Newspaper Page Text
Cleveland Courier.
O fetal Organ of IVhitt County , Ga
Publiehed Weekly *t Cleveland «&.
,Jas. P. Davidson, Editor.
Ilntered at the I’ofd 'Sice at Cleveland
Oa.. as second class mail mauer.
Menibei Ninth District Press A$M>ciai«n
“ Georgia Pres*
*• National Editorial
“ Pre»* Congrew Of The World
Subscription, $ 1.50 per yeai
in advance
Underwood & Underwood,
torneys, tell us they have succeeded
"• finding relatives of Jim T. Km
s,-y, who died ill Texas about seven j
years ago. 1 he relatives tire '
1 .lizabet li Killey, llabeis lain , j
i Jerry Kinsey, Atlanta; James
and Wellborn Kinsey, Leaf. J
Messrs. L. O. I ri(.< ant .
Hell of Athens, purchased from
Mrs Katie Allison 2 o acres of land ;
adjoining W. H. Bell’s place since
..ur last issue. My. Price purchased
from W. II. Bell early in ifie \
-pting pile-half interest j„ 1 1 , e
• Grandma” Hunt place.
_ I
All members of Camp No. 565,
YV. O, W. are hereby notified that
1 here will be an unveiling cere¬
mony at the grave of our deceased
Soverign, T. A. Christopher, at I
Clermont on .Sunday, Sept. 27 at
3:30 P. M., therefore all members
are requested to meet at the
Masonic Hall at 1 P. M. that day.
local Hews
When Sheriff Jackson, accom
partied by two Shoal Creek citizens
Mr, Walker and Mr. Gooch, with
others, captured a still and cut
down a large quunity of beer last
Sunday just across the Midi county
tine near Walker mountain, a
bomb of disturbance was exploded
in the peaceful district ot Shoal
Creek. The informers say they
had time and again pleaded with
with citizens of that district
they suspected of selAwig or
their sons whiskey, but somehow
itie boys breath revealed they had
yet access to whiskey. Thus it
was endured until patience ceased
in tie 11 virtue, and these men ac
coin pan ied the sheriff and his staff
to one place and witnessed the de¬
struction of the still and beer.
That uigld a small bund of men
blocked the road over in Lumpkin
county and held up a cur in which
Mr. Walker was riding and handled
him rather roughly, the result of
which was the swearing out of
peace warrants for six or eight
persons, whose names this news¬
paper lias not learned since the
crime was committed in Lumpkin
Prohibition officer Bush and his
birce captured a still of abour sixty
five gallon capacity and destroyed
.1 large quunity of beer in Blue
Cieek district Wednesday after¬
noon. lie did not find anyone at
the still hut said ^iat a row of corn
bad been cut down to make a
the still ... through . . . bottom where ,
to a
the sliu was , tumid , 111 the , lower ,
1 reaching at ilie Baptist Church
next Sunday lias been called off on
account of the revival at the Meth¬
odist Church. The vviil be preach¬
ing at the Baptist Church Sunday
morning following tlie baptising at j
• tie usual place a short distance be¬
low Roy Head bridge at 9:30 A. I
\L During the protracted meet¬
ing at the Baptist Chtirdli which,
closed last week there were 40 ad¬
ditions to the church, 11 of which;
was by letter, the remainder, 29
will be baptised. i’/iose who con¬
template attending will please take
notice to be at the baptising place
not later than the set time, 9 : ;o
«-1stern time.
Now that white oak ties are
twinging $l.on each for the best
those who have the timber may tie
able to raise a little tax money.
Mrs. O. V. Cook, wlia has been
visiting home folks in l 1 uion coun¬
ty, hit returned.
The Ladies’ Missionary Society
the Cleveland Baptist Church
w ,j| not meet ncxt week, since it
has been deemed advisable to sus¬
pend this meeting in the interest of
the revival to be held at the Meth¬
odist Church.
Post Office idspectors, Barry and j
Fleming, northwestern visited the mountains of this in j
tlie part coun¬
ty last week and while there taken |
into custody the mail contractor
between Loudsville and Ponder on j
a charge of taking from the mails j
that which did not belong to him. j
He was taken to Gainesville and ;
given a preliminary hearing and!
hound over.
Mf A M j) ean G f Mosiy Creek
w|){> hag ^ en at 1?oter Springs for
„ oine time has returned home feel-
1UC |, better for his outing,
Mr. Frank Davidson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. oohn Dayidson, of Col
uinbus, is here on a sliort visit.
Sheriff Jackson locked up a
couple of ymmg fellows for being
drunk last .Sunday. Johnny 1 rot
ter being one of the number was
rather inclined to stay on the out
side and as Mr. Jackson was es
curling him to jail lay down with
1 he three of the fall 'liking Mr.
lack sou with him. After he had
been locked up he amused himself
by breaking everything within
reach, stnushing some chairs, win
(lows, elc.
Mr, and Mrs. Truman Williams
have returned home after a very :
serious illness of Mjs. Williams at
tile home of her father in Buford.
Truman has been hospital No. 48’
for treatment.
Mr. B. H. Maxwell, who has;
been getting out pulp wood in this
county, has returned to fits home ini
Cornelia and will leave in a few j
days for Miami, Fla,
Tom> f j, e Piper’s son,
j'g e y stole hit tire and away they j
rul| .
“But Tom jumped up from his!
11 undie bed
'P®tcStIhoee thieves and
j to them lie said :
buck that tire or I’ll knock
y UU
j An< j , ll( . thieves replied ; ‘ It’s as
good as done,
vVe’ll steal no more tires trorn the
riper s eon.
I Day was just breaking over the
home of the lion. Jim Davidson,
editor of the Cleveland Courier.
The household slept. Two thieves
j ; crept cautiously to the spot where
j Jim's Ford was resting after the
work of (lie past day. But at this
1 point let the story be continued by
the Cleveland Courier as follows;
The article above is from the
1 versatile pen of that princely sport
writer, Morgan of Blake, the and Atlanta Journal, | j
we are repro
dueing it because of its interesting;
lukenby , , mistake , or stolen , from
my car some time between the
. hours of ’j and Sept.
a. in. 3 p. m.,
14, a Boston bag containing some
valuable instruments and medicine
vase, Reward offered tor 'heir
return to owner and no qu. sumo
Dr. L. G. Neal.
74acres oi upland, witii four or
five acres of branch bottom, well
timbered with pine and oak, thirty
or forty acres tinder cultivation,
splendid 6 room dwelling built of
original forest pine, good barn and
out buildings. Fine spring near
house. This property is within j
one and one half mile west of
Cleveland, only about tooyardsof
Conte and see this farm. Terms
can be arranged it purchaser can
make good cash payment.
J. B. R, Barrett and Jus. R.David
h r the&sferBUICK No Car Jr meets ' yI
in value per dollar
TTHE A Better Buick steps far ahead
of all previous standards of motor
Car performance.
75 Horsepower!
The Master engine
now delivers 75 and more horse¬
power. And there is 60 and more in
the Standard models.
Tripk'Sealed Engine!
Three new seals for the famous Buick
sealed chassis result in decidedly long¬
er engine life, noticeably lower oper¬
ating Gasoline costs —an Air Cleaner —a
Filter—an Oil Filter pro.
tcct the engine.
4 and 2 Door Sedans!
Real sedans with Fisher Bodies.
Upholstery Buick's luxurious and fittings according to
standards. Real
sedans ... at "coach prices,"
Duo tone in Duco!
New beauty! The latest, smartest,
must striking for color and finish com¬
binations motor cars.
Safe Night Driving!
The Better Buick introduces the Con¬
trollable nishes, constantly, Beam Headlight. flood of It soft, fur.
searching glare light the on the of roadway with
out in eyes the approach*
ing driver, and without dimming.
Light Pedal Clutch!
Buick’s new saw tooth, ten-plate
multiple disc clutch has 212 square
inches of driving surface as against
30 ty SO inches in the average single
p»?t? iyjsl, —
Lower Price# I
And while Buick ha* ranted Buick
quality before, and performance also has been even able higher
than it to
make substantial reductions in prices.
• * *
Better acquaintance with the many
1926 advancements and improve¬
ments in the Better Buick wilt con¬
vince you that:
"Again Buick Has Built a Better
Atithssrisusd ttuu*K D«*al*»r
(i at nett villo, Ga,
X 0 T ! < E
AH who 11 re due me on account
will see J. J*. Haxon,
C. E- Wilkins.
Keep the friendships of
school days alive vith photo¬
graphs made by yon with your
Kditard C (jarant
Saute**, (ia.
j£ oc j a k Finishing j* j* j* Kodak Films
a-;, ' •..........
To The Ladies
To maintain your beauty you must keep ypur
hair properly trimmed and shampooed.
There is no better place to have this done than
at our shop,
All straight bobs 25 cents, AH other styles
35 cents,
IRusscll 8 Barber Shop
W. A. RUSSELL, Prop.
Cleveland, Ga.
We will give you $i.oo per
busjiel for tomatoes delivered a>
H. A. Jar card & Son.
Henry C. Lyon.
Two- iron-grey mules, 8 years
old, weigh 1100 lbs. each. Will
work anywhere. Gentle and safe.
j See \\ ; , C. Jackson, Cleveland,
j Ga. R 1 .
Renew Your Health
by Purification
[‘‘Perfect Any physician will tell yon that
Purification of the Sys
i tem is Nature’s foundation of
Perfect Health.” Why not rid
yourself of chronic ailments that
are undermining your vitality t
Purify your entire system by tak¬
ing & thorough course of Calotabg,
; —once or twice a week for several
weeks—and see how Nature re¬
wards you with health,
j Calotabs purifiers. are the greatest Get family of all
system package, containing full a direc¬
tions, price H 5 ets.; trial package,
10 ets. At auy drug store, (Adv.)
Good position for man of ability.
Call or address Singer Sewing
Machine Co., Gainesville, Ga., W.
| B. Crook, Mgr.
j Atlanta’s Best Known Hotel
<jpp lfoo(u* of Solid Comfort.
The Home of Georgia People,
j Rooms, Running Water, ft to $3.
| Rooms, with Bath, $1.50 to $5.
Free Garage Service.
Jacob* A Maynard. Drops*
Money to Inin at 5%.
Those f who are interested in
securing lung .tune loams at the
above rate will do well to see me
at Worn No. A at the Henderson
Ijotei at Cleve and. dit. If inter¬
ested write me tlie exact date that
4 • -s. giving
you will see me, the hour in
the day, as 1 am to be out of Cleve¬
land part of my time.
If you want to sell your farm,
see me, and if you want to buy a
jjsrgain iii a farm, 1 have if.
A. L. JForsey, Sec’y-Treas.
sfational Farm Loan Association
When you want to eat your first thought is to
go to a pface that secures the best of food that
is well prepared and served with dispatch and
Make our place your headquarters when in
Your patronage will be appreciated.
We will pay a higher than market price for
real fresh eggs.
t %
CITY caff;
Clarence E. Barrett. Manager
We’re Always Ready
To give you prompt and courteous service
when you are in a hurry with a warm wel¬
come, and thanks for your patronage.
We keep in stock only the high grades of oil,
and our men are helpers that really help.
You are really welcome at our place.
Come to see us.
Weitititreland Q Palmer, Prop*.
■’ '
V *
r trtr a ii ■ to 1 r 1 rtr<rtilrir<ti^irfrtrtoiiftirirttirCtttO-trlrCtiri*irtrirtr(rt*ix-CrlrtrSrtrtr ' 0
Startling Bargains
You ate invited to visit our store when
in town. It is a pleasure (ot us to show
you our general assortment of mer¬
chandise, and every possible courtesy
will be accorded you. Get our prices
before buying.
8 lb. Compound lard *M 5
4 *' Compound lard •75
8 ’’ Piye lurd x.85
4 ” Pure lard ■95
if ” Pure grunuhtted sugar I. JO
to ’’ Pure granulated sugar - ’ .69
30 ” Flour * 35
24 ” Flour 1.20
Rose Mary flour 2 -35
Cotton seed meal 2.25
Men and,young then’6 dm* punts. $3.00 values $3.75;
$6.00 values 4.65. In fact you witi find u great re¬
duction in boys caps, hats, dress shirts and overalls.
See us before selling youT-prOduco. * Egg* .34 cants,
trie* .24 cents, hens .17 cents.
i We carry a complete line of dry goods, gro¬
ceries and hardware. In fact you will find
8 everything you need at our store.
Jbhnaon-Rhltmlre O Co,
* Successors to
Cleveland, Ga.
Rev. Ityrt i^liison will Itegin a
protracted meeting a! yonab on
W ednesday, Sept. 2 j.
Mr. Charlie Thurijibnd is at his
old home place for a few weeks to
make syrup for the Forpmqnity.
N{r. Hairy M*** w eH ‘*"4 Mr.
Ralph Christian, of Cornelia, are
getting out pulp wood on Mr,* J.
YY. Thurmond 1 * place.
The dry weather is the topic ot
the day and all people get in the
sonver#ation. bur last Friday night
we had a delightful shower. Let
ut remember God’s promise :
•'And it shall come to pass if ve
i shall hearken diligently iin to my
i pommandmenis which | command
vop this day, to love th c Lord your
God, and to serve hifp wjth all
your heart a-nd ryith ail your sopj.
That J will giye you tj}£ ra l u *fl
; due spaspn, that thou tpayest
gather in t|iy porn, aqd thy Wine.
^apd 4 hy oil- Take hped to your¬
selves, that your heart he not de¬
ceived and ye turn away to other
god# and worihip them.
1 *. , *Y'iWBit» r a