Newspaper Page Text
tTbe Cleveland* Courier.
Official Organ of White County, Ga
Fuhliebed Weekly at Cleveland Ga.
.7 vs. I'. Davidson, Editor.
Knlered at the Pom iflice At Cleveland
Ga., as second class itsail matter.
Member Ninth District Press Ataodatan
** Georgia Pres* “
" National Editorial
“ Pres* Congress Of The World
Subscription, $ 1.50 per year
President Calvin Coolidge’s reti¬
cence in the recent presidential
campaign lias set the politicans to
wondering. But they must be ra
minded that there are many old
proverbs that psoves the strength
of silence.
“Speech is silence; silence is
golden.” “Silent men, like still
waters, are deep and dangerous,
However it may be kept |in mind
that no unknown man can an
nounoe for president, retire into
isolation and be elected president,
or to any other office. 5 et it is as
Mr. Coolidge said “many men talk
themselves out of office.’
“Don’t speak”, says Emerson,
“what you are thuuders so loud 1
can’t hear what you say.”
}{ there is a man in the 9th con¬
gressional district who has his eyes
on Tom Beil’s seat, he had better
be careful. Two years ago I oin s
opponent died a tew' days after the
primary. In the recent primaty
Tom had opposition and now his
opponent is dead. It not only
means defeat to oppose l om, but
it looks like it means death also.—
Commerce News.
Scientists are cons'antly labor¬
ing to fine 11 cure for tuberculosis
and from news reports it would
seem they are making some remark¬
able progress to that end. Wheth¬
er it can ever lie accomplished no
one knows, Danish surgeon are
attracting the attention of the
world with their new remedy,
Sanoerysin. Prof. Moellgard ex¬
pects to come to the U. S. to lec¬
ture to the medical profession soon
after Jan. 1st.
Judge A. L. Dorsey lells us that
the old soldiers pension checks are
now in his office. This is a nice
Christmas present for these dear
old fellows who fought so valiant¬
ly for the lost cause. 'Phis check
is $25 for each soldier.
The many readers of TheCburier
will be over-joyed when they read
tlie news story on the first page ot
this issue regarding the location of
a national park in the Great Smoky
mountains and the construction of
a national highway from Atlanta
leading into this park, which will
pass through Gainesville, Nacoo
cbee Valley. Helen, Robertstown
and Iliawassee.
Congressman Thus. M. Bell,who
has devoted considerable time to
the location of the national park in
Georgia, is to get the praise it the
project goes through. Since jj[lhe
park commission did not recom¬
mend that Georgia embrace the
park, Congressman Bell suggested
that the government build a na¬
tional highway leading into it, and
says that it should be illuminated.
Should the government build a
national highway leading into the
park, and there is much reason to
believe they will, in nil probability
they will give the tunnel and
illumination due consideration, as
it is such an attraction in itself.
Tiiis should awaken our people il
they are ever to be awakened. We
must give every possible aid and
support to this project, as it means
so much to our future development
The government will give Mr.
Bell’s plan careful consideration
and it is up to our people to do
everything in their power to assist
The Courier is vttallv interested
in Mr. Bell’s plan and will be very
active in assisting him in anything
Co put it through.
Of course it is left up to Con
gross to pass on his plan and up
j»r 'prints rootle for the construc-
tion of this gigantic development,
but the congress fully realizes that
it would be such an added attrac¬
tion for people to visit the park. ^
The Courier believes this illu
minuted tunnel will be more at.-i
tractive than than the national
park. The valley, of
Iliawassee are unequalled any-f
where in the world. They are
rich in Indian legends, which is of j
great interest to the whole country,
The meeting of White County:
Fruit Growers Assocsation held in
the court house last Saturday after
noon was attended by enthusiastic 1
fruit growers of the county who
were fortunate in having Mr Firor,'
field secretary of the State Horti
cultural Society, address them on
fruit growing and , Prof. .. , v Keener, of ,
the State College, spoke on the ad
vantages of fruit growing. Con
siderable interest is being shown 1
in White county lately in fruit f
There will be no paper issued
Jan 2 , 1925- The Editor hopes
that all items of news will be sent
in early next week so he wont be
required to work all day Christmas I
j. L. Pepper captured two gal
Ions of whiskey in a Ford car Mon
day eveving abouf 3 4 mile west of I. j
Cleveland and arrested Messrs
M, Hulsey, John Jarrard and son,
Oscar, all of near Brookton. |
White county had ginned 489
bales of cotton on December 8. j
while on the same day one year’
ago there was only 165 bales ginned
The dedication of Roy Head ;
Memorial bridge is giving Cleve
land and Wiiite county some won.
derful publicity. Thank White
County i’ost for it, as they got it
for you.
There will be no rural mail on
Christmas day. The postoffice will
only be opened at mail hours.
A fellow in Nebraska advocates
the revocation of all marriage li¬
censes issued in his state where no
children are born within two years
Leaf Leaflets.
Alter being silent for a consider¬
able time we will try to get in the
harnass and give you the news
from this section regularly.
Mrs. IV. S, Brock has been very
sick lor some time and is not much
improved at this writing.
Mr. D. F. Dalton has bought the
Z. A. Kenimer old home place and
has moved to it. Mr. Dalton is a
hood citizen and we welcome him
in oiir neighborhood.
Mr. Marvin Chapman has moved
to his new home that he bought
from E. T. Irvin,
Married last Sunday evening at
Mr. 1 ). L, I’ayne’s, Miss May
Dooley, of Leaf, to Mr. Lon Ger
rin, of Cornelia. May happiness,
and prosperity be their’s as they
travel down the path of life.
Rev. Oscar Wade, of Alto, is
the new preacher at Macedonia.
Miss Mazie Kenimer is sick at
There will be two Chritmas tiees
in this community. One at Union
Grove and one at Zion.
Rev. V. S. Nicholson filled his
appointment Smith’s Chapel
The White Creek school is being
iHught by Miss Corsia Wilbanks
and Miss Ramsey, of near Clurkes
The new preacher Rev. Babe
Cantrell will preach at Chattahoo¬
chee Sa urday evening and Sun¬
Mrs. Jane Thompson was called
to the bedside of her granddaughter
Mrs. G. Barden, of Atlanta, last
Friday, who is very low with ap
i peudicitis.
j --
Mr. C. J. Webb, a very progres¬
sive young man of Gainesville, aud
Mr. Duncan, were in town Thurs*
' th e Cleveland cour
ier. Cleveland, Georgia.
%oca( flews
Messrs. W. L. Norton and Tollie
Allcn v i s i te ci Atlanta last Friday,
Messrs ’ Isaac J ackson and Alla »
r took Claude Wright to the
Mr. W. A. Nix is marshal of
Cleveland now. W’ill says he will
treat all alike, but will get them if
thep don’t walk the straight line.
Miss Mary Bulgin spent a tew
d; ,y S w Jti, homefolks since our last
i&sue> Miss Mary’s health is im
proving rapidly,
Mr ‘ Ch " on Faulkner, who has
been ,n . Da,llone * a {or the P a *‘
* ever ‘ l “ 1 ° nths - “ 10ved liack to
Cleveland last week,
Mr. O. M. Hooper has moved to
near F. M. G. Nix’s,
Mrs . Frank Kenimer returned
last Sunday from Atlanta, where
s h e spent several days.
Messrs. Marvin and Sam Allison
spent the week-end homefolks.
Mrs. Florence Aenderssn relum¬
ed last Saturday from Athens,
where she has been with her son,
Parks Bell, who underwent an
operation for appedicitis.
Mrg> j ohu Noglich was in town
one day th j 8 weck .
Mr ' 1 arks J5eli wi,i re ‘ url1
‘ atltr
Mr. W. C. Logan, of Helen, was
a visitor in town fora day or so
this week.
Mr. G. E. Sutton is in a critical
condition. JIis m . lny friends trust
that he will soon be on the road to
rapid recovery.
Mr. Garneett Campbell, who
was operated on at Downey’s Hos¬
pital for appendicitis, is now at
Richard Turner’s, But Garnett is
not improving as fast as his friends
had hoped for.
Mrs. Alice Taylor spent a day or
so in Atlanta last week.
City Court only held for an hour
or so Monday.
People of this part are all about
done gathering their crops. We
have lots to be thankful for.
Mr. Fletcher Cooley and son
visited Atlanta last week.
Rev. Win. Greenway gave us a
good talk at Mossy Creek last Sun
day on the Wesleyan Memorial
Hospital. It sure is as good as lie
says. Let’s every one help to keep
the good work going.
There will be a box supper at
Mossy Creek next Saturday night,
Dec. 2o Ever body invited to
come prepared for the occasion.
The proceeds go for Christmas
presents for Mossy Creek Sunday
Mcsdumes Robert Kenimer, W.
Henderson and A. T. Wilson
were visitors to our Literary Soci
ety last Friday.
Our scholl girls played basket
ball with Clermont girls last Wed
ne duy, Dec. joth. The score was
in t-.ivoi of Clermont. The
boys of these schools played also
The score was 4-24 in favor of
Misses Stephens, Wiggins and
Keith and Mrs. C. C. Jarrard were
in Gainesville on business last
Thursday afternoon.
Miss Nelms and Kenyon were
visiting Gainesville last Saturday.
School will close Friday for two
weeks for the Christmas Holidays.
There will be a program Friday
evening, Dec. 19. at 1 130. Come
and hear it. Space does not per¬
mit us to give tho program.
All who are due me on Watkins
accounts will please see me at once,
as I desire to settle this claim by
January irt.
J. II. Campbell
Sunday, Dec. 21, is Sunday
School and church day at the Bap¬
tist church and everybody is re¬
quested to come and bring some
one with them. This is the last
preaching day at our church lor
this year and lets make it the great¬
est day of the year for the Sunday
day School and preaching service.
Subject for the morning hour is:
Financing the Kingdom, and ihe
evening hour is : The Birth ofjesus
The B. Y. B. U. is going some
with Brother E. L. Russell presi¬
dent and Miss Clara Henderson
and Miss Bertha Wiggins, Group
Captains. If you want to hear a
real spiritual program put on and
meet with a good live bunch of
Christain young people attend the
B. Y. P. U. each Sunday evening
at 6 o’clock.
j£pwortb Xeacjuc IRews
Our President is getting
nicely, thank you, and we are
looking for him home just
time now. That sounds like good
news to the League.
The prayer meeting congregation
Wednesday night decided unant
mousiy to have a “Watch Night
Service,” on New Yuar’s eve, that
being the regular prayer
night. Miss Annie Mae Campbell
was elected leader. The time
be from 10:30 till midnight. Fur¬
ther particulars nsxt week.
All Leaguers are urgently
quested to pay dues at once.
Mr. Charlie Allen and daughter,
Miss Ethel, of Gillsville, are spend¬
ing a few days with his mother,
Mrs. Sarah Allen.
Mr. J. G. Thomas is very ill at
We are very sorty to learn that
Uncle Jim Nix is growing feeble.
Mrs. Linton Nix and children
were visiting here one day last
Mr. Jim Allen was in this part
one day last week
We wish The Courier and many
readers a happy Christmas and a
prosperous New Year.
Pay Your Subscription Now
Second Announcement of our Xmas Bargain
Feast. A Cash Raising Sale.
Men’s ovetcoats regular $15.00 val
ues at $12.95
Men’s Work Shoes $2.50 to $3.7
values going while they last $1.97
to $2.95
Men’s Mole skin combination rain
and top coat special $6 45
Ladies’Coats $16 00 values going
at $12.95
Be sure to see our display of alum¬
inum ware
One lot imported blankets special
AU$1.50 values in underwear at
$1.39. All $1.00 values S 9 <’
This Sale will close December 31st so come early and take advantage of the greatest bar¬
gain feast you ha>’e ever had the opportunity to attend.
Remember The Closing Date
Cleveland Mercantile Company
Cleveland, Ga.
Cleveland Mercantile Co., Bas
Big Success With Sale
The cash raising sale put on last
week by Cleveland Mercantile Co.,
was so well greeted by the people
of White County that il was almost
necessary to have a traffic cop to
direct the large number of people
that crowded their store for the
first two days.
This sale proved a tremendous
success and is an eye opener to the
people, especially to the merchants
who want to be up-to-date.
This firm sold the first two days
of the sne around $600.
Mr. Forresle, the expert special
ty man in merchandising . ,. and ad- ,
vertismg, had full charge of the
This new firm attributes their
splendid success to their generous
advertising ... they , have , given . The
Juliet Tuggle, Home Demonstra¬
tion Agent ; Saturday office day.
# Practical
f Nurse Tells
JK Mrs. N. E. Snow, of Route
'igj' 1 , near Paris, Tenn., tells the
a®) V story follows: of her experience as
“I am 62 years old and I
have been a practical nurse
for more than 20 years, tak¬
ing mostly maternity cases.
One of my daughters suffered
from cramping at . . . She
would just bend double and
have to go to bed.
The Woman’s Tonic
was recommended to her and
she only had to take about
two bottles, when sha hardly
knew that it was . . ., ah*
suffered so little pain.
“M y youngest daughter
was run-down, weak and
nervous, and looked like she
didn’t have a bit of blood
left—just a walking skeleton,
no appetite and tired all the
time. 1 gave her two bottle*
of Cardui. It built her up
and she began eating ana
soon has bean gained well in weight since.” and
Cardui, the Woman's Tonic,
has for helped suffering women Try
over forty years. it.
At all druggists’.
Pay Your Subscription Now
This sale opened Friday
morning. Dec. 12 at 1) A. >!.,
and our store bas been throng¬
ed with anxious buyers ever
sitiee. It -h:ts gone away be¬
yond our expectation, due to
the fact that we are offering
the best merehanise at the
lowest prices ever before of¬
fered in this vicinity.
We have had customers
from three enmities around
our own.
Frankly, friends and cus¬
tomers. we are not pricing
anything in our store for baits.
There is a genuine reduction
on everything in our store and
all our merchandise is new.
Come and buy then tell your
Thanking you for the busi¬
ness you have given us in the
past. And hoping to have
your future patronage we are.
Yours very truly,
Cleveland Mercantile Co.
Leea * “»«**«<•
“SSL’SS'SSw c „„
door in said eoanty in the town of Cleve¬
land on the first Tuesday in Jamiray 1935
next within the legal hours of sale to the
highest bidder for cash the following
property to wit:
One new Ford automobile motor No.
10613568, body style T. S., capacity 5,
cylinders 4. Levied on as the property
of M. H. Moore to satisfy a morgage fi fa
issued from the Snperior Court of said
county on the 2 nd day of December 1934
in favor of McConnell Auto 8 ales Co.,
against M. H. Moore.
This December 3rd, 1924.
W. A. Jackson, Sherifi,
Georgia Wiiite County.
To whbin it may concern:
C. H. Ed
wards, as administrator of H, L. Turner.
deceased, having applied to me by pe
tition for leave to sell the real estate of
said H. L. Turner, deceased; and that an
orderwas made thereon at the December
T m ’ all heirs e “ tat ’ on an ^ *hat citation
issue; the at law and creditor*
of the said —... H. .,, L. Turner, ulucr deceased, will win
l ,
take “ ------•-■•** notice that - I will — peas open said ap¬
plication at the January term, 1988, of
the Court 0 / Ordinary of White County;
and that unless cause is shown to the
contrary, at said time,said leave will be
This the 1 st day of December, i 934
A. L. Dorsey, Ordinary.
Georgia White County.
Will be sold before the Court House
door in said county on the first Tuesday
in January next within the legal hours
of sale the following interest in real
estate to wit: The mineral interest in
and to lot of land No. 42 in tae 1st dis¬
trict of said county said lot cootaiuiug
360 acres more or less together with
mining rights and privileges thereon to
satisfy a tax ti fa for State and County
tax for the year i923 the same not having
been returned for tax and the owner
thereof being unknown and the same
having been assessed by the tax collector
w - H. Hulsey, and entered on tbs Digest
and as required by law the owner thereof
being unktiow. Levy having been made
by J. L. Pepper and returned to toe.
Sold to satisfy said tax fi fa. Terms
W. A. Jackson, Sheriff.
In a call meeting, Dec. 11, 1925,
of the mayor and aDuncilmen of
Town of Cleveland the following
ordinance was passed :
That no wooden structures be
permitted to be erected on or near
the public square, or any street
running parallel with the square
without first submitting plan to the
mayor and counciimen of said town
and obtaining their permit for such
Subscribe For The Courier.
1000 yds of 60? dress plaids and
suitings at 39F
00 yds of ginghams and 500 yds
of chambray both going at 10 yds
a t 99 0
600 yds of 20* ginghams special at
17 /
1000 yds of outings all color*
special at 16ft
Contis take advantage of prices on
hosiery. Our loss is your gain.
With each $10.00 purchase we are
giving away a 35/ shopping bag.
A few pair of Ladies’ oxfords left.
$5 00 values going at $ 1.79