Newspaper Page Text
Zbe Cleveland
(/ fatal Organ of White County. Ga
iriiblisfaed Weekly at Cleveland Ga.
,f as. P. Davidson, Editor.
Ka(«ml at the IW >®ce fit Cleveland
Ga,. asft^eond cla»fl mail matter.
Membci Ninth District Press A-ssocialnn
“ Georgia Press
'* National Editorial
" Press Congress Of The World
Subscription, ^1.5p P cl ’ y ettV
in advance
It is stated thnt gas attacks will
be 50 times more important in the
next war than in the last. Air¬
planes will play a very important
part in the next war and the
government should not be 90 sleep
lv on'making the proper protec¬
There will he wars just so long
as people want wars, and it is the
height of folly to deal so lightly
with that vital matter.
There is no use to take out in¬
surance after your house is con¬
sumed by fire.
General Mitchell says
governrnent only has 12 fighting
planes. Yet they say we arcade-;
quately prepared for Any emergen¬
cy. Wlmt bosh!
- fcjiif iiir ip'piu'i.n-r'Tre-j"
The U. S. Supreme Court ren¬
dered 11 decision Monday that the
Chestatee Pyrites corporation will
not be entitled to interest on money
borrowed to carry on the under¬
taking during the war.
Some folks are so non-progres¬
sive they even turn up their nose
when their neighbor purchases a
new brootn.
Baptist pastors end laymen of
Georgia will meet in Atlanta
March 18-19. for tins purpose ot
discussing religious questions.
Many prominent preach- rs and
Hymen will attend this meeting.
Simon Guggenheim. former
senator from Colorado, has an¬
nounced « preliminary gitt of
*3.000,000 for fellowships infer
eign universities. This is on ihe
order of 11$ the Rhodes scholarships,
but has age limit. 50 will be
permitted 10 go abroad annually.
Cleveland and White county
will have the meeting of the Nu
coochee-Hiawassee Roadie Recrea¬
tion association here July 3rd.
July 4th there will be a big bar¬
becue in Frogtown Gap.
This meeting will menu much to
White county. In fact it has al
ready accomplished something
great in road building for White j
count y
We ask your cooperation that
ihis meeting may be well attended, meeting j
There will be a special
of the association in Ellij.iy about
May ist.
This association gets results in
road develobment. Back it tip.
B is with deep regret that The
Courier learned of the fire in The
Constitution building last Sunday
morning, which necessiaccd that
newspaper to have its composition j
work done in The Journal. j
The ‘■NutionalPublicit v” edition |
of The Hartwell Sun, Hartwell I
Ga., come to our desk last waek
containing 64 pages, This «.,»
such a tremendous undertaking for
u newspaper in a town the [ftptt
iation of Hartwell. But it effee
lively and convincingly proves the
interest the business and profes
sionrl men haTe itt such virile,
progressive and very valuable men
as Louie and Leon Morris, pub
fishers of The Sun, to
and Hart county.
The people outside of Hart coun¬
ty will readily see the splendid co¬
operative spirit that is so cioseh
terwoven into her citizenry when
they scan the pages of this special
edition of The Sun. It is a credit
to Hartwell and Hurt county, and
certainly those people are equally
worthy of such Htijediiton.
Louie, your friends congratulate
yvu on this valuable edition.
local flews
The Bulletin board at the Ordi¬
nary’s office, carries the names of
G. W. Ledbetter and Fay Vanhook
for appication of marriage li
Mr. Ernest Henderson, of Con¬
yers, spent the week end with par
ients, Mr. and Mrs. W. C, Hender¬
Mr. \Y r J. Morris, of Mtirray
viile, was in town last week.
Miss Clara Henderson spent last
week end with homefoiks
Mr. Lee Irvin spent last Friday
night witli Mr, and Mrs. A. J
John Carson had a good atten¬
dance last Saturday night at his
Mr. Clinton Faulkner, who is at
Hayesville, N. C., spent the week
Und with his family here.
Mrs. John Farmer liar moved in¬
to Clarence Simmons’ house in
- Iix—sheriff,Jim Davis, of Dah
lonega was in town Monday,
^ pf a y Miller, of Maysville,
spent Sunday with parents, Mr.
md Mrs. J, M. Miller.
Mr. J. F. Humphries, of White
Creek district was in town on
business Tuesday.
Mr. W. C. Logan, Helen spent
a day or so in town this week.
Flu is raging in Cleveland now.
Mrs. S. W. Thacker is prepar¬
ing to move to Va,
J, N. Cleveland, colored, has
sold his properly in Cleveland to
T. II. Turner,
lion. Edgar A. Dunlap, U. S.
Commissioner, of Gainesville, and
and Hon. O. E. Fuller, Referee in
Bankruptcy, Atlanta,were in town
Col. B. I\ Gaillnrd, of Gaines¬
ville, was in town on {professional
luriness YVednesdny.
Mr. . Turner Quillian ~ and son,
Johm ol Brockton, were in town
last Saturday on business.
Miss Mazte Craven, who is
teaching school at Honea Path,
S. C., spent the week-end with
Postmaster F. M. Menders, of
Dahlonegft, was in town Monday
on business.
Miss Mary Ruth Edwards has
been very sick this week.
Dr. Bulgin took Miss lluttie
Mae Dorsey, daughter of G. L*
Dorsey, to Downeys Hospital
Monday, where she was operated
on for appendicitis.
Mr. Frank White is now able to
out a [ ter his operation,
Mr. Alex Davidson is very ill
■with flu.
Mrs, \Y : . I. StovaJ), of Sautee
Y'alley, and her daughter, Miss
Gertrude, spent a while Sunday
afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. YY’.
A. Russeti.
A number of people from vari¬
ous parts of the county attended
. be (.Quarterly conference at the
Methodist church Sunday.
Mr. J, E. Reid was painfully in
jured last Friday when fie fell oft'
his wagon while hauling a load ------ ol
wood. »■>»
Mrs. Frank Keniirter has given
11 P her !e:,s * to Uie Henderson
U°* e l ant ^ 1 1US moved out. So far
> s ' ve kno ' v 1,0 one is uow °P er:i '
t ' n 8 l * ,e ''otel.
Mrs. Robt. Johnson is recover
ing from pneumonia.
YY’itli the decision rendered Mon¬
day by the IT. S. jSupreme court
Federal prohibition ag&nts may
now stop automobiles or any vehi¬
cle and search them for conrra
band liquors without a search war¬
rant being sworn out for the oc
rupiints c f (he ve h ic le.
Pdv Your Subscription Now
To the Superior Court of Said County:
The petition of Twenty-One, a corpora¬
tion, shows that:
Petitioner is a corporation, created by
authority of this court. Sept. 28, 1923 .
Since tha granting of the ,,rder of in¬
corporation, petitioner lias been fully
organized, has since been and ig now
transacting business under said charter
in the State of Georgia and elsewhere.
Petitioner shows that at a call meeting
Sr o rh:^!o;^ ie <oij>ojae o ^tb;^^' au ori ies, ua sai ^d call
having ® been made as provided lu the
Constitution ~ and by , laws of . petitioner, x . .
the . corporate . authoi*ities , voted .
to T procure
an amendment 1 . . to xt the charter ix of x. the cor
poratton so as to change ,t. name pur
poses, objects ami in other particulars 1 as' ;
set . forth - hereafter this petition. . A , A .
of ... the resolutions . . showing , tne .
copy 1 R i
proper coporate * action is hereto attached , , , 1
as “Exhibit A” and made a part of this
„ Petitioner .. . desires . . to amend .. its charter ,
. the ., , following . particulars: . 3
bust. It desires to change 1 0 the .* name
and . style . , ana . seal , of . said ., corporation . to! j
to that of -The National Order ofTwenty
One and The Women of Mislery.”
Second, that its membership shall and ,
may be composed of both male and j
female megibere, becoming members of.
the respective branches of the order j
which may be established for male and !
female members by the corporate author- 1
ities npon initatiou and compliance with
such rules and regulations as may be i
promulgated and published from time to
tints by the corporate authorities. ;
Third. That so much of its charter re- j
lading to the purposes, aims and objects
of a patriotic, fraternal, political, educa
benevolent and secret order: so !
the same will read as follows: “The
purposes,aims and objects of said corpor- j
is to promote, establish and succor
a fraternal, benevolent, social,
educational and secret order or organise- :
tion for the purpose, aim and object of
bringing all its members into a close,, j
for their mutual co-operation and j
and for the purpose of promoting I
fraternal ion, patriotism and the beveolence j
its membership and doing of,
any and all things necessary for the ac
of said purposes, aims
and objects." |
Fourth, Petitioner desire* that it# j
charter may be amended so that It shall I
nave ihe fight * through th« corporate 1
authorities to fix an amount of money to
tie required as a contribution from its !
membership, to lie paid by each member j
admitted inlo the order upon his or her
inUxtion therein or upon application for
membership therein, as the corporate
authorities may determine. That the
corporate authorities shall and may also
fix and determine the manner anti
amount of support, allegiance to and
obediance unto the rules and regulations
which have been or may b* hereafter
promulgated, published and adopted by
the corporated authorities relative to the
several units, the parent organization
and of the general membership of the
order, including the support of the local
units and the parent organization. The
funds and all property rights and privi¬
leges of the parent organization obtain¬
ed by contributions and otherwise shall
be the property of said corporation and
no local unit, member nor auy person or
persons shall have any monetary, finan¬
cial or valuable interest in said corpora¬
its funds, properties, rights amt
privileges, except by valid and legal con¬
tract with the corporate authorities.
Fifth, That it have all the rights here
tofore granted and such other rights and ;
privileges usual and customary to cor- 1
porations of such nature ami all the J
rights, privileges and immunities under;
thfe laws of.Georgia as may be granted to j
corporations of like character.
Wherefore, petitioner prays that its i
charter be amended in accordance
this petition.
By Chas. W. Anderson
Petitioners A ttys
Atlanta, Februaiy 2, 192 &
The Supreme Couneil of
ment» to the present charter. Several !
proposed amendments were offered and |
discussed and it was ordered that a com- I
mitte.e of three be empowered to draw >q’
an ,atuc'miw«i)t .containing the approved
pottions of the several ir^^To!
that this eommiueesjso
negotiate with an altoaney
with the necessary stepr f.or legalizing
Ihe authorised amendments^
The following resolutions were adopt
That the amendment to charter b.
sought to change the name and object of
the corporation as follows:
That the name, style and seal of said
corporation be changed to that of “The
National Order of Twety-One ami The
Women Of Mystery."
That ils aims, purposes and objects
amended « > x' fo •' include 1 « the
purposes, amis
anti objects of a patriotic, fraternal, edu
caiionai. benevolent, secret and political
order. That it have the power to re
ceive and accept both male ami female
members to beanme members of the fe*
spentive branches of the order.
That it have authority to receive con¬
tributing and require the same from its
membership upon application for or up¬
on initatiou therein and that it may fix
and determine the amount of support
which shall be given to the parent or
ganization by its members in local units
and to fix rules and regulations govern¬
ing the allegicnce to and obedience unto
the rules and regulations prescribed by
the corporate authorities with reference
to the « e,ieral of the order,
* h ® 1(K:al unil8 * nd the 1>a, eilt or S aniza '
That the funds, properties, rights and
privileges of the corporation shall he
membership and local units shall
have , no interest . , * whatever , . ^ in the .. same,
except . . by contract . . with - 4l the corporate .
authorities, .. ..
af the next !ar meeti „ g the
conBtil „ tion and b lawB , )S Hm ende,l to
conform to 4 the requirements fc and , pnvi- - .
. leges of . al the charter, ? ^
I Tx hereby , certify that 4l this . is a true
transcript . of f tha* . . portion a . of .. the . minutes .
of a meeting of Twenty-One relating to |
the chartei amendment authorised by the
corporate 1 authorities, and that the same
was authorized by vote ot corporate
authorities .... present which % • » constituted ... . , a
‘» uorUm - aCC ° r ‘ llng .. U ‘ e . anfl ,
by-lawn now in existence.
Paul Mote Secretary.
Filed iu office this the 11 th day of Feb
ruary, 1925 .
I, J. B. R. Barrett, Clerk of the Hupe
rior Court, White county. Georgia, do
hereby certify that the foregoing is a ttue
cot reel copy of the application for
amendment to the charter of Twenty-One
a corporation, as the same appears of
in this office.
Witness my official signature and the
seal of said court. This the 11 day of
February, 1925 .
J. B. R. Barrett, Clerk Superior Court,
...... :
........— “
YY'e are not a prophet or n son of
0 L. he , but wc prophesied this!
G ‘ , OUr ,,eW J r “'‘ ,,n B
Elder, would be liked by the folks
and our prophesy came true. Just
to prove it, Sunday night in ad
du , on , 0 t , )e Cleveland folks pres
ent there was a representative from
every church on the Charge t Mossy
Creek, Chattahoochee, Nacoochee
arid Loudsville, Tnat’s uiakjng
good allrigltt.
One of the best Q. Conferences
we have ever had was the unani¬
mous verdict after last Sunday’s
meeting was over. Special thanks
are due the ladies lor providing
such a bountiful dinner.
38 present at Cleveland, a large
class at Helen. Hurrah for the
men. Lei’s keep tt going folks ail
the rest of the churches full in linc
lets have wonderful things to re¬
port next q. Conf.
The Pastor feels mighty good as.
all tite churches, save one, decided
to give him an increase in his sala¬
ry and that of rhe Presiding Elder.
YV ; e will do our best to deserve ii
Any Centenary Treasurer who
. ,as no * . tei1 g ! ' c! >u . > , on , >o Cll n,
* ** * *! / <>u ine know 1 will
furnish you with oue right away,
Let’s close this thing up as soon u
p 0ss j b | e
The Pastor will preach at Nacoo
next Sunday if the weather
will just hold out and make another
attempt to otdanize a Brotherhood
Everybody enjoyed Bro. Nath’s
lecture, YY'e hope lie can come
again when we can have a larger
crowd. fhe f ,.c amount amount ^ raised was
^ Harris College. to Young
VV ^‘ k ^
xv . win ifieet in the Ma*
sonic Hall, Cleveland, Friday
^lasch 13, at 7:30 P. M.
AU members requested to be on
W. A- ^ix, Con. Com.
Jus. P, Davidson, Clerk.
T I , have a , large quamty . of , , Green ,
Mountain ... Itish suitable
for eating or summer ylunting.
Anyone interested see.
yy |r \y eS [
Legal #idMertiserrieuts
(Jeorgia. White Coonly:
Will be sold before the Court House
done in the town of Cleveland on the first
Tuesday in April i925 within the legal
hours of sale to Ihe highest bidder for
cash the following real estate to wit:
Part of lot of laud No. 50 jar the fourth
districl of said county anti described as
' follows: Beginning at the Nortueast
original corner of said lot; thence -South
i the original lino 75 rods; thence West 75
rods; thence North 75 rods to the original
iirie; thence East 75 rods to the beginning
corner, containing 35 acres more or less.
Said land levied on as the property of
Airs K. F. Adair to satisfy a tax execu
lion issued by W. H. llnlsey. Tax Col
lector of said county, for State and Court
ty taxes for the year 1924 against the
said Mrs. E.-F. Adair.
Also at the same time and place will
be sold on t be same terms the following
real estate to wit: Lot of land No,-t() in
ihe first district of said county containing
250 acres more or less. Said last named
tract levied on as the property of the R
K. Reeves estate to satisfy a tax execu¬
tion issued by W. H. Ifulaey, Tax Col¬
lector of said county, against the R. K
Reeves estate for State and County taxes
for the year ly24.
Also at the same same time and place
and upon the same terms will be sold the
following real estate to wit: Part of lot
of land No. 12 in the second district of
county and described as follows: Begin¬
ning- at a point 3 OO yards down tiie Mur¬
dock Creek from tile Higway Bridge
which crosses said creek and on the West
bank of said creek; thence on down said
creek a distance 350 yards; thence in a
westerly direction 300 yards and running
parallel with the line of property hereto¬
fore sold to Miss Annie Allison by
Sheriff'; thence North to the said .Miss
Annie Allison line; the in an easterly
direction with the said Miss Annie Allison
line to the creek and beginning corner,
containing about 15 acres more or less.
Said land levied on as the property of K,
II. Nixon to satisfy a tax execution issued
by W. JI. Hulsey, Taj Collector of said
county, against ti. II. Nixdn for State
and County taxes for the year 1924.
Also at the same time and place and up¬
on the same terms trill be sold the follow¬
ing real estate to wit: Part of lot of land
No. 15 in the second district of said coun¬
ty, bounded anti d -scribed as follows: Be¬
ginning at the branch, known as the
"Wash Place’’ branch, just South of where
YV. If. Roberts now fives and where said
branch crosses the Cleveland and Shoq
Creek road ; thence running a little North¬
east with said branch to the of the
same; thence the same direction to the
original line; thence East with the original
line to the property known as the Mitchell
Property; thence in a southern direction to
a poplar tree in the hollow; thence still in
the same direction to the first pine on the
original hne^ thence West the original line
to said road near the residence of U. C.
Riieliiul; thence nearly East with said road
to the branch, the beginning; containing 30
acres more or less. Said land levied on as
the property of Tool, Kelley and McCu’.
lough to satisfy a tax execution issued by
YV. II. Hulsey, Tax Collector of said coun¬
ty, again«t Tool, Kelley and McCullough
for State and County taxes for the year
1924 .
Also at the same time and place and up¬
on the satt.e terms, will be sold the follow¬
ing described real estate to wit: Lot of
land No. 28 in tire fourth district of said
county, containing 250 acres of land, more
or less, levied on as the property of Jos. S.
Reynolds to satisfy a tax execution issued Hulsey, Tax Collector of said
County, against Jos. S. Reynolds for State
and County taxes for the year 1924 ,
Also at the same time and place and up¬
on the same terms will be sold the follow¬
ing described real estate to wit: Part of
lot of land N". m the second district of
said county and described as follows: Be¬
ginning at a p'dnt on the East side of the
Cleveland and Nacoochee road where the
land of J. H. Westmoreland and E. P.
YVeat coi ner to join; thence East with the
said IC. P. West line a distance of 35 rods;
thence North 35 rods; thence YY'est 3,0 rods,
to the said Cleveland and Nacoochee road;
thence South with said road to the begin¬
ning or starting point; containing seven
acres of land, more or less. Said property
levied on as the property of I. II. YVest
morelaud to satisfy a tax execution issued
by YV. II. Hulsey, Tax Collector of said
county, against J. If. Westmoreland for
State and County taxes for the year 1924
Also at the same time and place anti on
the same terms will be sold the following
described real estate to w it: Parts of lot
of land Nos 1 and 2 in the second land
district of said county and described al
follows: Beginning at the Northeast cor¬
ner of this tract, where this tract comers
with Miss Neiia Bowen’s land; thence
YVest 156 yards with Miss Bowen’s line to
where this tract again corners with Miss
Bowen s; thence South 9) yards with Mis.-,
Bowen's land: thence East of earn width
1 56 guards; thence North 90 yar ds to the
beginning corner; containing about three
acres of land, more or iess. Said property
levied%n by J. L, Palmer, L. C , as the j
property of Kelley McGee to satisfy a tax !
execution issued by YV. H. Hulsey, Tax I
Collector of said county, against F. K j
McGee for State and County taxes for the !
year 1924 and turned over to me for the |
purpose of advertising and sale.
Also at the same time and place and
under the same terms will be sold the fob
lowing described real estate to wit: Part
of lot of land No,—iu the secontj land dis¬
trict of said county and Iroonded as follow*:
Beginning at a rock corner on the road,
thence East 9 degrees South to the fiejff 3I
hcains to a rock csrner; thence 12 degrees
Sonth of East 27 chains and i 2 links to a
rock corner on the creek; thence down said
creek to a rode corner on the original line
34 chains; thence said original line West
44 chains and 1 3 links to the road to a
rock comer; thence North said road 28
chains to the beginning comer; containing
40 acres of land. And being the same land
deeded to Flora Fields by J. F. Palmer, by
deed dated May loth, I921 and also the
same land deeded to White County Bank
by Flora Fields on the 7 th day of Novem¬
ber 1923 to secure a note of J. F. Palmer,
et al. ISa’d property levied on as the prop¬
erty of Flora Fields to satisfy an execution
issued from the City Court of Cleveland,
Ga., against j. F. Palmer, B. F. Trotter
and T. If. Hooper in favor of White Coun¬
ty Bank.
Also at the same time and place and upon
the same terms will be sold part of lot of
lend To. 57 in the third distric' and known
the Joe Adams tract in said district and
county. Said land levied on as the property
of Joe Adams to satisfy a three tax execu¬
tions issued by VV. II. Hulsey, Tax Collector
of said county, against Joe Adams for State
and County taxes foj the year 1922 1923
and 1924. This March 11 th, 1925,
YY'. A. Jackson, Sheriff.
Georgia, White County:
I’o whom this may concern.
Notice is hereby given that I
have withdrawn lrom ihe firm
known as the Cleveland Mercantile
Company, of Cleveland, Ga., and
that I have no further connection
with said firm either directly or in¬
directly and will not share any
future liabilities.
This 10th day of March *925.
C. E. Wilkins
YY'ill sell my farm on Mossy
Creek. If you are interested in
owning a real good farm see tne at
F. G. Jones.
Have just recieved a car of good
young mules. Come in and look
them over.
F. G. J ones Mule Co.
Baby chicks and custom hatelt
iug. 3 i ( ' P er e Kg- 90% of hatch
guaranteed on first quality eggs.
R. II. Head,
Clermont, Ga.
A nice malioganey piano in first
class condition at J, L. Nix’s,
Sautee, Ga. YY'ill sell cheap for
cash. If interested see J. L. Nix,
or write me.
Thee A. Robinson,
Power, W. Va.
Wanted Teamsters, Timber
Cutters and Swampers. Ap¬
ply to, Morse Bros. Lumber
Co., Helen, White County, Ga.
The people in this section art
very busy.
Plowing and spraying frpit tree
is the order of the day,
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ernes
Y\ r alkins, March the 4th, a boy,
Mr. Jesse Lovell and family art
just recovering from the mumps,
Mr. Ed Alexander hqs heen ve*i
-ick for the past fe\v days, but it
better at this writing,
Miss Lola Head has returnee
home after attending school a few
months at Greenville, S. C. YY r i
ire glad to have her back with uf,
Mr. A. F. Kenimer has com¬
pleted his new saw mill and has il
in operation on the property ol
Mr. J. M. Miller at Mossy Creek,