Newspaper Page Text
Castoria is especially pre¬
pared to relieve Infants in
arms and Children all ages of
Constipation, Flatulency, Wind
Colic and Diarrhea; allaying
■Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach
and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep.
To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of
Absolutely Harmless - No Opiates. Physicians everywhere recommend it.
There is a limit to enjoyment though
the source of wealth be boundless.—
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago
Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism
Accept only “Bayer” package
which contains proven directions.
Handy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists.
Aspirin la the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcarldeater of Sallcyllcacld
Will power works best when it Happiness is no other than sound¬
agrees with the notions of the ma¬ ness and perfection of mind.—Anto¬
jority. ninus.
The Nights
were Torment
Now, thanks to Tanlac, Mrs. Bradley
“really and truly” feels like
a brand new woman!
Mrs. M. J. Bradley* had come to the
point where she could scarcely do
her housework. Two years of suffer¬
ing from indigestion had shattered
her health. IVhat little she ate caused
Stomach fermentation, gas bloating
and pain. She lay awake through
the long hours of the night and was
tired put through the day.
“That four bottles of Tanlac
should correct my troubles when all other attempts had failed
makes it seem altogether wonderful to me. Now I enjoy a fine
appetite, good digestion and really and truly feel like a new
woman. It is the ideal tonic."
•Authentic statement; addresa on request.
* * *
You don’t have to wait long to see the results from Tanlac.
That’s the wonderful thing about this great tonic. It works
Like a flash it goes to the seat of trouble. It cleans the
blood and drives out the poisons that are tearing down your
health. It tones up the stomach and aids digestion—gives
you a real appetite for wholesome food.
Don’t drag on from day to day putting off the time of
reckoning. Start taking Tanlac this very day. Your drug¬
gist can supply you.
Note: For Constipation, take Tanlac Vege¬
table Pills, Nature’s own harmless laxative.
You Will Prefer It
To Strong Tasting Medicines
9he Chewing Gum
The flavor is delightful. Children think it a treat.
Grown-ups like it just as well. At
The Chewing Does It 15c and 25c
There might be a school where peo¬
ple are taught how not to be incom¬
Bishop Brown Asserts He Will Pro¬
test Deposition Until Sentence
Is Formally Passed
New Orleans.—The house of bish¬
ops of the Protestant Episcopal Church
in the United States of America has
approved the finding of a church court
convicting Bishop William Montgom¬
ery Brown of heresy.
More than two hours were occupied
in executive session and Bishop Brown,
addressed the house of bishops on his
It was announced that the vote was
94 to 11 in favor, of aprpoving the
findings of the court.
The next step in the “Brown case”
■must be taken by the presiding bish¬
op, the Rt. Rev. Ethelbert Talbot, bish¬
op of Bethlehem. The presiding bish¬
op was notified by the house of bish¬
ops of its aprpoval, and he may pass
sentence at his pleasure. No date
was set, it was said, for pronounce¬
ment of sentence, which would pre¬
vent the convicted bishop from exer¬
cising the functions of his office.
“Bishop Brown’s status is still that
of a member of the house of bishops,
entitled to attend all its meetings un¬
til he has had sentence passed on him
by the presiding bishop,” said Bishop
Charles Fiske of central New York,
speaker for the house.
"When the presiding bishop is ready
to act, he will summon Bishop Brown
before him and pass sentence, and
when that sentence has been passed,
Bishop Brown will cease to be a mem¬
ber of the house of bishops,” he con¬
Bishop Piske dictated the following
“Bishop Brown presented a memo¬
rial, requesting that all action be de¬
layed until the conference should
have set up the ultimate court of ap¬
peal provided for in the constitution,
of the church. He desired to have the
convention wait three years until that
court could be properly set up. His
request was denied by a viva voce
vote on motion of the Rt. Rev. Wil¬
liam Lawrence, bishop of Masachu-i
setts. Ttie record of the trial was
then before the house of bishops. All
that the house of bishops could do
was to affirm or reject the verdict of
that court and a two-thirds vote of
the entire house entitled to vote,
whether present or not, was necessary
to affirm. Under those circumstances
the vote was put on a roll call.”
The resolution disposing of the
“Brown case,” as given out by the
house of bishops, reads:
“Resolved, That this house approve
the finding of the trial court affirmed
by the court of review in the matter
of the presentment of the Rt. Rev.
William Montgomery Brown, finding
the accused guilty of holding and keep¬
ing publicly and advisedly a doctrine
contrary to that held by the Protestant
Episcopal Church in the United States
of America, in the manner and form
as set forth in the presentment as to
each of the charges and specifications
of the presentment.
“Resolved, That the action of this
house bo communicated to the presid¬
ing bishop.”
New Orleans.—The United States
court at New Orleans was asked in a
petition filed before it to restrain the
Episcopal house of bishops from im¬
posing sentence on the Rt. Rev. Wil¬
liam Montgomery Brown for alleged
heresies, but the court refused to
grant the permission. However, the
court ordered the presiding bishop to
»ppear and show cause why sentence
should be imposed.
Macklels Given Eleven-Year Sentence
Cooksville, Tenn.—Dillard Maekie,
40 , charged with the murder of John
Swack, was given a sentence of eleven
years in the state penitentiary by a
jury in the circuit court. His father,
Tim Maekie, on trial with him, was
acquitted. Dillard Maekie admitted
that he shot and killed Swack and
with his father's help buried the body
in a shallow grave, where three weeks
later it was discovered by searchers,
but claimed self-defense.
Shoals Body Plans To Submit Policy
Washington.—The Muscle Shoals
commission is preparing a statement
of policy to be issued by the govern¬
ment in leasing the vast Alabama wa¬
ter power project for development by
private capital. This statement must
be transmitted to President Coolidge
by November 15. Although members
of the commission are reticent about
the matter, there Is ground for be¬
lief that recommendations as to
a geperal policy for leasing the plants
will be made rather than an endorse¬
ment of any particular hill.
Attack Coolidge On Bread Merger
Washington.—An attack on Presi¬
dent Coolidge and Attorney General
Sargent for the administration’s atti¬
tude toward the four hundred million
dollar bread merger is made in a joint
statement issued by the minority
member of the federal trade com¬
mission, John F. Nugent and Huston
Thompson, Democrats. They describe
the merger as a “zread trust which
has been favored by federal immun¬
ity from the anti-trust laws.” A com¬
plaint bad been issued against the
combine six months,ago.
Chief Executive Surprised That Crow¬
ley Accepted Post Without
Consulting Him
Washington.—President Coolidge is
incensed over the action of the ship¬
ping board in ousting Admiral Leigh
C. Palmer, president of the Emergen¬
cy Fleet Corporation, and reorganiz¬
ing the personnel without consulting
him in any way whatsoever.
His feeling in the matter was made
plain at the white house when there
official expression of Coolidge’s re¬
action for the first time since he re¬
turned from his trip to Omaha, during
which the shakeup occurred.
The president, however, has not de¬
cided what he will do, though it was
said he will find out first what the
law is in the matter. He probably
will ask the attorney general for an
opinion. As yet, iie has made no such
Coolidge thought it “ strange ” that
Elmer E. Crowley should take the
position as president of the Emergen¬
cy Fleet Corporation, succeeding Pal¬
mer, without first consulting him as
to his acceptability. Crowley was
chosen by the board, and has assumed
his duties. The president also con¬
sidered it unusual that other shifts
were made without consulting him.
It was explained very carefully that
the president was not judging the
ability of the new head of the fleet
corporation nor his fitness for the
position, as he did not know him,
hut referred to the way the thing was
Shows Favor To Pair Of Spouhea
On Alternate Days—Lived In
An Apartment House
New York.—Two wives cooked and
booked for Samuel Grossman under the
same roof.
On alternate nights the fragrance of
piping hot dishes in the kitchen of
one found its way to the other where
dinner had been waiting for many
minutes, while neither of the women
knew her husband, to whom she was
legally married, was with the other.
Such is apartment house life in New
In Toombs court both wives told
Magistrate Simpson how they had
learned of the deception but recently.
One night, lie would take wife number
1 to the movies and the next night
wife number 2 tripped gaily down the
fianio stairs on his arm, hound Cor the
same show.
The women never met. The name
of a third woman also figures in the
case. She was known as a “countess”
at Grossman's summer home at Keans
btirg, N. J., one of the wives said, and
furnished bail for the alleged bigamist
when he was arrested. It. was said
that Grossman was called her "cave
man” and that his deshabilln caper
logs attracted attention in the Jer¬
sey town.
The man's first marriage was to
Mrs. Jeannette Grossman in 1911,
while he took Mrs. Lillian Grossman
as his wife in 1915.
Grossman was held for the grand
Diver Broadcasst From Under Water
Heligoland, Germany.—For the first,
time in Germany’s radio experience,
a diver attempted to broadcast from
under water to thousands of distant
bearers. The experiment was a com¬
plete success. Hamburg, 100 miles
distant, heard distinctly the diver’s
description of his impressions of tho
bottom of the North Sea.
Woman Found Guilty Of Slaying Mate
Quincy, III.—Mrs. Edna Brown, who
shot and killed her husband "because
he winked at another girl," was found
guilty of murder by a jury here. Tho
shooting occurred last May following
a quarrel. Mrs. Brown said her hus¬
band had made the flirtation while in
a roadhouse.
May Go Unpunished In Defying Court
Washington.—While the official de¬
cision still is to he made, it appears
probable that no punitive measures
will be taken against Col. William
Mitchell for his refusal to qualify as
a witness before the naval court in¬
quiring into the Shenandoah disaster.
The only concrete development in the
case was the formal certification of the
facts to the war department by the
navy department. Thus the navy
leaves the first step to the army; the
army takes the view that the issue
rests squarely with the navy.
Walker To Lead Fight Against Tax
Washington.—Indications that op¬
ponents of the federal inheritance tax
are preparing to launch a concerted
fight to force its abolition have been
given with the announcement that a
delegation led by Governor Walker
of Georgia would he heard on Octo¬
ber 23 by the house ways and means
committee. Chairman Green, in an¬
nouncing this date, also made public
a list of delegates to be heard by the
committee, which will begin work on
a new bill on or about the date of
October 19.
New Dress
l —the same dependable remedy
that over a period of more than
fifty years has been found so
reliable in the treatment of
catarrh and diseases of catarrhal
The outside of the package
only has been altered. To facil
itate_ in packing shipping, and the reduce break¬
age paper wrap¬
per which has identified the
Pe-ru-na bottle for many years
has been displaced by a substan¬
tial pasteboard carton.
Pe-ru-na cannot be made any
better. Three generations of
users testify that Pe-ru-na is the
best remedy in the world for
catarrh and diseases of catarrhal
The remedy our fathers and
grandfathers used with so much
satisfaction is still the standby
for the ills of everyday in
thousands of American homes.
tlbe Original and Reliable Remedy
for Catarrh
Tb-e New Package Said Tablets Everywhere
or Liquid
Send 4 Cents for tmo&lot on catarrh to the
!Pe-ru-na Company, Columbus, Ohio
No Doubt
Professor Pickering thinks If be had
ten million dollars he eculd talk with
Mars. Huh! If we had ten million dol¬
lars we could make love to Venus.
Child's Harmless Laxative is
“California Fig Syrup”
“California Fig Syrup" now will thor¬
oughly clean the little bowels and in a
few hours you have a well, playful
child again. Even if cross, feverish,
bilious, constipated or full of cold,
children love its pleasant taste.
Tell your druggist you want only the
genuine “California Fig Syrup" which
has directions for babies and children
of all ages printed on bottle. Mother,
you must say “California." Refuse
any Imitation.
“I saw your husband yesterday, but
be didn’t see me!”
“I know. He told me."
Take Tablets Without Fear If You
See the Safety “Bayer Cross."
Warning! Unless you see the name
“Bayer” on package or on tablets you
are not getting the genuine Bayer
Aspirin proved safe by mil!ions # an<]
prescribed by physicians for 25 years.
Say “Bayer” when you buy Aspirin.
Imitations may prove dangerous.—Adv.
You never thoroughly understand
>Utlcs unless you make your living
it of it.
Never Be Without a Bottle
of Hanford’s Balsam of Myrrh. Has pow¬
erful antiseptic qualities; unexcelled for
Cuts, Bums, Wounds and Sores. 35e.—Adv.
Kindness is the oil that makes the
wheels of care run slowly.
The Road to Service
Concrete roads benefit the mo¬
torist, the pedestrian and the
shipper by being smoother and
safer. They eliminate mud holes.
Improve appearance and inspire
community pride. Their perma¬
nence means greater service,
fewer detours and greatest
Portland Cement, the cheapest
of all manufactured products,
makes the concrete road pos¬
sible. It Is the one material you
should use for every type of con
Whatever your problem, the
building material dealer can give
you an Atlas book which will
help you to build wisely and well.
‘Vie Standard by Which all other mates are measured *
A research institution for the im¬
provement of cotton was recently
opened at Indore, Central India.
Sure Relief
72 ‘ INDIGEST/OWj .OR CVCtS^ ... Jd I
•'V 6 Bell-ans
Hot water
j Sure Relief
25$ and 75$ Pktfs.Sold Everywhere
haarlem oil has been a world¬
wide remedy for kidney, liver and
bladder disorders, rheumatism,
lumbago and uric acid conditions.
correct internal troubles, stimulate vital
organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist
on the original genuine Gold Medal.
For Pimply Skin
Peterson’s Ointment
“All pimples are inflammation of the
skin,” says Peterson, “and the best
and quickest way to get rid of them
is to use Peterson’s ointment.” Used
by millions for eczema, skin and scalp
itch, Ulcers, sore feet and piles. All
druggists, 60 cents.
ROILS mm There’s quick,
relief in
At aU Druggists- — Mon*y-bacK Guaranty#
Dickey’s OLD RELIABLE Eye Water
relieves sun and wind-burned eyes.
Doesn't hurt. Genuine in Hed Folding
Ilox. 25o at all druggists or by mail.
DICKEY DRUG CO.. Bristol, Va.-Tenn.
The Xlifr Killer Ih Kidney Disease—The best
remedy for 30 years, known as HBB, used
In hospitals. Recipe one dollar. L. Tread¬
way, lt»64 W. 39th PI.. Los Angeles, Calif.
land. Large or small tracts. For quick re¬
sults list with me. Give price and full de¬
tails. L. A. WESTMAN, WEBSTER, 3. D.