Newspaper Page Text
v’OL. XXVIII, No. i> 6 . I
Barrett To Sell Town Property
At Auction Sale July t
One of the largest and most
valuable auction sales evor offered
to Cleveland will be managed by
a large Atlanta auction company
next Thursday, July 1st of the en¬
tire real estate of J. B. R. Barrett
in Cleveland.
Mr. Barrett asserts toTheCourier
that his reasons for disposing of
his valuable property in Cleveland
is to give way for more rapid pro¬
gress and development in Cleve¬
land. He feels that now is the
time for Cleveland to bring new
blood and life into her folds, and
as be is not in position to develop
it he feels there are many wlw» are
eager to come here and develop it,
This is some of the most valuable
property in Cleveland, and it is
anticipated that all of it will bring
handsome prices.
The auction company that is
conducting this sale is one ot the
largest in the South, it is stated,
and they are advertising extensive¬
ly in this section and have extend¬
ed the advertising from Asheville
to Atlanta.
The auction company forsees a
great future for Cleveland and are
sparing nothing to attract thou¬
sands of people to this sale. They
are giving a barbecue free and
will have a brass band on the
Mr. Barrett will continue his
agecny with Ford Motor company
He is disposing of his real estate
to give Cleveland a chance to
grow and prosper.
w,u TiMztf-7 * e rfious: ‘ wis of e
Were on that day with the l view ot
It is anticipated that one of the
largest crowds,„ever gathered in
Cleveland will be here on July 1st.
Mrs. R. B. Miller has returned
from Atlanta where she has been
Miss Muzie Oakes is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. VV.
Mr. C. \V. Oakes celebrated his
birthday Sunday with a dinner.
The Woman's Club met Wed¬
nesday with Miss Lizzie Glen.
Nineteen ladies were present
Three mighty interesting paper
were read. After discussion ol
business delicious . refreshments
were served.
Miss Margaret Winslett is thr
guest of Mrs. Henry Wright.
Miss Sarilla Wright is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Heim
At a meeting of the Countv
Board of Education held June 23
the following resolution was passei
and entered on the minutes : That
in order to procyre better teachers
lor the county schools the board
would add to the salaries of teach¬
ers 1927 term five dollars per
month, to those teachers who at
tend one of the Certified summer
schools at least four weeks.
The total expense at Dahlonega
would be less than twenty-five dol¬
lars for the four weeks and teachers
who expect to attend the school
will have to register in this school
not later than Saturday, June 26.
It is hoped by the board that the
county teachers will take advantage
of the opportunity to better equip
titemselves for teaching.
* C. H. Edwards, C. S. S.
Mr. W. A. Nix and daughters
and Mr. J. W. McAfee visited
Hiawassee. Young Harris and
BiairsviUe Tuesday.
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
Well, how did you like the ruin?
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. McGhee, of
and Mrs. Zora Marlow.of
Ky., were visiting Mr.
B. L. McGhee, Jr., last week.
Mrs. W. L. Jackson has Been
sick for several jjays.
We notice some preparation be¬
ing made for thrashing wheat.
looks better in this country
than a bad stand of cotton. Let’s
grow more grain, raise more pigs
and calves and let high guano and
the boll weevil go to the North
Mrs. J. C. Bii'-ke, of Anderson,
S. C., and her daughter, Alma, ol
Orlando, Fla., were visiting rela¬
tives here last week.
Well, well, we were just think¬
ing of this fast age. Just think of
the news, information,and pleasant
past time one can get from one
edition of a Sunday paper, similar
to the Atlanta Journal. Something
there to suit the taste of most any¬
one. But when vve were a boy we
bad to take down Grier’s Almanac
and read about Cheney’s Expector¬
ant or Smith’s Worm Oil. And
most of the paintings we saw were
on the sides of old barns and
bridges and were such as Chas. H.
Fletcher’s Castoria,“Babies cry for
it.” We thought tnut fine and
made us think it was not far to
town. We had no telephone and
when we wished to scatted news
we had to tell some old woman in
the settlement. And to hear much
news we had to wait till camp
-ae £<>rn shvcking time,
folks have a little ^
rapt ion with a wire running
out and tied to the wind and that
ihiug will out talk an old maid
petting a poodle dog. They call
this tiling a radio and we like the
thing mighty well but would like
to have one that would take back
such as we didn’t want, but you
must listen to its doctoring whether
you believe or not, and you can’t
talkback. We think the women
will have that adjusted. Beg your
pardon ladies vve didn’t mean you
if you happen to read this.
L. G. Ash Dies
After Two Weeks Illness
Mr. L. G. Ash died at the home
of Mr. J, M, Glover Monday after¬
noon, |tine 2 1-st, following an ill¬
ness of about two weeks with
Mr. Ash was the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Joint Ash, and lie follows his
niotlier, Mrs. Sarah Ash, with
whom he lived nearly all his life,
to the grave by only a few months.
Mr. Ash was Justice of the
Peace til Town Creek district foi
many years, and served as Clerk ol
the City Court of White county
from the time it was last created
until it was abolished. He was
also county surveyor for a number
of years.
Luther was a sober, industrious,
intelligent and upright citizen
throughout his whole life of aboul
fifty-two years; was a good neigh¬
bor and a member of the Baptist
He leaves one sister and a host
of relatives and many friends to
mourn his death.
The funeral was conducted by
Rev. J. L. Merritt at .Mt. Pleasant
church and the body laid to rest in
Ml. Pleasant cemetery by the
MuSonic brethren ot Yonah Lodge
No. 382, wherein Mr. Ash’s Ma¬
sonic membership was held.
Subscribe For The Courier
The Children’s Day at Yonah
a success. They expected Dr.
to make a talk but his
was filled by Mr. R. II.
who is now spending the
near the Hose Range
Mrs. Bud Suggs is now very ill.
The work at the asbestos mines
now suspended for awhile.
There is a good crop of apples
the Bell, Stewart, Miller and
Truth may be stranger than fic¬
but telling it often gets a fel
in such a tight place that lie
to resort to fiction to get otlt.
There has been much home spun
philosophy advanced as to what
man’s beard get gray quicker
his head and yet is 20 years
It must be because he
his jaws more than his brain.
We were howling about a poor
and now we are in trouble
because there is more than a per¬
fect stand. Some plowed up their
and planted peas and now
they have an abundant supply of
and peas growing together.
corn has been replanted and
the rain the first and Inst
plantings have come up. The first
is last and the last is first. In
about a week there will be plenty
of grass slips to spare but all must
not speak at once. There is now*
hoe hands wanted to help kill the
surplus cotton and corn plants.
They have been waiting for ....... the
cotton to go up but it has not
neither way lor tit# lust
- t
but the rains
powerful than Wall Street', itJrus
brought it up when other things
It is a busy time just now and
laying tty time will be late. The
political campaigns will soon be on
in earnest. The picnics will soon
be on hand and there will soon be
plenty of cbiggeri. The beiries
and fruits are to be canned. The
boll weevils and bean beetles are to
run down and caught. The fish
and turtles are to be baited. The
old cow and the hog will begin to
break into the growing crops and
then the rotten fences will be to
mend.' 'Fite Eourth of July and
nearly ail our birthdays will soon
be celebrated hut none of 11s tire
going to tell how old we are. But
where crops are done there will be
1 rest period. When the rains nl
August come you can watch the
crops grow and listen to the rusth
of the corn. Then it ts you will
pull the watermelon from the vine.
Blue Creek News
Mr. and Mrs. Corbett Johnson
spent Saturday night with Mrs.
Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. D. McCollum.
Mrs Sullie Rhodes, of Gaines¬
ville, spent the week-end with her
sister, Mrs. Lina Garmon.
Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Hicks visit¬
ed Mrs. Hicks’ father, Mr. B, W.
Cash last Sunday.
Col. Ed Kenyon passed through
this section Tuesday,
Mr. Walter Johnson and family,
of Atlanta, are visiting relatives
Atlanta’s Best Known Hotel
4 oo Rooms of Solid Comfort,
The Home of Georgia People.
Rooms, Running Water, $1 to $2.
Rooms, With Bath, $1.50 to $5.
Free Qarage Service.
Jacobs ft Maynard, Bropa.
Mr. E. 1\ Mallory, of Nacoo
chee, will preach at Cleveland next
Sunday at n a. m. The Pastor
will preach at night.
The Laymen’s Movement will
have charge of the services at
Loudsvi'le Sunday, June 27, at 3
p. m.
The Pastor will preach at Na
coochee on Sunday next at 11 a.
m;, Mt. Pleasant at 5 p. in. and
Cleveland 8 130 p. nr.
Election of delegates to Young
Harris at Cleveland Sunday night.
AH members be present.
Blue Ridge Dots
We were soary to learn that Mr.
Dillard Satterfield, of N. C., while
spiking logs for the hoister, got
badly hurt.
Rev. S. S. Crumley preached a
good sermon at Mt. Pleasant la-!
Sunday. lie will preach again the
third Sunday in'July.
Wa were sorry to hear of the
death of Mr. L. G. Ash.
Cleveland, Ga., June 2*, 1926.
We, the undersigned merchants
and business bouses iu the town of
Cleveland, Ga., agree to close 0111
place of business on July 5th, to
celebrate the 4th of July which
comes on Sunday.
II. A. Jurrard & Son, Farmers
& Merchants Bank, I), G. Head,
Kenimt:r K & Allison, White County
Bunk, Whitmire & Head, Cleve
md Grocery Co., J.W. lljfinder
rStti, J. P. Cooley, Colemen Sea
American Legion News,
The state convention of the
American Legion will meet at
Savannah in 1927.
Emory P. Cass, of Valdosta, a
very able mid active legionnaire,
was elected sfate commander. Joe
M. Carr, ol Rome, was re-elected
adjutant. Joe has labored faith¬
fully and energetically for the
legion and it was a flue thing to
re-elect him for another term.
The national convention of the
disable! veterans of tbe World
War are meeting in Atlanta this
week. These boys carry through
life the effects of war, and it should
always be a particular priviledged
and sacred duty lor everybody t<
do all in their power for their hap¬
piness and comfort.
Congress lias passed a bill ex
tending the term insurance until
July 2, 1927,
Have you paid your dues?
Better see Adjt. Glover at once.
The state convention is meet mg
at Albany this week.
The Democratic Executive Com¬
mittee of White is requested to
meet ac the Court House in Cleve¬
land Saturday June 26th, inst. at
to o’clock a, nt. for the purpose of
assessing candidates tor Judge of
the Superior Court, for Congress,
lor Solicitor-General, State Sena'e
front the 32nd Senatorial District
and for Representative of White
County in the General Assembly
of Georgia and any other business
that may come before the Com¬
mittee. Let each and every mem¬
ber of the Committee be present at
said meeting. This June 23, 1926.
A. II. Henderson, Jr.
Ch’rni, Dent, Ex, Com,
[PRICE 11.50 A Ylvvh IN ADVAMK
Charlie Sells all the Time
Well, good folks, Charlie is still in business.
Yes, he will remain in business and prosper,
because he sells for cash and bis prices are
lower than any other merchant.
Yes sir. trading with Charlie is like making
love to a young widow, you can’t overdo it.
If you doubt that ask Giaee.
Charlie is always thinking of his customers.
Have you seen his attractive park? lie had
eighteen visitors from below Atlanta that had
picnic dinner with him last Sunday. They are
coming hack to see him, too.
Charlie sleeps at night, hut he is easily
awakened. Yes sir, he is wide awake in the
day time. If you don’t believe that, ask Grace.
Go to Charlie's to get your ice cold drinks and
Nunnolly’s candy.
At Roy Head Memorial Bridge
'. :wi
1 1 In the <5oob Q\b Summer ZTime
You can kill that dull, tired feeling and pu* pep
into your day's work by dropping into Cleve¬
land Drug Co., for a good cool drink.
You can keep the crowd lively at your party
and send them home with delightful sensations I
by serving lovely drinks or ice cream frojn H
Clevclrnd Drug Co, I n
Your choice refreshment at y
I i Cleveland. Ga.
£ 1
Superb Service
When want meal want real service. 5
you a you
The City Cafe boasts of its superb service, and
all meals properly and well cooked.
We have just installed a frigidairi* system.
Come in and see it work.
We are now able to keep three flavors of ice
Your patronage is earnestly appreciated. i |
CITY caff;
Clarence E. Barrett. Manager
Cleveland Ga.,
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