Newspaper Page Text
all your walls
For sleeping looms — formal
parlors and reception halls —
dining for room and living room
— the library — and for
public buildings.
off. Properly applied it won't rub
Ask your dealer for Ala
bashne Colorchart, ot write
Miss Ruby Brandon, Alabas
tine Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.
Alabastine—a powder in white and
tint*. Packed in 5-pound packages,
ready for use by miring with cold
or warm water. Full direction* on
every wall package. brush. Apply with an ordi¬
nary Suitable for all
interior surface* — plaster, wall
board, brick, cement, or canvas.
CFs ■
^SSSgSSfiSEFsa ranges
A range on which daughter can com¬
pete with mother—its perfect baking
oven is famous— a quarter of a cen¬
tury of service has proved its worth.
Aak your dealer or .write ue for catalog
end where they may be bought.
Nashville x x Tennessee
TUhat $5—Down
is 5YtarstoThy
lacking in%wr Home?
If It la a piano, It need not be—-l be—because out liberal.
easy terms make it poaaible for «Tery family to
have the refinement that only a piano can *i?e. To
prove and satisfy you that our Bweet Toned Plano ;*not are
the fin'eat piano* made, w# acrid you any piano
player-piano that you select on 80 day* free trial.
Try Before You Buy-Play As You Pay
We pay th® freight. No salesmen or aoMcitor* to an¬
noy you. Tou alone are the judge. Every piano or
player-plane guaranteed for 25 years, backed by our
65 years in the piano business, with over $2,000,000
capl ta 1. Our ‘ Factory to He. roe’' plan aaveeovr.r $200.00.
Send today f*r 6ur Easy Payment Plan and Catalog.
tCHMOUER & MUELLER PlANO CO,, 0*itm, N*fcr., BeftWtJ
Please *end me your plan and catalog
That’s Why
“Dat sho’ am a flamin’ tie yo’ got on,
Rastus!” “Yo’ sho’ am right, Sambo.
Ah got it at a ftah sale.”
Aspirin Marked With "Bayer Cross”
Has Been Proved Safe by Millions.
Warning! Unless you see the name
“Bayer" on package or on tablets you
are not getting the genuine Bayer
Aspirin proved safe by millions and
prescribed by physicians for 23 years.
Say “Bayer” when you buy Aspirin.
Imitations may prove dangerous.—Adv.
Science Teacher—Name a liquid
that won’t freeze.
Student—Ho! water.
When pugilists begin to use soft an¬
swers tlie chances are they will fight.
Fancy is the friend of woe.
Sure Relief
1 ro*
INDIGESTIO*^ »n cents.
\'#(^^ SoBeu.-an ! Hot s
v® water
■■fc — ] Sure aure Relief Keiier
Newsy Paragraphs
’ Of State Interest
Macon.—James Daley, who came |
here from Camden, 111., 31 years ago
as a meat cutter^ was found burned
to death in th plant of the Georgia
acking company^ ^he of wfcich he was a
part owner, body was sobadlv
charred that it was some time before
identification was established.
Macon.-J. A. Swain, who shot
and killed J. Walter Johnson here on
December 16, will be tried bn Febru¬
ary 23. it was announced by Soliuitor
General Charles H. Garrett. The so¬
licitor has completed the calendar for
the term of court. There eight mur¬
der cases on the calendar and a total
208 criminal cases. The term will
last for four weeks.
Milledgeville—Colonel Frank Row¬
ell, of the fourth corps area headquar¬
ters at Fort McPherson, arrived in
Milledgeville in preparation for the
inspection of the Georgia Military
college R. O. T. C. unit. The inspec¬
tion will embrace all forms ot milita¬
ry science and will consume a day.
Captain E, T. Bowden, P. M. S. and T.
of the local school, announced that
the battalion was ready.
Milledgeville.—The city of Milledge¬
ville, and the county of Baldwin, will
make every effort to help restore the
buildings, now' so necessary to the
Georgia State College for Women.
This is borne out by the action of the
grand jury of this county, that rec¬
ommended that the county court¬
house, located in the same square as
the college buildings, and now used
in part to help accommodate the col¬
lege classes, be sold to the college
and that new quarters be found for
the courthouse.
Atlanta.—Haliard de La Parelle has
been appointed assistant entomologist
for the state of Georgia. He will soon
take up his duties with the state
board, it was announced by State En¬
tomologist Ira W. Williams. Mr.
de La Parelle succeeds the late John
D. Moor. The new state official is a
graduate of the University of Califor¬
nia and comes here from that state,
where he has resided since boyhood.
He served overseas in the World war
with the 117th Engineers, Forty
second division.
Brunswick.—Good and bad news
reached Brunswick from the adjacent
flooded territory. Slight improvement
was noted In places while in others
an increase in the rising waters was
recorded. The Altamaha delta re¬
mains covered with w-ater and the
automobile highway between Bruns¬
wick and Darien is impassable. An
army truck loaded with food by the
Bainbridge Red Cross reached the
marooned people of Everett City after
making a 15-mile trip overland and
transferring the food to boats.
Macon.—Stockholders of the Georgia
Casualty company at their meeting
here voted to amend the charter so
as to permit the home offices of tho
company to be removed from this city
to Atlanta whenever the officers see
fit to do so. W. E. Small, president
of the company, stated that no imme¬
diate removal is contemplated. Offic¬
ers elected by the board of directors
are: W. E. Small, president; Wfll I j
Gunn, Dr: J. C. McAfee, Jesse B. Hart
and T. B. McRitchie, vice presidents,
and J. C. Morton, secretary and treas¬ i
Moultrie.—Afficers in all of the
points on the main roads into Florida
have been asked to join in the search
for Mrs. Cora Lee Giles and her broth¬
er, McKinley Croft, who just before
they were scheduled to go on trial
in superior court here, charged with
an attack on Mrs. Frank Myers, prin¬
cipal, and Miss Alice Raiford, assist¬
ant principal, of the Berlin school,
jumped cash bonds in the sum of
*2,500 each and fled from Moultrie.
Judge W. E. Thomas forfeited the
bonds, Issued bench warrants for Mrs.
Giles and Croft and ordered them held
in jail in case of their arrest.
Atlanta. — Prospective theological
students are beginning to manifest in¬
terest in the removal of Columbia The¬
ological seminary from Columbia, S.
C., to Atlanta, it was learned at the
weekly meeting of the Presbyterian
ministers. Several ministers reported
that young men of Atlanta had decid¬
ed to enter the ministry when the
Columbia seminary is located in At¬
lanta, as it would give them an oppor¬
tunity to attend ths great training
school, which privilege would be de¬
nied them if they had to seek the
training elsewhere. It wastated by
one minister that three young ladles
had expressed a desire to go into
Christian service since they would
have the opportunity of entering the
training esehool, which will he a part
of the work given by the seminary.
Atlanta.—American prisons are the
best-regulated, most sanitary and ad¬
vanced In the world, far surpassing
those of foreign countries, according
to Mrs. J. W. Snook, wife of the newly
installed warden of the Atlanta Fed¬
eral penitentiary, "And the difficul¬
ties Bew found in American prisons
may be overcome by providing prison¬
ers with adequate work for whieh they
are Justly compenlated,” declared
Mrs, Snook. “Idleness,’’ atae says, “is
the worst thing imaginable for any¬
one. whether in or out of prison.
Paste these articles in o book
they can be kept.
Burns cause violent Inflamma¬
tion of skin and tissue. Never use
water. But to draw' out the heat
and prevent blistering, It has been
found that the oils contained in
Mustang Liniment are very efficient
if used promptly. The healing
properties of this soothing liniment
are especially valuable In treating
burns and scaids/
Mfg. Co., 44 S. 5th St., Brw»klyn, N. Y.
Offer Mfrs. Note:
5c and
coupon Tell us your
demon¬ own experi¬
size. ence with
drug- or MustangLini
store ment. $1 paid
supply for published. every let¬
or ter
Spohn DISTEMPER s JV.; ^
take ilmnoes ot your horses or mules
laid op with Distemper, Influenza,
Eye, l.nrvufiit!*. Heaves, Coughs or
Give “SPOKE'S” to both the nick
the well ones. The standard remedy
30 years. Give “SPOHN’S” for Dob Dis¬
SO cent* ami $1,110 at drug stores.
' m * r If frequent shaving
Resinol —irritates your skin use
sensitive Perhaps the daily shave makes it your
skin bum and smart, or may
cause a rash which is uncomfortable
and embarrassing. Resinol Oint¬
ment helps greatly to relieve and clear
away such ailments, but Resinol
Shaving Stick tends to prevent them
entirely. ing lather Its rich, generous, non-dry¬
makes shaving a pleasure
because no after-shaVing lotions are
necessary, and the face is left smooth,
cool and soft. Iiesinol products at
all druggists.
Banish Pimples
By Using
Ointment Soap to Cleanse Heal
Try our neVShavIng Stick.
Happiness elusive
Happiness, of all filings, Is so
Unit often , oho . doesn't’ know
lie has it. But years,jafteu’ward he
when it was his.
Do You Knoiv
That mashed turnips and squash are
by the addition of a small
of Calumet Baking Powder?
Exceeding the Limit
“Harriet tells everything she
“Yes. and unfortunately she
stop there.”
For bloated feeling: and distressed breath¬
due to Indigestion you need a medicine
well as a purgative. Wright's Indian
Filin are both. Adv.
As a rule, lazy people are good-hu¬
but it is impossible to budge
Ite ^hake
And Sprinkle
The Antiseptic, Healing Powder for
tired, swollen, smarting, sweating
feet. It takes the friction frorp the
shoe, prevents blisters and sore spots
and takes the sting out of corns' and
bunions. Always use AlWi Foot-E*«
to break In new shoes. Sold every¬
where. Trial paqkage Free. Address
haarlem oil has been a world¬
wide remedy fer kidney, liver and
bladder disorders, rheumatism,
lumbago and uric acid conditidns.
correct internal troubles, stimulate vital
organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist
on the original genuine Gold Medal.
if Money HUNT’S back SALVE ■witBont fails question in tbe
treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA,
Itching skin diseases. Price
75 c at druggists, or direct from
A 8 Bicfcartfs tfrtieiM Co.. SHermaMei
Sunday T Lesson School T
(By REV. p. B. FITZWATER, D.D., Dean
Of the Evening School. «Moo<ly Bible In¬
stitute of Chicago.!
((c). 1925. Western Newspaper Union.)
Lesspn for February 8
LESSON TEXT—John 17:1-26.
through GOLDEN thine TEXT—"Holy Father, those whom keep
own name
thou hast given me, that they may be
one, as we are,”—John 17:11.
PRIMARY TOPIC—Jesus Praying for
His Friends.
JUNIOR TOPIC—What Jesus Prayed
IC—Christ's Prayer for His Disciples.
IC—Christ’s Intercessory Prayer.
I. His Prayer for Himself (vv. 1-5).
Fully conscious that the hour of His
crucifixion has at hand He pra§ed
to the Father saying. “Glorify thy Son,
that thy Son also may glorify Thee.”
His coming into the world had as its
supreme mission the glorification of
the Father, in order that the Father
might be glorified it was necessary
that tlie Son should be glorified.
1. To Him Had Been Given the Pow¬
er to Give Eternal Life to God's
Chosen Ones (w. 2, 31). Eternal life
is knowledge of and a right relation
to the true God and Jesus, Christ.
Thus we see that eternal life is a re¬
lationship and not an entity.
2. He Declared That He Had Fin¬
ished the Work Committed Unto Him
(v. 4). The definite work which He
came to do was to give eternal life to
the chosen of God.
II. His Prayer for His Immediate
Disciples (w. 6-19).
it Their Preservation (vv. 9-16). He
did not pray that they would be taken
out of the world but that they might
be kept from the Evil One. It is not
the divine will that we go to heaven
at once when we believe because:
(1) Christ needs our ministry.
Those who have been made partakers
of the divine life are His representa¬
tives In the world.
(2) We need His grace strength¬
ened and developed in ns. Heaven i«
a prepared place and only those who
have been prepared for it can be ad-'
mitted Into it.
(3) The world needs us. Christ de¬
clares that the .disciples are the light
of the world, the salt of the earth
(Matt. 5:16). Only as the light of
the Lord shines forth through the dis¬
ciples can tlie people in the world find
their way.
2. Their Sanctification (w. 17-19).
(1) Sanctify means: First, to set
apart; that meaps then that the dis¬
ciples were to be set apart to do the
specific work of representing .Christ;
second, to cleanse; those who arcset
apart as His representatives need thp
special cleansing grace to make them
vessels fit for the Master’s use.
(2) Tlie Instrument used (v. 17).
They were to be sanctified through
Gpd’s truth. God's truth is His Word.
(K) The purpose (v. 18). They
were sanctified In ‘‘order that they
might be qualified for Ills service in
the world.
(4) Jesus’own sanctification wns for
that purpose (v. 10). He is the grand
III. His Prayer for His Future Dis¬
ciple* (vv. 20-26).
1. Their Unification (vv. 20-23). His
great concern was that ail believers
should be united.
(1) The grand pattern of this spir¬
itual union is the union that exists
between the Father and the Son (v.
21 ).
(2) The incentive making possible
this union (v. 22). The vision of the
glory of God In Christ (II Cor. 3:18)
1* the grand Incentive which unites
the believers.
(3) The purpose (v. 23). The su¬
preme objective in the unification of
the believers is to convince the world
that God sent Jesus Christ to save It.
2. Their Glorification (vv. 24-26).
The disciple of Christ enjoys fellow¬
ship with the Father and the Son and
fellowship with his fellow believer,
but he also looks forward to the
time when he shall he glorified.
(1) “I will that they be with Me
where 1 am” (v. 24). There Is a pres
ent*g!ory enjoyed by believers.
(a) They are now children of God,
although it does not yet appear what
they shall be.
(b) Ttey now possess eternal life
and therefore shall never- perish.
While there is the present glory, Jesus
wants His disciples to be with Him
in Heaven. He said, “Except a grain
of wheat fail into the ground and die,
it abideth alone.” We can reverently
say that unless the believer Is taken
to Heaven Christ will be lonely.
(2) “Behold my glory” (v. 24). The
believer shall share the ineffable glory
of Christ (I John 3:1-3).
The Ma$ter-Word
The master-word of Christianity Is
A bone to the dog is not charity.
Charity is the bone shared with the
dog when you are just as hungry as
the dog.
Never Be Afraid
Never be afraid of giving up your
best—and God will give you His bet¬
Men’s Muscles
Men’s muscles move better when
:heir souls are making merry music.
Boschee’s Syrup *
Allays Irritation, soothes and heals
throat and luhg inflammation. The
constant irritation of a cough keeps
the delicate mucus membrane of the
throat and lungs in a congested con¬
dition. which BOSCHEE’S SYRUP
gi ly and quickly heals. For this
reason It has been a favorite house¬
hold remedy for colds, coughs, bron¬
chitis and especially for lung troubles
In millions of homes all over the
world for the last fifty-eight years,
enabling the patient to obtain a good
night’s rest, free from coughing with
easy expectoration in the morning.
wherever medicines are sold.—Adv.
’ , It Depends
“Is marriage a failure?”
“You never can tell until you’ve
seen ttie wedding presents.”
Shave With Cuticura Soap
And double your razor efficiency as
well as promote skin purity, skin com¬
fort and skin health. No mug, no
slimy soap, no germs, no waste, no irri¬
tation even when shaved' twice daily.
One soap for all uses—shaving, bath¬
ing and shampooing.—Advertisement.
What They Broke
“Did tiie lawyers succeed in break¬
ing old Roxley’s will?” “No; but they
broke all the contestants.”
Baby's Bfest Laxative is
“California Fig Syrup”
When baby is constipated, lias wind
colic, feverish breath, eoated-tongue,
or diarriiea, a half-teaspoonful of genu¬
ine “California Fig Syrup” promptly
moves the poisons, gases, bile, souring
food and waste rigid out. Never
cramps or overacts. Babies love its
delicious taste.
Ask your druggist for genuine “Cali¬
fornia Fig Syrup” which has full direc¬
tions for infants in arms, and children
of all ages, plainly printed on bottle.
Mother I Yon must say “California”
or you may get an imitation lig syrup.
The Hero
She—Have you heard of Bee’s en
gagement ?
He—Indeed; who’s the plucky
A Raw, Sore Throaf
Eases Quickly When You
Apply a Little Musterole
And Musterole won’t blister like the
old-fashioned mustard plaster. Just
spread it on with your fingers. It
penetrates to the sore spot with a gentle
tingle, loosens the congestion and draws
out the soreness and pain.
Musterole i3 a clean, white ointment
made with oil of mustard. It is fine for
quick tonsillitis, relief from sore stiff throat, bronchitis,
croup, neck, asthma,
neuralgia, headache, congestion, pleu¬
risy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and
aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore
muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet,
colds on the che*t. Keep it handy
for instant use.
To Mothers: Musterole is also
made in milder form for
babies and small children.
Aak for Children’s Musterole.
35c and 65c, jars and tubes; hos¬
pital size, $3.00.
Better than a mustard plaster
Personality is something others
In you, but which you can’t exactly
measure yourself.
|V/ mm
/ r o»
CJhild-totifi /*“> iacts about
TT has been proven conclusively that mu A
X enced the during suffering, pain and dread experi¬
child-birth it entirely expectancy, as well at at
An eminent physician. unnecessary.
Dr. J. H. Holme**
expert in this science, first produced the great
remedy “Mother's Friend,’*
which aids the muscles
and tissues to expand more
easily, during the constant
readjustment, month after
month, right up to the
climax of child-birth.
Mother's Friend” is ap¬
plied externally. Three
generations of expectant
mothers have used it.
"Pains disappeared in two
days after using 'Mother's
Friend,’ ” writes a user.
4, I owe my life to ‘Moth¬
er’s Friend,' ” declared
another. Use “Mother's Friend” as our mother*
and grandmothers did, start today and ex¬
perience the wonderful comfort It will give you*
Write Bradficld Regulator Co., Desk 112,
facts Atlanta, Ga., for free booklet giving many
‘Mother's every Friend” expectant mother should know.
is Bold at ail good drug
•tores— everywhere.
yfe&iKI ^PAFNESS'' .“I ' Jit Ad Jill / 1// Druggists 1- 1
|D0^ ^ 1 A.O. 70-5 ABOUT' Leonard. —AVE., 2 i&t/ftSfJ NEW 3 Inc. YORK ”ON REflUEST.
The Great Plague
Teacher—Can any of you boys tell
me what the Great Blague was?
Do You Cough?
Need a Tonic?
East Chattanooga, Term.—“Time
and again Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medi¬
has cal Discovery
broken up
bad colds and
coughs; time
and again has it
been our Spring
tonic, driving
out the poisons
of the body and
enriching the
“O nc ol my
sons had a most
stubborn cough
that would not yield to treatment for
a long time, but eventually the 'Gol¬
den Medical Discovery’ overcame the
trouble.’—Mrs. Susie Bean, 1819
Tinker St.
Ask your nearest dealer for this
'Discovery' in tablets or iiauid!
PISO’S /or coughs
[ ’ Quick Relief 35c A and pleasant 60c sizes effective syrup.
And externally, use PISO'S
Throat and Chest
Salve. 35c
Cabbage Plants
“Frostproof.’' tpn AH leading varieties. 1,000
to 4,000 100 at $1.25 per 1,000; 6,*000 and over
at $1.00 per 1,000. Pay y postage or expresa 250,
charges on arrival. Prices postpaid: plant*.
60c; 500, $1.10. Nice high-grade guaranteed. ide
Prompt shipment. Safe arrival
“How to Care for Plants” went with order.
Agents wanted. REINHARDT PLANT
TROLLED MACHINES. Large ut*d small.
Check Boy, $50; Liberty Bells, $40, Universal
Vending, Yonkers and Central,"Yonkers, N. Y.
Radio: One-tube long-distftnce receiver, cab¬
inet build, genuine bakelite panel, with bat¬
teries, tube, aerial, ground wire, insulators
and head phones. $15.50 complete. SB.00
deposit with order, balance C.O.D. We also
mfr. 5-tube *etg; prices on request, Mr. Hor
neck, Radio Dept.. 1510 Jackson, Chicago, 111.
Anybody Can Make $25 to $75 Weekly takinfc Writt
orders for our guaranteed silk hosiery. Pa.
quick. Hyde Park Hosiery Co., Reading,
Marvelous Marcel Waves-—Curls very tip
ends bobbed hair qufckly. No heat-injury.
Sample for dime BobbSy or stamps. Agents, every Ohio.
woman buys. Co., Toronto,
Attention—If your nerves, stomach, kidney*,
heart or circulation is weak or out of order,
I will send. free, facts and directions hoW
myself and others got permanent relief
Agents Making ng $10,(100 . . Per Month Selling
Stranke’s device e that that reduces reduces gas g from 20c
to 13c. Sells for r $4. $4. Two Two sent sent C. O. D. $2.
Money refunded if not satisfactory. r y. Interna
tlonal Co., 204 Bona Allen Bldg., Atlanta, Ga.
W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 6-1925.
In having a good time, perhaps on<
should consider well whether lie li
looking foolish.