Newspaper Page Text
The Joy That Was
Set Before Him
Extension Department, Moody Bible
Institute, Chic&ro.
TEXT — Looking 1 unto Jesus, the
author anj finisher of our faith, who
for the joy that was set before him
endured the cross, despising the shame,
and is,set down at the right hand of
the throne jit God.—Heb. 12:!.
Our text follows that wonderful
eleventh chapter of Hebrews, often
Rev. F. T. Conner.
They can say, “I have fought a
good tight, I have finished my
course, I have kept the faith"
(II Tim. 4:7). So we are urged
by the Holy Spirit "to lay aside every
weight and run with patience the race
that is set before us, looking unto
Jesus the author and perfecter” of
Sli faith, of all believers, of all time.
But it cost Christ dearly to be the
author and perfecter of faith. The
sin problem had to be fully faced,
and fairly met. If lost humanity is
redeemed, It can only be redeemed by
the only Redeemer of God's elect, the
Lord Jesus Christ, “who for the joy
that was set before Him endured the
cross, despising the shame.” But we
read that He ertdured the cross. and
despised the shame for the joy that
was set before Him. Hence, we will
look at each of these statements in
Vie order in which they oceur.
First, “He endured the cross."
Why? Why did the Son of God, the
maker of heaven and earth, the crea¬
tor of man, die on the cross? The
answer Is very simple from the
divine viewpoint. It was the only
way whereby a just and loving God
couid be "just and the Juslifier" of
the nngodly, for when we were yet
without strength in due time Christ
died for the ungodly" (Rom. 6:8).
And If God’s Justice Is to be unlm
paired and man Is to be pardoned,
sin must be punished to the full meas¬
ure, otherwise God is not just, for all
sin Is against God. God’s law has
been broken. That broken law de¬
mands punishment of the transgressor.
It carries a death sentence. But for
whom? Either for the sinner or for
a substitute acceptable to God. “He
hath made us accepted in the be¬
loved" (Eph. 1:8). So Christ went to
the cross for your transgression and
for mine. "He endured the cross.”
The word “endured” means literally
"to remain under.” It presupposes
the place of humiliation. It'carries
the Idea of unjust accusation. It sug¬
gests something unfair In treatment.
It Implies the denial of one’s Inher¬
ent rights. How strikingly that Is
all true In the case of the Christ.
Pilate said of film, four times, "I
find no fault In Him," yet when the
mob cried “Crucify Him,” Pilate gave
Him to the mob to he crucified, and
“He endured the cross.” He actually
remained under that unfair and un¬
just sentence. His “enduring" was
not physical only, that was a part of
It—a small part, but the great trans¬
action was that He actually went un¬
der the weight of the woe of the sin
of the world. “He endured the cross,
despising the shame."
'the shame was that of being
branded as a common criminal of the
basest type. Any form of capital pun¬
ishment Is base, and tends to debase
it* victims, and even among the Ro¬
mans crucifixion was considered the
worst thing that could happen to any¬
one. A Roman motto was, “Let It
never come to a Roman citizen." The
cross has always and only stood as
the emblem of shame. But we read
He “despised the shame for the Joy
that was set before Him.”
And what Is that Joy? It Is His joy
in seeing lost man accept His finished
work In their behalf. Only Christ
fully knows what It means for man
to be lost. Witness His tears over
Jerusalem as He enters In triumph,
“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem,” and His
lament has sounded down through the
centuries. He knows what being lost
means for He traveled the road to the
last dark and dismal depth, when on
the cross He cried “My God, My God,
why hast Thou forsaken Me?" (Matt.
27:46). But all that was endured for
the “Joy that was set before Him."
That joy is seeing men accept His
atoning work and be saved. I think
if you will look carefully Into the joy
In heaven over sinners returning to
God it is Christ’s joy in the presence
of the angels. They know nothing
about salvation. It is all a mystery to
them (1 Peter 1:9-12). Only Christ
knows the depths of sin. the dregs of
the bitter cup He drank, and <Snly He
can have that joy which is in the
presence of the angels, over one sin
aer that repenteth (Luke 15:10).
Love carries the redeemed eharae
er along with It. Our Lord said noth
ng to Peter about the necessity of
urulng over a new leaf. He simply
sked about his love. He knew lore
ronld make a new man of Peter
x>ve is a mighty redeeming energy
let the love of Christ In a man’s heart
nd It will make a new creature of
dm.—1. D. Jones.
called the “Roll
Call of Faith.”
All the mighty
men from Abel
to Abraham and
his posterity pass
before us in
grand review and
we see what faith
can do In thoM
who really look
to Jesus, the au¬
thor and per
fecter of faith.
For them the race
hag been run.
Improved Uniform International
SundaySchool c T Lesson , CL T ,
(By REV. P. B. FITZWATER. D.D., Dean
of Day and Eve-Din* Schools, Moody Bibls
Institute ot Chicago.)
<(£). 1926. Western Newspaper Union.)
Lesson for July 25
LESSON TEXT—Exodus 12:1-49.
GOLDEN TEXT—Christ, our Fass
owr, Is sacrificed for us.
PRIMARY TOPIC—The Story of a
S JUNIOR TOPIC—The First Passover
IC—A Memorial Feast.
IC—The Meanfrie of the Passover.
I. .The Passover Instituted (vv. 1-
23). .
1. The date (v. 2). s v
With the institution of the passover
came a change In the order of time.
The common year was rolling on as
usual, but with reference to God’s
chosen people the order was Interrupt¬
ed and everything was made to date
from this event. '
2. The lamb set apart (w. 3-5).
This lantb must be a male without
blemish, indicating that it must be
both representative and perfect.
3. The lamb was killed by the whole
congregation (v. 6). ...
This Shows that it was not for the
Individual only, but for the eptiire as¬
sembly. The setting apart of the lamb
was not sufficient. It must be kltled,
for “without the shedding of blood
there Is no remission of sins.”
4. The blood of the slain lamb was
to be placed upon the side-posts and
lintels of the door (v. 7). .When the
destroying angel passed through the
land he passed over the houses where
the door posts were sprinkled with
blood (v. 23). This blood'was the evi¬
dence that a substitute hud been of¬
fered for them.
5. Israel feeding upon the lamb
(V.V. S-IO). .
This denotes fellowship. The lamb
roasted signified the action of fire In
God’s judgment at the cross. The head,
the legs-and purtenance thereof sh.ow
that In the substitutionary sacrifice the
understanding, the walk and' all that
j pertains thereto were involved. This
| shows that the atonement obedience of . Jesus law
Christ Involved His to
as well as Ills suffering in the stead
of His own. The eating of unlbnvWted
bread signifies sip la connect¬
ed Christ. with or Leaven allowed sigmfieS" ln.fello^sbJg 'c'ofrSption
(I Cor. 5:7,8). The Israelites dtd not
put away leaven to be sav.ed-fj-OTn the
destroying angel, but being o? saved
cause under- the shadow the blood
they put away leaven, that Is, fevll. in
order to have fellowship with their
Redeemer.' The bitter herbs connected
with this feast suggest the bitterness
of Christ's-suffering.
8. They ate the passover ready for
action (v. 11).
Their loins were girded, their shoes
were on their feet, and a staff In hand.
The girding of the loins betokened sep*
are'ion from sin, and preparation and
readiness for service. The feet being
shod indicated their willingness and
readiness to march out. of Egypt. The
staff in hand indicated their nature as
pilgrims leaning upon a support out-,
side of themselves. They were to leave
behind them the -place' of-'death and
darkness and march j.o the. promised
land. •
7. The unrirrumVlsed _ denied partici¬
pation In the feast (vv. 4,1-49). 'CIA
cumcision was typical of-cogeneration.
The significance of the requirement Is
that only those who have become new
creatures by the power of this Cross
have a right to sit at the passover
II. The Significance of the Passover
(w. 24-28).
It was a memorial Institution, call¬
ing to mind the deliverance .of the
Israelites from Egyptian bondage. This
was to be taught to their children
from generation to generation whet
they came into the land.
III. The Awful Judgment (vv. 29,
At midnight the Lord smote all the
first-born in the land from the first¬
born of Pharaoh that sat on his throne
unto the first-born of the captive that
was In bondage, and all the first-born
of cattle. There was death that night
In every home throughout Egypt where
the blood was not found. A great and
awful cry went up fr-om the Egyptians
for there was not. a house where there
was not one dead.
IV. The Great Deliverance (vv. 3t
So mighty was tljls stroke that
Pharaoh called for Moses in the night
and requested him to be gone with his
flocks and herds. The Israelites hasti¬
ly made ready for their Journey. They
demanded of the Egyptians jewels of
silver and gold and raiment. The word
“borrow” in verse 35 means “demand”
instead of the sense in which we use
It today.
Our Christian Calling
To carry out our good and solemn
thoughts and feelings into daily life—
this is the great difficulty of our
Christian calling.
He Offers Us Strength
Whatever the work to which our
Master calls us. He offers us a
strength in keeping with our- needs.
Be Faithful
Not by sight, by fait*. ErnSuiw
endure—be faithful to the end!
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Just off the slant of Old Piedmont
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