Newspaper Page Text
COL. XXVI, No. 3 l.
Nacoochee-Hiawassee Road Meet
Attracts Great Interest
Speakers of National and State
Prominence Invited-Big
Barbecue Planned
Hiawassee, Georsia
June 2 .
All good road “boosters,” in
Georgia and elsewhere, are cordial¬
ly iuvited to attend the anniversary
celebration of the Nacoochee-Hia
wassee Highway Association, Hia¬
wassee, Ga., Tune 2 nd, which will
probably be the biggest good road
meeting ever held in this mountain
region. Delegations from a dis¬
tance will leave home on Sunday
June ist, for this meeting in Hia¬
wassee. The program will begin
early on the morning of the and,
and a full day will be devoted to
the work of this association and
discussions of good road prodtems
and plans generally, here in the
“Heart of Georgia’s Hills.” The
“cue” will be served promptly at
i o’clock p, m. so there will be
time for many to return home on
same day, but all are urged to
remain for the afternoon meeting
if possible.
Great preparations are being
made at Hiawassee by the local
committee op entertainment, This
committee includes, Cashier, W.
O. Sparks, chairman, Charles Col¬
well, Ralph Twiggs, J. T. Arro
wood, Earl Mauldin, J. N. Brown
and C. S. Brown. Visitors and
delegates are invited to spend the
night before the meeting at Hia¬
wassee, Prof. II. E. Nelson, presi¬
dent of Hiawassee Junoir College,
has offered the school dormitories
to the committee for the use of
delegates, speakers and visitors,
and the homes of Towns County
will be open to all good road
people attending the convention.
Among the speakers expected to
take part on the program are :
Governor Clifford Walker, of Geor¬
gia; Hon. T. H. McDonald, Chief
of U. S. Bureau of Public Roads,
Washington, D. C.; Mr. Clinton
G. Smith, Assistant District For¬
ester, U. S, Forest Service, Wash¬
ington, D. C.; Mr. W. M. Basker
vilie, Publisher of The Atlanta
Georgian; Mr, John Paschel, Man¬
aging Editor of The Atlanta Jour¬
nal; Mr, Jus. A. Hollomon, Asso¬
ciate Fditor of The Atlanta Con¬
stitution ; Mr. John N. Holder,
Chairman of The Georgia State
Highway Commission; Mr. W.
R. Neel, State Highway Engineer;
Mr. W, T. Anderson, Editor of
The Macon Telegraph, and mem¬
ber Georgia State Highway Com¬
mission; Judge Stanley Bennett,
Georgia State Highway Com¬
mission ; Dr. J. A. Sharp, Presi¬
dent Young Harris College, Town*
County, Ga.jCol. A. M. Kitchens,
Cornelia, Ga.; Col. O. L. Ande^p
son, Haysville, N. C.; Senator R.
E. A. Hamby, Clayton, Ga.; Mr.
B. F. Holden, Blue Ridge, Ga.;
Prof, W. B. Lunsford, Blairsville,
Ga.; Judge W. B. Townsend,
Dahionega, Ga.;Col, C. H. Ed¬
wards, Cleveland, Ga.; Mr. F. D.
Singleton, Ciarkesville, Ga.; Mr.
li. S. Barker, Secretary of Atlanta
Chamber of Commerce, Atlanta ;
Col. Sam Wilkes, Georgia Rail¬
road, Atlanta, and others.
This celebration will also be the
second anniversary of the Atlanta
Constitution’s forest tour thru these
mountains, which expedition ac¬
complished so much in arousing
public sentiment for good roads to
open up this section for local de¬
velopment and for the enjoyment
of the entire South. Moving pic¬
tures will be made at the conven¬
tion in Hiawassee, ana along the
route of of Project No. i of this
association from Haysville, N. C.,
south thru Hiawassee, Unicoi Gap,
Helen, and on to Cleveland. The
same pictures will show the con-
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
Cleveland High School Closes
Cleveland High School closed
Tuesday night.
The school has been laboring
under exceedingly difficult finan¬
cial strains for the past few years,
but the progressive citizens of this
district have bravely and coura¬
geously encountered these difficul¬
ties so far, however the time has
almost come when something fur¬
ther must be done.
The play Saturday night was
well attended.
Dr. Sibley, pastor of the Presby¬
terian church, Gainesville, deliver¬
ed a very splendid and helpful ser¬
mon. His text was: Philippians
3:14. In this sermon he told his
hearers to ask themselves: Why
they were here? What purpose
did God create man? He particu
arly stressed the importance of the
first essential in the journey of life
was to seek moral excellency.
Monday night |the grammer
school and the music department
had charge. The “cake walk”
was very interesting, under the in¬
structions of Mrs, F. J. Nix,
Tuesday night was the gradua¬
ting exercises. Misses Nellie Skel¬
ton and Lois Sutton were the
young ladies who received diplo
Quite a few of Mrs. J. L. Par
due’s children spent Sunday with
her and enjoyed the day.
This is a kind iady and we wish
her several more years that she may
live. Her family has done well
and lived an enjoyable life.
We spent last Saturday morning
at Mossy Creek law ground.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ledford
were in Cleveland Saturday night.
Mr. Ben Ledford has been quite
sick for several bays.
Mr. Spencer Roper who moved
to the Gordon McAfee place, has
a store erected and is doing well.
We wish him success in his new
place of business,
Mr. Frank Allen was over this
way Sunday.
struction in p.ogress on the moun¬
tain link of this project, soon to be
completed, and the link of new
road between Helen and Cleveland
as well as surveying parties now at
work in the Toccoa Basin of the
Cherokee National Forest, where
this association is cooperating with
local counties, the State of Georgia,
and the U. S. Forest Service, It
w . probably icquire several days
to complete the reels for the pic¬
ture, and this is under the super¬
vision of Mr. Jas. A. Holiornon,
Atlanta, Chairman of Publicity
Committee for the Association.
It is the purpose of the associa-:
tion to encourage the construction
of roads of all types, and invite the
cooperation of ail officials and
citizens for a complete system of
mountain roads so as to open this
region for a People’s Playground
in general. Secretary B. H. Stone
will attend the President’s Con¬
ference on Outdoor Recreation, in
Washington, D. C., May 22, 23,
and 24, and also the National Con¬
ference on State Parks, in Gettys¬
burg, Pa., May 25, 26, and 27, and
the results of bo.h of these natioo
svide conferences will be brought
to the attention of this Scenic
Highway Association at the meet¬
ing in Hiawassee on June 2.
Recreation and health will be
offered in abundant measure to the
people of the South, when Geor¬
gia’s wonderful mountain region is
opened up with good roads. The
public is cordially invjted to attend
this meeting at Hiawassee in the
“Heart of Georgia’s Hills.”
Chestatee Man Killed When
Gar Goes (her Bank
Dahlonega, Ga., May 18—(Spe¬
cial)—Alexander Christopher, an
employee of the Piedmont corpora*
tion, was killed almost instantly to¬
day when his car somersaulted
down an embankment near his
home at Chestatee, Ga. Occupants
of an automobile directly behind
the death ci" at the time of the
accident utt ipted to save the
man’s life, i> ' i also notified pliysi*
cities, but died before medical
attention co 1 be administered.
While the cause of the accident
is not known definitely, it is
thought that a break in the steering
apparatus w -s responsible for
Christopher losing control ot the
machine. Although he was travel¬
ing at a slow rate of speed at the
time, he was unnble to stop the car
in time to prevent the crash.
He was returning home from a
short trip in the country when the
accident happened.
lie is survived by his widow and
several children. The body was
taken to his home uv Chestatee.
His remains were laid to rest at
Clermont Cemetery Wednesday
afternoon where Clermont Masonic
Lodge conducted the funeral
Five Men Are Sentenced
For Attack on Child
Dahlonega, Ga., May t6~Rascoe
and Ben Perry sentenced ’
Wednesday to serve five to ten
years, Abe Wehunt, three to four
years, and Alex Lackey and Luke
Tanner, one to two years, follow¬
ing their trial here this week in
connection with an attack on a
thirteen-year old girl. Wehunt,
Lackey and Tanner were tried as
accessories to the crime. The jury
was selected only after I35 special
jurymen had been struck. Two of
the accused young men were
brought back from Kokomo, Ind.,
by Spe ial Deputies C. C. Burns
and C, H. Jones.
Judge Jones, who has served
this circuit for a number of years,
in passing sentence, stated that he
had sentenced nine persons to hang,
and he considered this the worst
case that had come before him.
Motion for new trial was filed by
counsel for the defense. More than
100 witnesses were sworn, and it
is believed that it would be prac¬
tically impossible to secure another
jury in this county.
Mr. Jack itaocel was in this
part one d*iy *• *t week on business.
Rev. J. G. Young delivered a
fine sermon at Hood Chapel last
We are sorry to state that Mr.
J. E. Wheeler is quite sick at
Mr. Jim Turner is all smiles over
the arrival of a big boy.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Glover
passed through this part last week.
Rev. Jim Bowman will preacli
at Hood Chapel the first Sunday in
There will be a foot washing at
Tesnatee next Sunday May 15th.
There was some frost here Satur¬
day morning.
Miss Sallie Warwick spent last
Sunday with Misses Annie Rose
and Mannie Pearl Thomas.
Mr. Charlie Nix has purchased a
new car.
A long distance telephone
message Wednesday informed me
that the Nitcoochee-Hiawissee
Highway association will celebrate
its ffrst anniversary with a great
at Hiawassee on June
Which date will also be the
second anniversary of the now
famous Constitution government
expedetion into the northeast and
north-central Georgia mountains,
which expedition moved out of At¬
lanta 40 cars strong on the morn
ing of Juno 2, 1922.
The Nacoochee-Hiawassee asso¬
ciation was organized on the first
anniversary of that expedition, the
objective of which was to open up
the Georgia mountains to tourists
and health and recreation seekers.
Since that time—in just 1 2
months of active service—the asso¬
ciation lias accomplished wonderful
results, and today a number of
roads and highways have been
built through these mountain sec¬
tions, and others are in progress,
or are scheduled for the near future.
No similar association in Ameri¬
ca ever made a more enviable
record forconRructive service in so
shost a time.
It is fitting, therefore, that the
convention to be held in Iliawas
see on June a, should be attended
by thousands of people from all
sections of north Georgia.
Several officials from Washing¬
ton, as well ns Georgia state high¬
way pected department be in attendance. officials, are ex¬
At this convention the proposed
national park, to be established
somewhere in the southern Appa
lacuain mountains, will be discussed
and a committee to escort the
national park commission on its
approaching tour of the mountains
;il ^ unmed>
It must be understood that the
movement for a national park, be¬
gun by The Constitution in 1922,
does not mean that it will in any
embrace or otherwise interfere with
the recreational development of the
national forest in Georgia, which
work is now progressing most
satisfactorily under the United
States bureau of forestry.—Jas. A.
Hollomon, Atlanta Constitution.
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& C'. - 1
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■W;- - 3 ?
Every Motoring Need
m At Lowest Cost
The Ford Touring Car meets every
motoring requirement at the lowest
possible cost. It is sturdy, depend¬
able, long lived; easy to drive; con¬
venient to park — and possesses
the highest resale value in propor¬
tion to list price, of any car built.
The Touring Car (A Detroit, Michi*.n ^ \ I'
**95 Runabout Wordoor SEE 9265 Sodon THE 9685 NEAREST Coup* 9925 AU AUTHORIZED price, Tudor f. o. t. Detroit Sodon 9590
and Demountable Scatter *85 Rime extra •if’' .. §
0 T
Rev. T. J. Hanie will preach at
Mossy Creek on the fourth Sunday
at ii a. in. on the superanuuted
The revival services at the Cleve¬
land Methodist Church starts Sun¬
day, May 25. Rev. L. W. Collins,
a wonderful preacher, of Flberton,
will preach at these series of
The Cleveland Epworth League
presented a program at Chattahoo¬
chee (Robertstown) Sunday after¬
noon, which was well attended and
greatly enjoyed.
Mr, Fred May, bridge engineer,
informs us his mother-in-law is an
heir to the Edwards estate in New
York City.
This estate is around $60,000,000.
Fred is already planning to have
a palatial residence erected on
Riverside Drive, N. Y,, and has
extended us an invitation to spend
an extended visit with him in this
magnificent palace and enjoy the
high-brow” society. Of course
we accepted.
We are putting on another fish sup¬
per Saturday night.
Always make our place your head¬
Your continued patronage will be
City Cafe
We Satisfy
Particular People
Make Sunday a day of rest for
the women as welt as for the
men of the family.
The cost is as modest as the
enjoyment of our home cooked
dinner is great.
Ctts Cafe
The many friends of Mr. A. B,
C. Dorsey, traveling salesman of
Pabnour Hardware Company
Gainesville, in White County will
be i iterested to hear that he and
Miss Nell Allen, the beautiful and
accomplished daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. C. R. Allen, of Gainesville,
have announced their engagement.
The wedding will be in the early
part of June.
Mr. Dorsey lias many friends in
White County who extend to him
and his bride a very, very happy
married life.