bold' upon the hope set before us:
which hope we have as an anchor of
the soul, both sure and steadfast, and
which entereth into that within the
veil; whither the forerunner is for us
entered, even Jesus, made an High
Priest forever."
“Pied for refuge. 1 ' The phrase is a
plain allusion to the mnnslayer in
Israel, for whom the six cities of ref¬
uge were appointed, scattered at in¬
tervals throughout the land. When
unwittingly, “without lying In wait,"
one might kill a fellowman, he was
to flee to the nearest of those cities
of refuge and remain there; entirely
safe from the avenger of blood, during
“the life of the high priest that-should
be in those days." When the high
priest died, and another succeeded to
flie priesthood, the manslayer returned
to his home unmolested.
How these cities of refuge preached
to Israel! How prophetic still of a
coming day when that nation, guilty
of a great fratricide, shall flee from
tbe avenger and find refuge. “Unwit¬
tingly” they d.d it, as the object of
their wrath. In a prayer that must
avail, declared: “Father, forgive them
for they know not wiiat they do.”
But see, O believer in Jesus! The
Spirit of God is likening thee to the
mans.layer, not in his manslaughter,
but in his security. You are shut up
in the city of refuge and your safety
there depends upon the High Priest
of our profession, who said: “Because
I live, ye shall live also,’’ and of whom
it is written in Romans 5:10: “For If,
when we were enemies, we were rec¬
onciled to God by the death of His
Son, much more, being reconciled, we
shall be saved by His life.”
But those priests of Aaron’s line
died. When will our High Priest die?
Once in death for sin. He is out of it
forever! “Knowing that Christ being
raised from the dead dieth no more;
death hath no more dominion over
Him” (Rom. 6:9). And we turn
again to our epistle of the sanctuary
and read: “And they truly were many
priests, because they were not suf¬
fered to continue by reason of death”
—a long, long line because death took
them one by one away—“but this
man,” the text continues, “because he
continueth ever hath an unchangeable
priesthood. Wherefore he Is able also
to save them to the uttermost that
come unto God by him, seeing He
ever liveth to make intercession for
“Strong consolation” indeed! Based
upon no merit of ours or attainments
but upon the attainments and merit
of our Lord Jesus Christ.
But stronger still is the consolation,
for of this hope which we have laid
hold upon, It is added: “We have as
an anchor of the soul, both sure and
steadfast.” The figure recalls the old¬
en-time seamanship, when the ship's
anchor was carried up on the beach
and left there. He who has gone into
heaven for us has anchored our souls
there within the veil.
And now, to make onr consolation
complete and to free us from all mis¬
giving as to our being in heaven at
last, one word is added: “Whither the
forerunner is for us entered.” If any
complain of this mixing of metaphors,
let him remember that it is the Spirit
of God who employs them. Surely He
knows how to use them to set the
Savior forth. “Now to appear in the
presence of God for us.” As our fore¬
runner He has gone into heaven, there
to make public proclamation of our
•coming, pronouncing the name of
every forgiven sinner and thus herald
ing his arrival Into the, place which
He has gone to prepare.
sermon of tills
series we consid¬
ered His entrance
into the holiest,
as the High Driest
of our confession.
Today we are to
see how Intimate¬
ly concerned we
are with His
presence there.
“Wherefore, holy
brethren, fellows
of the heavenly
calling, consider
the Apostle and
High Priest of
lbs. on tanlac
Miss -Mary Early, 1531 North 20th
St., Omaha, Neb., practical nurse for
the past fifteen years, prompted by
gratitude for the Tanlac treatment,
because of Its benefits to. her and oth¬
ers, recently gave out the following
“Tanlac Is the one medicine 1 can
recommend knowing full well It mer¬
its the highest praise, not only because
of what it has done for me, but be¬
cause of what I have seen it do for
others. My brother was flat on his
back with typhoid for a long time, and
afterwards was so weak he could bare¬
ly walk from one chair to another, 1
gave him Tanlac and It was simply
marvelous the way It built him up.
“Nursing him through this Illness
left me weak and exhausted. I couldn’t
cat anything to speak of and my food
hurt me, but Tanlac gave me a keen
appetite, strengthened my digestion,
and I gained fifteen pounds in weight
and am still In perfect health. As a
nurse and user of Tanlac, I give it
my unqualified endorsement.”
Tanlac is for sale by all good drug¬
gists, Accept no substitute.—Adver¬
Honor Napoleon.
Ajaccio was chosen the capital of
Corsica because Napoleon’s mother de¬
sired that his birthplace be honored
In that way.
Costs Less to Keep Clean.
More than 250,000 deaths and ovei
4,500,000 cases of serious Illness an¬
nually are ascribed by Federal and
State health reports to needlessly un¬
sanitary conditions. It Is an amaz¬
ing fact that most of this needless
lack of sanitation is found, not In
the cities, but among the rural and
small-town population.
Yet wholly sanitary conditions may
be brought about in the country just as
quickly and easily as In the city. The
actual expenditure Involved Is very
small, especially when you consider
how much the family’s health will be
improved as a result It will assure
also, of course, a great improvement
In comfort
Septic tanks, privy vaults, protec-,
tion for domestic water supplies, rat
proof outbuildings—all of these can
be provided for a little cost and a lit¬
tle work by any man. Full directions
on how to do it, what Is the best struc¬
ture for each job, what tools you will
require, how much cement, how to mix
and place the concrete—all this may
be had free on request to the Portland
Cement Association, 111 West Wash¬
ington Street, Chicago. Ask for “Con- •wlilf .
Crete in Home Sanitation"; you
get It free by return mail.—Adv.
Slight Difference.
A man seldom lias as much, faith in
his vote when he Is voting for some¬
thing as he does when he is voting
to punish somebody.
For overflight relief to inflamed eyes and
eties use Roman inn Eye BftlH&m. ilB&m. Once Once tried,
always prefers ed. 372 Poarl St., N. Y. Adv
Magistrate—Are the prisoners broth¬
Answer—Yes, sir, both of them.
Dye or Tint Worn, Faded Things
New for 15 Cents.
Diamond Dyes.
Don’t wonder whether you can dye
or tint successfully, because perfect
home dyeing Is guaranteed with ’’Dia¬
mond Dyes” even If you have never
dyed before. Druggists have all colors.
Directions In each package.—Adver¬
While you many know a spinster like
a book, it isn’t nice to remind her of
the fact that she Is on the shelf.
Take Tablets Without Fear if You
See the Safety “Bayer Cross.”
Warning! Unless you see the name
“Bayer” on package or on tablets you
are not getting tire genuine Bayer
Aspirin proved safe by millions and
prescribed by physicians for 23 years.
Say “Bayer” when you buy Aspirin.
Imitations may prove dangerous.—Adv.
When you see a young man at
church every Sunday night it doesn’t
take a puzzle expert tp find the girl.
Cures Biliousness, Constipation, Sick
Headache,Indigestion. Drugstores. Adv
It may be better to be born lucky
than rich, but the man who is born
rich is lucky from the start.
What a miserable crowd of pes¬
simists we would be if we could see
ourselves as others see us.
Hall’s Catarrh
Medicine Sf,'"**"
rid your system cf Catarrh or Deafnesi
caused by Catarrh.
Sold by druggists for over 40 ywt
F. ). CHENEY &. CO, Toledo, Ohir
kndaySchool _ f p . .
‘ Lesson'
Teacher of English Bible In th« Moody
Bible Institute of Chicago.)
{(§). 1923 Western Newspaper Union.)
LESSON TEXT—John 17:18; Matt
23:16-20; Acts 1:6-8.
GOLDEN TEXT—“Go ye therefore
and teach all nations.”—-Matt. 28:19.
PRIMARY TOPIC—Telling Everyone
About Jesus.
JUNIOR TOPIC—Our Marching: Or¬
IC—Working Together With Christ.
—World-Wide Witnessing for Christ.
I. Sent by Christ (John 17:18).
Christ was sent into the world to
save it. Just as He was sent, so He
sends us. Just as He Was obedient
to the Father's command, so we should
be to His command. That this might
be possible Christ set apart himself,
and that the disciples might be fit for
this work they are to be sanctified
through tiie truth of God’s Word.
That which fits the one called to rep¬
resent Christ is the knowledge of
God’s holy^ Word.
II. The Great Commission (Matt
At an appointed meeting place in
Galilee on a mountain side, Jesus ap¬
peared before the disciples and gave
this great commission.
1. His Claim' of Authority (v. 18).
He does not claim to be merely tbo
King of the Jews, but King of Kings
and Lord of Lords. He stands clothed
with tiie authority and power of the
universe. Before there will be any
great concern about evangelizing the
world there must be' an understanding
of the power and might of Jesus Christ
as Lord. The Lord must and shall be
2. The Obligation Imposed, (w. 19,
20). They are to make disciples of
all nations. The obligation of the
Christian la not merely to preach the
gospel to the Jews, but to all the na¬
tions. Those who accept Christ us
Savior and Lord are to be baptized
in the name of the Fftther, Son and
Holy Ghost. By this means they open¬
ly acknowledge their allegiance to
Jesus Christ as their divino Lord. To
secure public avowal of loyalty to
Christ is Important. It strengthens
the character of tiie confessor. They
are also to he instructed to render
to all tlm commandments
and requirements of the divine Lord.
3. The Divine Presence Promised
(v. 20). To assure tiie disciples of the
success of their undertaking, Jesus
guarantees His presence at all times
and under all circumstances. That
which gives courage and encourage¬
ment to the missionary today is the
assurance of tiie unfailing promise of
the Lord Jesus Christ.
III. The Missionary Program (Acts
1 : 0 - 8 ).
It is essential that the missionary
program be understood. Tiie work
Incumbent upon the church is to wit¬
ness of Christ's gracious salvation to
all the nations. After this is done
there wiil follow the preaching of the
gospel of the kingdom by converted
Israelites. Tills was not clear to the
disciples, therefore they put the ques¬
tion, “Wilt thou at this time restore
the kingdom of Israel?” They were
right In thinking that tiie kingdom
will be restored. The Davldic king¬
dom shall be established, but not till
after the gospel of the grace of God
Is preached and the body of Christ 1«
completed. Its realization Is certain,
but the time is unknown. Times and
seasons are in the hands of God. The
program which the disciples are to
carry out in this present time is wit¬
nessing for Christ.
1. In Jerusalem (v. 8). This was
done by the Twelve Immediately fol¬
lowing Pentecost.
2. In Judea and Samaria (v. 8).
Tills was done by the disciples after
the hands of the persecutors were laid
on them. Not only tiie Twelve but
many others took part in this.
3. Unto the Uttermost Parts of the
Earth. Beginning witli the first for¬
eign missionary enterprise this work
has been carried on with varying de¬
grees of success till the present time.
Being Self-Centered.
Nothing Is more wearing or a more
fruitful source of unhappiness in the
long run than to be self-centered. If
our thoughts and plans, our hopes and
fears, our ideals and ambitions all
center in our own personal comfort
and happiness, there must come many
a day of infinite weariness and self
disgust when life does not seem worth
living. Poverty or riches have very
little to do with It. You will find just
eg many well-to-do people as poor, for
whom life has lost Its spice and en¬
thusiasm. It Is not a question of capi¬
tal, but of character.
No Place Sweeter Than Home.
It Is very dangerous for any man to
Ind any spot on this broad globe that
Is sweeter to him than his home.—H.
W. Beecher.
A Mind In Health.
The first sure symptom of a mind
n health is rest of heart, and pleasure
'elt at home.—Young.
God Should Be There.
A cottage, If God be there, will hold
as much happiness as might stock a
palace^—J. Hamilton.
Imitations may
be dangerous
SAY “BAYER” when you buy
Unless you see the “Bayer Cross” on tablets you are
not getting the genuine B^er Aspirin proved safe
by millions and prescribed by physicians 23 years for
Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago
Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism
Accept only “ Bayer” package
which contains proven directions.
HaBdy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists.
Aspirin Is the trafle mark of Bayer
Do Teeth Smile?
From a story: ‘‘She was wonder¬
fully expressive, with her smiling,
flashing teeth. She seemed to have dis¬
covered the art of using teeth for
something besides eating.”
“Discovered It, forsooth! Man alive,
the art was old in Cleopatra’s time.”—
Boston Evening Transcript.
For the best Angus Cattle, write San¬
ford & Blch, Mocltsvllle, N. C.—Adv.
“What is a collation?”
“A little bit to eat served with a lot
of style.”
Are Kbit
Using tills Free
It comes with every sack of cement. It
has been made possible through the Port¬
land Cement Association by the eighty-six
cement manufacturers who are its mem¬
They realized that important research
and educational work was necessary to
give people the best information on how to
use cement. They also realized that this
could be done better by unified effort than
by any individual company alone.
As a result, you may have for the asking
the benefit of this Association’s long and
exhaustive studies on how best to use
cement for the most satisfactory results in
concrete construction.
Whatever use you plan to make of ce¬
ment—whether you are building a con
• Crete hog house or concrete dairy bam, a
stretch of concrete walk or a concrete road,
a silo or a skyscraper, a home, workshop or
a factory—you needn’t guess. You can know.
If you want information about the use¬
fulness of concrete under certain condi¬
tions, how to mix or place it to get the
greatest value out of every sack of cement
—you can get it by writing any one of our
28 offices listed below.
Supplying dependable information
without charge by booklet, by letter or by
personal conference when necessary, is
the work of this Association. Millions of
helpful booklets, covering a multitude of
uses of concrete, are distributed annually
to people who know they needn’t guess—
who know they can get the facts from us.
One of our new booklets, “Concrete in
Home Sanitation,” will surprise you with
the number of easy ways in which con¬
crete can be used to make the home
healthier and happier. Address our near¬
est district office for your free copy.
111 West Washington Street
oA National Organization to Improve
and Extend the Uses of Concrete
Denver Kansas City New York San Francisco
Birmingham Des Moines Los Angeles n Parkersburg Seattle
Boston Detroit M«Anpr;is Philadelphia St. Louis
Chicago Helena Milwaukee h Vancouver, B.C.
Dallas Ind tana poll* Minneapolis Oreg. Washington, D.G.
of Monoacctieacldester of Ballcyllcacld
His Mind on Baseball.
Music Teacher—Why don't you stopl
Those marks mean rest.
Johnny—What’s the use of restin'
—let's get through with it—Boston
Evening Transcript.
Wright's Indian Vegetable lie Pills Pills con correct
Indigestion, constipation, liver complaint,
biliouHncfis. blliouRnesi Costs you nothing; ni to send tot
trial box to 372 Pearl St., ~ N. Y. Adv.
The Case Isn’t Proved.
The Stricken One—I tell you, Dolly,
I simply can’t live wiUiout you.
The Flippant One—Ob, I don't know,
old thing, all the others are pretty
healthy.—The Magpie.