Newspaper Page Text
Sl?e Cleveland Courier.
Official Organ of Whitt County. Go
Published Weekly *t Cleveland Ga,
J as. F. Davidson, Editor.
Kntered at the Poet at Cleveland
Ga.. aa second claea mail matter.
Member Ninth .District Press Ash ociainn
** Georgia Pres* “
“ National Editorial
“ Pres* Congress Of The World **
Subscription, Si.50 per year
in advance
Mr. II. M. Atkinson, chairman
of the board of directors of Geor¬
gia Railway & Power Co., in an
address before the agriculturalist at
Athens recently brought out some
vital things that demands the
rerious thought of every Georgian,
We wish our space permitted the
printing of this able, splendid,
sensible and liineiy address.
He said: “What we need is
fewer laws on the statute books,
more respect for law and more
regard for justice in the minds and
consciences of men.”
“Georgia sells its clays to Ohio
at a low rate per ton and buys
back the crockery, tne tile and
aluminum ware made from these
sume clays at fancy prices. Geor¬
gia sells its lumber to Grand
Rapids, Mich., and High Point,
N. C., by the carload and trainload,
and buys the same lumber back in
turniture at so much per piece.”
The Atlanta & Lowry National
Bank carried an advertisement in a
recent Sunday’s Atlanta Journal
telling of the splendid progress
agriculturally Georgia had made.
The Courier is happy that such
big financial institutions are ad¬
vertising Georgia in such a splen¬
did way
The Courier thinks that this
could be more extensively followed
up, if all the smaller financial in¬
stitutions would advertise the pos¬
sibilities of their territory. Such
cooperation is bound to get results.
Coordination >of efforts is power.
A special news letter from
binsviile, N. C., to the Tri-County
News, Andrews, N, C., tells of a
contract signed between Graham
County N, C., and the North
Carolina State Highway Commis¬
sion in which it is agreed to con¬
struct, or rather extend, the high¬
way from Robbinsville, N, C., to
the Tennessee state line.
The surveying is to begin about
September ist.
This news dispatch also states
that the highway authorities of
Tennessee will then take up the
work of linking up this road to
Knoxville via Muryvilie.
At Topton, N. C., a short dis¬
tance north of Andrews on the
Appalacham Scenic Highway, this
highway will connect with North
Carolina stale route No. to.
'I'llis fink will be of great benefit
to this tea ion, as it will bring auto
tourist from Knoxville over route
No. u in Georgia, which comes
through White County, thereby
i ausiug a greater number of tourists
coming through Cleveland,
You will find a letter in this
issue from Mayor W. 1 >. Whitaker,
of Andrews, N. C,, regarding the
reports circulating that the high¬
way from Topton to Bryson City
has been closed to travel. We are
glad to give space to his letter as it
«s information that is needed in
directing over the Appalachain
Scenic Highway.
We have a letter from Dr. W.
M. Campbell, of Weatherford,
Texas, that a man who went by
the name of Jim Kinsie died at
city around eight years ago
was about 50 years old. He
st bachelor and left no trace
relatives. The letter states
litis mao was from White or
County and had two brothers.
had property. If you know
whereabouts of Itis relatives
notify Fite Courier or Dr.
Pay Your Subscription
local flews
Automobiles from Oregon, Flor¬
ida, Chicago and Alabama stopped
for a short time in Cleveland
Miss Marjorie McAfee, of At¬
lanta, is spending several days
with parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Mrs. Alex Davidson and Mrs.
John Davidson spent a day or so
last week in Gainesville with their
sister, Mrs. S. A. Adams.
Prof. Smith, of Sycamore, Ga.,
formerly of Mossy Creek, spent
Friday night in Cleveland.
Hon. A. L. Dorsey spent the
week-end with hornefolks.
Mr. J. P. Saxon is able to be out'
again after being house up for
several days.
“Uncle Nath” Thompson was in
town Monday.
The bulletin board carries the
names of Miss Cora Hix, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Rhode Hix, and
Mr. Put Dyer, of Union County,
for application of marriage license.
Contemplate marriage ut RoberU
town Saturday, August 15.
Mrs. Walter Stone spent the
week-end with her father, Col. A.
H. Henderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Taylor, of
Cochran, Ga., spent a day or two
this week witli Mr. Taylor’s
mother, Mrs. A. M. Taylor.
Miss Juliet Tuggle is visiting
her sister at Milledgeville.
Miss Willie Mae Trofter, of
Gainesville, is visiting Miss Nellie
Skelton at present.
Mrs. Arthur Cheek, ot Douglas*
ville, is visiting her uncle, Mr. W.
A. Nix, this week.
Mrs. Tom Fruser, of Atlanta, is
visiting relatives in White County
this week.
Mr. James W. Morton, of
Athens, was visiting Mr. W. H.
Bell Wednesday. While here Mr.
Bell took Mr. Morton over portion
of the county.
We are requested to announce
that Rev. Hamby, of Clermont,
will begin a revival service at
Crescent Hill Baptist Church Sun¬
day night, August t6.
Mrs. S. E. Reece has sold her
intrest in ttie Cleveland Mercantile
Co., to Robt. S. Johnson and
Wiley Whitmire.
Mr. and Mrs, Willie Warwick,
of Kansas City, arrived in Cleve
land Wednesday to visit his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. I). N.
Warwick, for a few days.
Mr. Fred Bell, of Athens, is
visiting Ins brother, Mr. W. H.
Bell, at present.
1 ’ostoHice Inspector Clyde Flem¬
ing, of FtJanta, was in Cleveland
for a short time Wednesday,
Mrs. Pledger Craven and daugh¬
ter, of Gainesville, are visiting Mrs.
E. B. Craven at present.
Misses Miunmie Moure, of Cler¬
mont, and Kren and Pauline Allen
of Durant, Oklu., were visitorr of
Miss Clara Henderson the past
Miss Charlie Skelton has rented
the Barrett Filling Station.
Messrs. Marion Palmer, E. C.
Hefner, Cleveland Clayton and
Dan Palmer, who went to Miami,
Fla., lust week report that things
are moving along nicely, but rather
j Mr. George Davidson killed a
rattle snake on Yonah last week
j with 14 rattles.
The Courtenay bridge across
Tesnatee River burned last Thurs¬
day night. Oscar Turner was ar¬
rested by Sheriff Jackson on sus¬
picion but was released Wednes¬
day cm account of lack of evidence.
Mrs. F. G. Mauney, who
been a visit to her brother, W.
in Bedfo d C ity, Ya.,
' home Thursday.
Mr. F. G. Jones returned
Tnursdtty from Turn pa,
where he spent a few weeks,
There are six main reasons
alfalfa should be grown on
farm. 1. It is a profitable
2 . It increases farm values. 8.
excels every other feed crop,
yield per acre, in feeding value,
a drougth resister, and as a soil
richer. 4 . Its frequent
destroys undesirable weeds
grasses. 5. It furnishes a
feed ration of the highest
6. It leads to sound farming
which agricultural prosperity
P endh
- Man --
Dr* _ * George „ W. r „ Truett and F.
C McConnell, widely known
preachers, will hold a one-day
meeting on Monday, August 24, ai
Hiawassee, the birthplace of the
latter and the boyhood home of
k l (
fhts occasion will be a Home
Coming Day to all who have at
tended the Hiawassee College, and
everybody is cordially invited to
Dr. Truett is considered one of
the world’s strongest and most
powerful preachers.
These two noted ministers will
hold a ten day service at Franklin,
N. C., beginning August 14.
The special joint postal commis¬
sion, of which Congressman Bell is
a member, visited President
Coolidge at Swampscott, Mass.,
where he is spending his vacation,
and took up the postal problems
with him. Congressman Bell is
one of the most influential and
powerful , , members . of ... Congress and ,
Ins district will be making a serious
mistake to not to keep him there.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Wagner have
returned to tlieir home in Jackson¬
ville, Fla.
Miss Julia Parker, of Macon,
is visiting at the Institute.
Mr. Guy Hunter has gone to
Jacksonville, Fla.
Mrs, Lundy entertained the
Women’s CluRof Nttcoocfiee last
Thursday. There were twenty
four InjJies present. Mrs. Krise
gave severuj vocal solos, Delicious
refreshments were served.
Mrs. M. Sunders visited in the
valley last week, Mrs. Sanders
was accompanied by her daughters,
Mrs. Thompson and Miss Armin
tina Sanders.
Miss Anna Smith, of Macon, is
visiting Mrs. C. S. Anderson.
Miss Nina Wright and Mrs. II.
Wright have returned from Atlan¬
ta where tliev have been visiting.
Mr, Walter Courtenay has re¬
turned from a trip to Toronto,Can.
Mrs. J, K. Colt, Miss Minnie
Ross, Mr. Burwell Peterson, Mrs.
Owen and Miss Dora B. Phurris
left Tuesday for Montreat, N. C.
We will give you fi.oo per
bushel for tomatoes delivered at
II. A, JarrardA Son.
Henry C. Lyon.
if you have nervousness, stomach
trouble, despondency, shortness of
breath, burning feet, constipation,
: brown or rough skin, tingling sen
j -.ations, smothering sxells, diar¬
rhoea, loss of sleep, loss of weight,
dizziness or swimming in head,
general weakness with loss of
| energy; YOU MAY HAVE
j PELLAGRA. You do not
all these symptoms in tlie begin
I ning. My free booklet, “The
Story of Pellagra,” will explain.
My treatment differs from all
others and is endorsed by a State
Health Department, physicians,
and hundreds who have taken
treatment. Over 2000
sold in last 12 months.
M. D,, Texarkana, Texas.
Atlanta’s Best Known Hotel
400 Rooms of Solid Comfort.
The Home of Georgia People.
Rooms. Running Water, $1 to $2
Rooms, with Bath, $1.50 to $5,
Free Garage Service.
i Jacobs & Maynard. Props.
Wanted Teamsters, Timber
Cutters and Swampers. Ap
ply to, Morse Bros. LumbeJ
Co ., Helen. White County. Ga.
j LbJJSiI iPxdveY tiSSTTients
Georgia, White County
; Mr8 Mattie Sutton, having made ap
| plication for twelve months support out
| of the estate of tieorge K. Hutton, and
( ftpprftiliei . B duly appointed to set apart
the same having filed theit returns, all
persons concerned are hereby required
to show cause before the Court of Ordi¬
nary of said county on the first Monday
in September 1925 why Said application
should not he granted.
Whereas, Hadden Harris, administra¬
tor of Fletcher H.HarBs, represents to
the court in his petition, duly tiled and
entered on record, that, he has billy ad¬
ministered Fletcher It. Harris estate.
This is to cite all persons concerned,
kindred and creditor", to show cause, if
any they cun, why said administrator
should not be discharged from his ad¬
ministration, and receive Jetteis of dis¬
mission the first Monday in Sept. 1925.
Mrs. William Black, having made
application for twelve months support
out of the estate of William C. Black and
appraisers duly appointed to set apart
the same having filed their return, all
persons concerned are hereby requmd
tosW ., aum , ,„ for ,. the „ f0nli .
j llary 0I1 thf! rtret MoiM j ay in September
1925 why said application should not lie
This the 5th day of August 1925.
H. U Logan, Ordinary.
Buick Performance steps further
ahead in World Leadership.
The engine in the
Better Buick Master models
delivers more than 75 horsepower!
Extra power has been added to the
extra power always a feature of
Buick’s famous engine.
The Better Buick now leads the
world in protection for engine
and driving units. Three new
seals have been added to Buick’s
famous Sealed Chassis. An air
cleaner, a gasoline filter, and an
oil filter, now insure clean air, oil
and gasoline for the engine.
Drive one of the Better Buicks.
Know how much the new 75
horsepower Standard of Perform¬
ance adds to the pleasure of Buick
You never again will be satisfied
with the power and performance
of the ordinary motor caff
Flint * DMsienaf • Michigan
Central Meters t erfieratie*
in the
Authorized Huiek Deafer
Gainesville, Ga.
Camp meeting started at Mossy
Creek Wednesday nighj. Some of
the preachers scheduled to be there
are unable to attend,
i 1
Just the Kind of a Meal
You Want
If you have special preferences, we will be
delighted to cook especially for you just the f s
kind of a meal you want. Your order will be
promptly and correctly filled.
When you dine here, you find the service sur¬
prisingly inexpensive.
Fresh vegetables on hand at all times,
CITY caff: A
U. E. Wilkins, 1’rop. Cleveland. Ga.
v j*
The j
Best Vacation f
- - - a trip by ship |
Combines the many pleasures and benefits of an ocean
voyage witli the comforts of a first-class hotel.
The restful and healthful way to travel
Large modern ships affording every travel comfort and
convenience. Broad promenade decks. Spacious and
restful lounge and music rooms. Meals that appeal, in¬
vitingly served in attractive, well ventilated dining-rooms.
Stateroom choice ranges from the two-berth type (in¬
cluded in ticket) to those with twin beds and private bath
at reasonably increased cost.
Summer Tourist Fares
NEW YORK $57.1)7—BOSTON $70.07 t
Correspondingly attractive fares from other points in the
Southeast to New York, Boston and interior Eastern and
New England territory.
All fares include rail transportation to Savannah, pas¬
senger and baggage transfer at that point, also ineals and
stateroom accomodation aboard ship while at sea.
Hound trip tickets to Boston give purchaser the option
of return via Long Island Sound steatpers (transportation
only,) Boston to New York, I hence this company's direct
service to Savannah.
For sailings, descriptive literature or reservations apply
to your local ticket agent or
37 Hull Streel Savannah. Georgia iuiii!::!. 1 . ■ 1MHUHHBBI
A. 6 M. SCHOOL 1
I Four years High School in Literary, Art, Hotrje §
Economics, Agriculture and Mechanics.
Cheapest Boarding School in the state.
i 1 Fall term begins first Monday in September.
This is your Opportunity,
Write for information.
9 th A. H M. SCHOOL
Clarkesville, Hu.
The new bill before t lie legisia
lure to crea'e a new county,Harris,
was defeated. That is 1 just the
thing ,, they ,, should , ., have , done. . ...
h-ive entirely too many counties
' '
now in lieorgia, ai.d then there
must be a stop to all thjs new
county craze.
Miss Henrietta Miller, of Atlan¬
ta, is visiting parents, Mr, and
Mrs. J. JE M’iliar,
Eutnber For Sale
- , 1 , !, plenty ,
ave of most all kinds
^ j u , n p, er
J- T ,,, W „ House,
~ ’"
_ -' AnT
A woman or girl to go g«n*i
house work. If interested see,
Thos, F. Underwood,