Newspaper Page Text
i ..
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests ol Whi
\fOL. XXVI 1 II, No. 19 .
Hodge Candler Dies
Suddenly ol Heart Failure
Judge^W, S. E. Candler, of Blairs
ville, U. Bonnnissioner, former
state senator and legislator of
Union county, leading attorney of
this section, died at his home' after
a brief illness of heart attack about
noon Thursday of last week.
Judge Candler was born in mid¬
dle Georgia an moved to Biairsville
when a lad. He has been an out¬
standing figure in the development
of Union county and North Geor¬
gia for nearly fifty years. Tie has
represented U.iion county for
twenty years at different times.
No man in Georgia exerted a
keener or deeper interest in the
construction of Georgia’s highways
and the general improvement of
road building than this great man
of the Blue Ridge.
Judge Candler secured options
on thousands of acres of North
Georgia lands for the U. S. Gov¬
ernment while working as Jtheii
agent, and was largely responsible
for the establishment of the federal this section.
Judge Candler was a member ol
board of trustees of the Ninth Dis¬
trict A. & M. School, at Clarkes
,ville. He was a member of the
Masonic lodge at Biairsville, and
was a faithful and consecrated
member. He bad re iched the ripe
age of 71, but was always active
up until a few hours before death.
He is survived by his widow ;
five daughters and two sons, Mrs.
, Claybus Lloyd, of Gainesville;
Mrs. Pierce Mathews, of Atlanta;
Mrs. R. J. Butt, Mrs. Alwayne
Butt and Vfrs, Ruth Huges, all of
Biairsville ; Col. T. S. Candler and
W. E. CandleL Jr,, both of Biairs¬
ville. '
He was a cousinVf the late Gov¬
ernor Allan D. Candler and oi
Judge John S., Asa G. and Bishop
Warren Candler, of Atlanta.
Dr. J. A. Sharp, president ol
Young Harris College, conducted
the funeral services. Intermeni
was held at Biairsville Friday
The many friends of Mrs. II. R»
Head will be glad to know that slit
is improving from a recent attack
of flu.
Mr. J. H. Stovall, his sons,
Felix and Farrell, and Mr. and
Mrs. Wilborn Church attended
quarterly meeting at Habersham
Mdls last Sunday.
Miss Lulla Belle McCollum was
sick last week and had to be absent
from school. We are glad to say
she is able to be back in school.
Mr. Felix Stovall had a very
painfully but not serious accident
last Monday when lie cut his foot
while chopping wood.
Haul Edwards Dies
After Lingering Hlnesu
T. Paul Edwards, son of Mr
and Mrs. Geo. M. Edwards, of At¬
lanta, died at his home Tuesday.
March S, at 1 P, M., after an ill¬
ness of several months duration.
He was 16 y ears of age and had
never married. He was born at
Dahlonega, but spent the major
portion of his life in Atlanta.
fie leaves a father, mother, two
sisters, one brother and a host of
relatives to mourn his departure.
Dr. King, of Brown’s Memorial
Methodist Church, Atlanta, and
Rev. Davis, of Moreland Avenue
Baptist Church, Atlanta, conduct¬
ed the services at the home of Mr.
Edwards Wednesday, MarcTT 9 , at
7:30 P. M. lie was interred in
Cleveland cemetery Thursday,
March io. Awtrey & Lowddes
were in charge.
II we were going to operate an
■ licit distillery at present we would
put it up in tire middle of the used
to-be public road. The officers
would have trouble in getting to
the place.
■ Mr. J. H. Kanaday has been
“under the weather” for several
The moon may change and the
sun fail to shine but W. A Nix
don’t fail to haul school teachers.
Mr. S. S. McGhee and sons, of
Gainesville were up in this part
last Sunday.
It seems that Clermont lots some
sca#let fever. We not iced several
red flags hung ’out at some of the
While engaged in getting pulp
wood oft' the mountain near Neel
Gap, Mr. J, L. Nix was painfully
injured when one of the- poles hit
him on the thigh.
Mr. T. V. Cantrell went to
Downey’s Hospital Wednesday for
an operation of hemorrhoids.
Mr, Robt. Fau'kner has moved
to Chestatee to work wit!) the Py¬
rites company.
The Woman’s Missionary .So¬
ciety will stage “Rose Time” at
the Cleveland High School audi¬
torium, Friday, March 25, at 7:30
P. M. This is a great play. The
proceeds go to a good cause.
Mr. John Morris, of Atlanta, is
spending a few days in White
Mr. Robt. Returner returned last
Friday and is improving splendidly.
Mrs. Dilmus Cofield died at her
home in Atlonta Monday of tuber¬
culosis, at.d was buried at Shoal
Creek cemetery Wednesday. She
was ttie daughter oi Mrs. J. M.
Mossy (’reek Dots
We are glad to say that school is
progressing nicely at Mossy Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dorsey
have returned to their home in
South Carolina after spending a
few days with homefolks.
We are having a good Sunday
School at Mossy Creek. Let’s
everybody come and make it the
best in the county.
Rev. J. O. Burnett filled his
regular appointment at M,l*sy
Creek last Sunday,
Mrs. W, W. Lot bridge is on the
sick list at present. We hope for
her a speedy recovery.
Mr. Marvin Dorsey, of Green¬
ville, S. C., is visiting ^homefolks
here at this writing.
We are very sorry to hear of the
llness of Mr. Gold Hunt, lie has
been in ill health for some time.
We sure hope that he will soon
Miss Gertrude Hunt, was visit¬
ing Miss Frances Cox last week¬
Rev. Jim Nix filled his regular
appointment at Hood’s Chapel last
Sunday and preached a good ser¬
Mrs. Jesse Hunt, Jr., is seriously
ill at this writing.
The all day singing at Philipi
was enjoyed by ail present.
Mr. Hubert Head, who has been
in Woodlawn, Pa., for the past
several months, returned last Fri¬
day to make a crop.
Messrs. Edlaw Adams and Elhbu
Thurmond arcmiow preparing to
saw lumber this spring. v
Miss Louise Anderson and sister
have been spend htga thus in
this part. J.
The recent cold sj ell did not kill
many of the peaches. If there is a
peach for every blossom there will
be enough to make a pie and then
some. %
There has * been the least fi'JWfii
the Blue Ridge mountains this
seashn that lias ever been known.
They have forest rangers to keep
the fire down which can be con
troled to a certain extent. If .the
Are is kept out for several years
and then if it could get a sfcfrt
when the sap is up it would do
great damage. The red mala biirsil
the woods every year and there
was produced a great forest that
towered to the skies which took
the pale faces over a hundred yekis
to destroy. There now seems to
be a time to reserve and protect
our natural resources—time to call
a halt.
They will soon burn off the old
straw fields which will kill some of
the boll weevils and bean beetles
and have grass for the cow. Next
year we will be a dangerous time
to set out fire as it will be election
year and you can see several dark
clouds on the political horizon. It
would be a good idea ro elect .,yf*
fleers from every militia district to
catch the ticks and fleas and choke
them to death.
All nature will soon be puiUnjr
on her spring clothes. It will soojl
be time to sing that swan song,
“Thefarmer is the man that leeds
them all,” but all is not gold that
glitters. While the band is play¬
ing let us not get up too mtfch en¬
thusiasm and over-crop ourselves,
for the shade trees, the flowers, the
meadows and the trout will invite
you to take a day off. All work
and no play makes Jack a dull boy
for they will talk about an over¬
production this fall.
Mr. Buford Ledford has been
working the biggest mud holes
here last week so the people can
travel the roads now instead ot
going through the woods.
Mr. and.Mrs. J. W. Thurmond
were visiting Mr. W. C, Hood last
Messrs. Richard and Ernest Sims
have moved back from Swanona,
N. C.
Mr. G. W. Sims is some better
at this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Glover were
visiting Mr. Sims Sunday.
Miss Vera Westmoreland and
Mrs. Fear! Palmer are now practic¬
ing the pupils at Yonali for the
entertainment which they are go¬
ing to give at the close of school.
Mr. Guy Purdue, who is now
working in Gainesville spent Sat¬
urday night with parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W-. L. I’ardue.
Mrs. II. II. Ledford has been
visiting her mother, Mrs. Lon
Allison, who lias been sick.
Mr. Irvin Kimsey has sold his
drug store at Franklin, N. C.
All parties who have not paid
their 1926 city tax will please do
so at once lo the undersigned or
fi fas will have to be turned over to
proper authorities for levy.
W. A. Russell, Clerk-Tres.
Town of Cleveland,
Our good pastor, Rev. J. O
Burnett, filled his regular appoint¬
ment at Zion last Sunday afternoon
3( 2:30. A good attentive audi¬
ence was out to hear him. His
subject ran along the line of oppor
tunity, responsibility and destiny,
and he certainly did justice to the
Remember the preaching dates,
!>t Saturday u o’clock and and
Sunday afternoon 2 :3a sharp.
The Sunday School is progress¬
ing nicety-under the supervision of
Br.o, Chas. H. Freeman. Every¬
body invited to attend each Sab¬
bath morning!
Blue Ridge Dots
Mr. Hoffman, the national for¬
estry mail, and Mr. John Lunsford
were here last week and said that
while Mr. Hoffman would take
charge of another section Mr.
Lunsford would be in charge of
tin's part.
Rev. H, M. Edwards filled his i
regular appointment at Mt. Fin- j
nacle last Sunday.
Mr. H. L. Allison and Miss!
Florence Winkler were united in j
matrimony last Sunday, Mr. G. E.
Allen officiating. We wish them
a happy future.
Mr. and Mrs, Albert Jarrard j
spent last Saturday night at Helen. j
Mrs, Smith Freeman was oper¬
ated on for tumor at Downey I s
Hospital Monday. She is recover¬
ing splendidly.
Chevrolet stands unchallenged as the
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With its powerful valve-in-head motor fCHEVROLET
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improved—it is praised commercial by users every¬
where as the greatest car 1-Ton Stake Truck Body $/lQr\ OoU
value of all time. 1-Ton Truck
Only the economies of tremendous Panel Body
volume production make possible such 1-Ton Truck OIv -| r\
Cab and Cbauti
super quality at Chevrolet’s low prices. 1-Ton Truck $2 Qr
Come in and the truck that has Chassis
see won Vi-Toa Truck $'
worldwide leadership. Learn why it has All ChassU f.o.b. Mich. %<
given such satisfaction to pricu Flint,
supreme of type—big fleet so In addition to these lowpricea
many users every Chevrolet’sdeliveredprlces clude lowest in¬
and individual the handling and
operators owners. financing charges available.
Davidson-Alien Chevrolet Co.
Cleveland, Ga.
xonax - lamsavao aaoina xsaAvoa s.cmiOAV’
Bargain Table
That's what it is; “A Bargain Tabic.”
From time to time we have odds and ends, rem¬
nants, short lengths, etc., to accumulate on our
shelves. We are anxious to sell these goods, and
are willing to sacrifice the price to do so. These
goods we have placed on open display in the center
of our store. When in our store we invite you to
look over this table and see if you don’t find some¬
thing you can use at the price.
Below is just a lew of the many bargains you will find
on the table this week :
32 inch gingham ,10 yd.
Plain colors suiting 10 ) d.
Crelone 10 yd.
Percale 10 yd.
Oil cloth 29 yd.
Window shades ,.50 each
Rubber heels .]Q each
Ladies’ silk hose (seconds) .29 pair
Men’s codon hose .10 pair
I^ress snaps, 3 d<>2 fur .10
Pearl buttons .05 ci r l
Whitmire 6 Head
We have promised to join the
L’ress Association. It mi|'
the boys want some one to fur¬
them vocal music to entertain
ladies at the conventions and
feel satisfied that w£can fill the
while Brother Davidson,
Cleveland Courier, cun
jigs —Dahlonega Nugget.
Your Subscription Now
Judge Meldriiti takes Ihe pos.
tion that burniug of woods should
be stopped by law. The judge is
right. It is all actual: woeful waste
that serves no purpose does nnv
goo if. But on the other hand it
ruins the land and wastes timber'
that is needed and kills youn
^ wi „ c0tneil)
some day. Tiie state ought to sin >
such stuff by statute. There ;u -
some fb.lks that get wedded ,
I idea tIwi) „.nothing else wu!
stop -Bainbridge Fost-Searchlight.