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imL. ’Xxvul, No. 25.1
Mr. Lyman Westmoreland is all
smiles* now. It is a girl at his
Mrs. Zena Thurmond has moved
from Helen back to her old home.
Mr. Jesse Black passed this way
recently with the finest string of
suckers we have ever seen. He
caught them in the river at Nacoo
chee and seems to think there are
The most of us had plenty of
eggs for Easter. There is one fel¬
low that does not eat eggs. He
found a nest of eggs upon Pink
mountain, and taking them home
he boiled them thinking they were
turkey eggs, but they proved to be
buzzard eggs which made him very
Miss Maisy Freeman accom¬
panied by Messrs Hoyt Elliott and
Coleman Coleman Freentan spent
Saturday in the Queen City having
some dental work done.
The brown thrasher is now tell¬
ing of the advent of spring. As
the weather is growing warmer
and warmer day bp day in every
way the “Sons of Rest” met last
Saturday for the purpose of re¬
organizing. The secretary read
the report of the last meeting that
was held last fall. Then the door
was open for new members and a
few came forward. A resolution
was passed, which was, Resolved :
That we do everything in our
power to keep from work. They
also gave the women permission to
join the club. Refreshments were
■ m 1
Yonah on Easter day.
A sumptuous dinner was served
by the ladies at the Reservation
spring Sunday which was highly
enjoyed by many and Mr. Garnett
Campbell furnished music for the
Some of us are great winter time
farmers. We read all the available
buletins we can get and plan to do
great tilings but when the warm
days of spring arrive our courage
at once oozes out and we cut down
our acreage and flee from the line
of battle. When the weeds and
grass becomes numerous we sil
under tiie shade of the old shade
tree and can see the heat dancing
down in the fill.
Mr. and Mrs. J. I. N. Smith
spent Sunday with the latter’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Mc¬
Mr. Bruce Tatum, of Toccoa,
spent the week-end with home
Mrs. J. W. Whitworth returned
home Sunday after spending a few
weeks with her mother, Mrs. J. T.
Messrs. Granville and Hoyt
Collins and Luther Collier visited
friends here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. McCollum,
of Cornelia, visited relatives here
We are glad to say Mr. Alfred
Stovall, Jr., is improviug after a
severe case of flu.
Saveral from here attended the
Blue Creek school entertainment
Wednesday night.
As my patrons in Cleveland bas
grown so rapidly that it has be¬
come necessary for me to spend all
my time at my office in the Barrett
Bldg. Come to see me any time
after this week.
Dr. M. H. McMilUn,
.DQvoted to the “gammy“; egmmercia) and Indnfi'rial Interests of White County
Mrs, Magdalene McGhee, who
had been in poor healtli for some
time, passed away on Friday, April
2, 1926 at the borne of one of her
She was nearing her 71st birth¬
She was married to W. A. Mc¬
Ghee 55 }' e ais ago and was the
mother of 9 children, 8 of which
are still living. They are: B. L.
Jr., of this county; W. H., of
Norfolk, Va,; and E. B., of At¬
lanta ; Mrs. Sallie Stover and Mrs.
Mollie Kanaday, of Hall county;
Mrs. Eliza Parish and Mrs. Nellie
Ash, of Lumpkin county ;and Mrs.
Tennie Jackson, Atlanta.
She had 40 grand children and
20 or more great grand children.
She has three brothers living in
Western Georgia, namely, Win.,
Marion and Lafayette Hulander.
She had been a member of
Town Creek Baptist Church since
Besides her near relatives she
leaves a host of friends to morn
Her remains were laid to rest in
Shoal Creek cemetery, where one
among the largest crowds ever at¬
tending a funeral at that place,
were present to witness the last
sad rites.
The funeral services were con¬
ducted by Rev. Chas. Palmer.
Say folks! it looks like spring
has come this week. Are’nt you
7 -.....— ■'
Mr. Aioutig O’Kelley keeps trad¬
ing mules.
We heard of a fellow down) here
somewhere going out to plant corn
and while his wife went ahead
with the work he soaked his seed
corn in the brand) so it would be
wetter than the ground.
We also hear of fellows who
take the Dahlonega Nuggett trying
to swap one every Friday for a
Cleveland Courier. Now the Nug
gett is a splendid paper, but we
think the fellow ought to pay boot
or exchange.
Mr. W, A. McGhee has gone to
Norfolk, Va , with his son.
Mr, Joe O’Kelley had the mis¬
fortune to loose a mule a few
nights ago.
We were sorry to hear of the
death of “Uncle Bill” Oakes, as
we called him.
It certainly must be spring now,
for we notice our chickeus get off
the roost quite early and stand and
listen till they hear some fellow in
the settlement say, “Gee” and
away they go and come back at
night covered with guano.
Mrs. Alice M. Taylor, of Cleve¬
land, annonnees the engagement of
her daughter, Mary Russell, to Mr.
Ralph Wilson Quevry, of St.
Augustine, Fla., the marriage to
be solemnized in June.— Atlanta
Important To Subscribers
If there appears in this space a
heavy pencil X mark it is made to
remind you that your subeription
has expired, and that we would
appreciate your renewal for anoth¬
er year, and respectfully urge that
you give tiiis your prompt atten¬
tion that you miss 110 copies of the
Courier—the paper which should
visit every home in White county
each week.
Pay Your Subscription Now
Advance Notice: On the 4 th
Sunday in April, the 25th, the
Laymen’s Movement of the Cleve¬
land Charge will have charge of
the services in the Cleveland
Church. The exercises will be
presided over by the Charge Lay
Leader, W. L. Norton. Speakers
on the program will be, C. W.
Reid, Gainesville District Lay
Leader and the District Lender
from Athens and others. This
meeting will be open to all the
Laymen in White county irrespec¬
tive of denomination. Tire services
will begin at 11 a. tn. and close
about 4:30 p. m. Dinner will be
We had a great day at Chatta¬
hoochee and Helen lust Sunday,
The exercises at Helen Sunday
School were impressive and appro¬
priate. Bro. Siiavis has a fine
Brotherhood Class there.
was our first but not our last visit
to this Sunday School.
The Woman’s Missionary Soci¬
ety of Cleveland will meet next
Wednesday, April 14, with Mrs.
A. T. Wilson. The Society of
the Baptist Church wilt meet with
The Pastor will preach next Sun¬
day at Mossy Creek at 11 a. m.
and 8 p, m. and Zion at 3 p. in.
The second quarterly conference
for this Charge will be held at
Zion on Saturday, May 1st. Super¬
intendents, stewards, trustees and
others take notice.
If your church is a dead one, ap
pomt a ci>.mypit*e^ receivers, ^f yottr be'V
members to act as turn
the church over to them to run,
then sit back and boost. They
can’t make it any worse than it is.
Mossy Creek News.
Mossy Creek school was out lust
Friday and they had a picnic and
an egg hunt. They sure did have
a nice dinner and plaved ball in
the afternoon and it was all enjoy¬
ed very much. f
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Simmons,
of Yonah, Ga., spent Friday night
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
T. J. Hanie.
There is preaching at Mossy
Creek next Sunday at 11 and 8
Mr. and Mrs. JSilas Woodall
spent Sunday with Mr. Woodall’s
parents at Yonah, Ga.
Mr. Clyde Sosbee was on the
sick list last week;
Messrs. Bobbie and Fleet Loyd
left for Florida last Tuesday after
spending a few days with parents.
Mr. Buford Davfdlon was sick
last week. h
Air. and Mrs. W. T. Dorsey
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
G. W. Davidson. ;
Mrs, F. D. Adams, of Lula,
is spending a few days with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs^S W. F.
Statement 01 The Ownership and Managemen
Published weekly at, tl'eveiimd. Ga., for
April 1926. Ktlitor, Manuring Editor,
ami Business Manager, Manager, J. J. P. Di Davidson,
Publisher, J. P. Davidson.
Owner, Alex. DavidtK’n,
Known bondholders, mortgagees, and
other security holders, holding 1 per cent
oi- more of total amount of bonds, mort¬
gages, or other securities: A one.
(Signed! J as. T. Davit,son.
Sworn to and subserififid before me this
15th, day of April 19S5.
J. W. H. Underwood, N. P.
White Cmvnty, Qsorgift.
Blairsville to Stage
• Play Here Monday Nigt
The Blairsville High School will
present “Be An Optimist,” a very
intarcsting and amusing farce, at
the Cleveland High School audi¬
torium Monday night, April 1 2 ,
at 8 P. M.
l ne comedy-drama comes highly
recommended, with plenty of fun
and an interesting story to please
theTTiost critical.
Prof. W. P. Lunsford is direct¬
ing the play, and nothing abscene
will be permitted.
A portion of the receipts goes to
Cleveland High School.
Admission 15 and 25 cents.
Messrs. Buster Henderson and Iiood, of 6th A. & M., spent
the week-end with home folks.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Anderson
and son, Crawford, are in Forsyth.
Ga., this week. Mr. Anderson
was called to the bedside of hi
father who was very low.
Miss Minnie Ross spent the
Easter holidays with Mr. and Airs.
J. K. Coit.
Mr. and Mrs. R. AI. Matson are
spending several days in Atlanta.
Air. John Oakes is home trom
Mr, and Mrs. J. N. Miller and
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Miller and
children spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. R. IL Miller.
>5,^ C . Campbell; of Atlanta;
director of budding committee of
Nucoochee Institute, was here last
Saturday looking for building
sight for a new school house.
List of Grand Jurors For
White Supeiior Court, xVprii
Term 1926.
J. T. Tatum, Alex. Davidson, J
P. Thurmond, G. W, Westmore
moreiund, ). B. Dyer, J. A.Craw
ford, I, N. Truelove, T. V. Can
tre’ll, W. J. Presley, James Burke
B. F. Chumbler, J. L. Craig, S
Brown, H. B. Underwood, J. N
Hulsey, G. V. Bristol, W. J.
Craven, J. D. Tatum, V, S. Nich¬
olson, W. II. Clark, Jesse' Love'),
J, K. Coit, J. B. Robinson, IL
M. Edwards, Garnett Underwood,
J, LaFayelte Nix, Arthur Die, J.
C. Truelove, W. H. Iloleman.
Mrs. George Sutton and children
were visiting her sister, Airs. N. H.
Skelton last Sunday,
Aliss Lola Head left Monday for
Greenville, S. C.
Mrs, A. A. Brovi nlow and fam¬
ily, of Habersham, were in this
community Sunday.
Airs. Enoch Brownlow has been
very sick for the past week.
Mr. Casher Dillard and family
were visiting Air. W. H. Alexan¬
der and family Sunday.
Aliss Nellie Autry left for At¬
lanta Monday.
A practically new two-horse
wagon. See W- L. Allison.
Three mules and one two-horse
White Hickory wagon.
Airs. J. AI. Miller.
Subftoribe For The Courier
[PRICE $1.50 A Ylv‘. \h 1N ADVAM 1':
ft '4 Spring 1$ Here
Charlie is planning and preparing to take eare
ol his splendid spring trade again.
He has been cleaning and arranging his stock
of goods so that they will be very attractive
and neat to anyone who enters his store.
Charlie has a nice line of men’s slippers, dress
shirts, overall work shirts, socks and caps.
To the ladies, bring or send your chickens and
eggs to Charlie’s, lie pays the highest market
price, cash or trade.
( harlie has the only real ice box in the county.
Work antomatieh , cools as it goes .and every¬
body that goes to Charlie's know n.
Charlie still has garden seed at your own price.
Charlie’s earnest desire is to please his cus¬
tomers so keep him in mind always.
At Roy Head Memorial Bridge
Roman Lady in the mythology the tells goddess us that of Luna is the § 3
light moon, the silver
that illumines th.e night—her '• n ycr
- arrows the ocams trom the dead planet.
Casting light in darkness—that's the mission
of Luna, and printing is like the radiant god¬
dess in that it casts light in the darkness of
ignorance, and dispels it.
Printing, properly applied to your business,
will enlighten all people as to the merits of
what you have to offer. Judicious use of this
light-giving force will bring success. Let us
show you our ability to help you.
4 Our Invitation I I
| 9
p ,
We invite you to visit our store during s
1 court for sanwiches, hot dogs, peanuts, I:? |
cold drinks, fruits, ice cream, cigars and
We cigarettes. P I
appreciate your business and will
strive to please you in every way.
Cleveland, Ga.
I s
Subscribe For The Courier