Newspaper Page Text
Sbe Clcvelan& Courier.
i)final Organ of White County. Ga
rhiMiehsd Weekly at Cleveland 0%.
Jas. P. Davidson, Editor. I
Entered at the Poet tffiee at Cleveland
Ga.. ae second class mail matter.
Member Ninth OUtrict Pre»* AaMiciai/Ml
** Georgia Free*
“ Natioaal Editorial
** Pres* Congress Of The World
Subscription, 11.50 per year
in advance
candidate . tor ,
Chas t^nas. E n.. Stewart, ^ *
commissioner of agriculture,
withdrawn. There are now only
two candidates in the race, J. J.
Brown and Eugene Talmadge.
Do you progressive citizens of
Cleveland want a tourist
here? Then, are you making any
effort to induoe capital to build it?
We should have one by next sum
_____________ _____ ______ M ,
Candidate money hasn’t began
to Boat very fast now, but keep
your eyes open from now until
September 8th. Well, we know
of no better place where money is
needed moire than in While county,
even if it is candidatejmnney.
Politics will begin to get hot in
the next few days. However, we
hope it wont get as hot as tl e
Judge R. Eve is n aking u gal¬
loping race in White county lor
supreme court judge, if all reports
are true.
More big high priced limousines
psssed through Cleveland last Sat¬
urday in the motorcade than has
ever before visited our city at one
i me.
Tourists are going via Clermont,
Brookton and Dahlonega to Atlan¬
ta on account of detour south, of
Gainesville and Lawrenceville.
These detours are all right so long
as there is no rain, but it is a black
eye on any town to route any
body over a slippery road when
they can go over a good highway.
That fellow, loe Wood, is cer
tuiuly doing his stuff now. He is
muddying the water in the gover
nor’s race, boys.
The big motorcade that come
through Cleveland last Saturduy
was an interesting and helpful
event for this section.
Many prominent men from At¬
lanta and the towns between here
and the Gate City were in the
motorcade and expressed keen in¬
terest with the nutgnificenUscenery
of this wonderful highway.
Mr. Charles I. Ryan, vice-presi¬
dent of the Fourth National Bank,
Atlanta, is very enthusiastic over
tue splendid progress that has
been made in the development of
this picturesque highway, and
stated that: “Georgians wilt have
a new thrill of pride ill their state
when they take this trip over this
ie«v mountain road. No such
scenery is anywhere to be found
in this country.”
Arrangements were discussed at
Murphy for the big meeting of the
big meeting of the association to
be held in Atlanta in October
United States Senator Walter
F. George has made a remarkable
record in the senate and although
he is filling a part term he has won
the respact and admiration of all
his colleagues. To remove him
now would be nothing short oi
tragedy and we don’t believe the
people of Georgia are going to do
Queer that a girl refuses to get
C tllouses oti her hands from uni ig
the broom, but is prond of them if
acquired by driving the car.
The two great needs of a sixteen
year old girl are a mother who has
•cute, and a father who ha* same.
Xocal Hews
Editor F. D. Singleton, of the
Gainesville Eagle, was in town
Mr. Fred Bell and family, of
Athens, are visiting Mr. W. H.
Bell'this week.
Miss Nell Sanders, of Edison, is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. VV. H. Bell.
We are requested to announce
that Cleveland High School will
open Monday, Sept. 6.
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Faulkner
re spending a few . days , with ...
Mr. Coleman Alley, of Nucoo
cheo Valley, was in Cleveland
Miss Mary Neal Shannon, of
Commerce, was in Cleveland last
^ R j acl(80ni of Alhenf>
. g vigilinK j >#u Be „ lhig week
Mr. W. H. Bell and family
,Wt Sunday in Atlanta,
; The Seaboard Railroad has pur
chased the Gainesville Midland
Miss I.orene Jones retnrned
Wednesday from Gainesville after
spending a few days at the hos¬
pital recuperating from an opera¬
tion for removal of her tonsils.
Prof, Grady Miller, dean of
Young Harris College, was in
Cleveland for a short time last
Friday returning from a business
trip to Gainesville. Prof. Miller
I is a candidate for the state senate
on Hie Democratic ticket.
Mr. O. F. Trotter, cdunty of, Atlanta,
was a visitor in White since
our last issue.
Mr. Isaac Freeman, of Hender¬
sonville, N. C., spent a day or
two this week with parents, Ml
and Mrs* W. B. Freeman, of Blue
Creek. Hjf ’
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Warwick, of
Athens, are visiting Mr. |War¬
wick’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.
N. Warwick.
Prof. M. A. Allison is spendidg
this week with homefolks.
Mrs. John Nogiich has moved
into I). G. Head’s house near the
Hon. Herman P. L)e La Perriere,
candidate for Congress, addressed
the voters of White county in the
court house here Weenesday after¬
A large crowd attended the
Col. Tfioe. F. Underwood intro¬
duced the speaker.
Mr. De La Perriere told of his
service as a member of the legi -
lature and senate, and what he
proposed to do. if he was elected to
Congress. He is making a very
active campaign.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Nix
a fine baby girl, August 13. It
has been named, Opal Ahnetta.
Miss Mae Cantrell daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cantrell, ol
Mossy Creek, and Mr. Clarence
Wilson, of Augusta, were married
in Augusta August la. They are
now in White county visiting Mr*.
Wilson’s relatives.
Judge S. B. Logan and Col. A.
H. Henderson visited Atlanta
Wednesday on business.
Home • A place where some
woman works fourteen hours a
Seven parts of virtue consists in
the knowledge that the neighbors
are watching.
Georgia has the lowest rate oi
state taxation and no great debt to
burden tier future—no income tax,
no inheritance tax and the lowest
real estate valuations Jror purposes
of taxation, according to federal
authorities, of any of the South
Atlantic States,—Sam J. Slate,
State Auditor.
Legal Advertisements
Georgia, White County.
C. H. Edwards, administrator upon the
estate of H. L. Turner, late of said
ty, deceased, having made hia applica
tion for discharge, this is to cite all per
sons concerned to show cause against
the granting of this discharge, at the
regular term of the Court of Ordinary
for said county to be held on the first
Monday in September, t926.
This July so, me.
Notice is hereby given that Mrs. Laura
McRntyre as administratrix of J. W.
McEmyre, decea ed, having applied to
me by petition for leave to sell the reel
estate of said J. W. McKntyre, deceased,
and that an order was made thereon at
the Aug. term, 1926, for eitation, and
that citation issue; all the heirs at law
and creditors of the said J. VV. McKntyre
deceased, will tasfe notice that f will pass
upon said application at the
tetrn, 19 a#, of the Court of Ordinary of
White county, and that unless cause is
shown to the contrary, at said time, said
leave will be granted.
This August 4, IO 26 .
Notice Is hereby given that L. E. Hoggs
as administrator of j. J. Boggs, deceased,
having applied to me by petition for
leave to sell the real estate of said J. J.
Boggs, deceased, and that an order was
made thereon at the August term, 1926.
for citation, and that citation issue;, ail
the heirs at law and creditors of the said
J.J. Boggs, deceased, will take notice
that I will pass upon said application at
the September term, 1926, of the Court
of Ordinary of White county; and that
unless cause is sbcSn to the contrary, at
.said time, said leave will be granted.
This August 4 , 1926,
Mrs. J. E. Wheeler, having made ap¬
plication for twelve months support out
of the estate of J. E. Wheeler, and ap¬
praisers duly appoint, d-to set apart the
same having filed their return, all per¬
sons concerned are heieby required to
show cause before the Court ot Ordinary
of said eounty on the first Monday in
Sept. 1926 , why said application should
not be granted.
This August 10th, 1926.
8. B. Logan, Ordinary,
To the People of the Ninth Congressional
District of Georgia:
I «m a candidate for Congress from the
Ninth Congressional District of Georgia
subject to the primary to be held in
8 *j item iter.
My canditiacy for this high office is
baaed upon my experience in farming
and business and upon my record as a
citizen and legislator.
I was born and reared in the Ninth
District. It was the home and birth¬
place of my father and mother. I am
hound to this district by ties of interest
and affection which can never lie broken.
It is the desire to serve my people and
to advance the welcome and prosperity
of tuis district which prompts me to seek
the honor and privilege of representing
you in Congress.
If l am given this opportunity of ser¬
vice, 1 shall discharge the duties of the
office faithfully and conscientiously, al¬
ways having in view the best interest of
all the people.
1 shall appreciate your vote and in¬
Herman P. DeLaperriere,
To the voters of the Northe&ftern Circuit:
! hereby announce my candidacy for
Judge of the Superior Court of the North¬
eastern Ciscoit subject io the primary
ejection to he held September the 8 th,
and promise, if elected, a prompt, fair
and impartial discharge of the duties ot
the office,
I was a candidate for this office font
years ago and am deeply grateful for the
ffenerous support given me then. When
Judge Jones, who haaheld the office for
the past sixteen years, aunoeneed in the
papers and in his charges to the grand
juries during the early part of this year
that he would not offer for re-election, I
became a candidate again.
I earnestly solicit your support and
Yours sincerely,
1. H. Sutton, Clarkesville, Ga.
To the Votersof the Northeastern Circuit :
thereby announce my candii auy f-r
co-election ta the office of Solicitor-Gen¬
eral, subject to the September primary,
and promise, if elected, tirgive the same
fair and courteous attention to the duties
of the office as X have in the past.
1 held the office two terms and was out
for four years and am now off *ring for
the second term after I was ejected again.
You, of course, would not want or ex¬
pect me to neglect my official duties iu
order to make a canvass of the Circuit,
so 1 take this method of asking your
support provided you think I have made
an efficient officer, and l win thank you
to give my claim due consideration.
Very truly,
Robeit MeUillian
Clarkesville, Ga.
Philosoplty, with a woman, takes
the form of a conviction that her
fockles art atwagtiv*.
j N*. 1E, Eeeontf Seealon,
As Act to propoM to the quail fled
j rotor* of tiMo Bute as Am on d m ot
to Article SevMt (?), goctioa Hero*
(7), Paragraph On* (1), of tbo Con¬
stitution of Geosgtt, authorising tits
Qounty of Lowndoo, or the Cttp of
Valdosta, or both, to tooreas* fU
bonded indebtedness of Mid ffln QE tg
of Lowndes, or City of Valdoote, or
both, for the purpose of aiding in
the establishing, maintaining, or
endowing an educational Institution
of college rank, located qg to be lo
ented within said OsototE, whether
same be owned or controlled by the
State, County, or OH/, or not owned
or controlled by the State, County,
or City, and as memorial to Wood
row Wilson, provided said educa¬
tional institution be non-sectarian
and non -denominational.
Section X. Be it onaeted by the tten
eral Assembly, and It is hereby enact¬
ed by authority of the same, that Ar¬
ticle Seven (T), Section Seven (T).
Paragraph One (l), of Um Constitu¬
tion of Georgia be and the same la
hereby amended by adding thereto the
(allowing worde: “And except that the
County of Lowndes or the City of Vel¬
doete or both may incur e bonded in
debtednes# in addition to the debts
haeeinbefore In this paragraph altow
W * ttcurr *d, in aa amount In
° a '
tor the purpote of
siding in establishing, maintaining, or
endowing an educational ituHituilou of
soils*« rank, looated or to be locat¬
ed within (aid county, whether same
be owned or controlled by the State or
County or City or <wt owned or con¬
trolled by tbs State or County or City,
end as s memorial to Woodrow Wil¬
son. provided sold educational insti¬
tution nominations!, be non-sectarian and provided and that non elch -Off
Indebtedness shall not be Incurred ax.
eept with the assent of a majority ef
the qualified voters of said eounty or
said city, as the case may be, and the
assent of two-thirds (•-» of the qual¬
ified voters of raid eounty or ot said
city, ae the seme may be. actually
voting at an eleettoa, or slsstlons, tor
the purpose to be held aa may now or
may hereafter be prescribed by lew
tor the purpose ef Incurring new debts
by any county or muntcfpalKy within
this State. In Die event this amend¬
ment be ratified and becomes a pen
Of the Constitution, and In the sweet
the bonds provided for are author¬
ised, validated, and add as peorided
by law by said County of Lowndes or
the City of Valdosta er both, the
County Oommlaetoners of Reads end
Revenues of said County, or tbs Maj¬
or end Council of said City of Val¬
dosta, as the can way be, may pity
over the proceeds of the sale of said
bonds to the Board ot Trustees at
snob educational Institution „
Sec. I Be It further enacted by
the authority aforesaid, that when
Mdd amendment be agreed to by two.
thirds 41-0 vote of the members elect¬
ed to eaoh House, It shall be entered
upon the Journal of each House with
the ayes and nays thsreon, and pub
Itched in one or mors newspapers in
each congressional district ot this
Stats for two month* previous to the
time for holding the next general
election, and shall at the next general
election be submitted to the people
tor ratification. All persons voting
at stod election in favor of adopting
the said proposed amendment to the
Constitution shall have written or
printed on their ballots the words,
'‘For ratification ot ameadfbeot to Ar¬
ticle Seven. Section Seven. Puragnwh
One of the Constitution, authorising
the County of Lowndes or the City of
Valdosta, or both, to increaae the
bonded Indebtedness of said County
of Lowndes, or the City of Valdosta,
or both.' for the purpose of aiding in
establishing, rnr*b“^Tcetto^“Mt7tetloV maintaining, or endow- pTcol
iege rank,’’ and all persons opposed
to the adoption of said amendment
shall have written or printed on 0 »efr
ballots the words,“Against ratification
of amendment to Article Seveu. Sec¬
tion Seven, Paragraph One. of the
Constitution, authorising the County
of Ixtwndes or the City of Valdosta
or both to Increase the Indebtedness
of said County of Lowndes or the City
of Valdosta, or both, for the purpose
of aiding In establishing, maintaining,
or endowing an educational Institution
of college rank,” and if a majority of
the electors qualified to vote for
members of the General Assembly,
voting thereon, shall vote for ratifica¬
tion thereof, when the result shell be
consolidated as now required by law
In elections for members of the Gen¬
eral Assembly, then sold amendment
shall become a part of Article Seveu,
Section Seven, Paragraph One. of the
Constitution of the State, and the
Governor shall make proclamation
therefor aa provided by law.
Sec. S. Be It further enacted, that
all laws or parts of laws in conflict
herewith are repealed.
Approved April 2. 1 »J«
Have Old Mattress Renovated
] _
I will take your old mattress an 1
make it as good as new, or I will
sell you a new one. For more
formation see or write,
Marvin Freeman
CRvalaod, Ga. R | at
i j
*ii 11 n IB it n h n ii 11 "IP' r ; T ? T'lr^ 'Ht h trin rti 11 tij » ■ ;i i rj t i pnr m
Good Soil Builders
Clover and Vetch are two good land builders.
Last fail some of the farmers in White County
planted Vetch, some of which proved very
valuable yet some of it was sowed too late and
Could not stand the severe win + er.
This time we shall be glad to place orders for
Vetch or Clover at actual cost, both for the
seed and inoculation.
Cleveland, Ga.
Judge Alex. W. Stephens
Entitled to re-election to the
Court of Appeals of Georgia
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Quality of Judicial Work is the True Test of
Judicial Efficiency
Judge Stephens has disposed of all cases within fixe
time allowed by law, and with that dispatch consistent
with just and correct decisions and the duty which the
law imposes of writing opinions which create precedents.
The excellent record made by Judge Stephens for thorough sod
accurate work is fully understood by sll who have followed his
opinions, where he and such a the record people justifies of Georgia his retention efficiently. in the place
is serving so
Alex. W. Stephens Campaign Committee,
Edgar Watkins, Chairman
Meant More
Than a Tire
’T'HERE A is no change
today from the stem
ideal set by Ajax a score
of years ago.
Viik This ideal — One Quality
Only—is your protection, for
the dealer who sells Ajax
products believes in the Ajax
That’s a satisfying thing to
Your Ajax dealer is
Cleveland, Ga.
A 3 AK
The Tread That Resists Wear
Pay Your Subscription
Seeks an endorsement
of his record on the
bench by re-election to
a second term.
His record and experi¬
ence entitle him to the
endorsement by re
election which is usual¬
ly accorded judicial of¬
ficers who have proper¬
ly discharged their
Primary Sept. 8, 1926.