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Ube Cleveland Courier.
c Official Organ of Whitt County. Ga
Published Weekly at Cleveland Ga,
Jas. P. David80N, Editor.
Kntered at the Post >fiice at Cleveland
Ga.. as second class mail mauer.
Member Ninth Dittrict Press Associaion
** Georgia Pres* “
" Natioaal Editorial
“ Pre« Congrets Of The World “
Subscription, * 1.50 per year
in advance
Ilarllee Branch, city editor The
Atlanta Journal, spent >.everal days
in White County lust week gather¬
ing information and tfie basis for
the story he will write of White
Mr. Branch is a splendid Chris
tain genfleineri and a very inter¬
esting, capable and informed news¬
paper man and Cleveland and
White County were indeed glad to
have him here.
Mr. Branch has made a survey
of upward to a hundred counties in
order that Georgia might know
what she had and to carry the mes
sage to other states, and to enliven
the people of Georgia to have more
faith in Georgia.
Ilarllee Branch has done a con¬
structive work for Georgia. He
started at a time when it seemed
that Georgians had lost faith in
Georgia, but his work has counter¬
acted that spirit and has been a
most potent factor in showing
Georgians what they have and has
already generated a splendid degree
of wholesome optimism among
The Journal is doing a most con¬
structive work by having this sur¬
vey so intelligently made.
The towns and counties of Geor¬
gia in order to travel along in an
orderly way must know itself.
Harllee Branch is telling them the
story and The Courier predicts
that his work will result in worth¬
while and needed improvements
and a better spirit among the
The Journal had no ulterior
motive in inaugarating these sur¬
veys, but this great newspaper felt
a deep responsibility to be of bene¬
fit to the section it serves and they
could not have sent a better map
from their staff to do the work.
The senate and house have pick¬
ed their committees. White coun¬
ty’s representative, A. L. Dorsey,
is on some very important commit¬
Have you secured your memorial
coin? Get it at once.
Cleveland had a cleaning last
week, but there is still room for
improvement. The council are
men who believe in progressive
things and they will not stop un¬
til 0111 town is made to look good
and clean.
Capt. T. T. Orr, field organizer
and vice president of the Appala¬
chian Scenic highway, attended
t ie meeting of the Nacoochee
lliawassee Road & Recreation as
s iciation here last Friday.
Mr. Orr had charge of placing
the markers from Neel Gap to
Gainesville Thursday and Friday.
This office received last Friday
from two very energetic farmers of
White county the first cotton
blooms we have learned of in the
county. They are: iMr. W. B.
Parker, of Mossy Creek, and Mr.
B, L. McGItee, of Shoal Creek.
White county's cotton crop is
unusually good up to this time.
Corn crop is on an average.
The Couries is indeed thankful
lor the wonderful cooperative
spirit manifested and demonstrated
by the people of Cleveland and
Helen in assisting in raising the
money for the barbecue and taking
care of expenses incurred for the
annual meeting of the Nacoochee
Hiawassee Road & Recreation as¬
sociation at Cleveland Friday and
tbe wonderful meetiug at Helen
Friday night.
This spirit of cooperutiort will
any town grow.
It was our pleasure to hear W.
C. Smith, president of the At¬
lanta Chamber ofCommerce, Judge
Stanley S. Bennett, of the highway
board, Dr. L G. Hardman, Major
E. W. Kelley, district forester,
Governor Walker, Senator W. J.
Hurris and others commended our
generous hospitality accorded them
while in our midst.
It didn’t cost anyone so very
yet it was worth inessimable
The Courier insists that this
same spirit continue and a brighter
hope will loom among us all.
W, T. Anderson has again ask¬
ed Governor Clifford Walker to
resign as a member of the State
Highway Board.
Mr. Anderson in a letter to
Governor Walker still thinks Mr.
Holder is “temperinentally unfit,'
but the people of Georgia think
Mr, Holder has announced some
necessary changes in the high
way department and if he is given
only half a chance he will put
them into effect,
WSB will open a new powerful
broadcasting station in the Atlanta
Biltmore Hotel Monday night,
July 13, from 8 P. M. to 3 A. M
This will be the most powerful
broadcasting equipment in the
|South. Tune in.
The Constitution’s airplane that
flew over White county on its way
to Franklin, N. C., Ia6t Saturday
was heard by some citizens of
White county.
local flews
Mrs, Fred Higdon, of Franklin,
^ spent # few dayg with rela .
tives since our last issue,
lion. Jas. A. Ilollomon and son,
Jim Jr., of Atlanta, and Hon. C.
S. Barrett, of Union City, spent
‘Thursday night in Cleveland.
Hon. Sam Wilkes, of Atlanta,
attended the meeting of the Na
coochee-lIiawasseeRond & Recrea¬
tion ussociatiyn here Friday.
Mr. Lester Harper, who is in
Navy, is at home on a furlough.
Mrs. Brackett, a former resident
of Cleveland, but now of Atlanta,
accompanied by two of her sons,
spent Sunday night with Mrs. N.
M. Campbell.
Mr. Barnett Kenimer, of Atlan¬
ta, spent the week-end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Keni¬
Miss Rhoda Turk, of the Geor¬
gia Railway & Power Co., Atlan¬
ta, speat the week-end with Miss
Jessie Davidson, who was visiting
Rev. C. W. Henderson and
family, of Royston, spent a day or
so with homefolks this week,
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Maxwell
and son, Stephens, of Atlanta,
spent a short time in Cleveland
Mr. Robt. S. Johnson spent the
Fourty in Atlanta.
Mr. John Elliott, of the Harri¬
son Pub. Co., was in town last
Mr. Albert Church and family,
of Atlanta, spent a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Bell.
Mrs. L. V. Irvin, of Cornelia,
is visiting her daughter, Mrs. L.
II. Jiirrard.
Miss Ethel Irvin, of Cornelia,
spent a few days with her sister,
Mrs. L. II. Jarraad, since our Iasi
Hon. Peter S. Twitty, Commis¬
sioner of Gama and Fish, and wife
spent a short time in Cleveland
Tuesday on his way to Blairsville.
Prof. A. T. Wilson, who is at¬
tending summer school in Athens
spent the week-end with his family
Miss Gladys Nelms and Bertha
Wiggins spent a short time here i
Charlie Turner has the honor of
the largest American flag in
Mr. F. G. Jones returned home
from Muscle Shoals where
he has been several weeks.
.Miss Nellie Skelton is vistting
Mr. Clovis Turk has been named
agent for White andLump
kin counties with headquarters at
Cleveland. Mr. Turk is a young
man and it is hoped he will get
much support from these two
Miss Lonnie Wofiord, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wofford,
and Mr. Lon Shelnut, son of II. C.
Shelnut, were married last Sunday
at the home of the bride by Mr.
Holeman J. P,
Mr. Parks Bell spent the week¬
with his mother.
Mr. Fred Bell and family, of
spent the Fourth with Mr.
Mrs. W. II. Bell.
Miss Clara Lee Bell, of Athens,
the week-end with her
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bell.
Mr. Mark Bell, of Atlanta,spent
week-end with parents, Mr.
W. H. Bell.
The examination of teachers will
held in the public school build¬
in Cleveland beginning at 8
a. in., July 31 and August
The questions to be given out on
July 31, will be on elemen¬
subjects and those to be given
August 1 will be on high school
If a teacher has a first grade gen¬
elementary license which be or
desires to renew, evidence
be presented to the County
of having attended
least one approved Summer
of at least four weeks during
life ot the license. In lieu of
upon a Summer school
part the examination on edu¬
and methods may be taken
a renewal be granted by the
Superintendent upon
from 8510 100%.
85 to 100% will entitle the ap¬
to first grade.
70 to 85% will entitle the appli¬
to second grade.
60 to 70% will entitle the appli¬
to third grade.
Questions will be given Friday,
July 31 on the following subjects:
Reading, Literature, Writing.
Spelling, Arithmetic, Engli.h
Composition, Grammer and Liter¬
ature, U, S. History, Civics, Geog¬
raphy, Methods and Education.
It is suggested that in addition
to the Manual of Methods, that the
teuchers expecting to take this ex¬
amination read Science and Art of
Teaching by LaRue, published by
the American Book Co. Also
Lincoln’s Everyday Pedagogy,
published by Ginn & Co.
If further information in refer¬
to this examination is desired,
call on the undersigned.
Very respectfully,
C. H. Edwards, C. S. S.
Atlanta’s Best Known Hotel
400 Rooms of Solid Comfort.
The Home of Georgia People.
Running Water, $1 to $2.
Rooms, with Bath, *1.50 to $5,
Free Garage Service.
Jacobs & Maynard, Props.
Lumber For Sale
I have plenty of most all kinds
J. W, House.
Five and one half acres of land,
for pasture and truck patch¬
; a good S room house completely
garden and outbuilding,
Well on porch.
This is the Ed Carpenter place
If interested see
J. B. R. Barrett or Jus, P. David¬
Notice is hereby given that it is the
intention of the undersigned to introduce
in the Cement! Assembly of Georgia.
1925 session, a local bill of which the
following is the caption:
A bill to be entitled an act to amend
the Charter of the Town of Cleveland,
by adding a new section thereto to
be •numbered seat ion 25 giving to the
mayor and council of said town the right
ami power to borrow money in amount
equal to seven per centum of the property
value within the corporate limits of said
town. -Said money to be used for the
purpose of laying out, building, paving,
repairing streets and the square in
town and for other purposes.
Notice is hereby given that the under¬
will introduce at the present ses¬
of the Genera! Assembly a local bill
be entitled as follows:
An act to provide for the holding ot
terms each year of the Superior
of White Connty in the Noith
Judicial Circuit no provide for
attendance of a grand jury at certain
said terms; to fix the time of holding
terms, and for other purposes.
This 2ud day of July, 1925.
It is my intention to introduce in the
Assembly at the present term the
bills the caption of wh>cb ib as
1. An act to authorize and direct the
of White County, Ga., to call
election at such times hereafter as he
desire for the purpose of submitting
the qualified voters of White County
are qualified to vote for members of
general assembly of Georgia, the
of wnethei or not the taxing
of such county may exempt
taxing such property as is mentioned
the constitution of this state in article
reven, section two, paragraph two A.
if a majority of the qualified voters
referred to shall vote to exempt the
above referred loin said article,
and paragraph from taxation, the
authority of said county shall not
on said property, to provide the
of holding said election, the
and counting of the ballots,
declaring of the result, and for other
2. An act to authorize the Mayor and
of the Town of Cleveland, Ga.,
call an election at such times as they
may desire to submit to the qualified
voters of said town the question of ex¬
from taxation certain properties
are mentioned in article seven, section
two, paragraph two A of the constitution
of the State of Georgia, to provide who
shall vote in said election the ballots
shall he prepared and counted, the result
declared, and to comply with all require¬
ments of the constitution of this state as
occurs in the article, section and para
gradh above referred to, and for other
8. An act to authorize the Mayor and
Council of the Town of Helen, Ga., to call
an election at such times as they may de¬
sire to submit to the qualified voters of
said town the question of exempting from
taxation certain properties as are men¬
tioned in article seven, section two, para¬
graph two A of the constitution of the
State of Georgia, to provide who shall
vote in said election, how the ballots
shall be prepared and counted, the re
sulttieclared, and to comply with all re¬
quirements of the constitution of this stale
as occurs in the article, section and para
graph above referred to and for other
pu rposes.
This 6th day of June, 1925.
A. I,. Dorsey, Representative
White County, Ga,
$10.00 reward will be paid any
one who will furnish me informa¬
tion that will enable me to appre¬
hend the present whereabouts of
Harry Humphries or Ford touring
car No. 10493516. Write or wire
T. Gresham, Jr., 933 Healey
Bldg., Atlanta, Ga.
For Sale or Lease
I am unable to work and am
splendid chance to the
person. See me if intere-sted.
A. G. Quinn.
Wanted Teamsters. Timber
and Swampers. Ap¬
to. Morse Bros. Lumber
Helen, White County, Ga.
Who is the Wall Paper, Interior
and Sign Man?
W. G. Humphreys,
Box 220 Gainesville, Ga,
Fares via
Central of Georgia Railway
Give Your Shoes
New Life
Your shoes will wear twice as long if you let
me repair them.
1 also press and elean clothes. Give me a trial.
Cleveland, Ga.
i $
$ a
Eat at a Good Place *
The City Cafe boasts of its cleanliness. You ■u
are invited to thoroughly investigate our sani¬
tary conditions.
We have one of the best cooks in this section. -cx
His cooking satisfies those hard to please. •w
Your patronage at fount will be -tx
my appreci¬
ated. I
CITY CAFF -y ■tx -tx
Wilkins, Crop. -tx
C. E. Cleveland, Ga.
Legal Advertisements
White County:
Whereas, J. L. Gleu, administrator of
Lou Richardson, repres :nts to the
iu his petition, duly tiled and
on record, that he has fully ad¬
her estate. This is therefore
cite all persons concerned, kindred
creditors, to show cause, if any they
why said administrator should not
discharged from his administration,
receive letters of dismission on the
Monday in August, 1925.
Whereas, J. H. Telford and Robert
executors of the last will of
Mary J. Underwood, represents to
court in their petition, duly tiled and
on record, that they have fully
Mrs. Mary J. Underwood’s
This is therefore to cite all per¬
concerned, kindred and creditors, to
cause, if any they can, why said ex¬
should not be discharged their
and receive letters of dis¬
on the first Monday in August,
This July 6, 1925.
S. B. Logan, Ordinary.
Good fodder see,
F. D. Miles.
B. Y. I\ U. NEWS
The B. Y. P. U. met Sunday
night, July 5, and elected the fol¬
lowing officers: President, Mrs.
fc*. L. Russell; \ ice-president,
Lois Henderson; Sec’y.-Treas.,
Isaac Jackson ; Corresponding Sec¬
retary, Mary Jackson; Group
Leaders. Group 1, Mary Hender¬
son Leader, ; Group 2, Ethel Jackson ; Q u j z
Pearl Jackson. With this
group of officers we feel sure that
the Union will go forward with
the co-operation of each member.
The Pastor will leave Thursday
morning tor South Georgia for two
weeks meetiug at Normantown,
G. and Harrison. Scotland, Ga., with Rev. g!
Rev. J. C. Still, of Clermont,
wdl preach the third Sunday
ing at 11 o’clock and Rev. Geo. R.
Hamby in the evening at 8:30
Figs For Sal«
Pure Duroc-Jersey pig s
weeks 8IX
old for sale,
T. V. Cant.ll,