Newspaper Page Text
Probably one
reason for the
popularity of _
WRIGLEY’S is that it lasts
so ■ long and returns such
great dividends for so small
an clean, outlay. * It keeps teeth
breath sweet, appetite
keen, digestion good.
Fresh and full-flavored
always in its wax-wrapped
Light on Horse’s Tail
A mounted policeman lias put a tall
light on his horse. He and the horse
have been bruised several times by
motorists who did not see the horse.
The cop placed a red reflector on the
horse's tail.
Definition of a Peddler
When a book peddler calls, that may
he regarded as a nuisance; when a
bond peddler calls, that’s flattery.—
Hulufh Herald.
A new full set of
Champions every
lOjOOO miles will
greatly improve and en¬
gine performance
pay for themselves in
oil-, and gas saved.
V* ’ ’ '' ?.
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Chdjnpion all X other for Fords 75c. 60c. More Blue
Box for cars,
than 95,000 dealers seU Ckom
fnon$. You will know the gen¬
uine by the double *ribbed core*
Champion Spark Plug J *"' Co. ::
Tofeaci,OKib '
Windsor, Ont., London, Paris
Human Race Summed Up
Few things are needed to make .a
wise man happy; nothing can make a
fool content"; that is why most men
are miserable.—La Rochefoucauld.
For 7k Years
. . . . V, '-v •
people have used Hanford’s Balsam of
Myrrh for Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Mos¬
quito Bites, IJee Stings, etc. 3 sizes.—Adv,
That whiep Is called firmness In a
king is called obstinacy in a donkey.—
Lord Erskine.
Sure Relief
6 Bellams
iSPEl’ 1 I Sure Hot water Relief
254 and 75$ PkgaSojd Everywhere
Soofhinq and Healtnq
For Rashes and Chafmq
\ ’.V ■ ?;
SundaySchool ‘ I Lesson’
(By REV , if FITZWaTEK. D.D.. Detn
c * the Evening School. Moody In¬
stitute of Chicago.) Bible
<(c), 1 925. Western Newspaper Union.)
Lesson for September 13
LESSON TEXT—Acts 17:1-15.
GOLDEN TEXT—"Prove all things;
hold fast that which Is good."—I Thess.
PRIMARY TOPIC — Loving God's
JUNIOR TOPIC — Studying God’s
, 1C—Two Kinds of Hearers.
j lc — Searching the Scriptures.
L Paul Preaching in Thessalonica
; (w. 1-4).
1. His Method (vv. 3 -").
He observed the divine order, to
! the Jews first wherever lie went (Acts
; US; Rom. 2:0-10). He was exceeding
i ly anxious for his kinsmen in Jlie
! I flesh, hut whenever they proved them
selves unworthy, he turned to the Gen
j tiles, te the llis method own of kinsmen first should
; every missionary,
| but should not stop there. He went
out on the Sabbath day so as to find
them assembled together.
2. His Message (v. 3).
His message was always and ever
the same, viz., that Jesus is the Christ.
To the Jew the essential thing was
to be convinced from the Scriptures.
So Paul expounded to them the Scrip¬
tures. This Is the business of all uiin
[ isters, prove their to expound positions the by Scriptures, the Word. to
; |
Concerning the Christ, he set forth
] three propositions:
[ j. Christ (D must The he Scriptures sufferer prove that
a (v. 3). ‘‘It
i behooved Christ to suffer.” No ptaln
, er reference need be made than Isaiah
| 53, but it seems that the rabbis of
| that time had explained away the fact
I of. a suffering Messiah so that the
j I Jewish glorious people wpre only looking for
a and powerful king to come;
I therefore they rejected Christ because
I of His lowly appearance. The same
method of exegesis is employed by
many Bible teachers and preachers
'today. Only the emphasis Is placed
upon the literal suffering of the Mes¬
siah, while they spiritualize and al¬
legorize the teaching of the glorious
coming of the Messiah to judge His
enemies and to reign upon the earth
(II Sam. 7:8-16; Isa. 53; Jer. 23:5-8;
Zeclu 9:14; Luke 1:1-13; Acts 15:14-
(2)' That Christ Must Rise Again
From the Dead (v. 3).
This Ikj proved by the Scriptures.
The resurrection of Christ, and the
bodily resurrection of telievers, needs
sound and practical exposition in our
churches today.
: (3)’ That the Historic Jesus Whom
He Proclaimed Did Suffer and Rise
From the Dead;. Therefore, lie Is
Christ, the Predicted Messiah
(v. 8).
II. The Attitude of the Jews (w.
While some Jews believed and many
Greeks, the envy of certain Jews was
so aroused at Paul's success that they
gathered together the worthless fel¬
lows of the town and get on foot a
riot. They assaulted the house of
Jason and dragged him before the
rulers, having failed to get the mis¬
sionaries. In their Indictment of the
missionaries they uttered unwittingly
some great truths. They said: "These
that have turned the world upside
down.” It Is true that the gospel Is
revolutionary, but it Is not treason to
right government. The real truth,
however, Is that the world is now up¬
side down. The work of the gospel is
to set It right side up. They turned
the preaching of Paul Into a specious
lie. He did preach the kingship of
Jesus (see verse 7), but not as they
endeavored to make It appear. Jesus
Is most assuredly coming to reign on
this earth (Ps. 2). Let all men ac¬
knowledge Him in humble submis¬
HI. Paul Preaching | n Berea (vv.
1 Ob-15).
1. His Method (v. 10).
He entered the Jewish synagogue
and preached Jesus unto them.
2. The Reception of the Gospel by
the Bereans (vv. 11-12).
It was with gladness of heart The
message was just as new to these
Jews and jnst as counter to their way
of thinking as it was to the Thessa
Ionian Jews, but they had a more
noble' disposition. The success of the
gospel depends altOgther on the dis¬
position of the hearers. Two things
are said of them;
(1) They received the message
(2) They searched the Scriptures
daily for the truthfulness of the
preaching. For this worthy act Paul
says they were more noble than those
at Thessalonica.
Human Welfare
The utilization of the forces of
earth for human welfare can only be
achieved by brotherhood and co-opera¬
tion.—Lily DougaL
There is no peace, now or hereafter,
for him who rejects the Prince of
A Holy Purpose
A holy purpose is better than a great
Mrs. Lee Suffered From All
These Troubles, but Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Com¬
pound Made Her Well
Terre Haute, Indiana. —"I was weak
and run-down and in such a nervous con¬
33%;? r; x V
(e ,,
{if :"E% «k "=1
5 :- ~.'§:i:.=:» “ 2;) 53"."?
242:;3' «4‘0 E-x .v
1"»: ‘«'~ :‘,‘.
‘ f: "4.5: ‘.;»..'_:<‘;*$,, ,1};
I ~ ... .
----- -----the newspapers and
had me take it. I regained my strength
and never felt better in my life.' It com¬
practically pletely restored me to health. I had
boy bom no and suffering he is strong baby
was very and
Compound healthy. I know the best that the Vegetable
is medicine a woman
can take before and after childbirth for
health and strength. I would be willing
to answer letters from women asking
abojit Mrs. the Vegetable Lee, Compound.” —
Wm. J. Route E, Box 648,
Terre Haute, Indiana.
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com¬
pound is a dependable medicine for all
these troubles.
For sale by druggists everywhere.
Bee Library a Memorial
The Miller apicuHnral library at
tlio Wisconsin College of. Agriculture
contains more than 1,100. books and
bulletins relating to bee culture.
After the death of Dr. Charles 0.
Miller at Marengo, 111., in 1920, fellow
beekeepers sought some means of per¬
petuating his memory. A memorial
library was finally decided on, which
was endowed by the beekeepers and
others. Because of the Interest which
the Wisconsin College of Agriculture
displayed in beekeeping the Miller
library was established there,
The library is an international mon¬
ument to beekeeping, says a bulletin
by 11. F. Wilson, in charge of the
agriculture department of Wisconsin
Buy the famous “Marie Antoinette”
I’earl Necklace in handsome plush
gift case for $1.85, No. 7114V, 24-lnch
string with silver clasp, sold in retail
stores for $5.50. Guaranteed inde¬
structible. Money back if not satis¬
fied. Agents wanted. No experience
necessary. Catalog free. Write Imme¬
diately. Marie Antoinette I’erle Com¬
pany, 500 Fifth Ave„ New York.—Adv.
Free Verse
‘Tie’s a writer of free verse, you
say!” “Yes: he’s never been paid for
a poem yet.” •
The successful are criticized.
: Take Healing
^Sulphur baths
For rheumatism, gout, eczema or
hives, nothing is more beneficial than
frequent sulphur baths.
You can enjoy the benefits of heal¬
ing sulphur baths right in your own
home, and at small cost by using
Sulphur Compound
nature’s own blood purifying and
skin healing remedy—Sulphur—sci¬
entifically prepared to make itB use
most efficacious. Use it in the bath.
Also use it internally and as a lotion
on affected parts.
60c and $1.20 fbe bottle at your
druggist’s. If he cannot supply you,
send his name and the price in stamps
and we will send you a bottle direct.
Hancock Liquid Sulphur Company
Baltimore, Maryland
Hancock Sulphur Compound. Ointment — SOo
and 90c— for use with the Liquid Compound.
Makes Hot Weather
Easier On Baby
Baby suffers often during hot, sul¬
try spells. I^ood I s upsetting, Collo
Is frequent and mothers must watch
out for Diarrhoea, Acidity, Cholera
Morbus, and such troubles. The one
safe preventive is to build up baby’s
strength and vitality to go through
these hot weather ailments.
“When my baby began teething he
was cross and did not sleep good,"
writes Mrs. Sam Mlllsapp, of Dalton,
Ga. “Baby's cry was pitiful and he
was restless. When Dr. Moffett’s
Teethina was recommended I am
happy to say It did loads of good.
Now Baby is well and happy as you
please. I certainly recommend
Teethina to all mothers as I don’t
see how they could bring a baby up
without it.”
Teethina Is a baby doctor’s pre¬
scription. It costs only 30c at all
leading druggists’, yet millions of
mothers know Us priceless value In
keeping babies well.
T7D rtVlJ/Ili TTT7? SEND Booklet FOR About USEFUL Babies
Builds Better Babies
hardly I tired do my all work.
was the
time and dizzy, had
no appetite sleep. and I could tried
different medicines
for a year but they
did not help me.
Then my husband
saw the ad. for Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vege¬
table Compound in
Willis—You look as if you’d been In
a fight.
Nillis—I have, and my opponent
didn't treat me fair.
Willis—How was that?
Nllils—Knocked two of my teeth
out, and then had the nerve to give
me a bill for $2, saying' he was a
Mother Was No Cook
“Gerald,” said the young wife, no¬
ticing how heartily he was eating,
“do 1 cook as well as your mother
Gerald stared at her through his
“Once for all, Agatha,” he said, “I
beg you to remember that, although
I may seem to be in reduced circum¬
stances now, 1 come of an old and dis¬
tinguished family. My mother was not
a cook.”
Daring Invitation
“Jim, that necktie you are wearing
is the worst I ever saw.”
“Say, dine with us tonight, will you,
old man?”
“Sure! But what’s the connec¬
“I want yon to repeat that remark
before my wife.’’
“That '7 (t;.|
cousin of yours that I met Is
awfully short.”
'“Yes, he's so short that a headache
powder affects his feet!”
Poor Thing
She's a poor working 1 girl,
This? Aloeji Gain ter,
She's working overtime
As a face painter.
He’ll Have No Competition
Sirs. Bangs—Jane, put that parrot
in the closet, and close all the doors
and windows. ^
Servant-—Why, what’s the matter;-**' ’
Mrs. Bangs—Mr. Bangs is going to
fix bis car.
Solving the Problem
Golfer—They’re all afraid to handi¬ play
me. What do you think my
cap is?
Glrl—Oh, I don’t know. It may be
your face, or, perhaps it’s your gen¬
eral appearance.
Natural Aversion
Friend—I hear that your son doesn’t
take kindly to the law.
Big Lawyer (grimly)—Perhaps yon
wouldn’t, either, if you’d been arrest¬
ed three times for violating traffic or¬
Old Aunt—So your husband ain’t
really able to dig in the garden any
more? Don’t he play golf?
Niece—Oh, yes; but that’s exereise,
auntie dear.
Be Sure You’re Right
Friend, do not be a quitter,
With fear within your heart;
Unless you are a finisher
Of things you shouldn’t start.
Losing Weight
Crist—My wife is reducing rapidly.
She called me on the phone from
downtown today.
Blake—What of that?
Crist—It means that she can get
nto a telephone booth now.
S. P. C. A. Supporter
"Maw, isn’t paw kind to Animals?’
“Suppose so. Why?”
“’Cause I heard him tell Jim Haw¬
kins that he’d come over and feed the’
kitty if you’d let him o»t ”
Sedan $775, f- o. i. Laming, Mich.
More Power!
More Pull!
More Pep!
Low-cost ^ Transportation
Star Cars
Prices •. f. t. b. Ldnsing, Mich.
ROADSTER...... . $525
COUPSTER . .. . .- . . . $595
COUPE . ........ $675
COACH ' $695
SEDAN . . . . .. . . .. . $775
250 West 57 th Street, New York
General Sales Dept. —1819 Broadway, New York
Dealers and Service Stations throughout the United States
Canada and Mexico
Plants: Elizabeth, N. J. Lansing, Mich. Oakland, Cal. Toronto, Ont.
Very Sad Highly Finished
Irene - -“Did you ever see a mosquito She—Isn’t this dress a gem?
Mildred—“No, but once I saw He—Yes, and it shows a perfect set¬
moth trail.” - ting.—Alliston Recorder.
roads are a
good investment
If —not an expense
if, f:
ti How Much Aire
si Poor Hoads
M k| Costing You?
5,000,000 of America’s 18,000,000 motor vehi¬
; i cles are recognized as an economic necessity on
the farm.
Is your car giving the full efficiency of which
it is capable—and at the lowest cost per mile
Not if you are jolting over bumps and ruts.
Not if you get stuck in the mud.
In addition to the time you thus lose along the
way, you also pay from one to four cents a mile
more in gasoline, tire and repair bills than you
would pay on permanendy paved highways.
Think, too, how many so-called improved
roads have gone to pieces within the past few
years, thereby piling up huge maintenance and
rebuilding costs.
Contrast all this with the record of Concrete
Roads—the roads that have repair built out and
maintenance built in. Firm, rigid and unyielding,
free of bumps, ruts, holes, mud and dust, they
are, in every way, the most economical roads.
Tell your highway officials you want more
Concrete Roads. Such an investment will pay
you big dividends year after year.
• • •
Let us give you all the iacts about Concrete Roads, Including the
experience of other communities. Ask for our free booklet, R-3.
111 West Washington Street
A National Organization
tc Improve and Extend the Uses of Concrete
Offices in 30 Cities
In his crusade against EVOLUTION.
Made public after his death.
BOOK.of Historic, illustrated Documents
which millions will want.
The Great Commoner pitted
25 cents for single copy.
5 copies $1.00; 12 copies $2.00.
GhilS Tonic
Makes the Body Strong.
Makes the Blood Rich. 6Cc
W. N. U„ ATLANTA, NO. 37-1925. j
be cheaply and effectively cont
attacking them along essenUall; y new lines,
interested in this problem, or in ii the prob
* general insect control, send for in- in
Kilpatrick free literature. FRED REINLEIN,
W. St., Portland, Oregon.
Police Pups for (Sale—Wolf Grey.
very reasonable. Also a few brood ms.
"Write Neptune Kennels. Fremont, I*.
Agents—Cash Bamboo Self-Filling In on This. Fountain Soil Diamond Point
Pens. Big de¬
big profit. Particulars free. Wrltequick.
Service, 66 S. River ver St.. St.. Aurora, Aurora. HI
Will Become Acquainted With Some
best ladles, gentlemen and children
world world through through our our club club and and magazi magazl
& e trial trial membership membership 10c. 10c. Geo. Geo. Stew, St,
157 XV. Santa Barbara. Los Angeles. Ca
Hay Fever—Kemuda Tablets give qul
Money-back guarantee. (1 delivers
today and be convinced. BEMUD
Boulevard Bldg., Detroit. Mlc
820 DAILY—Why work for othe
can't your lose. own product, 25c we show you '
today. w ----. Address Ad - J - v brings w, mgs full _________ in Instruct),
Liberty, Pittsburgh, STUAHT, --- Box
Agents Wunted- Tor selling Indestruct
Pearl Necklaces and Chokers. Quick
and big profits. Spare or whole time.
or gentlemen. Write Write today today for full
Sample sent on receipt of 11.00
Bowen, 1031 York St., Vallejo, Calif.
elierea EYES asa
P. 1*8. Only
3pensary. O. box 161. AtJ •ianta, Ga»