Newspaper Page Text
Ebe Cleveland
Official Organ of White County.
Published Weekly »t Cleveland Oa.
Jas. P. Davidson, Editor.
(entered at the Poet tftiee at
Oa.. ae second class mail matter.
Member Ninth District Press Associainn
“ Georgia Pres* “
u National Editorial
“ Press Congress Of The World
Subscription, *l.r>0 per year
in advance
Monday next, when the Atlanta
Journal motorcade over the Appa¬
lachian Scenic highway arrives in
your town—Cleveland —again
will something new have come to
While county, for never before has
such a really big motorcade come
this way.
This motorcade has been herald¬
ed far and near through the dail)
and weekly press so wide has been
'['lie Journal’s publicity campaign
that WSB, Atlanta Journal’s
broadcasting station, has broad¬
casted a "radiocade”—heard per¬
haps by millions of persons at one
and the same time—giving an
imaginary story of the trip
This motorcade will bring many
persons from various towns and
cities as well as country, a number
of whom will see for the first time,
tor as much as has been said and
written, to find they had little or
no conception of the handiwork ot
God lying hidden away from the
world, like the stars in the heavens
on a cloudy night from the eyes of
(he astronomers, until good roads
made it possible for all to view
their beauty atrd admire their-mug
nificence, for no pen curt describe
hor longue portray lliem as they
These happy sojourner—sojour
tiers not as of old, foot-sore and
arid weary in body—may think
they have seen all the beautiful
scenery in the mountains when
they have completed their journey,
but we would gently impress upon
their minds a thought to the con¬
trary. We would remind them
that there are hundreds of
miles of mountian and valley just
as entertaining and wonderous
the little threadlike strip they
seen, and all of it created that man
might behold and admire according
to his love of nature.
But this is not all. The admi¬
ration of these travelers for these
craggy heights and fertile valleys
iineuns that they and others will
come and buy lands, build homes,
until every valley, nook and corner
is made a spot of beauty at the foot
of a marvelous mountain, by the
■side of a stream of rippling water,
a little lake, or set upon a moun¬
tain top overlooking the world.
Here the rich and the poor will
mingle together, each serving the
needs of (lie other, that all may he
made a happier people.
The regular quarterly meeting of
the Eighth and Ninth Districll’ress
association to Lie held at Cornelia
Friday, September 11. has been
postponed on account of confiict
with the state organization meet at
West Point. The meeting has
lieeo set for Oct. 30.
The many friends of Editor
VV. McWhorter, of the Winder
News. deeply sympathize with
him in the death of Ins wife on
lust Friday.
Air. Walter Brown, of Atlanta,
spent Sunday with his father
U. A. Brown.
Rev. II. 11. Humphries closed
seties of revival meetings at
Cleveland Baptist Church Thurs¬
day night which resulted in 33
ditions to the church, bv
perience auk 8 by letter.
was one of the most
meetings held in Cleveland
tiumy a day. Rev. »V. O.
assisted ill tin* meeting last week.
Good position for man of
Call or address Singer
Machine Co., Gainesville, Ga.,
L Crook, Mgr.
Xocal Hews
Capt Fred E. Leister, district
secretary The American Legion,
with the Veteran’s Bureau, Atlan¬
ta, came for bis boys at Pinnacle
Mountain School last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Perley were
in town for a short time last Thurs¬
day afternoon.
Mr. F. A. McAfee left last Fri
day morning for Miami.
Mr. Clarence Palmer returned
Friday from Hayesville, N. C-,
where he has been for several days.
Mr. Sharpe Jones, secretary
treasurer of the Georgia Industrial
Commission, Atlanta, spent a short
time it Cleveland last Saturday on
a tour through the mountains ol
North Georgia.
Miss Jessie Davidson, of Atlan¬
ta, spent the week-end with home
Mr. Torn Davidson, a student of
Young Harris College, spent the
week-end with homefolks.
Remember that Friday, Septem¬
ber 11, is the day to clean off the
cemetery. If you can’t go send a
Mrs. J. O. Peavy, who lies been
on a visit to her daughter in Bir
mingham, Ala., returned Sunday.
Mr. L. K. Starr, manager of the
Public Relations department of
Georgia Railway & Power Co
passed through Cleveland last
day from Burton Dain on his way
to Atlanta.
Mrs. S. M. Kimsey, ol Thomas
ville, N. C., is spending a few days
with relatives in White County.
Mr. J. M. Morris, of Atlanta,
spent last week visiting relatives
111 White County.
Mr. II. J. White returned Mon¬
day to his work after spending a
tew days with his mother.
Miss Frankie Mae McGahee, of
Atlanta, spent the week-end witli
Miss Add id Davidson.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Brandt, of
Atlanta, spent the week-end at
Mt. Ynnah,
Mrs. Brooks, manager of the
Mitchell Mountain Ranch
was in town for a short time Moti
day. Mrs. Brooks is u sister to the
famous toot ball player ‘’Red”
Mr. and Mrs, Willie Warwick
after spending several days with
Mr. Warwick’s parents, Mr.
Mrs. 1 ). N. Warwick, returned to
their home in Kansas City,
Mrs. P. E. Keilry and children,
who have been at the Bell Mill for
several weeks, returned to
home in Atlanta Sunday.
Mr. Hubert Erwin has moved
to the house vacated bv J. O.
Mr. Henry Robinson is now ent
ployed by D, G. Head. Henry is
a splendid young man and bis
many friends in Cleveland are in¬
deed glad to have him a citizen of
our town.
Mr. Ed Trotter lias accepted a
osi,ion wilh Cl,nrlle Turner '
I Cllllrl,e '>.s busmess is grow
thal he W!,s ConV
| l ,e!ed l ° have l,el P'
Dr. T. J McDonald was in
town for a day or so since onr last
Miss Mary Bulgin is visiting her
sister, Mrs. C. T. Edwards, at
i Shady Dale, Ga., at present
Congressman Thos. M. Bell is
back trom bis duties with the joint
postal sub committee and is look¬
ing fine.
Mr. Frank C >nier,of Gainesville,
whose lather once owned the Hen¬
derson Hotel, was in Cleveland
We will give you .00
bushel for tomatoes delivered at
H. A. Jurrard & Son.
Henry C. jLyWl.
Nacoochee Institute opened last
Tuesday morning. Mr. Coit and
Mr. Jesse Lumsden spoke. Short
talks were given by former students
Reid Hill and Minnie Ross, who
presented a picture from her class.
Mr. J. F. Cantrell made a short
visit this week to his daughter,
! Mrs. R. B. Miller. Mr, entered
his son, John, and his daughter,
| Martha in Nacoochee Institute.
Miss Snyder is visiting Miss
Susie Lumsden.
Mr and ^ R M>
have moved to the Valley. Mr.
Matson having accepted the posh
tion of business manage* for Na
coochee Institute.
The Woman’s Club met last
Wednesday with Mrs. Krise.
Those present enjoyed music b)
Miss Martha Little, and a song,
Whispering Hope, by Mrs. Krise.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Westmoreland was made very sad
last Saturday when their daughter,
Lillie, died. She was laid to rest
at Blue Creek cemetery Sunday
afternoon. Mr. Coit and Rev.
Shirley, of New Holland, conduct¬
ed the funeral services.
Mrg . j H Cannon spent last
Fr j day 'j„ Cleveland with Mrs.
Jennie Cannon. ■
Mr Coleman Alley, who was
taken to Atlanta several weeks ago
f or an operation returned home
Monday to the delight of his many
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Bdteard C Ganarft
Sautee, Ga.
Kodak Finishing j* J- Kodak Films!
■ 1
To The Ladies *
To maintain your beauty you must keep your
hair properly trimmed and shampooed.
There is no better place to have this done than
at our shop. i I
All straight bobs 25 cents. All other styles
35 cents. ■ 1
IRusseir* ©arbev Shop
w. A. RUSSELL, Prop.
Cleveland, Ga.
IfililUKHliii iliiiliiiill
|| J -S v
i % Bargains! Bargains! <1
To every one during the month of Sep¬
tember who will buy a best quality
tooth brush for 25 cents will receive !
free, one tube of dental cream. i
I also have a fine line of best up-to-date
shirts for the boys at a bargain.
Visit my cafe often for the best quality £ I |
of eats. C j
Buy my gas and use the free air at any
time you are welcome.
Just received a line of the best toilet t\
goods. Ladies are especially invited to I
my store.
2- ll
fi Cleveland, Ga.
Mr. Dobbins, who is an officer
in the Navy, is visiting his daugh¬
ter, Virginia, at the Institute.
Miss Evelyn Simpson and broth¬
er. Archie, and C. J. McGhee left
Tuesday for Tennessee where they
enter Medritli College. Walter
{Courtenay also left for Davidson
Mr. F. G. Mauney spent Satur
day in Atlanta on business.
Two iron-grey mules, 8 years
old, weigh 1100 lbs. each. Will
work anywhere. Gent le and safe.
See W. C. Jackson, Cleveland,
Ga. R 1.
Renew Your Health
by Purification
Any physician will tell you that
“Perfect Purification of the Sys¬
tem is Nature’s foundation of
Perfect Health.” Why not rid
yourself of chronic ailments that
are undermining your vitality!
Purify your entire system by tak
ing a thorough course of Calotabs,
—once or twice a week for several
weeks—and see how Nature re
wards you with health.
CalotabB are the greatest of all
system purifiers. Get a family
package,* containing full direc¬
tions, price 35 cts.; trial package,
10 cts. At any drug store. (Adv.)
Keep the friendships of
school days alive with photo¬
graphs made by you with your
IS¬ •t*
IS- -a
fi IS¬ Service-Quality t
IS- ■t 1
«■ 2
fi When you want to eat your first thought is to
ll- go to a place that secures the best of food that
IS¬ is well prepared and served with dispatch and
IS¬ courtesy. ■a
Make our place your headquarters when in
Your patronage will be apprecia f ed- •«
•a &
Clarence E. Darrett, Manager
i ■it
- We’re Always Ready
To give you prompt and courteous service
when you are in a hurry with 2 warm wel¬
come, and thanks for your patronage.
We keep in stock only the high grades of oil,
and our men are helpers that really help.
You are really welcome at our place.
Come to see us.
Westmoreland fi Palmer, Props.
3 at
fi fitrti trCrtrhtrtvtrtt IrCitvti-frCtti-ertcti-trCi-ti-tr-tUrfi-Cir-a-tTfi-triritiriiirtT-trtrlrtrfiirirtrCtpIrti-tffi ^
otaus aomoE aotatoi
a Announcing
The fall term of Pinnacle Mountain School will
open Monday. September 7. This achool will
8 accomodate mountain boys and girls only.
We have vacancies in dormitories fora limited
number of hoys and girls desiring board.
Tuition is free to all students.
We use the state adopted course of study as
used by the common and high schools of the
This year we will have nine grades.
For further information see or write me.
H. €. LYON, Principal
socaoc ioaoi
rf ♦
♦ Startling Bargains t
♦ You invitep to visit store when
are our
♦ in town. It is a pleasure for us to show
you our general assortment of mer¬ ♦
chandise, and every possible courtesy
♦ will be accorded you. Get our prices
before buying.
8 lb. Compound lard *1.50
♦ 4 8 ” ’ Compound Pure lard lard •75 ♦
1 -95
4 ” Pure lard
♦ 1.00
25 ” Pure granulated sugar *-75
io ” Pure granulated sugar •75 ♦
♦ 50 ” Flour 2 35 . .
24 ” Flour
I .20
♦ We have Just received a new stock of jj
men’s and young men’* Sheild Brand
♦ suits. Come and see them. Have you
seen our line of Star Brand shoes? s
♦ We carry a complete line of dry goods, gro¬
♦ everything ceries and hardware. need In store. fact you will find %
you at our
♦ Johnson-H'hitmire & Co. i i
Successors to
Cleveland, Ga.