Newspaper Page Text
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
v^OL. XXVII. No. 47 .I
Who said that tlie
Movement in White County
dead? If they had been able
be present at Helen last
afternoon they would have
their opinion. Quite the
meeting we have had so tar.
Nearly every man present
and we heard men speak in
that we have never heard before.
It was a great meeting. The
gram committee. Ervin Kimsey,
Orville Rogers and J. J. Allison
are to be congratulated. The next
meeting will be held under
arbor at Loudsville camp ground
the first Sunday in October.
A revival meeting is in progress
at Mt. Pleasant, the preaching be¬
ing done by the Rev. I. J. Lovern,
New Holland. Bro. Lovern is
great preacher. If you have tree
evening go hear him he wili do
you good.
Rev. W. J. DeBardeleben will
be with us Monday, Sept. 21 in
time for the 4 o’clock service.
Don’t mti the first service for if
you do you will be sorry that you
did. The people at Robertstown
and Helen are all planning to take
in the meeting, be sure they do not
get your seat.
We have made a splendid statt
at Mossy Creek, Rev. Lewis
Davidson preaching.
The pastor will preach at Zion
next Sunday afternoon at 3 p. rn.
and at Helen at night at 8 p. m.
We would like to remind
members of our churches thut it
just i months until our lust Q.
Conference and 2 months and
days until the Annual Conference.
We are still a long way behind on
the district parsonage, the
anuate fund, conference claims
the orphans’ home collection
011 the 4th Sunday in this month.
Let’s not forget the interest* of the
church and if the revivals are do¬
ing us any real and lasting good it
will induce us to give more liberral
Rev. H. II. Humphries preached
an excellent sermon at Yonah hist
Sunday afternoon, his text
the 23rd I'slam.
Mr. Buck Dyer is very iow with
typhoid fever at present.
Mrs. Nancy Whitehead, of
Athens, has returned home after
pleasant stay with her sister,
J. W. Thurmond.
Mr. John Thurmond and
have purchased a corn mill
will soon be in operation at
Sunday School here has been
the decline for some time on
account of so many meetings but it
is hoped now that all will take
newed interest and boost up
school for the fourth quarter.
Rev. Bart Allison will
protracted services here the
Sunday in September.
Bro. A. C. Bowen preached
last Sunday night.
Mrs. Vena Thurmond spent
week-end with relatives in
Atlanta’s Best Known Hotel
400 Rooms of Solid Comfort.
The Home of Georgia People.
Rooms, Running Water, $1 to
Rooms, with Bath, At.50 to $5.
Free Garage Service.
Jacobs & Maynard. Props,
Mr. Claude Hefner, who
been in Miami for several
returned Monday.
Messrs, Marion Palmer and
Coleman Freeman and their best
girls attended the singing at Shoal
Creek last Sunday and report a
fine time.
The stork brought to the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Riley* Adams a 11
pound girl last Thursday.
Mr. R. E. Westmoreland attend¬
ed preaching at Chattahoochee last
Several from here have been at¬
tending the revival at the Baptist
Church at Cleveland lately.
There is not much visible show
of any corn on the stalks, but a
drummer has suggested that we dig
in the ground for there may be
something there and when the
ground gets soft we will proceed
to dig.
The springs are fast drying up
and the trees on riie mountains are
dying. There has never been a
time like this in the last eighty
years. In 1945 the chestnut trees
died and you cun see the old logs
lying there still. This was known
as a very dry season. In future
years when there conies a dry spell
they will probably refer bach to
this year as a record breaker. Last
summer we had a 12 weeks drouth
but not as severe as this. The
equinoctial storms will soon be on
hand and we are liable to have
rain a plenty. These rains usually
come in September buf they may
be delayed until early in October.
One extreme is usually followed by
The wedding hete came ofi
without a hitch, thegroom did not
The bridge force on the G. & N.
W. R. R. are doing some extra
work here.
There has been several cases of
fever heie but they are all better
Labor Day was not observed
here for we have so many birth¬
days to celebrate we did not have
the time.
The people are about done pull¬
ing fodder.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Skelton’s
baby is sick at this writing.
Mr. T. B. Hooper, after spend¬
ing a few days with his son, Fred,
in Florida, is at home again.
Just after Sunday School at
White Creek Church last Sunday
afternoon Mr. Tom London and
Miss Viola Barrett were joined in
the holy bonds of matrimony by
Mr. W. J. Presley.
Mr. Roy Hogan is visiting rela¬
tives here at present.
Mr. W. T. Hogan has bought a
half interest in Jim Satterfield’s
saw mill and is running full time
to fill orders for lumber.
Mr. H. J. Clayton from Florida
is visiting in this part.
Mr. and Mrs. Young Denton, of
Hiawassce, was visiting here the
first of the week.
Mr. Chap Bowen had a bale of
cotton gined last week. White
County’s first bale we guess.
At a regniar communication of
Yonah Lodge, F. & A. M., No.
382. Saturday night, Septemberi 2 ,
the Masters’ Degree will be con
terrea. All members are lequest
ed to be present and all visiting
brethren are cordially invited.
B. G. Allison, W. M.
Dr. H. S. Williams spent a day
- two in Atlanta on business this
“Cousin” Fred Houser
Honeymooning in White
Fred Houser, secretary of
Atlanta Convention and
bureau, who married Miss
Smith, of Atlanta, last
spent last Friday at Cleveland
Helen with his bride in the
of the motorcade the Atlanta
nal will conduct next
September 14th, from Atlanta
Adieville, via Stone
Cleveland and Murphy.
“Cousin” Fred, as iie is
tionately known in Georgia by
host of friends, has been such
factor in capturing “The
tion City of the South” for
Binder for Scenic Highway
To Begin at
The first work in applying
asphalt binder for the water
macadam on the
Scenic Highway will be on
mountain section of this
in about two weeks, according
L. B. Spear, who will
this job.
Mr. Spear says he has
much thought to this matter for
interest of the traveling public
finds that the work should
on the mountain.
Engineer Spear informs us
no one will be caused to
longer than two hours, and that
possible speed wili lie given
Miss Jessie Davidson to
Receive Prize Monday
Miss Jessie Davidson’s
ence on the Cleveland, Ga.,
er, one of the best known
newspapers in the state, served
in good stead when she sat down
to write an account of the barbecue
held at Neel Gap on the Fourth
July, 1925. Her article so impress¬
ed the judges appointed by the At¬
lanta Audit company, which offer¬
ed a $25 cash prize to the writer of
the best essay 011 the subject, that
these judge, chose her paper as the
best submitted.
Miss Davidson is employed in
the auditing department of the
Georgia Railway & Power com¬
pany, Marietta street offices, and
lives at 59 Hopkins street, in At¬
lanta. Her father, Alexander
Davidson, is postmaster at Cleve¬
land and former editor and owner
of the Cleveland Courier, which is
edited by her brother, James I*.
The prize vviil be presented in
Cleveland next Monday, Septem¬
ber 14, about > -.25 I’. M., accord¬
ing to Marion R. Miles, of the At¬
lanta Audit company, and son of
Mr. and Mrs. If. F. Miles, and for¬
mer citizen of White county. Dr.
J. A. Sharp, president of Young
Harris College, will make the pre¬
sentation speech when The Journal
motorcade arrives here in the after¬
noon of September i 4 .
The Atlanta Audit company, of
which Mr. Marion R. Miles is
president, after consulting with
Mr, II. A. Jarrard and I)r. |. A.
Sharp, decided to give a I25 gold
prize tor the best stoiy on the cele¬
bration of Neel Gap, which was
held on July 41I1.
The Atlanta Audit company lias
been active good road boosters
since 1914.
Mrs Alva G. Maxwell, 771
Highland Ave., Atlanta, gaveMiss
Davidson a close run for the prize.
Judges of the contest were : B.
B. Fite, chairman; Mrs. C. F.
Ausland, T, S. Candler, C. R.
Waldioop and Miss Addie Katie
Reid.—-The ABttnta Journal,
Big Journal Motorcade
Here Monday
One of the largest organized
motorcades ever come into the
South is being sponsored by the
Atlanta Journal over the Appala¬
chian Scenic Ilighwav will arrive
in Cleveland next Monday, Sep¬
tember 14, about 2 :20 1 \ M.
This motorcade will start from
Atlanta Monday morning and ar¬
rive in Asheville Tuesday after¬
Over one hundred automobiles
will be in the motorcade when
they arrive in Cleveland and the
number will increase all alolig the
Cleveland will lavish her usual
hospitality on these tourists with
cordial greetings and refreshments
during there short stay in our
mountain Jcity.
The committee oil arrangements
are: J. II. Telford,C. C. Jarrard
and II. A. Jarrard.
I’he reception committee will
Consist of the Mayor and Council
men and Jas. 1 ” Davidson, Dr. L.
G, Neal, II. A. Jarrard, Judge |.
W, II. Underwood, J. 11 . Telford,
W. L. Norton and C. C. Jarrard,
Miss Miriam Ilaraisoti is chair¬
man of the service committee
The council has passed a special
ordinance to keep all automobiles
from parking on the square on that
day, except those connected with
the motorcade.
The committee 011 arrangements
asks that parents instruct tlieii
children to stay on sidewalks for
feat of accident during the time
the motorcade is in Cleveland.
Judge J. \V. 11 . Underwood
will make the welcome address
and some prominent member of
the motorcade will respond.
Everybody is asked to attend
this great event here Monday, hut
if it is impossible for you to come
to Cleveland and you live on the
highway you are asked to go to
the roadside and greet these tour¬
Everybody in Cleveland is very
anxious to make this one ot the
greatest events Cleveland ever wit¬
Dr. J. A. Sharp will present the
prize to Miss Jessie Davidson on
this occasion for the essay she
wrote on the opening of Neel Gap
on July 4* given by the Atlanta
Audit company.
The Southern Touaist is issuing
a special edition for those in the
When the tourists arrive iuAshe
vtlle they will be elaborately en¬
tertained and mmy will attend the
meeting of the national organiza¬
tion of the Appalachian Scenic
Highway association which will
be bolding a meeting there, then.
Several cars from Cleveland will
enter the motorcade here.
1 ’osloffice Inspector McKew, of
Atlanta, inspected the proposed
star mail route from Cleveland to
lUairsville Wednesday. Prospects
are very bright it seems for the in¬
augural ion of this service.
Messrs. L. II. Jarrard and Frank
Carroll took Warren Martin to the
State Sanitorium at Millidgeville
"Aunt” Candy Kimsey’s house
caught fire oil the roof from sparks
from the flu last Saturday morning,
but it wat extinguished before
much damage was done. How¬
ever much alarm was caused on
account of it being so close to Tel¬
ford X Kenimer’s store and water
being so low* in all the wells around
the square.
There will be a square dance at
the Mitchell Mt. Ranch Wednes¬
day, September 16, Fine music
and caller.
[PRICE 11.50 A YE.\ l, IN AD VAN I K
Live and Let Live
Charlie fully realizes that conditions are such ! 1
that people just must make every penny go as
fur as possible. Well, folks, von can get more '■tv
for your pennies at Charlie's than at any other
store in White County. Yes sir. folks. Charlie’s
prices are tlie same to everybody. >1’
Charlie’s trade is growing so rapidly that lie I
was competed <0 employ Ed Trotter to assist
serve him. you So you now. see Charlie is better prepared to I
( harlie s appreciates the continuous growth of $)!
his business and will he work harder now than .vy
ever to please the public. It
Charlie wants it made known that he will <«%.
make deliveries right to your door.
Go right out to Charlie’s to get your eolds I
drinks, cigars, cigarettes, candies, etc.
At Roy Head Memorial Bridge j;
_ i»i:
i 1
f 1
4 f
r |
I lie safety deposit box was devised for the use of 1
persons who do not have lire proof sales in which to
k«*l> deeds, mortgages, wills bonds, stocks, valuable t |
papers of all kinds and jewels. I hey were never intend
cd as a hiding place to hoard money. I
We have an ample number of safety deposit boxes
for the use of our customers, varying in size, which are 1
f‘>r rent at reasonable rates. You have free access to
them during hanking hours. Avail youself of this service ;
we offer you and of the protection it affords.
Mbitc Countv Bank
Cleveland, Ga.
- j
■ An it ! ■ j i ir r t pr-iOLJi;:ji_ujt4L]i:i! igo33n^jmf .1 it ;oyoDDp r
Have you been raising around 15 bushels of
corn an acre? That yield does not pay. Tel!
that poor yielding land that you intend to plant
it in corn next spring, that you are going to
sow it with hairy vetch this fall, turn the vetch
under next spring, plant the land to corn and
get 30 bushels or'more an acre. That likely
you will put fertilizer on the vetched land and
get 40 or 50 bushels an acre.
Consult the County Agent.
<1.i:\ri.A\i». i.a.