Newspaper Page Text
Zhc Cleveland Courier,
),fatal Organ of White County . Go
AiMinhed Weekly at Cleveland «a.
Jas. P. Davidson, Editor.
Kntared at the Peat )ftiee at Cleveland
Qa.. aa second class mail matter.
Member Ninth District Press Asaociaimi
Georgia Press
National Editorial
Press Congress 01 The World
Subscription, *1.50 per year
in advance
Some people think writiug if
e.tsy. Well, it is, provided you
have something to say and it if
well formulated in your mind. Bui
<lid you know it took Sinclair
Lewis fifteen years before he was
prepared to write “Main Street.”
Uncle Bill Townsend, editor o!
tlie Dahlonoga Nugget, suggests to
the N. G. A. C. band that the)
give a concert at Neel (Ftp soma
time iir April or May. A fine sug¬
gestion Uncle Bill.
Mr. J. W. Etris. progressive
citizen of Town Creek district,was
in town jpiesday with a prtition
which asks for a change in the
road to Slabtown by surrounding
the Ed Hood bill. It was no
trouble for Mr. Etris to get signa¬
tures for this needed change.
The change asked for in the pe¬
tition will eliminate the terrible
grade on this hill by turning to the
right after crossing rhe ford at
Hood creek and going South ot the
Ed Ilood house.
The Ordinary should be eager to
grant the petition, for Mr. Etris
tells us.that he has secured enough
people to give their teams to do the
work free, and The Courier can
see no reason why the petition
should not be granted.
Fred W. Hooper, of Espanola,
Fla., son of Mr. and Mrs. T. B.
Hooper, of Mossy Creek district,
has been awarded a contract to
construct *he Ocean Shore boule¬
vard, connecting Daytona Beach
arid St. Augustine. It will be a
40 feet road bed.
Fred is a member of the Flagler
county commissioners, and his
work is receiving much praise.
The White County Grand Jury
for the April term is published in
this issue.
These men represent the various
districts of White oounty in deal¬
ing with matters of this county.
They are men of splendid charac¬
ter, sound judgment and a progres¬
sive spirit. They know what the
county needs, and after careful
deliberation will deal with those
matters in a way that will be com¬
The duties of a Grand Juror is
particularly responsible. However,
their duties are not solely that of
issuing bills for various offenses of
the statutes. They check the
several comity officers and make
recommendations. There is no
requiring the carrying out of these
recommendations, but as they act
i 1 a capacity to look after the best
interests of the county, their rec
oinendations are usual 1 carried out.
The Courier don’t desire to be
too suggestive, but we would like
to see this honorable body have in
their presentments recoinmenda
tious dealing with the system of
county road work and the greatly
u reded repairs on the court house.
The court house is a disgrace ,o
a people who have voted bonds for
f jderal interstate highway through
it. It wont cost much to do this
work, and, to our opinion, it should
be done at once. Stucco couid be
easily placed on the outside walls,
the windows changed and the
doors fixed with a small cost to
the county.
The county can never hope to
have any improvement in the roads
until a road supervisor is employed
who has knowledge of road work
mid maintenance and some modern
Yes, this will cost something,but
you will get something for your
money expended, whereas it is now
' the money is practically thrown
This county needs a road man
and a caterpiller tractor with
enough motive power to do some
real road worki And, to our
.pinion, we wili never have any
roads until that system is put in
No man, no business nor no
county, for that matter, can stand
still. They either go forward or
Gentlemen, which do you choose?
When you are in town next
week for court, don’t fail to call
around at The Courier office and
pay your subreription.
Weather prediction : Rain next
Political predictions: Judge
[ones will seek re-election.
Agricultural prediction : A
bumper crop for this section.
Ex 1 raordinary session predic¬
tion : Adjourn this week and
nothing done, except the passage
if the inheritance tax bill and
granting the governor power to
take the W. & A. rentals to pay
Confederate pensions.
Fishing time is here.
Are you interested in seeing
Unicoi Gap placed on the state
highway system?
It is time for spring cleaning.
The sanitary jeommittee ot the
city council should require every
business place in town to thorough¬
ly clean around their place at once.
Cleveland is on the Applachiau
Scenic highway and we need to
have our town in a neat, attractive
ippearance for these visitors.
The bill to increase the tax from
4 to 5 cents on gasoline was kilted
by the bouse.
Judge W. E- Candler, of Blairs
ville, called a gathering of Union
county people at the noon hour of
court Monday for the purpose of
learning their sentiment on state
road bonds, which resulted in a
unanimous vote against bonds.
Judge Candler states that his
reason for calliug this meeting was
the printing of a telegram signed
by the Union County Chamber of
Commerce in The Constitution
Monday favoring bonds.
The Constitution carried a story
Wednesday in which contained
telegrams and a letter from J. P.
Davenport, editor of the North¬
east Georgian and secretary of that
organization, and B. H. Stone,
representative of Union county,
and Judge Candler.
Mr. Stone and Mr. Davenport
state that the organization was or¬
ganized last October, but Mj.
Candler denies that there is such
in organization now, nor may
never be.
Senator Cole Blease, of South
Carolina, lias introduced a bill in
the senate making it unlawful for
vviter persons and negroes to inter¬
marry anywhere in the United
Arthur Brisbane, editorial writer
for the Hearst publications, has
purchased 10,000 acres of Florida
land at $8o per acre.
Federal trials may soon be held
Gainesville if the bill introduced
by members of the Georgia delega¬
tion in congress passes.
The following counties will em¬
brace the Gainesville division :
Banks, Barrow, Dawson, Foasyth.
Habersham, Hall, Jackson, Lump¬
kin, Rabun, Stephens, Towns,
Union and White.
The bill also provides for an
extra division in Georgia.
All chickens found in my barn,
garden and on the premises will be
A. II. Henderson, Sr,
Georgia, While County.
Pursuant‘to an order passed by
Court 6f Ordinary of said county at
April term 1926 of said court will be sold
before the court house door in the town
of Cleveland, said county, on the
Tuesday in May 1926 to the highest bid¬
der for cash, the following property to
wit: About four acres of land in
second land district of said county and
in Mo sy Creek milipa district of said
county and known as the 1£. C. Dorsey
home place in said county, said land ad¬
joining the lands of F. M, McMillian, tb“
Homer Wofford land, the Oscar Jackson
land and the V. C. Skelton'land. There
is on this land a good dwi lling and other
out buildings and improvements and is a
desirable home in a gopd community.
fan! land will ho sold for the purpose
of distribution among the heirs at law of
the said E. C. Dorsey, late of said county,
This April 5th 1926.
It. L. I orsey, A dm.
Will be sold before the court house
door in the town of Cleveland, said
oounty, on the first Tuesday in May I 926
between I lie legal hours of sale to the
highest bleder for cash theYblh.wing de¬
scribed property to wit: About sixteen
acres of land in Shoal Creek district, said
county, and bounded as follows: On the
north by the lands of Clem Adams, on
the west and south by the lands of
Marion Met- bee and on the cast by the
lands of Miss Necla Bowen, ami generally
known as the J J. Adams laipl in said
district arid county.
Said land levied on a 1 , the pioperty of
the J. J. Adams estate, to satisfy a tax
ri fa issued by J. H. Campbell, Tax Col¬
lector of said county for state and county
taxes lor ilie year 1995.
A 1 -o at the same time and place and pn
Ihc same terms will be sold the fol owing
property to wit: One bay mare mule
about ten years old, weight about 125 O
lbs. and one black horse indie, weight
about, 1150 lbs., about years old.
Said mules levied on as properly of
Carlton Alley to satisfy an execution is¬
sued from the Superior Court of said
county of Lee arm Clifton Lyons against
Carlton Alley and J. L. Glen.
April 6 th 1926.
W. A. Jackson, Sheriff.
Used Furniture
Sewing machine $7 : bedstead
_ .
with springs $10; 'ow bedstead
$3.50 ; nwttress $2 ; rocking chairs
$1.50 eacli ; dresser $10; washstand
14 ; center table $2 ; dining table
$2 go; fruit jars 65 cents per doz.
for quarts, 80 cents per doz. for
half gallon; ailuminutn water
bucket 50 cents; kerosene lamp
40 cents; stone jars 30 eens each,
and some dishes and pans. For
cash only.
Tiie above is the property of
Mrs, j. IJ. Alien and may be seen
at the home of Alex Davidson.
local Hews
Application for marriage license
is posted on the bulletin board in
the Ordinary’s office by Albert Jar
rard, son of Mr. and Mrs. J, II.
Jarrurd, and Miss Ethel Vandiver.
Contemplate marriage April xo.
The finance committee is in ses¬
sion this week.
Col. C. H. Edwards was attend¬
ing court at Bialrsville this week.
Mr. B. B. Fite, formerly cashier
of the Butt Banking Co., at Blairs
ville, but now in contracting ii
road construction in South Caro¬
lina, was in town Saturday on his
way to Blatrsville.
Hon. A. L. Dorsey spent the
week-end at home.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Russell
visited Mrs. Russell’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Shuler, of Fonder,
last Sunday.
Judge and Mrs. J. W. II. Under¬
wood visited Dr. T. G. Underwood
last Sunday.
Col. Boyd Sloan, of Gainesville,
was in town Tuesday on legal
Mr. F. G Jones was in Atlanta
for a day or two this week.
“The Road to the City” is a
play that will be given at Brookton
Consolidated School Saturday
night, Aprii Jo. Everybody in¬
Mrs. Frank Kenimer, who has
been at Miami for the winter, is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. L.
Norton, at present.
Col. VV. P. VVelchel, of Gaives
ville, was in town Monday.
Mr. VV 7 . A. Russell is able to be
back at his barber shop after a
minor operation.
Dr. L. G. Hardman is having a
filling station erected on Hardman
Private Starling Cooley, of Ft.
Benning, is visiting homefolks.
Col. and Mrs. C. II. Edwards
visited their son, Prof. C. T. Ed¬
wards, at Shady Dale, Ga., Friday
Dr. and Mrs. L. Q. Neal return¬
ed last Friday night after a few
days visit tr Miami. Dr. says he
enjoyed the trip, but the pressure
was something terrible.
Buglars broke into H. A. Jar
rard & Son’s store, J. L. Nix’s
place and Farmers & Merchants
Bank last Thursday night. They
did ‘not get anything from the
bank. Coleman Seubolt prevented
them from breaking into Telford
& Kenimer’s store by shooting at
them. No trace or apprehension
has been made.
Messrr. Lewis Sanders, of New
York, and Sidney O. Smith, cf
Gainesville, have been appointed
loint receivers of the Gainesville &
Northwestern railroad, John Pat¬
terson having tendered Judge Sib¬
ley bis resignation.
Mr. Sanders was in Cleveland
Thursday and stated that it was his
desue to build up the road.
Mr. Luther Reynolds, Mr.
Hyde’s son-in-law, has been made
general manager. Mr. Reynolds
is a very fine young man, and the
patrons of the road will like him.
Mr. C. C. Jarrurd returned Wed¬
nesday from Ludowici.
Miss Mary Ruth Edwards enter¬
ed school Monday at Shady Dale,
Five Gals, Paint Free
A large paint concern, in d||i fur¬
therance of an advertising a it in¬
troductory campaign now in pro¬
gress, offers to give, free of charge,
five gallons of its best house paint,
any color, to one pioperty owner
at each post office or on each rural
route in this county. This concern
wants its paint on a house in each
locality this season which is the
purpose of this remarkable offer.
It also wants a local salesman in
each county. Persons interested
ure requested to write the Central
Oil Co., Dept. No. U3A Louisville
Five turd one half acres of land,
plenty for pasture and truck patch
es; a good 8 room house completely
finished, garden and outbuilding,
Weil on porch.
This is the Ed Carpenter place
in Cleveland.
If Li lnieresicu interested see ncc
B. R. Jas. P. David-j
i Eat at the Bight Place
Our entire menu including regular dinner will
be served all during court week.
When you are hungry you eat at a place
where the best of food is well cooked and served on
short notice.
The City Cafe has the best place to eat in
Cleveland, and you are always given courteous
Make the City Cafe your headquarters.
Clarence E. Barrett, Manager
Cleveland Ga.,
y * g
Regular Dinner
Of the best foods will be served at C. D.
Warwick’s with dispatch during court
week at reasonable price.
C. D. Warwick’s place will treat you
1 7 ‘ i
To The Public
Years of experience enables me to say
my cafe will be of the highest qualiry
during court week.
A regular dinner of good eats will be
served daily.
Cold drinks and ice cream at the fount.
I will appreciate your patronage.
Great Spring Bargains
In men and boys clothing of the latest models.
Get your straw hat from us.
Look at our line of oxfords, dress shirts, neck
ties, union suits and caps.
We have the most attrac’ive ladies dress goods
of the latest designs. Rayon all colors. Fancy
32 inch ginghams.
The latest out in ladies oxfords and patent
leather slippers.
Splendid line of groceries at the right price.
3 - When you come to court next week bring
«- your
13 3- - wagon and get of Morris fertilizer.
some our
S 3 -' We appreciate your patronage.
13 -
ft Johnson-Whitmire S Co.