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SundaySchool T Lesson 7
(By RJ£*V. p. B- FITZWATER, D.D., Dean
of Day and Evening School*, Moody Bible
Institute of Chicago.)
1926. Western Newspaper Union.)
Lesson for June 27
GOLDEN TEXT—We know that all
things work together for good to them
that love God, who._are the called ac¬
cording to his purpose.—Rom. 8-28
PRIMARY TOPIC—Favorite Stories
From Genesis,
JUNIOR TOPIC— Storlss of the Pa¬
1C—Favorite Characters in Genesis
IC —Permanent Messages of the Book
of Genesis.
The method of review ntist always
be determined by the department of
the Sunday school and by the teacher’s
preferences. For the young people
and adults, perhaps the best method
will be to assign the task of finding
the most Important teaching of each
The following Is suggestive of the
method of review recommended :
Lesson for April 11— God created all
things. The things which are come
to be by the creative act of a personal
Qod. God created maD In His likeness
and Image, which means that man
bears God’s likeness morally and in¬
Lesson for April 18—’The explana¬
tion of the Ills and sorrows of the
world can only be made on the basks
of the historical fall of man as re¬
corded In the Bible. The prime actor
In this tragedy was the personal, cun¬
ning, malicious being called the Devil.
Because man Is a free being, possess¬
ing the power of contrary choice, sin
entered through man’s belief of the
Devil instead of God.
Lesson for April 25—Because the
human race Is an organism, Cain and
Abel through the law of heredity
came into the world with sinful na¬
tures. God taught them that the way
of approach unto Him was through a
bloody sacrifice, typifying the supreme
sacrifice made by Jesus Christ on Cal¬
vary. Abel believed God, took his
place as a sinner and presented sills
offer accordingly. Cain In proud self
will brought the fruit of the ground,
thus Ignoring God’s appointed way of
approach unto Him. Cain’s offering
therefore was rejected because he did
not recognize himself as a sinner
CpR me to God In the way which
Lesson for May 2 —Noah,
forth from the ark, faced the resporf
glbllity of repopulating the new world.
In recognition of that obligation and
out of gratitude for God’s grace In sav¬
ing himself and family, he erected an
altar and worshiped before the Lord.
God responded nnd entered Into cov¬
enant relationship with him.
Lesson for May 9—Lot’s selfish
choice Involved him In trouble. Abra¬
ham, because of his separation from
Sodom and unto God, was able to go
against a mighty king and rescue hls
unfortunate nephew.
Lesson for May 16—God manifested
Himself visibly to. Abraham In the
form of an angel. This angel was
none other than the Son of God.
Abraham thus met Jesus Christ. Christ
no doubt referred to this when He
said, ‘‘Abraham saw my day and was
Lesson for May 23—Tsaac, a child of
the covenant given In the old age
of his parents, was a gentle and
peace-loving man. He suffered wrong
rather thnn strive with his enemies.
Lesson for May 30—Jacob was
chosen of God. Because of this God
was with him. God will keep, pro
tect and prosper His elect ones even
in spite of their weakness and failure.
Lesson for June 6—Esau because of
living under the sway of his appetite
sold his birthright for a mess of pot
tage. He afterward repented and
sought to undo his deed. Though sin
eerely regretting his act, It was im¬
possible to change conditions. Our
acts and choices are irrevocable.
Lesson for June 13—Joseph was
peculiarly beloved by his father. Be¬
cause of this Jacob unwisely ex¬
pressed favoritism. Thts favorit¬
ism incited the jealousy of his
brothers, who at the opportune
time sold him as a slave to mer¬
chantmen going down to Egypt.
Because of the false accusation of a
wicked woman he was imprisoned.
Lesson for June 20—Because of Jo¬
seph's fidelity God raised him to a
position of honor and power in Egypt
While in this position he made pro¬
vision against an awful famine which
came upon the land and became a
means of saving from starvation not
only the Egyptians, but his brethren
who came down from Canaan. Though
they had wronged him he graciously
forgave them and provided for them
In their need.
Neglecting Christ
Men who neglect Christ, and ,,-y to
win heaven through moralities are "like
sailors at sea In a storm, who pull,
some at the bowsprit, and some at the
mainmast, but never touch the helm._
H. W. Beecher.
Worth Thinking About
Have you any compelling purpose In
life! Is that purpose God's purpose
for you? Are you co-operating with
God in the carrying out of his pure
pose?—James F. Riggs.
His Mistake
Wife—This pudding is a sample of
the new cook’s work. What do you
think of it?
Husband-—I call It mediocre.
Wife—No, dear, Its tapioca.
Be Careful of Infection
from Cuts, Burns, Wounds and Sores. Ap¬
ply Hanford’s Balsam of Myrrh; it prevents
infection and heals. 3 sixes, all stores.—Adv.
The American death rate has been
decreasing more rapidly In the cities
than in the rural districts.
Eveiraithj) flv\tcf!day/
TODAY is the best time of
all to rid your home of every
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Try your kitchen first. Close all the
ysfadovrs. Then spray Ni-Late. No
Inaect can live in Ira deadly fumes.
Yet Ni-Late is harmless
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me delicate fabrics. When
Sprayed, positively will not
Stain. Manufacturer offers
to pay $50 reward if it
fiult to kill insects
ms represented.
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mseasoaSSr^n>ju«M w>mown
The first complete encyclopedia in
Italian is being prepared according to
an Italian writer now In this country.
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DA Nti ERO IS—Keep rain and four off •our
Windshield with a REGAL RAIN RID.
mailed for J5c coin. CAROLINA SPE¬
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The Lamb
Extension Department, Moody Bible
Institute. Cfcicaffo.
TEXT—Behold the Lamb of God that
taketh away the eln of the world.—
John 1:29.
It is a most sublime reference to
Christ which John makes here as the
Rev. F. T. Conner.
bly of the congregation, a male lamb
“without blemish of the first year,”
tested in all points as to its perfec¬
tion. Not the living lamb, but Its
blood upon the door post was their
protection. They must put the sprin¬
kled blood between them and the de¬
stroying angel on that fatal night.
We only need te look Into the homes
of the Egyptians to see the awful re¬
sults of the visitation of the destroy¬
ing angel on that historic night, for
“at midnight the Lord smote all the
first born In the land of Egypt from
the first born of Pharaoh that sat on
the throne unto the first horn of the
captive that was In the dungeon.”
The paschal lamb typifies life and
death through obedience and faith.
Only the slain lamb could deliver Is¬
rael at this crists. Tts sprinkled blood
must be between I-srael and the death
angel, for “none of you shall go out
of the door of his house until the
morning.” Even God’s offer of grace
must be accepted by the sinner. Even
a gift can be turned back on the
We wonder why the Jew ever stum¬
bled at the Cross of Christ, when he
must have known that Christ came
to “put away sin by the sacrifice of
Himself.” But unbetlef Is always
blind, and religious prejudice Is al¬
most Insurmountable. It took a vision
thrice retreated to convince Peter of
God’s plan and purpose to save the
Gentiles. It took a real vision of the
Lord of glory' to turn the zealous Paul
I aside on his way to Damascus from
; killing the Christians.
In this announcement J tlcl
pates ' the sacrificial w?
of hiking the Old It to Testament and coifipf ' '%wr
tem. The blood of the Iamb stood
between the death angel and Israel, so
the Lamb of God stands between the
sinner and his sins, for “the Lamb of
God taketh away the sin of the world.”
Isaiah sees him “brought as a lamb to
the slaughter and as a sheep before
her shearers Is dumb, so he openeth
not his mouth.”
In his vision when John was in
search of some one to open the book
he found no man worthy and one of
the eiders said, “behold the Lion of
the tribe of Judah, the Root of David
hath prevailed to open the hook,” and
"behold there stood a lamb as It had
been slain” and he “came and took
the book, and when he had taken the
book the four living ones and the four
nnd twenty elders fell down before
the lamb—and they snng a new song
saying, Thou art worthy to take the
book and to open the seals thereof
for thou wast slain, and hast re¬
deemed us to God by thy blood out
of every kindred and,tongue and peo¬
ple and nation, and hast made us to
our God kings and priests: and we
shall reign on the earth. And I
heard ten thousand times ten thou¬
sand, and thousands of thousands say¬
ing, Worthy Is the lamh that was
slain to receive power, and riches and
wisdom and strength and honor and
glory and blessing and all creation
Joins In a halleluiah chorus saying.
Blessing and honor and glory and
power be unto him that sitteth upon
the throne, and unto the lamb for
ever and ever.”
Christ as the Lamb of God opens
the seals and turns the apocalyptic
judgments of God loose upon an unbe¬
lieving world. The Lamb of God is
the one in whose blood the tribulation
saints have washed their robes and
made them white.
The rising tide of opposition to
Christ mounts higher and higher In
the apocalyptic vision till we see the
“eighth beast" and his allies making
war against the Lamb, “and the Lamb
shall overcome them, for He Is Lord
of lords and King of kings.” When
the din of battle shall have ceased,
the new heaven and new earth are
brought into requisition, the New
Jerusalem shall come down from God
out of heaven (void of a temple) “for
the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb
are the temple of It.”
This city has no need of the sun or
the moon to ^ilne in it; for the glory
of God lighten It, and Christ alone
shall be exalted in that day. when on
Hls vesture and on His thigh is writ
ten “King of kings and Lord of
lords," and when He shall have
reigned “till He hath put down all
rule and authority and power,” and
there is swept from the earth the Iasi
vestige of Satan and hls world-system
John hears a voice from heaven say¬
ing. “Behold, the tabernacle of God Is
with me, and He will dwell with them,
and they shall be Hls people, and God
Himself shall be with them, and be
their God.
o 1
the Old Testa
meet economy.
Every Israelite
knew at once the
significance of the
paschal lamb, es¬
pecially as It re
called the event¬
ful night when
God ted them out
of Egypt. Theii
whole security de¬
pended that nigh!
on the lamb whicl
had been slain bj
the whole assem¬
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