Newspaper Page Text
£be Cleveland Courier.
Official Organ of White County. Go
Published Weekly at Cleveland Ga,
J as. P. Davioson, Editor.
Lateral «t the Post iftiee at Cleveland
Ga., »s second class mail ocauer.
Member Ninth District Press AsROciai^n
“ Georgia Press
“ National Editorial
** Press Congress Of The World
Subscription, tl. 5 o per year
in advance
j. J, Brown, Commissioner ol
agriculture, is suffering some ter¬
rible defects, both in rhe house
and senate. The house cut his an¬
nual appropriations of the bureau
of markets From $ioo,oooto $50,
noo, and slushed his political ma¬
chine on every hand.
The members of the legislature
are to be commended for tlieir
Maud and action in tin’s matter.
There has been entirely too
much money pouring into Brown’s
political machine.
The Courier predicts that now
is a fine time to oust J, j. Brown
from his "bed of ease”.
How many automobiles are there
in White County that are being
run with lags?
If it is just for one owner of an
automobile to buy a tag, then why
should not all be compelled to buy
The many friends of Mr. E, C.
Stewart, of Atlanta, deeply sym¬
pathize with him in this sad hour
caused by the death of his wife.
Mr. Stewart lias a splendid orchard
in White County, near Yonnli
Some French astronomer pre¬
dicts that this Winter will he un¬
usually severe.
Well, we have heard it said that
all signs are of no good during dry
weather, if some ruin would come
we would find it much easier to
endure the cold chilly days ol
January and February.
Rev. Henry Holmes, a Baptist
minister, of near the place where
Mrs. Robert Stewart was slain by
liijuor heads, was called from the
home where lie was stopping last
Wednesday night and roughly used
by eight or ten men.
The minister was conducting u
revival meeting at the Tallapoosa
East Church, and made vigorous
attacks against bootleggers, whis¬
key runners, home wreckers and
distillers. |
Every possible effort was made
to force the minister into tine of
the cars, hut after desperate resist¬
ance he escaped and hurried to
Buchanan andjplaced himself under
the protection of the sheriff.
This is the second attack on
ministers by law violators and
every possible effort should be
made to apprehend the desperadoes
and the extreme limit of the law
should be given them.
Such dastardly crimes as that
looks like we should not outlaw
pistol carrying in Georgia. On
the other hand it looks as though
people will be compelled to carry
them for protection against such
What Georgia needs is fewer
laws and stricter enforcement.
A man of eighty years, who was
born and spent his life in White
County, tells us that he has never
witnessed nor has he known of a
season being dry so long in White
County. Any number of branches
are completely dry and many wells
in Cleveland have long since ceased
to give forth water. The trees 011
the mountain sides are dieing us if
fire had been among them. Cer¬
tainly this is the most distressihg
time this county lias experienced in
many a year, possibly never before.
The Georgia Legislature
close Saturday. What they will
accomplish remains yet to be seen.
An organization should be
mediately perfected at
and Helen for the Georgia Children
Home Society. Messrs Paschajl,
Keeler and Blake very clearly ex¬
plained the work this society wa6
doing for the orphoned children.
The Committee should immedi¬
ately get busy and perfect this or¬
ganization. Those on the com¬
mittee are; Mre. A. M, Taylor,
chairman ; J. H. Telfora, Jndge
J. W II. Underwood, H. A. Jar
rard, and J. P. Davidson for
Cleveland and W. J, Williams
and O. E. Kimsey for Helen.
local flews
Mr. B. L. McGhee, of Shoal
Creek district, sent in the first
open boll of cotton we have seen
this year.
Judge and J. W- H. Underwood
Miss Clara and CharlesHenderson
spent a fe w days in Franklin, N.
C. , since our last issue attending
the sermons delivered by D r a.
George W, Truett and F. C. Mc¬
Col. O. J. Lilly, of Gainesville,
-petit, a few days in Cleveland last
Thursday on legal business.
Messrs. Jesse and Carlton Black
and Benton Trotter spent a few
days at Burton Dam last week
Mr. and Mrs. Grady Nix, of
Kansas City, Mo., spent a few
days with Mr. Nix’s sUler, Mrs.
D. N. Warwick, since our last
Rev. A. C. Shuler, of Jackson¬
ville, Fla., spent last Friday night
with his sister, Mrs. K. L. Russell.
Mr. W. C. Logan, of Helen,
spent last Friday in Cleveland.
Miss Enid Cantrell, of Atlanta,
spent u few days with Mr. and
Mrs. H. B. Underwood.
Miss ... Miriam Harrison . . the .
is new ;
county demonstrator that has been
sent by the slate college to succeed
Miss Juilet Tuggle. Miss Harrison
comes from Franklin County.
Capt. John Davidson, instructor
of ll» pn.ilii.g .d,ool ..Ft, ll,»
mng, Columbus, Ga.. is visiting
relatives in White County.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Satterfield,
of Atlanta, were visiting Mrs.
Satterfield’s father, Rev. W. R.
Rower, for a day or so since our
last issue.
Mr. Steward Nix, of Atlanta,
and Mr. T. C, Nix, of Gainesville,
visited Mr. and Mrs. J. S, Nix, on
Tesnattee, the past week-end,
Mr. Robert Cruven has rented
the tilling station ot the Supreme
Service Station.
Mrs. F. J. Nix, of Tampa, Flu.,
accompanied by Mrs. Vena Thomas
and daughter, Miss Lena Sessions,
are spending a few days at her
home in Cleveland.
Miss Vido Reece, of Marietta, is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Reece
ibis week.
Miss Marjorie Butte, of Arnolds
ville, visited the Misses Jones’ for
a few days since our last issue.
Mr. Comer Gillstrup, of Bir¬
mingham, Ala., is visiting parents,
Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Gillstrup, for
a few days.
Rev. II. H. Heisler will fill the
appointment for Rev. Win. Green¬
way at Cleveland Sunday night at
8 p. tn.
Prof. A. T. Wilson and family
returned Monday front a visit to
relatives at Conyers.
Mrs. R. B. Trotter and daughter
Edith, ot Crawfordville, are spend¬
ing this week with relatives in
While County.
Miss Mary Bulgin broke her
last Friday morning by falling
through a broken board in the
lion. Robert C. W. Ra.b.peck,
solictor-general ,■ of DeKulb .. County
f passed through Cleveland Wednes
| day afrer a few days at the bedside
of hi* h«le daughter, who has been
! critically ill at Helen, where Mrs.
Ramspeck is spending the Summer,
1 j Subserib For The Courier,
To the People ol Me County
As County Home Demonstarion
Agent, of White County, I want
the people of this county to know
that I am here to put forth every
effort to serve you in every way
possible for the improvement of
your county, I want you to feel
perfectly free to call on me for any
tielp I am able to give you.
I will work largely through the
school communities organizing
clubs with the girls and women of
the community. Through these
clube I shall endeavor to teach the
girls and women the problems they
need to know in order to carry on
the work of their homes more ef¬
ficiently. Everything we do will
be in connection with some phase
of the home.
1 hope to get into every com
munity , just . possible and
as soon as
I earnestly beg your help and co¬
operation in order to make this
work mean what it should to you.
I will spend most of my time
during the week in the communities
the county ; but on Saturday I
will be in the office at the court
house in Cleveland. Any help
that I can give you in any way
write to me or come to see me on
Miriam Harrison,
County Home Demonstartion Agt.
American Legion News.
If the post can be of service
any exservice man let us know
John M. Slaton, Jr., of Atlan¬
ta, hus been made regional mana¬
ger of the Fifth district of the Vet
eran's Bureau. Mr. Bryson, lias
been transferred at his own request
to the Florida district with liead
quarters in Jacksonville. Mr, Sla
ton is yery ' live legionnaire p and a
■nighty fine young man. He is
president of the Junior Chamber of
Commerce, in Atlanta.
Don’t forget that Monday night
August 24, will be the night to
elect officers for the ensuing year.
Begin to select «oin. good
ai f or your Q ffi cer4 . I
The delegates to the stale con
veution in Rome this week are:
Jus. P. Davidson and Clifford !
Buddy Truman L. Williams left
Monday for General Hospital No.
48 .
White County Post is one of the I
most active posts in Georgia.
Alfalfa in North Georgia hus in¬
creased in aceage 400% in the last
10 years. What hus been the:
cause of this increase? It is this.
Farmers are beginning to grow a
protein feed instead of buying it.
Alfalfa hay is equal to wheat
bran, and fur exceeds cotton seed
meal, as a protein carrying feed
Wheat bran cost $40. per ton ; al¬
falfa cost $5. per ton to grow it.
Alfalfa gives eight times the pro¬
tein tor the money. And in addi¬
tion alfalfa improves the soil, di¬
versifies the crops, and keeps the
money on the farm.
Lot fronting square in Cleveland
next door to Cooley’s store 25 ft.
running back to railroad. This is
best lot available, quick purchase.
Buy now at $1000.00 and sell on
day of big tour for $2000.00. Ad¬
dress box 489, Gainesville, Ga.
Col. W. V. Lance, of Gaines¬
ville, returning from the Home
Co,nin S celebration ran his Ford
j out *' embankment Nee! Gap, a abort breaking distance
s ' his
collarbone, one of his children’s
*“* **'*•"’ ****
Ins wife.
M '“ Nellie . Skelton left Mon
j y for A ,latUa to accept a posi
i ,,on -
j Mr. M. A. Cooley, of Marietta.
spent the week-end withe his fam
j ity^wha Cleveland are spending the summer
Atlanta’s Best Known Hotel
400 Rooms of Solid Comfort.
The Home of Georgia People.
Rooms. Running Water, $1 to fa.
Rooms, with Bath, $1.50 to $5.
Free Garage Service.
Jacobs & Maynard. Props.
Lumber For Sale
I have plenty of most all kinds
of lumber.
J. W. House.
Legal Advertisements
Georgia, White County
Mrs. Mattie Sutton, having made ap¬
plication for twelve months support out
of the estate of George E. Hutton, and
appraisers duly appointed to set apart
the same having filed theit returns, all
persons concerned are hereby required
to show cause before the Court of Ordi
na) .y 0 y ga j,j wunty on the first Monday
In September 1925 why said application
should not he granted.
Whereaa, Hadden Harris, administra¬
tor of Fletcher 11. Harris, represents to
the court in his petition,duly tiled and
entered on record, that he has fully ad¬
ministered Fletcher H. Harris estate.
This is to cite all persons concerned,
kindred and creditors, to show cause, if
uny they ea», why said administrator
should not be discharged from his ad¬
ministration, and racejve letters of dis¬
mission the first Monday in Sept. 1926.
Mrs. William C. Black, having made
application for twelve months support
out of the estate of William C. Black and
appraisers duly appointed to set apart
the same having filed their return, all
persons concei ned are hereby required
to show cause before the Court of Ordi¬
nary on the first Monday in September
1925 why said application should not lie
This the 5th day of August 1925.
S. B, Logan. Ordinary.
We will give you $1.00 per
bushel for tomatoes delivered at
H, A. Jarrard & Son.
Henry C. Lyon.
To whom this may concern:
This is to put all persons, firms
„ nd corpo „, notice that i
severed my connection witli the
Cleveland Mercantile Company of
Cleveland, Ga., and that l will not
be responsible for any of the obii
gations of the same alter this date.
That the said firm is now com¬
posed of Robert Johnson and
Wiley Whitmire and that they
have taken over all obligations and
debts and have become responsible
tor the same.
This the 13th day of Aug. 1925.
Mrs. S. E. Reece.
The difference between a
Mansfield and an average
good tire doesn't show on the
price tag.
But it does become very
apparent along towards the
end at the second 10,000 miles.
Clermont Service Station
Clermont, Ga.
Renew Your Health
by Purification
Any physician will tell you that
“Perfect Purification of the Sys¬
j tem is Nature’s foundation of
Health.”- Why not rid
*»“"«« are undermining »* your vitality! $•»
J Purify vour entire system by tak
ing a'^orough course week of fpr Calotaba, several
—once or twice a
weeks—and see how Nature i re
war ^ 8 y° u ' vlt ^ ^ ea t * 1
Calotabs are the greatest of all
system purifiers. Get a family
package,* containing full direc¬
tions, priee 35 fits.; trial package,
, 10 eti, At any drug store, (Adr.)
We have heard several people
say that the Mossy Creek Camp
Meeting was the best in years in
spite of the fact that there were
only four occupied tents on the
ground. The congregations and
the attention given to the preach¬
ing was the best since we have
been on the work.
The Revs. Hawkins, Jones,
Twiggs, Heisler and Grindle did
some great preaching and the noted
preachers were not greatly missed
and we beliave that everyone was
really helped spiritually.
The Pastor will preach at Cleve¬
land at 11 a. m., and Loudsville at
3 p. in., next Sunday, Aug. 33.
The protracted services at Mossy
Creek Church will begin Sunday
Sept. 6. Rev. Lewis M. Davidson
will be the preacher witli the Pas¬
tor leading the singing.
There has been spread abroad all
over the county the report that
Loudsville Camp Meeting will not
be held on account of shortage of
water. I want to state here and
now, positively and absolutely, the
meetiug will be held, rain or shine,
water or no water, unless the good
Lord should will otherwise, and
that it will begin on Wednesday
night Aug. 26, and run through
Aug. 30.
The preachers assigned to preach
5 o is «•
The Best Vacation
- - - a trip by ship
Combines the many pleasures and benefits of an ocean
voyage witli the comforts of u first-class hotel.
The restful and healthful way to travel
Large modern ships affording every travel comfort and
convenience. Broad promenude decks. Spacious and
restful lounge and music rooms. Meals that appeal, in¬
vitingly served in attractive, well ventilated diuing-rooms.
Stateroom choice ranges from the two-berth type (in¬
cluded in ticket) to those with twin beds and private bath
at reasonably iucieased cost.
Summer Tourist Fores
NEW YORK §57.97—BOSTON §70.97
Correspondingly attractive fares from other points in the
Southeast to New York, Boston and interior Eastern and
New England territory.
All fares include rail transportation to Savannah, pas¬
senger and baggage transfer at that point, also meals and
stateroom accomodation aboard ship while at sea.
Round trip tickets to Boston give purchaser the option
of return via Long Island Sound steamers (transportation
only,) Boston to New York, thence this company’s direct
service to Savannah.
For sailings, descriptive literature or reservations apply
to your local ticket agent or
37 Bull Street Savannah, Georgia
1 I A. 6 M. SCHOOL I §
j Four years High School in Literary, Art, Hotjje I
B Economics, Agriculture and Mechanics.
Cheapest Boarding School in the state,
Fall term begins first Monday in September,
This is your Opportunity.
Write for information.
9th A. & M. SCHOOL
Ciarkesville. Ga.
J*■ ■ ■ 1 fti TnT ’ mil'iiniMiiiliiWifiliaiii’ iri ) j' i,,; T’' ? T
are : Revs. G. W. Barrett, of St„
Paul’s Church. Gainesville; I. J.
Levern, of New Holland and one
other whose name we do not know.
Mrs. J. G. Logan and Miss Bert
Winter will visit the following
churches of the Cleveland Charge
next Tuesday, Aug. 25: Mossy
Creek at 10 a. m.; Zion at 2 p. m,
Loudsville at 4 .30 and Cleveland
at the evening hour.
Several from this community at¬
tended Mossy Creek Camp Meet¬
ing last Sunday.
Mr. B. H. Middlebrooks and
family are at their old home place
for a few days.
Mr. J. P. Hefner, of Anderson,
S. C., was visiting his son G. V.
Hefner, last week.
Mr. D. L. Hale, of Statham, has
been cutting pulp wood on a tract
of land he owns near Yonah school
Mrs. J. H, Vandiver, of Akron,
Ohio, is visiting her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. G. V. Hefner, at present.
Mr. Juun Thurmond is visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Mrs. D. L. Hale and children
are visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Thurmond.