Newspaper Page Text
proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Headache Neuralgia Colds Lumbago
Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism
c5^ . Accept Bandy which Also kiUha contains ‘•'Bayer* only of 24 “Bayer” proven box** &i.d Jfi9—Drogrirts- of directions. 12 package tafttta
>, ia ft* onto sue «t B»sw KwwSutm «f )fcaawrtfc»*M*»«<» <* Hafi-srUeacsd
A Laxative That Children Love
because it tastes so good and gives them some fun.
[TOW * Qhe Omving l li Gum li i ip
More effective than bad tasting medicine. Everyone lover
the fine mint flavor.
77te Chewing Does It At druggists,
15c and 25c
After Others Fail
Big Box 60 Cents
Tbe mighty healing power of Peter
aon’a Ointment when ecr.ema or terrible
Itching «f gkin and scalp tort uvea you
Is known to tens of thousands of |>eo
pie the country over. Often the itching
goe« overnight.
For pimple*, acne, rough and
akin, old sores, ulcers, piles, chafing.
sonhurn, horning feet and all blemishes
snd eruptions It is supremely effl/lent,
hh any broad-minded dniygist will tell
yon. Peterson Ointment Co, Bulfaio,
Ef. If,
AUgttSt • a ci
t lOWBr
fot Constipaftort,
Indigestion and
Torpid Uver
Sneeawfui for t* yens.
tOc «r,t 90c fcc.-tlM
KlttSO IN 30
rom no cts.
From SITtCiDE CO., Commorce, Ca.
and at Drug Stores
M amomOmoarvSyaap, Beestr HAIR Reelsree PARKEK'S u> Cu-vr BALSAM Color ead Feded Me eed , Settla* Heir !
HiNDERCORNS snmM o.™ c*i
lyue*. Me.. «om ell peui, r rajwtun to ibe
CARBUNCLES Carboil draw* the
out core
and give* quick relief.
At . G&RBOIL reUP oene/HKrs sot box
all Drq(gi»U — Merw> b»tk Guarani**
Mother* Wear ’Em Too
One reason so many modern girl* ;
are taller than mother may be diseov I
ered Just beneath their stor king heel*.
•—Boston llerold.
Children Cry FOR
MOTHER Fletcher’s
Castoria is Especially pre¬
pared to relieve Infants in
arms and Children all ages
of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising there¬
from, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the
assimilation of F>xxi; giving healthy and natural sleep.
To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of
Absolutely ltorrr,;c>* - No Opiam. Physicians everywhere recommend jj.
j j
Ntw»/ Paragras*** GatAerec Tr.rcisgb- !
sat Trt State Tor The : i
Of Oar ficait-s !
Afiaata-—Georgia _ ss oat of r the . sore j
richly ea&rered states "is the Gafats.J
from a jaiaerei stasSpoist. a-:-.-sord tag I
to a statement by Dr. S. W. SfeCaUx. *
stare geeiogfe*. is a series, of inter¬
view*., "Seteatifie Georgia" which the
Associated Pref-s is itetribsstiag. There i
are more than oss-e tamdred asd fifty r
valuable szstoerals to be found ia tor- i
gte. Doctor MeCaSte says, and at it* ,
presect ttee twenty'five of them are:
heicg tcioed a*, a good profit.
"One of the most ijaportan: of these (
j 1* asbestos,*’ Doctor MeCafiSe stasm. I
i which k lomd principally to Use Pfed
i tnoat plateau, where two varieties are ?
I be is* takes from the earth.'* !
j Doctor McCalUe . . . j? . v *■ ■ - ,
; most United States aaOMriOea borilies on oa as &*
fiestas ftas mines misee aad aad the Use uses tueg of of aafees- ashes-
1 to . ;
Asbestos Is a fibrosa mineral ofs^
i resembilng petrif.ed wood. The a*-!
| hestos deposit* in Georgia are found
asssociated with dark-entered, igneoae e--’
j rocks. There are two varieties, tbs :
! chrysolite and the aajpfeibo>. The
‘ latter variety fe txtetrively afiaed is ;
i Habersham and White oosstfes, near
j i Macoochee. The White cwroty misses j ;
have bees the chief producers of as
f bestos in the United States for years. J
| Finer varieties are spun and woven i
I into fireproof cloth. It is a BoaccsE- j |
j dcctor of heat and electricity, there- \
] tore useful for electrical tosulados.
t steam pipe and boiler eoverfags, and *
j *o ofactnre forth. It fireproof S* a.eo used point in the maa- '
; of sad vari
j oss bsildisg matoriais. such as l-.a
; fier. shingles and plaster. |
Cot* Of Affection* Valued At $25,aOG
j Atlanta.—Charging alienation of Isis
. wife's affection. All ert W. Gossett,
j has filed suit to Fulton saperk-r court
j for $X$,f)0d damages and asked the
, coart to restrain A Bryan Wynne of
• 13$ Peachtree street from interfering
with or paying attention to hi* wife,
Mrs. Oaita Gossett. Mr. and Mr*.
, Ooeaett were married on January IT,
1K2I, The The petitioa petition- filed filed by Gossett’*,
I lawyer. C- Don Miller, sets forth that
| ! the If, 1925, defendant and began met Mrs. paying Go-e her ,-tt attest A«R j ;
tlo»- The petitkm petitioa further claim*! '•
! j
j that Wynne began show erf sg Gossett's | \
j wife with presents and m infiaosced j
! her against her husband that she .Bled !
J Kelt for asntjlmmt of the marriage. J
: Judge W. D. Ellis of Fuitos superior
: court Issued a temporary tojaocticn I
restraining the defendant from inter¬ I
fering with either Gossett of bis wife. |
Tax Valuation. SnTpald.r. 9 Take Hike |
Griffin.—Spalding const 4? kd*TTSt-- . •
aatSem* for 1S25 show an Increase , of
f*74>#5 over the year 1524, according :
to the county digest, which has jast
b*s n completed by T ax Receiver
Harry Johnson and which has been
approved by H. G. Fullerton, -state tax j
eomratoiSotter. CoosolWatton of the ’
tax return*, show* valuation* for the '
year of 17,745,215, with a valuation j s
last year of $7,«57^l«. Tfca report! j
shows also that there are Ip lawyer* j
in the county, 25 doctors, seven den )
Usts, one veterinary surgeon, one op- j
Go ton and six embalmer*. The mills
and cl tv property proTe to be the big- j
ge*t single $2,064,595 items, the former being \
valued at and the latter at j
$2.090435. Automobiles in the :o>tra- !
ty are valued at *217.030. !
Crop, _ Are . Pa-ched ~7 Near Summerville „
SummervUle. The drouth which has
prevailed throughout thi* section dor- ;
tog the entire summer i* rapidly as-.
Burning serious proportion*. Practical
Jy .
all vegetable crop* have already
birned up and corn and cotton crops ;
have been v<ry badly damaged, the;
la’i< r crop Buffering it greatest dam-[
age during the past two weeks, it I* :
sald. Farmer* state that almost grown
bolls have dried up on the stalks and !
powder. Late gardens are a comple'e
failure and as a result all kinds of :
vegetables are scarce. \
Fisher* Lose Car* And Their Money
Griffin —Three automobiles that !
carried atives a patty fiehtng of fourteen expedition mill oper- j j
on a near
Suliivan mill were destroyed by
of an undetermined origin. According
to clothing stories and of the otber fishers belongings they put their j i
in one
of the car* and while they were gone j
heard an explosion. In a few seconds j
there were two more explosions. Mem¬
bers of the party rushed back to find
their automobiles in a blaze One man
had $100 in his pocket, and this was
Drouth Is Eroken In North Georgia
Cornelia.—The long drouth was
broken on the first day of September
when a hard rain swept throughout
the northwest section of the state.
The rain seems to have been general
and sufficient to help farmers stage
( aa eleventh-hour comeback after the |
; weeks of drouth. A few more rains j
in pany this reservoirs section will to normalcy. swell power Citizens com- j
w elcomed the refreshing rains and i
bope permanently. that she dronth The drouth has been is of broken three j 1
months - duration. :
Location of Ores
Revealed by Smoke
Over the eotrance U> tfie prstvipai
raise of a 3«»<i company in Arizona
bangs a portrait *.f “Antonio, tfee
Cave Finder,” an employee who roams
about the underground passage puff¬
ing cigarettes, says I’opalar Meefaan
Sc* Ifagazlae. He beeps dose watch
of the smoke as it drifts away, and
if fie mnhs It disappearing through
Ur,y breaks in the rock formation,
?s '” w'*:kl«.g- are es*«n*i«l in that
dire*:lion, which often leads to inner
<jw< i, ri*'h In ore. Minerals to this
region seem to hate te * n d-f- •’•ed
lr , f . B v|Ues eU- fc lie in as approxl
mately fiords.-,1 plane The min*
**’'* Sal! tha* , *“ aaif l‘? . re a rude to this , manner, , ^ .
j Tunnels are driven under the cave*
and (lie *<re is dropped directly into
the car* that carry it out of the xatoe.
I ™ . — . ................ . -.......... ... . —
Crow’* Little Hoard
While cutting a large tree at Stow,
Maine, Herbert Andrew* was sor
ids i*rlw-d to see a piece of money fall at
feet. Upon picking St op, it proved
to he a bright dime, which was partly
covered with Seek* of tree mold. A
careful search of the tree, after it was
felled, disclosed she pia*-e from which
(he coin had fallen. As the tree was
well back in the woods from arty high¬
way, St i* believed that a crow, at¬
tracted by the gleam of the dime,
picked it up and carried It to a safe
Th* Cuticura Toilet Trio.
Having cleared your 8klo keep It clear
by making Cuticura your everyday
toilet preparations. The Soap to cleanse
and purify, the Ointment to soothe and
heal, the Talcum to powder and per¬
fume, No toilet table 1* complete
without them.—Advertisement.
Big Demand for Rubber
About 415,hfx> tong ton* of robber
were produced to the world last year
and the United States used 77 per
cent of it, compared with 43 per cent
in IfiOTi, when world production ap¬
proximated 00,000 long ton*.
Not Far Away
foodstuff* alio wetl to the
mmSc "Well, we deliver a lot of
mush, answered the postman.
Keif.defense Is nature’s oldest tow.—
Publishing Firm Selects Atlanta
Atiasfe.—Atlanta.'* AffraassSa*®* as
lie trade eag-nal of tie 8wsa»e®sterss
states iiT* woe another braaeli fcewse
than. city, it Isas revested by
Use ritet»her of commerce. & S» aa
ffcar the MacMillan essrpeay,
rjSA * ' ±a ***
5 " v -'
•*- -tr.berr. trete nraseb aero ---.e •--
:y served by tit r-.v brzz -.-u
North Carobtea, gteati C zto
GeorgSe, Placida. TesMssee, Ala- :
a sxd KisatesippL The amaowiuce
by Thomas M. Watts. '
meat was tease
who came so Atiaajts. froas tie New :
York office of the company, and wise .
wffi have charge of the sew breeds :
For s-.> 2 » year* the campaayr ha* ■
sjaiasatned a branch here to haedie 1
textbook* and other educational books,
but the establishment of tie sew
breach wUl mark a revohuioa
ary moTemert sEtoxg book pebSis&era
It w* seas that "fee MacMClaa ew
pasy w2i serve dealers and lifcrark-i'
direct from Atlanta instead cl frees ’
hew Tcrk, and wS! carry here the
line of pofeUcaUaas carried
the mass pafcifehhtg bouse.
Sy'.eid Cars er So t S'sced fr, DeKa'h
BetatEr.—M ior damage*
William T. CasdJer. brought
Mrs. Clyde Byfiead. yo-ag Atiaata
.- • - - -.. y n . ..T. -. e-. i. r - • ■, to *
in DaKalh saperier coart a
time, nsse. beghaaing sx gmamg scoo. it hat
iecMne fcsowE cere. The- case vis
several mcsii* ago, and Mrs. By
'-" s * {J ^ HE5 were denied by a jury.
toe case to ‘tie Georgia
of appeals e - - uii r.r. ■ .r.a. sas
her «tatk>E.& of error and sen
back to tbe trial am tor & sc*
Mrs. Byfield daim* Candle?
her to her stair room aboard
.steamship Bereagaria while she ,
her hst*S»s4 were en rest* to
as Candler's guests. Her in
are parnsanest and the salt is
to recover damage* growing
of the attack, she aHcee* She is
by ex-Geveraor John M,
OsrPM/ Urges Chr»**•*»> Eaueat-er
Atlanta.—“Safe College = for Our
was the subject of the s-erson
Dr. Earn F. Dempsey, secretary
education for she North Georgia
conference, at the First
church- The address was
of a series made by Doctor Demp¬
from Sunday to Sunday ssder the
caption. ‘Edacstioa That Ed¬
la the coarse of his sermon
Dempsey streased the seed for
education to schools and
of the coaatry. "Sense robooD
endanger the character and
of the cz'M. be ceei&Ted
De ^SHF. * 4M ? a ^* 1
to , Methodist t tantto of the
each Sunday daring the month ct
treating varioa* anfehead* to
general sabject of hi* aerfe-s.
A. R Vetc-a-s tadtsd To Atlanta
Atlanta.—Ifiass are an os foot tc
the sixtieth encampment of tie
Army of the Republic nett
at cord tog to aanouseenieBt by
Houkct. executive secretary cl
‘ Atlanta tonventtou and tourist be
The Erst s-tep Is the ■Hrotnacnt
been taken by a committee com.
of Got. Clifford Walker. Mayer
A. Sira*. Frederic J. Faxon and
C. Royer, who sent a telegram to
S. Arsburg. commander-to-chief of
Grand Army of the Republic, who
attending the national eoaventics
the organisation being held at
Rapid*. Mich. It is said that
to bring the Grand Army hers
the first attempted by any South¬
Overa l Factoey Burns At Macon
Macon.—The plant of the Adams
company, makers of
and duck trouser*, was eom
destroyed by fire the other
Nothing but the walls of a tvo
building, 220 by 110 feet, re
The loss i* estimated at 1200.
. Th( , company employed 150 per
and had m machine* and mod
cectricaBy driver, equipment. It
^ tn opera t!on only a year and
ha!t A big st<xk of denim and duck
^ fire atartcl in the
To Head Large Concern
Macon.—Mike J Whitman, ex-Geor
and former law partner of Gen.
A. Harris, has accepted the
presidency of the A. Schulte Ci
company of New York, it is sn
Giri Scout Council Formed In Griffin
Griffin —A Girl Scout council has 1
formed to Griffin and plans mads
increased activities by the Mock
Brid troops here. Rev. George
e Zachary was elec ted president of
council with B. R. Blakely as rice !
Mrs. Ober Tyus was chosen
secretary and treasurer and Mrs.
H. Searcy. Jr., chairman of th*
scout commission N J. Baxter was
chairman of the court of hon¬
or with Miss Mary Martin Mills as
captain and Mrs. Gordon Wilson a*
12 Arrested tn Jones County Killings
Gray.—With 12 men under arrest
for the murder of Jones County Po¬
liceman Floyd Malone and Deputy
Frank Tucker, Sheriff J. C. Middle
brooks has begun to isolate the pris
oners. Some are in the Bibb county
jail, some here and others have bees
carried to other jails of central Gecr
gi a . Communication from one to the
other is thus cut off. Absolute secre
Is being maintained as to the where
abouts of most of the prisoners. There
are seven white men and three ne
groes under arrest.
Corrictlco Now Prevaent That
World Peace Car Now Be Placed
Or A Sc -d Foundation
Geneva, Swi’xerland—With a hope
fnl start sale tn settling the supreme
problem of European security, .the'
sixth assembly of the league of na¬
tions ha* takes up its work in an at¬
mosphere Of • confidence and with the
cosvjetion that world peace can lie
jiat • -i os a solid foundation.
This spirit of optimum dominated
the dtoeojsrsfcs de ivered by Paul Fato
ve. premier of France, who caile/l
the assembly to order, and by Senator
llacal Dandsrand. of Canada, whom
the assembly elected its president. The
same spirit seemed to radiate both in¬
side and outside the assembly hall as
rnejEsee from So lands established
their first amtact of the session to
review the world's affairs.
SL Painiere made ore thing clear at
the start. This was that when satis¬
factory security ha.- been achieved by
cerotiaUoc.6 between the allies and
Germany and other desirable regional
guarantee pacts have been erected,
the coobcA of the league of nations
shoaki invite the powers to a confer¬
ence looking toward the reduction of
armanKst*. Incidentally, he eropha
est-d that co-opertion for the main
re-nance of peace mast have its root
to th- keague of nations.
M. Fain>*-*--• characterized the nego
tiaisons with Germany as an effort
to bring about agreement or arbitra¬
tion treaties is conformity with the
covenant of the league of nations for
the maintenance cf p-eate. He explain¬
ed that the result of the negotiations,
sf they sacceed. will be to hind certain
Ci'tons which aro members of the
ic.'.gue by obligatlo®* similar to those
provided for to the Geneva peace pro
The protocol. M. Painleve said, has
failed cf ratification chiefly because
of the refusal of some powers includ¬
ing England, to accept the system of
penalties against an aggressor state
thereto provided. He boldly snggast
ed a way out of thi* difficulty con¬
cerning the protocol by counseling the
creatiw of a modified protryco!, which
would act Immediately bind ail the
countries of the world by the eame
universal formulae, but would include
a scries of regional pacts between
states which are. perhaps, prone to
conflict#, leaving all other members
of the League bound by the general
obligations of the covenant.
Painting a word picture cf the Unit¬
ed States of C6 years ago, when rent
by Civil war. M. Painleve declared
that Europe could Learn a lesson by
the way the United States has found
itself and solved it* terrific problems.
He received an outburst of applause
when he declared that the possibili
tles of lasting peace are not less
strong in Europe today than they
were to ISS7 on the American conti¬
He urged special concentration on
the solution of international economic
problems, saying that if economic
forces are allowed “to break loose in
all their brutality, ail agreements will
collapse and the specter of war will
suddenly appear.”
M. Painleve’s closing message was
“Hope, venture and persevere."
Senator Dandurand, the new presi¬
dent. joined M, Painleve in hailing the
league of nations as a successful and
noble enterprise, dedicated to make
the world safer. He expressed con¬
fidence that the enlightened collabora¬
tion of statesmen gathered in an at¬
mosphere of devotion to the well be¬
ing of humanity will contribute to the
establishment of peace founded on
Three United States senators at¬
tended the opening session of the
league—Senator Arthur Capper of
Kansas. Republican; Senator Thom¬
as J. Walsh of Montana, Democrat,
and Senator Andrieus A. Jones of
New Mexico, Democrat.
2 Men Lose Lives In Fighting Fires
Maryville. Term.—Two men have
lost their lives fighting forest fires
near the camp of the Babcock Lum¬
ber and Land company in the Smoky
mountains of Monroe county, it has
become known. The men were trap¬
ped in a fresh outbreak of flames af¬
ter the fire had apparently been
brought under control J. p. Murphy,
superintendent of the lumber com¬
pany, went to the scene with a res¬
cue party. Eight families were res¬
cued when their homes were destroy¬
ed by fire.
Former Premier Passes In Paris
Pans.—Rene 5 iviani, former pre¬
mier of France, and twice his coun¬
try’s representative on important mis¬
sions to the United States, died in the
Malmalson sanitarium, where he had
been a patient for the last two years, i
The part which M. Yiviani played ir.
the relations of France in the United
States figure largely in the tribute.
which the press paid his memorv. In ;
describing his extraordinary- powers !
of oratory, most of the papers men- !
'ion the effect he produced on Ameri¬
can audiences.
Two Letters
The fim
wrttte n
rwextty year*
rwceatiy by
Mrs. <3. H.
June 2 , 1S04, writes
“For twenty-three years I was &
constant striferer from chronic
catarrh. I had a severe of misery and
burning in the top my head, a
continual dropping of mucous into
ray throat causing entire frequent expec¬
toration. My system be¬
came involved and I grew worse.
It seemed as if I could not recover
from a constant bilious cough and fre¬
quent attacks of colic, ify
bowels were affected, causiag
alarming hemorrhages. I tried
many remedies- and finally took
Fe-ru-na. In three days I was re¬
lieved of my bowel trouble and en¬
tirely cured by five bottles. I most
cheerfully recommend Pe-ru-ta."
June 30, 1924, Mrs. Sourknd writes
“I -will soon be seventy-nir.e years
old and enjoy god health for or.e
of my age. 1 still recommend
Pe-ru-r.a and take it myself when
For more than half a century
Pe-ru-na has a proud record of
good done. Men and -women the
world over stand ready to testify to
its value in the treatment of all
catarrhal disorders.
Scud 4 cent* postage to the
Ohio, for book on catarrh.
Pe-ru-na in either tablet or liquid
ouifiesf ezkd kt*P tbc
edi n>i native tocttcDS Dcrcaa*
{astoi .k^^SfcJYsec/ foraW
Chips off the OW Block
Liula Hts
kOae-third the recc- of
JLar dose. Made
Flame ingredieat*.
then candy coated, j
« For children and adulta.
o-ys r*t»« rrS. *“5 frtroUwn 5 s.-n*-, >*»•
^ „.j.
- ^ ■Vaseline
A Desirable Man
“.So A1 joiner! th’ police force?”
“Yeh. Yah know they've been after
’lm for some time.”
Clear Your Skin
Cuticura W/ J
Soap to Cleanse / \
Ointment to Heal - K /
Absolutely Nothin* Better
’* "3’9:
{27,2}, tr’ 3
5% v
' “agar
*‘ '
C" W“??? IV
' , 3
p, ,w’é’il'j ”