Newspaper Page Text
tXbe Cleveland Courier.
< tfittal Organ of White County, Ga
>t! f lished Weekly at Cleveland Ga,
P- Davidson, Editor.
Watered at the Poet iffice'at Cleveland
Ga.. as second class mail matter. Ninth District Press Asoociaimi
Georgia Press
'• National Etlitofiai
" Prese Congress Of Tl.e World
Subscri^ *1 ; &0 per year
in advance
Representative II. W. Hopkins,
of Thomas County, offered a resoiu
lion in the house that the legislature
adjourn sine die at 6 o’clock March
Baliff Ira Mayfield, of Blue
Creek, secured the copper to a still
and T. L. Jackson cut down the
heer Friday on Blue Creek. Satur¬
day night Mayfield’s barn was set
fre and totally destroyed. One
cow being in her stable and perish¬
ed by the consuming flames.
The Third Liberty bonds can
now be redeemed by the govern¬
ment, if holders wish to release
Ttate Highway Engineer, W.
U. Neel was in Cleveland for a
short time since our last issue and
told us that paving would be re¬
sumed at once on the Appalachian
Scenic Highway into Cleveland.
There is much talk of a bridge
being constructed from Calais to
Deal over the English Channel at
a cost of 1300,000,000. it will be
a distance of 25 miles.
Tne State Highway Department
will replace the warning signals,
such a curves, intersections, etc.,
on all federal interstaie highways,
the Appalachian Scenic Highway
being one of them, by standard
markers designed by 1 he Bureau of
^p>PublkvRoads. The markers will
be of metal painted IJ. S. in white
the number of tlie route in black.
Mr. Neel’s letter states positively
dhat Cleveland is on ttie federal
interstate highway.
It has been reported to The
Courier that l)r. George W.Truitt,
world renown preacher of Dallas,
Texas, wall conduct a series of
meetings at Nacoochee Valley in
The Gainesville Midland Rail¬
road was sold Tuesday for $150,
Hollis Randolph, president of
the Stone Mountain Memorial as¬
sociation, says that theStoneMoun*
1 tin half dollar will advance to $2
after April 15.
If you haven’t one of these coins
you had better get one from the
Fanners ,V Merchants Bank or
Bank of Helen at once.
Maneuvering about the State
Capital by those members opposed
<0 Governor Walker’s bond issue
plan for highways and schools
nut be* it now seems almost certain
t hat if any good and worthwhile
legislation is to be passed the
liovernor must amend his call.
Most everybody will readily
agree that the highways and
schools need more funds, but to
this good hour nobody has been
ible to convince two-thirds of the
general assembly that a bond issue
is the thing.
TheCourier desires to impress on
every member the necessity of
-ettling the job now, whatever it
may be. and adjourn. But to our
deliberate opinion, the most es¬
sential and important work they
< at first accomplish is to restore
harmony by every member con¬
nected in anv capacity with the
highway department. That is the
trouble with Georgia's road devel- j
The highway devpartment is of j
-itch great importance to Georgia’s!
i regress and future development 1 it is utter folly t6 permit this |
o t .1 ;iing to continue longer, l he
should do something to
confidence, harmony and
in the state highway
It it costs a few.fel¬
lows jobs then don’t sacrifice the
department. Let the chips fall
where they may, but, don’t adjourn
until confidedce is fully restored in
that department.
Some prosaic person penned a
much used proverb when he said :
“Come in like a lion and goes out
like a lamb.” Well, March come
in like an angry lion and it is truly
hoped that it will depart like a
pleasing lainb.
The Courier predicts a good
year for the farmers in White
county. If the farmeis are not
prosperous how can it be expected
that business will prosper.
Hon. Thos. II. MacDonald,chief
United States Bureau of Public
Roads, telegraphed The Constitu¬
tion last week that he did not
know of a greater service theGeor
gia legislature could perform than
I ) pass a highway bond issue for
the completion of the state high¬
way system in Georgia.
He stressed the need of making
the state the unit instead of the
county, as is now operated, and re¬
lieve the people of the extra cost,
which is met by adding additional
taxes on ad valorem, but making
the tag tax and gasoline tax fully
retire the bonds, without a cent
additional tax on ad valorem.
Mr.MacDonald’s opinion carries
considerable weight, for there is
no reason why he should desire to
see Georgia vote bonds for high¬
ways. except for their expeditious
and economical completion.
Cancer, once thought uncom¬
mon, is now tenth in our list of
death-cases in the United States.
Anti like other dread diseases its
best ally is ignorance. Able
scientists say cancers are preventa¬
ble ; they are also curable up to a
certain stage. Cleanliness, they
aver, if catrtieRaly and sensibly ob
served, will ward off cancer. This
applies within and without the
local Flews
Mr. Albert Taylor, student at
A. & M., Clarkesville, spent the
week-end with homefolks.
Mrs. R, L. Mize, of Lula, is
visiting her mother. Mrs. A. L.
Dorsey, at present.
Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Davidson,
of Helen, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Alex Davidson.
Miss Clara Henderson spent
week-end with parents, Mr.
Mrs. W. C. Henderson.
Mrs. W. A. Danforth, who has
been at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. 1 ’. Evans for several weeks, re¬
turned Sunday to her home at
Contoocook, N. H.
Mr. W. L, Allison returnedSun
day from South Carolina.
Miss Lillie Head is confined to
bed with flu at her home in Cler¬
News reaches Cleveland that u
daughter, Billie Sue, was born
Feb. 38, in Maysville to Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Miller,
Miss Bernice Warwick has been
very ill for several days.
Dr. L. G. Neal took Mrs. J. H.
Stovall to an Atlanta hospital
Mrs. F. W. Sbelnut, F.
Mauney. J. H. Telford, Chas. N.
M aloof and W. W. Allison re
returned Sunday from Tampa,
where t hey spent several days
in Florida’s sunshine.
li^v. Chas. Bass, Grand Past
of the Georgia Masons, and
in charge of the Masonic Or¬
Home, addressed the mem¬
of Yonali Lodge Saturday
Mr. Thos. A JDavidson, student
Young Harris college, spent the
with parents, Mr. and
Alex Davidspn.
Mr. A. M. Dean, who has been
basking in Florida’s sunshine for
the past two months, returned last
Mr. Dewey Stoval}, of Wuynes
•ville, N. C., visited parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. II. Stovall each week.
Col. C. II. Edwards returned
from Washington, I>. C., last
Saturday, where he attended the
National Educational meeting.
Miss Gladys Nelms speht the
week-end with homefolks in
Miss Jessie Davidson,of Atlanta,
| spent Saturduy and Sunday with
| homefolks.
Postmaster F. M. Menders, of
Dahlonega, was in Cleveland last
Mr. Tollie Allen was in Atlanta
before the Veterans Bureau Mon
Mr. Silas Kimsev, of Thomas
ville, N. C,, is visiting relatives in
White Cour.ty at present. I
Mr. Will Taylor, who is employ
edat Griffin, spent Sunday with
his mother, Mrs. A. M. Taylor, at
Pinnacle Mountain School.
I’he county teachers meeting was
v, ell attended Monday.
Messrs. Luther Power, Coleman
| Freeman and George Freeman es»j
i caped with a few lacerations when
{the Ford of .Mr. Power’s turned
I turtle on the highway in front of :
Mrs. II. A. Allison’s Saturday !
I afternoon.
1 ,, u ... n , ,, !
I . I
Augustine, , la..spent Sunday . at;
Pinnacle Mountain School, devot
Ing himself to more interesting ;
] things than engineering, Qtierry
; says he likes this country, particu¬
larly some of its people.
Dr. C. J. Wellborn, of Blair*
ville, brother-in-law of Dr. L, G.
Neil, has been selected as County
, {Jpalth Officer for Hall county to
; succeed Dr. B, P, Blackwelder.
Eggs For Hutching
Pure bred Rhode Island Red, is i
for $1.00 as tny home.
W. E. Bryant,
At Grandma Hunt place.
For the children's room, or any room for ,
that matter, where the floors are sub¬
jected to exceptionally hard usage, we
recommend Pee Gee Floor Enamel.
Select the color that best harmonizes
with surroundings. You can rest assured
that floor enamel bearing the Pee Gee
label will deliver a full dollar's worth of
service for every dollar spent cm it.
Now is the time to enamel your floor*,
so come in and Jet us help you select
the color.
Cleveland, Ga.
The weather man is still serving
ice cream, more ice than creatn.
We had the pleasure to see quite
a number of White County teach
ers in Cleveland last Monday and ;
we believe lhe schools at large l
have made wise selections.
We notice that the people on the
new Cleveland—Shoal . lei 1 y- Creek 1 road <
are making big improvements.
Give us a highway thru Shoal
Creek and watch ns appreciate it.
Sijpo you can see a poor fellow
with his old last year’s rush hat on
going down the road to buy guano
! * nd he will be singing “Revive Us
Revive I s. But next tall
you can see him, but hi* little rush
hat has worn out and you see him
bale cotton with somebody else,
und as he Koeg to se< ; his j iule cot .
ton you’ll hear him singing “Show
Pity Lord Oh Forgive.”
We:!, there seems to be but few
ways for a poor man to get rich, j
One is 10 inherit what his rich i
l,ncle 1,as " hois an i,,m:,te of an
alms house. And another is to
vent or dlscover P er P etual n ‘ otio ".
and the nearest thing to perpetual I
, nol j on j s :U( aggravated woman
with a rolling pin in her hand. So I
there you are, it’s just make the!
best of everything. Just buy some
blue turkey-red cloth and white
blacking and shine up. and
folks will think you are all O. K,,
and you are. It’s all in wlmt we
imagine. We remember the first
tour in-hand neck tie we ever wore.
We wore it one windy day and it
blew across our shoulder and we
saw it and thought it a snake and
ran away like a voting mule. Folks
may think that that's not a lie but
it is.
Contractors to get out chestnut
extract wood by the cord. A good
opportunity for the right parties.
Morse Bros. Lumber Co.,
Helen, Ga.
Owner having good Georgia
farm tor sale at reasonable ptice
write D. L. Myers. Bloomington,
lnd. 2tp
Legal Advertisements
Georgia, White County.
To “** Su P*”' io, ‘ Court of said county.
Tile petition of R. O Flinn, J. R Mc
; ^ j I 5 .Campbell, Will* M. Everett,
; M r8 , Archibald Davie, Mis. W. A. Turner
W. D. Hooper. Robert MeMillian, C. R.
Wilcox, M. M. MeFerrin, Mrs. W. M.
den, Rowland, L. G. Mrs. Henderson, J, J. 1 imlin, Mrs. J. Samuel R. Ltnns
sil „ ey „ 8peclftllly ghows:
First: Your petitioners desire that they
and their successors be incorporated
under the co pomte name and style of
term of twenty years, with the privilege
of renewal at the end of that period.
Second: Your petitioners requests that
the Synod of Georgia oftbe Presbyterian
Church in the United States have the
power to tiv the terui of service of each
of your petitioners, together with the
power to elect their successors. That
said Synod also have the power to pass
such rules and regulations for the man¬
agement of said school as seems to them,
and uot in conflict with the laws of this
state or the United States, so that said
school shall at all times be under the
control of said Synod.
Third: Said corporation shall not he
operated for pecuniary gain, but its Bole
| object and purpose shall he to promote
Christian Religion and to advance the
cause of education in all its branches; as
well as to provide a home for children
who by reason of loss of parents or other
causes need a Christian home for their
proper support and education. They
desire the right to carry 011 all kiuds of
industrial training for boys and girls and
it shall be the object of said school to, as
far as possible, help the student to pay
by work for patt or all their schooling.
It shall be tbe aim of said school to so
educate and equip its scholars with such
a practical framing that they may be
| came ambitious. i» w abiding, Christian
| citizen Fourth: «. Your petitioners desire
right to operate a Normal Training
School for the pttr|ip 8 « of training
teachers, and desire the right to issue
diplomas or certificates to those conrplet
i ing the course of study in tnia or any
j otbe, department of the school.
; Fifth: Your petitioners desire for them
| selves and their successors the right, to
j enforce and maintain good behavior ami
j order in ane upon the property owned or
| occupied by it: to have all the rights,
powers and privileges now or hereafter
j granted the to similar corporations; to have
[tower to sue and be sued, and to
have and use a common seal and to
change the same at pleasure, and to take
and hold by gift, grant, devise or other¬
wise, and to purchase, lease, hold and
convey, troth to law amt equity, any real
estate or interest therein in any kind ot
ptoperty, real, personal or mixed, not for
the purpose of trade or profit, but for
promoting the general interest of said
school; to make and alter, from time to
time, such hy-lawa as may be deemed
necessary for the regulation of the pro¬
ceedings or the trustees and tbe govern¬
ment of said school, its student* and em¬
ployees, not inconsistent with the Uwx of
ihe State of Georgia and the United
Wherefore your petitioners pray that
1 after the filing and publishing of this
petition as required by law, said charter
may be granted for the aforesaid team of
twenty years, together with allfhe rights
and powers lysreiu prayed for or incident
1 to such corporations under the laws of
Georgia, and your petitioner will ever
pray. etc.
W. M. Everett & MeMillian & Erwin,
Attorneys for Petitioner.
Office of Clerk of Superior Court.
I, J. B. R. Barrett,Clerk of tb< Superi¬
or Court of While County, hereby certify
that the forgoing is H true and correct
copy of the application for charter, as the
same appears on file in this office.
This 20th day of February ]92fi.
J, B. R, Bar' ett, C. 8 . C.
October Term, S iperior Court sai
Clifford Walkek, Governor, vs Jit
Helton, principal, B. U. Asb, security
Clifford Walker, Governor, vs Jim Re!
,on * Principal, and B. C. Ash, secant;
non residents of said county greetings
You are hereby required to be an
appear, personally or hy an attorney, s
llie next of the -Superior Court to he he!
in and tnf said county on the secon
Monday in April 1926. to show cause i
any they have why judgement ghoul
not be rendered against them for th
amount ot recognizance forfited as afore
said as in default thereof the court wil
proceed as to justice shall appertain.
Witness the Honorable J. R. Jobes
Judge of said court, this the 15th day o
December, I 92 S.
J. B. R. B« tt eU,C.$. 0,
LOST : Female fox hound, wh
in color with brown head at id tn
This dog disappeared while hut
ing near Robertstown. She
probably in that vicinity but in
have wandered several miles. VV
P a y * 5 -°° •• you will notify t
where she is.
Frank Turner.
Cleveland, Ga.
For Quick Sale
I have a fairly good
of e shoes, , overalls, „ boys caps, ,
caps, some sweaters, men’s
coats, men’s and ladies’
-he best coffee on the market,
0 ^ price, 30 cents lb. and
thmg in • «ny stock . 1 of <• goods , at
“ pri “ P £t > <tow ”
I *■ P pay n y all a " I can afford afford to to pay
produce. Come to see me and
my prices, Yours to live and
W. N Turner.
I will occupy offices in
Barrett building Monday,
and Wednesday of each week
the purpose of doing dental work.
Dr. M. II. McMillion,
Demorest, Ga.
Drove Hill baby chicks, S.
White Whom baby chicks
per 100; S. C. Rhode Island Reds
00 per too. 100% live delivery.
Grove Hill Poultoy Farm
Commerce, Ga.
m> advertise, because
amuans Gave their best