Newspaper Page Text
UOL. XX VII1I, No. 9 .
Well, well, most of us have a
little yellow cotton, a bushel of
cane seed and a good rabbit dog
we would like to sell to help out
on paying our taxes, but here of
late when you try to give away
something they ask you ‘“boot.”
We had the pleasure of being at
a box supper at Friendship last
Saturday night. Those people are
a wide awake people looking to the
up-building ot their community
and county.
Mr. Meers, who has been in
West Virginia several years, has
moved inio our settlement, We
welcome good citizens.
Mr. Price McGhee went across
the mountain last week with Prof.
Dyer. Price said something about
there being a lot of home-made
sorphum over there. It seems like
he said they were running all the
corn mills with syrup instead of
water. Now we are not sure he
said that and since we come to
think about it we don’t much be¬
lieve he did. Well, in fact we
know he didn’t, but ‘T’ll be dog¬
gone” if he didn’t say there was a
whole heap of the sweet stuff'over
there. Yes, we are pretty sure he
said' something about something
sweet away over thar.
Christmas will soon be here and
among many it wiil be enjoyed as
always. But we can’t tell the
numbers who right here in this
laud of ours who will get up
Christmas morning alter passing u
sleepless night trying to concieve
some way to pay debts that are
dt»f, In this plight rise Christmas
morning and instead of seeing his
children rejoicing over nice pres¬
ents and clad in new clothes, many
little ones and even grown ups on
that grand morning must put on
their old shoes with holes in the
toes and when breakfast comes its
the same old bread, syrup and
bacon. To those who are in fair
ciicumstances it is hard to com¬
prehend or realize how many right
among us are down and out and
have learned not to complain.
Well, there is one consolation if a
fellow can’t change color in clothes
lie can change color of hair by
waiting, for it will get white after
The White County Singing
Union will meet at Loudsville next
Sunday afternoon. We are ex¬
pecting some real singers. Every¬
body come out.'
Several from this section are
working with the White &. Black
Lumber Co., near Andrews, N. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Sims visited
their parents near Loudsville Sun¬
day afternoon.
Mr. G. V. Hefner has been do¬
ing blacksmith work for the White
& Black Lumber Co.,|near An¬
drews, N. C.
One cf the best schools in the
county is now in progress at Y'onali
under supervision of Miss Vera
Westmoreland and her sister, Mis
Pearl Palmer.|
The young felks enjoyed a candy
drawing at Mr. G. V . Hefner’s
Saturday night.
Tax Collector’s Notice
I will be in my office in the
court house every day until Dec.
20 to collect state and county taxes.
J. H. Campbell, T. C.
We have noticed that when a
mule is working, ne cannot kick.
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Sims spent
last Sunday with Mr. George Sims
near Loudsville.
Mr. John Hamilton our efficient
coroner, was passing this way to
peddle up to Helen. He has never
had opposition only once and he
defeated his opponent so bad that
he at once got ready to leave the
country. They say John has
power to take the Judge off his
Mr. J. VV. West, of the N.G. A.
College, must have given the
teachers at Cleveland a good talk
last Friday. In former days he
was known as “Uncle Jake” and
had charge of the boy’s dormitory
and was known as an apt scholar
and a deep and ready reasoner.
Have you seen Lake Simon on
the property of Mr. Charlie Bar¬
rett f As you travel over Western
Texas they tell you it is so far to
certain rivers but when you reach
there it is nothing but a river bed.
The snow melting on the distant
mountains in the Spring make a
river but the rest of the year they
are very dry. So it is with this
lake, it is dry now, but the waters
will soon cover the land.
It was tax paying time in all
Judea and Caesar Augustus sent
out a decree for all to come to
Bethlehem to have a tax levied. So
Joseph and Mary went up to Beth¬
lehem from Nazereth on foot.
After their taxes were paid they
didn’t have money left to stay at a
fine hotel, but as that land is near
the equator and is warm they stay¬
ed in a manger. So this was the
birth place of the King of Kings.
Santa Claus is now getting very
bold lor he actually visited Gaines¬
ville in open day light and all the
kids got to shake his hand and see
him face lo face. We are afraid
lie will lose some of his romance of
former days. He will still visit
this section in the darkness of the
night by arriving over the Appa¬
lachian Scenic Highway and com¬
ing down the chimney just before
day. The chickens have begun to
crow nearly all night and the moon
shines very bright tell all he wiil
soon be here. Y^ou saw him com¬
ing down the sidewalk. He seem¬
ed to be nearly perfect. But he
was not for he carried an ugly
skeleton and a rabbit’s foot in his
pocket. He was born on the 13th
of the month and it being on Fri¬
day. He knew the 27th power of
zero and also Ann’s age, but he
was cruel. He was followed by a
bull dog who had his ears trimmed
and his tail had a bob as he cipher¬
ed along by putting down one and
carrying three. The end of time
seems to be a long way off.
Clearance Sale, Holland Bulbs
ind Peonies, Darwin tulips, assort¬
ed 20 colors first size. 50 for $1,
100 for 11.56, 250 for $3. Jumbo
sized bulbs 4 o for 1$, 100 for #2.
Bedding hyacinths 20 for $1, 100
for $4. Mammouth sized bulbs 10
for $1. Peonies 3 to 5 eyes, red
white, pink 3 for #1, 12 for #2.50.
All postpaid.
E. J. Gibbins, Mt. Holly, N. J.
Atlanta’s Ideal Residential Hotel
Catering to High Class Transients
Reasonable Rates. Excellent Ac¬
Rooms by Day, Week, Month.
Plenty of Parking Space
O. J. Dinkier Geo. L. Keen
Society owes us nothing except
a reasonably safe place iu which
to liv*.
The Nacoechee staff entertained
the Woman’s Club Monday after
noon at the Boy’ Sitting Room.
The room was never more beauti
fully decorated with Christmat,
decorations. Some games and
•nusic were given and most delight¬
ful refreshments were served. The
Club never had the pleasure of be¬
ing at a more lovelier party than
this ons. '*
Miss Alene Starr and Mr*.
Rhodes and little daughter. Aline
Star, of Clarkesville, visited Misses and Lizzie Glen lost week.
The Womnn’s Missionary So¬
ciety meets with Mrs. Harry
Williams Tuesday afternoon.
Miss Lillian Fdwards spent last
week-end in the Valley,
Mr. Harry Williams spent the
week-end at home.
Miss Jessie Lumsden spent last
week in Gainesville witn her iist^r,
Mrs. Herbert Marsh.
The Presbyterian Sunday School
will have a Christmas program
next Sunuay night at the
ist Church December 19th at 7 :i 5
Iheme:“A Little Child
Lead 1 hem.’
The Nacoochee Institute holidays
will begin Dec. at and re-open
Jan. 4 , i 9 t 7 .
Mrs. Carl Black, of Atlanta, is
spending several days with parents
Mr. and Mrs. John Ash.
Miss Oga Hooppci spent the
week-end with bomefolkt near
Mrs. J. D. Tatum spent a few
days last week with her sister,Mrs.
Mrs. W. M. Parker,of Clarkesville.
Miss Maude Henson spent the
week-end with liomefoiks in
Mr. Homer Tatum and sister.
Mary Lee, spent the week-end
with relatives in Cornelia.
We regret that Miss Oga Hop¬
per was not able 10 attend the
teachers meeting Friday.
Mr. Edgar Stovall gave the
young poople a husking bee Friday
night. Everybody seemed to en.
joy themselves.
Sen’s Bible Class Meets at
School House Sunday Aiternoon
The Men’s Bible Class will be
held at the Cleveland High School
auditorium Sunday afternoon at
at 1 .45 P. M.
Everybody is cordially invited
to attend.
Washington, Dec, 9—)AP) The
Seaboard Air Line sougbt permis¬
sion Thursday from the interstate
commerce commission to purchase
the Gainesville Midland railroad,
which operates a short line between
Gainesville and Fowler junction,
both in Georgia. The Seaboard
will pay #0,000 in cash and will
guarantee payment of principal
and interest on a bond issue of
Mrs. Sim Brown died Monday
afternoon after suffering several
months from cancer.
Mrs. Brown leaves a devotad
husband, |nine children, several
sisters and brothers, father and
mother, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hulsey,
and a host of relatives.
Her remains were interred at
Pleasant Hill cemetery, in Haber¬
sham county.
Pay Your Bubiariptioa Now
Surprise Birthday Party
Given F. G. Hauney
A man may get so engrossed in
the affairs of business that he may
let his birthday slip by. However,
there is someone to remind him
that he has again rolled the wheel
of time and fast making his way
toward that sod occasion in every
man’s life when the old man with
the aythe gets the best of him.
Well, Floyd Mauney had a birth¬
day Monday. He is some busy
man, too. Y'ou know he handles
lots of other folks money, and it
kindly worries him because he’s
not getting what he thinks belongs
to him. So the poor fellow just
let his birthday slip up on htin.
But—well, he didn’t get by with
his forgetfulness, not on your life.
Mrs. Mauney handled that for
Floyd, if hi did forget that he had
reached the ripe age of thirty-two,
and gave him a surprise party.
Several of Floyd’s close friends
and relatives took part in the oc¬
Somebody gave Floyd a birth
C ufce. We bet it was Mrs.
Mauney. Anyway, if he ate all ol
jj by himself he must be some
sweet man now. Several useful
presents were presented him.
A number of contests were held
and interesting games played.
Mrs. Dan Westmoreland
Dies Suddenly
Mrs. Sarah Jane Westmoreland,
wife of Mr. Dan Westmoreland,
died suddenly at her home about ‘
one mils north of Cleveland Mon¬
day evening, Dec. 13, supposedly
of heart failure.
Mrs. Westmoreland had been
enjoying good health up until the
time of tiie attack, and was ill only
about half an hour.
Mrs. Westmoreland had nearly
reached her three score years atui
ten when the grim reaper called
her. She was born in White
county and spent all her life here,
except fourteen years in Jtickson
She was a devoted and loyal
member of the Chattahoochee
Methodist Church.
She leaves to mourn her depar¬
ture a devoted husband, ten child¬
ren: W. J., E. C., O, F., J. H.
und Robert Westmoreland, Mrs.
Byrd Sims and Mrs. PauJ Turner.
Two children preceeded her to the
grave many years ago. One
brother, Mr. Alex Crumley, ol
Greenville, S. C. Sixty grand
children and 8 great grand children.
Her remains were interred in
Cleveland cemetery Tuesday after,
noon, Dec. 14, Rev. J. O. Burnett
Steward, of Cleveland Circuit
meet next Sunday in Cleveland
Methodist church.
Since we were rained out last
Sunday we want to call a meeting
of all the stewards Sunday School
superintendents and church lay
leaders and others who wish to
come to meet at 3 o'clock P. M.
We are very anxious to have all
the officials present and truly hope
all wiil be here unless the weather
is worse than it was last Sunday.
Meet us brethren.
J. O. Burnett, P. C.
The annual election and institu¬
tion of officers of Y'onah Lodge
No. SS3, F. & A. M., will be theld
W. L. Norton, W. M.
J. H. Telford, Sec’y.
Subtorib# For The Courier
Santa visits Charlie’s two stores Tuesday
Well, good folks, Charlie has arranged for Santa Clans I
to come to his two places next Tuesday. Why, didn’t
you know Charlie had two s ores?. He has opened a
place on the square in Cleveland between Mrs. C. C.
Jarrurd’s millinery store and C. D. Warwick’s to hive
all his toys and Christinas goods well displayed, You
want to go there before buying. You know Charlie
Now, folks, Charlie will have Santa at his store at Roy
Head Memorial bridge Tttasday morning, and that
afternoon be will be at Charlie's place in Cleveland.
Listen kiddies, Santa Claus will give each child under
twelve at Charlie’s place in Cleveland at 3 P. M. Tues.
day, December 21, a present, it they are in company
with their parents,sister or brother. So, let’s every¬
body go to Charlie,* place at 3 P, M. and see Santa.
Y’ou will see more children under twelve at Charlie’s
in Cleveland next Tuesday than you ever saw in Cleve¬
land. Santa wants to see all the children and shake
hands with them
Charlie is going to sell all his Christmas goods regard¬
less of cost. They must go. See the dolls, toys, ex
press wagoes, cap busters, air rifles, fire crackers, etc.
Charlie wiil have Christmas boxes of Nunnully’s candy
at both iiis stores. Give your wife or sweetheart one.
Charlie's place in Cleveland opened toda\.
Listen, It Is Here!
JiisJ. received a complete assortment of
Dolls, Toys, Vases, Tree Decorations
and etc.
We are sure you will find something
here that will please you.
Cleveland. Ga.
wmmmtmmBSkmtBramEmmmm mmmmrnmv nmrrrmr - W1
Used Cars at a Bargain
We have several used cars in stock which we
will sell at bargain prices. Don’t fail to see
these cars. They are offered at real bargains,
and now is your chance to get one.
Come to see us.
We appreciate your patronage.
I Davldson-Allen Chevrolet Company
Pay Your Subscription