Newspaper Page Text
Efoe Clevelanfc Courier.
i tffictal Organ of mite County. Go
Published Weekly *t Cleveland Ga.
Jas. P. Davidson, Editor.
Kntereil *t the Post »ffice xt Cleveland
flu., s* second class mail mailer.
Member Ninth Dietrkt Prest Aenociainn
“ Georgia Prtee
'• National Editorial
” Pre» Congrew Of The World
Subscription, *1.50 per year
in advance
The Cojurisr received an adver¬
tisement a few weeks ago from
Acme Farms, Gainesville, Fla.,bul
we never inserted it. Now we
dotice where mention is made that
this firm is fictitious and fraudu¬
The Courier’s advestisements
are reliable. You can have no
feor of the firms that advertise tn
The Courier.
A bulletin just issued by the
Department of Commerce states
that there was 28,095 marriaget
performed in Georgia during 1925
as compared with 32,491 iu 1924.
representing a decrease of 4.39®
During 1925 there were 2,057
divorces granted in Georgia, as
compared with 1,90* in 1924.
There were 53 marriages iu
White county during 1925.
compared with 62 for 1924. While
there was one divorce in 1925 and
none 1924.
The Courier mailed out letters
to each subscriber whose time has
expired asking them to come in at
once and renew. We trust ,you
will give this your immediate at¬
tention. You cannot expect us to
continue to send you The Courier
unless you renew at once. Attend
to this mutter now.
Herbert Hoover, secretary of the
department of commerce, says that
the fiscul year of 1905-26 has been
one never surpassed in our history
in the volume of production and
consumption, in the physicul
quality of exports and imports,
and in the rates of wages.
Mr. Hoover further asserts, fhat
the mail order houses have increas¬
ed their sales one-third over 1922-
3 3 -
Wonder if the merchants in
White cosnty have increased their
sales one-third this year? We bet
you if they did they advertised in
The Courier regularly.
The Courier is eager to print all
the news. We just con’l get it all
unless our readers tell us, because
our force is not sufficient to
it as we would like. Wont
send us in all the news you know?
Benjamin Franklin told his
critics: “Anyone who can live
011 ‘sawdust pudding’ and water,
us l cun, does not need your sup
port.” Poor old B,en might change
iiis tune if he was operating
newspaper today. As for us,
waut, and need, the support
everybody to give you just the
newspaper we desire to.
Mussolini, the dictutor, has
ordered a high tax on all bachelors
between the ages of 24 and 65.
The great man of Italy believes in
married life and the more children
produced the better he likes it.
—........ - ............ —
By the time John Boykin
Attorney Rueben Arnold
through with Manley he will
that he would have taken
quarters at Milledgeville tong
tore now.
____ _
When you are doing ail
tiianking and giving gifts
the holsduys don’t forget that
telephone operator in Cleveland,
Mrs. Florehce Bell, is one person
that you should not overlook.
People sometimes are prone to
regard the telephone operrtor too
lightly. She is always on the job
and gives you courteous, efficient
and prompt service. Don’t forget
fie Christmas,
Bay Your Subscription Non
Xocal flews
A large number of Cleveland
citizens went to Gainesville last
Friday to see Santa Claus. Mayor
Mealor stated one of the largest
crowds ever asfembled in Gaines¬
ville were there on that day.
Miss fessie Davidson and her
cousin, Wood McAfee, of Atlanta,
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.'
Alex Davidson.
Charlie Turner has opened a
store in Cleveland during the holi¬
days to display hisChrisimas goods
Charlie is having Santa there next
Mr. J. B. R. Barrett is con¬
structing a five-room dwelling on
one of his lots on Dahlonegn Ave.
* -
Messrs W. L. Norton and Frank
Kenimer are repairing their house
thay recently purchased fromTollte
Hon. B. H. Stone, of Blairs
ville, spent a short time in Cleve
land Tuesday on his way home
from Atlanta.
Mr. Henry Robinson has moved
into the Nix house.
Born to Mr, and Mrs. Cash
Dillard, a boy.
There will be no Courier issued
on Dec. 81. But you might
around and slip us your subscrip
The teachers of White county
assembled at the Cleveland High
School Saturday in
An unusual large crowd assem
bled at Mr. Charlie Allen's corn
pile last Saturday to shuck his big
crop of corn, and to enjoy the ex
cellent meal Mrs. Allen is so noted
of always having on her table.
In our mentioning of the high¬
way hearing before the StateHigh
way Board in our last issue we
failed to state the date, whicn is :
Tuesday, Dec. 2t. Everybody is
invited to attend this hearing.
Messrs Bloodwortli and Peyne,
who were with the asphalt people,
spent Tuesday night in
The music class will give a free
recitul at the school
Tuesday, December at, at
P. in.
Mr. E. C. Hefner informs The
Courisr that Mr. Me. D, Wearns,
of Easley. S. C., will be in Cleve¬
land Monday night, Decemb er at,
a) 8 P. M, to begin his singing
school. Everybody that is inter¬
ested in this school should be on
|, a „d Monday night,
The Courier extends to Mr. C.
F. Saine, of Gainesville, heartiest
appreciations for the elegant cal¬
endar he sent us. It is the most
beautiful calendar we have ever
seen. Wie thank you, Charlie.
“Uncle (Black) John” Turner
| died at his home on Shoal Creek
j Sunday after heart suffering dropsy. for mony
He was
buried at Shoal Creek
Mr. John White returned home
Saturday from Conasauga. Tenn.,
where he has JJbeen for several
Judge S. B‘ Log n married
Sallie Roberts and Lester Chastain
'in his offiee Tuesday morning.
The following names are posted
on the bulletin board in the court
house for marriage licenses -.Dewey
West and Miss Becky Dillard,con
te,r *pl ate marriage about Dea.
Henr >’ ™d Miss Della An
'* er>on - coutemplate marriage
about December 25; Frank Payne
and Miss Elvie Sanders, contem¬
plate marriage about December iS.
Mr. II. A. Jarrard attended
wedding of his daughter, Eliza
beth, in Atlanta Thursday.
Mr. Grady Carpenter, of Augus¬
ta, was a visitor in Cleveland
Whitmire Head moved
their new store next to the
of ^ ce I bursday.
Pay Your Subscription Now
Xmas Bargains
I am going to sell bargains during Xmas.
Z have a big supply of Fisk casings,
tubes, etc., that have got to sell.
I have some nice presents, also toys
and fire works.
Come to see me.
Cleveland, Ga.
! j
You are invited to come to areal money
saving sale. Look at the prices below
and be convinced. Other goods priced
lower accordingly. Sale continues
through holidays. Terms cash or pro¬
48 lb. sack fancy pattnt flour ♦ 1.90
4 *’ bucket Crescent lard •65
g 11 » it >> 1.20
4 ” ” pure ” •73
jg *» *» »• If 3
j 7 pkgc. Grandma washing powder •*5
Cooledge high grade house paint 3-*5
Men’s ti.50 unionsuits .90
Coffee per lb. •*5
: Boy* express wagons especially priced for this sale.
An assortment of toys.
j .m
j W' D. G. HEAD
Next Door to White County Bank
mm ... ■
j j
Closing Out Hale
Commencing Saturday, December IS,
I will aell my entire stock of general
merchandise at cost.
Cleveland y Ge.
Sf §
i I I For Toys
j f I Ca will find
Go to the Gty it and you a nice
j .§ selection as well as dolls, Christmas tree deco¬
1 and line of fireworks.
ration a good
I I can Come We get will to anywhere see pay us. cash for in trade. fresh eggs Just what you
Clarence E. Barrett. Manager
Cleveland Ha.,
—the old, old wish grows gayer with the
years—brighter with use.
It never rings more heartily true than
atop a box of Nunnally’s, the candy that has
1 .elpcd make Christmas merry for generations,
the candy that, like the wish it brings, is ever
f.esh and ever welcome. For Christmas giving,
there are: pecial packages bedecked with holly
A beautiful present, as well as being “The
Best Taste in Gifts.”
\utw~..y Store or Agent wilt guarantee safe delivery by parcels post
C. H. Turner, Dealer
Cleveland, Ga.
Great Opening Sale
Opening Date Dee. 18
The Removal Sale that we have just closed was a great
success to both ourselves and our customers. So great was
the success that we have decided to put on areal Opening
Sale at our new place next to the Post Office.
Friends, listen! We appreciate the business you have
been giving us and to show you our gratitude we are going to
make this sale a real play-house of bargains. You can burn
your mail order catalogs, save the gas it takes to carry you to
Gainesville or elsewhere and come right on here to “Little
Old Cleveland, stop at our new place, come in and look at
the bargains we have on display for you to pick from.
M e have been receiving new goods from day to day that
we would not open until we moved. These goods go right on
sale with the others.
Come on. let’s go. We need your money and we will give
you more merchandise for it than anvbodv in Northeast
Terms of sale, cash ur produce.
Whitmire 8 Head
Cleveland, Ga.
Next Door to Post Office