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Cleveland Courier.
>fatal Organ of White County. Ga
,'tiblisbed Weekly At Cleveland Ga.
Jas. ?. Davidson, Editor.
at the Poet iffiee at Cleveland
Ga.. as second class mail maUer.
Member Ninth District Press AMOelainn
" Georgia Press
" National Editorial
“ Pre» Congress 01 Hie World
Subscription, 11.50 per year
in advance
The Couries is ver^ grateful to
t hose of our subscribers who have
paid their subscription since last
The Courier will not be pub¬
lished next week. Our next issue
will be Jan. 8, 1926.
The Courier wishes each of you
a most happy and prosperous 1926
White county’s future prospects
are indeed bright lor a great flock
of tourists during the next season,
and certainly a large number will
want to buy real estate here.
We do not entertain or hope to
see a Florida boom in this section,
vet we see a remarkable demand
for buying of real estate in White
county, especially tract desirable
and suitable for tourists.
The Town of Cleveland needs a
hotel. This is so urgent that it is
essential for Cleveland to keep
pace with other town in this sec¬
tion. We must have one by next
summer. How are we to get it?
We can get a hotel if we really
want one. You may ask how/
There are many ways, but the
biggest thing is to cooperate
the people who are working with
interests to locate a hotel here.
Don’t try to knock any move being
made, but boost it for all you are
worth. That is your duty to your
Several local people are work¬
ing to interest capitalists to build
a hotel here.
Cleveland is situated on the Ap¬
palachian Scenic highway, which
has only recently been designated
by the U. S. Good Roads associa¬
tion,. working in conjunction with
the Bureau of Public Roads, as a
Federal Inter-state highway. This
means much to Cleveland and
White county.
First, if the wishes of President
Coolidge are made effective by
Congress the federal aid money
will be distributed only on Federal
highways. It will mean a better
and more travelable road, and that
will mean more money pouring in¬
to White county daily. Then,
does it mean anything to you to
lend your support and cooperation
to the people who are laboring for
these things?
The Courier is optimistic over
the future of White county, and it
is our pleasure to have a part in
We wish you all a most prosper¬
ous and happy 19II6.
The Grand Jury Presentments
in this issue recommend that the
Sheriff be paid $15 for each still
captured and heartily endorsed his
eagerness to enforce the prohibi¬
tion law in White county.
Governor Clifford Walker has
called an extra session of the Geor¬
gia General Assembly on February
24 to enact measures to remedy the
Confederate’s script bill, passed by
the last legislature and to pass a
bill on state road and school bond
issue, which mutt presented to
the people.
/n this issue will be found a let
ter to the public from Mr. Lewis
Sanders, vice-president of both the
Gainesville & Northwestern Rail¬
road, and the Piedmont Corp. You
should read all of this letter care¬
fully. The Courier has no com
ment to make on this letter in this
* ssue>
1 he Courier wants to see
body huve a big time Christmas,
but be very^carefui, boys.
Mr. Tom Davidson, who is ai
Young Harris College, is at home
for the holidays.
and auto l.ire in going after |
prisoners $81.45 and we find that'
there has been three lunacy trials
of which the expense of the sheriff
was $34.20 and other expenses of
the sheriff was $98.30. Making a
total of $515.05 paid to sheriff of
the county for these various items.
We find that the sheriff has correct¬
ly kept an itemized statement of
all these items.
We find that the ordinary had
on hand April 1, 1925 the .follow
ing amounts:
On account of general funds
That he has received since of
general funds $795 50.
Total of general funds $5476 37.
On hand April 1, 1925 road
j funds $419.30.
Received since on road fund uc
count $1708.93.
'lotul amount of road lunds
On hand April 1, 1925 bond
funds $2465.95.
Received since on bond fund ac¬
count $31305.
Total bond funds $2779 00.
Total amount of all funds to be
1 accounted for by the ordinary to
October t, 1925110,443.60.
We find that the ordinary has
paid out on legal vouchers the fol
lowing amounts, to wit :
Qn account of general $2553 4 $
On account of paupers 600.5$
On account of roads 2466.32
On account of county
road bonds
Making a total paid out
White County, Georgia.
We the Grand Jury chosen,
sworn and empanelled tor the reg¬
ular October term 1935 of White
Superior Court beg leave to submit
the following presentments.
We have elected for the 558th
District G.M . to succeed himself,
J. L. Merritt, as N. P. and J. P.
We have fixed as the per diem
for the jurors and baliffs at $3.oo.
We recommend that the bride at
Robertstowu across the Chattahoo¬
chee River be rebuilt at once.
find that the leading public roads
in the county are in fairly
We have through our
duly appointed, examined the
lie buildings of the county
recommend that a] the jail seperate
cages be provided for the keeping
,,f the white and negro inmates in
different cages; and further recom¬
mend that the postering at the
county jail be pjjt in better and
proper condition.
We have examined the report of
(he finance committee appointed to
make their report to this body and
find them correct and recommend
that they become a part of these
our general presentments.
We have elected as the finance
committee to make a report to the
next Grand Jury the following,
Thos. F. Underwood, Lee Kytle
and T. V. Cantrell.
We, through our committee duly
ippointed to examine and
report on the various dockets of
justices of the Peace and
Public, report that they have
amined them and find them
and properly kept and that only
fees have been charged. i
We recommend thot ttie sheriff j
our county receive from the
of the county a fee of
for each capture of a still
in this county and brought
in and turned over to tire proper j
We .as .. exp-. r l»«rly
approval and co-opeiation m our j
sheriff’s diligence and perseverance
in the enforcing of the Prohibition j
Law in this county and for his!
efforts to remove from our county j j
the moking, handling . and Irani-;
porting of liquor. ;
We recommend that these
presentments be published in the
Cleveland Courier and that a fee of
$15.00 be paid for the same.
We have examined the paupers
list of our county and find no need
of any changes therein f
In taking leave of his honor, J.
B. Jones, we wish to express to
him our appreciation and thanks
for his directions to this body and
to our solicitor-general Robt. Mc
Millian, our gratitude for his ser¬
vices and advice lended us at all
We also wish to extend our
thanks to our clerk for his diligent
services to this body, and to our
baliff, W, S. Brock, for faithful
attendance on our body.
Respectfully submitted.
Georgia, White County.
To the Grand Jury of said coun¬
ty, October term White Superior
Court 1935.
We, the finance committee se¬
lected and appointed by the Grand
Jury at the April term of the Su¬
perior Court of said county 1935
beg leave to submit the following
We have examined the
records of the county officers 0 f
said county, to wit: the sheriff,
clerk and ordinary; and we find
that these officers have been dili¬
gent in keeping their records up
and we find so far as we can deter¬
mine that said county officers have
kept their books and records ac¬
curately and in accordance with
We find that the sheriff has had
a very large number of prisoners
that have been his custody since
our i a . it report. We find that he
j has 44 prisoners, had in j aii that s i„ C e he April has 1, boarded 1925,
said prisoners all told 366 days,
lna kj n g $274.50 paid out for board
of prisoners. We find further 181
days of this board was furnished to
3 prisoners who are still in jail and
failed to make bond. The
of turnkey for sheriff was
Legal Advertisements
Georgia, White County.
To all whom it may concern W. M.
Sutton having in proper form applied to
me for permanent letters of administra¬
tion on the estate of J. E. Sutton late of
said county, this is to cite all and singu¬
lar the creditors and next of kin of.J. E.
to be and appear at my office within the
time allowed by law, and show cause, if
any they can, why permanent adminis¬
tration should not be granted to W. M.
Sutton on J. E. Sutton estate.
Witness my hand and official signature
tbls 24 th day of November 1925 .
S. B. Logan, Ordinary.
Will tie sold on the first Tuesday in
January 1920 before the court house door
of said county, with'n the U-fral hours of
sale to the highest bidder for cash the
following described property to wit: 110
acres of land iri lot of land No. 05 in the
first district of White County, Ga., and
bein * an UIKlividert interest in and to
said lot, same being the Jerenatah Field s
estate interest in said lot. and the same
in the possession of J. W. H Under
wood, Agt., and notice given to the said
J. W. H. Underwoot oflevy. Said land
levied on as the property of Jeremiah
Fields to satisfy a tax ti fa issued by W.
H. Hulsey, Tax Collector of said county
for state and county taxes for the year
1 922 . This December 1,1925.
Also at the same time and place will be
sold the following described property to
wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying
and being in the County of White, State
(>p , eM> an(| (l , s ,, u ,, (l as f , Be .
ginning at the bridge on Monroe creek
on lot of land No. i2 in the third district
and running up the public road towards
the Monroe Church house 4700 feet to an
old road south of the church, thence
i north 10 degrees west along Ute old road
500 f ee i (i„, pnblie road, thence along
! the public road 575 feet to and old road
Deducttn* the amount patd * from j
the amount received . from all ,.
sources leaves a balance in the
hands of the ordinary the sum of
%'he ordinary lias exhibited to
this committee this day his bank
balance and the same shows fhat
he has this amount in the bankas
of of October October 1, 1, 1925, 1925, the the date date to to
which which is i. covered covered b/.hi. by this statement. .uue,„e„i.;
We have looked into the tax levy
*nd find that it h is been raised
.40/ nn the one hundred dolltu^
above last year. In looking for
the reason for tins increase we find
th at tt . required . O00.00 to retire
the county road bonds and under
the previous levy there was raised
only $2779.00 and the Ordinary
had to look to some other fund for
this difference which was $1321 00
and in order to raise the amount
that Itad to be paid by the county
on these bonds the levy for the re¬
quirement of county road bonds
wus raised to .35/ on the one hun
dred dollars. We also note that
there is a raise of 10 cents on the
one hundred dollars for road tax,
the former levy for this purpose
being .05J/ on the one hundred
dollars. This was explained to the
committee showing that, formerly
there had been a fund from the
sale of county road bonds placed in
the road funds of the county and
this fund was exhausted before the
present Ordinary took charge of
the affairs of the county and this is
his explanation of this particular
We also notice that the County
Board of Education raised
levy for county wide school tax
from .35^ on the one hundred dol
lars to ,50c on the hundred dollars.
Making the total levy for
and county tax including county
wide schoo > tRX » a -°° on llle one
Hundred dollars worth of property.
The raise being .25T on the one
hundred dollars by the Ordinary
and .15c on the one hundred dol¬
lars by the County Board of Edu¬
cation for county wide school tax.
Respectfully submitted,
J. K. Kenimer, R. L. Kytle,
A. H. Henderson, Jr., Finance
List of Grand Jurors,
W. 1 . Humphries, foreman; J
J. B.own, J. L. Brown, J. B
Johnson, J. L. Clark, J. B. Hunt,
J. T. Curtis. J. H. Jarrard, J. I).
Hooper, J. M. Allen, Y. S. Blnck
well, A. C. liowen,D. E. Bentley,
J. D. Andersou, J. B. Simmons.
R. D. McCollum, L. O. Freeman,
G. G. Gillstrap, J. H. Adams, B.
M. Ledford, J. M. Nix. W. N.
Turner, J. C. Denton, clerk,
Subscribe For The Courier
near the top of Monroe Ridge, then leav
*“« »’ ublic nd
the old ridge road In a northwesterly
rtirection 3W7 feet t0 Bin y 0 rk’e linsfthe
being the original line of lot No. 97
in the sixth land district of said county.)
thenae with said original line 4HS4 feet to
a stone at the original southwest corner
of lot No. 27 on the district line, thence
south 38 degrees east 4500 feet to th top
of Grimes Ridge, thence down said ridge
t.|ie high ground 3430 feet to the bridge at
the beginning point,
^ No , 2 , n the lhjrd (li8 , ric , and ,. otl
lH i,ilnf about 200 acres in each of said
tots, making « total of about fiOOacrea of
!evi, ‘ <l * s
otW.J, Simmons to satisfy a ti ta istueu
fl , )m th e City Court of AUanta. in favor
of Bryd Printing Company against Th,
Knights of the Flaming Sword Inc., and
W. J. Simmons.
W. A. Jackson, Sheriff.
l*ay Your Subscription Now
Four good farms. Will right
party stock or sell, see
W. 11 . Bell.
We have been having some very
bad weather for a week.
Mr. Andrew Nix has been quite
sick for several days.
Mrs. Sarah Ash has been very
feeble for several days.
Mr. Jackson lias gone up in
Lumpkin, where he will move in
a short time,
j,j r [jjq j ee is spending some
, !me „p | )ere
School closed here last Friday
for Christmas. It will begin the
1st Monday in Jan.
Miss Eftie McKinney returned to
Hiawassee last Saturday to spend
the holiday s with homefolks.
We are glad to say Mr. Tommie
Edwards, who has been ill, is im¬
Miss Olamae McCollum spent
Sunpay afternoon with Miss Bon
nie Ash.
Miss Dora Allison has returned
home to spend Christmas.
Mrs. Tulip Smith was very
last week.
Mr. Grover Dorsey, of
Greek, has moved into a new house
receutly constructed D.
- Greetings
- -ft
- is
- -tt
- We grateful to customers for -6 ■ft
- - are very many c
their patronage and it gives us particular -tt
- - pieasure Year than to wish before. each of you a happier New I
ever -tx
• 1 -{X
- ■U
- Clarence E. Barrett, Manager
********** * * * * * * * * * * * BUMT
We wish all of our cus¬
tomers a most prosper¬
ous and happy New Year.
Johnson-Whitmire 8 Co.
Cleveland. Ga.
Greet i 11 jejs
The Seasons Greetings with all kind
thoughts and Best Wishes for Christmas
: 5. and and the the New New Year. Year. *:
I f
JS: Cleveland, Ga.
I i
AUCTION SALE <x -tx •»
i •tx
At niv 2*8, home in Shoal Creek district, on Decem¬ i I
ber at 10:30 A. M.
I will sell farm in Shoal Creek district, •tt
my -tx
known the Jasper Jackson home place, •ft
as con¬ •tx
taining about 80 35 under cultiva¬ -tx
aeres; acres ■e
tion, running good five-room house and •tx
water, -tx <X
good barn. -tt
Also a good young cow, corn, fodder and house¬ is
hold and kitchen furniture. •»
! is
■tt ■5
If you need a good farm or any of the other -tx
items now is your chance to buy right. •tx
5 is
I t Cleveland. Ga., R. F. D. 2 •tx •a
i 4 - -tx
4 is
4 -