Newspaper Page Text
Look at tongue! Then give
fruity laxative for stom¬
ach, liver, bowels
‘California Fig Syrup” can’t
harm children and
they love it
Mother I Your child Isn’t naturally
cross and peevish. See if tongue is
coated; this is a sure sign the little
stomach, liver and bowels need a
cleansing at once.
When listless, pale, feverish, full of
cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn’t
eat, sleep or act naturally, has stom¬
ach-ache, diarrhoea, remember, a gen¬
tle liver and bowel cleansing should
always be the first treatment given.
Nothing equals “California Fig
Syrup'Yor children’s Ills; give a tea¬
spoonful, and in a few hours all the
foul waste, sour bile and fermenting
food which is clogged in the bowels
passes out of the system, and you have
a well and playful child again. All
children love this harmless, delicious,
“fruity laxative,” and it never fails to
effect a good “inside cleansing.” Di¬
rections for babies, children of all ages
and grown-ups are plainly on the
Keep it handy in your home. A lit¬
tle given today saves a sick child to¬
morrow, but get the genuine. Ask your
druggist for a bottle of “California Fig
Syrup,” then see that it is made by
“Tiie California Fig Syrup Company.”
i I should be killed I
V D Bee Mosquitoes, Liquid Brand killeFlieS/Ffeas, Powder Roaches, or
Ants, Water Bugs, Bed
Bugs, Moths, Crickets,
Poultry other Lice and many
\ Powder Liquid
t 10c and 25c 50c and 75c
50c and $1.00 $1.25
30c.. Spray Gun 35c
Write for free booklet on
kilting house and garden
McCormick & Co.
Baltimore, Md.
\ Brand
jtjl) rwwwfei Powder
Tobacco Postpaid— —Guaranteed chewing,
pounds, $1.50; 10 pounds, $2.50; smoklni
20c pound. George Somers, Sharon, Tenn.
HaarHDtetrd Forever. Shumate K uzor !
Strop FREE. Brown and Sharpe CU;
$3.25. Shears 95c. Pay when delivered. Carl¬
ton Co., Dept. 3, North WHkesboro, N. C.
Motor Statistics
There is a motor car for every five
persons In the United States—but
some have several and others none.—
Toronto Star.
Baby’s Indigestion
Quickly Relieved
•'During the recent illness of our little
twenly-two months old baby girl, I gave
Teethina the supreme test,” writes Mrs.
Carl Peebles, 159 Goodson St., Mineola,
Texas. "Baby had a very bad attack of
indigestion and was so sick, we were
afraid we would lose her.
‘T started her on Teethina and soon she
got over the trouble and began to look and
act like a different child. I can’t say too
much for Teethina. It’s just wonderful."
Teethina is a famous baby laxative—mild,
efficient and thorough. It aids digestion,
relieves colic due to an overloaded stomach,
cleans out the bowels and regulates the en¬
tire system. Contains no opiates of any
sort and can be given with perfect safety
to the youngest infant. Physicians and
iiursea recommend it everywhere.
Price 30c at all drug stores.
JP lYLL* Booklet About Babies.
Builds Better
String or Cloth Mcp Is Al¬
most a Necessity.
(Prepared by the United States Department
c t Agriculture.)
Finished floors can be kept In good
condition with a comparatively small
outlay of time and strength, but the
method must be adapted to the kind
of finish, says the United States De¬
partment.of Agriculture. A string or
cloth dust mop, such as Is shown In the
illustration, is almost a necessity in
the home where the floors are var¬
nished, waxed, oiled or painted. A
cotton flannel bag may be drawn over
the broom to serve the same purpose,
but is not so convenient.
When the surface of the floor that
is not covered by rugs is merely
dusty, such a mop enables one to go
over it quickly and easily. The mop
should not be saturated with oil but
Going Over the Floors With a Dust
may be slightly moistened with floor
oil or kerosene unless the floor is
waxed. If it is necessary to give a
floor a good oiling, another mop or
woolen cloth should be used and kept
especially for the purpose.
In general, varnished floors retain
their color and luster better if no wa
tej is used on them, but If very dirty
they may be wiped with a cloth or
mop wrung out of warm soapy wa¬
ter, wiped dry at once, and polished
with an oiled cloth or niop.
Waxed floors should be swept with
a soft brush or mop entirely free
from oil. Oil softens wax and should
never be used on It In any way.
Kitchen Garden on a.Utah Farm.
(Prepared by the of Agriculture.) United States Department
When you lay out your garden this
spring be sure to allow for plenty of
fresh vegetables for the table during
the summer, as well as some for can¬
ning and some to store for winter use.
Two vegetables other than potatoes
should be served every day, according
to nutrition specialists of the United
States Department of Agriculture;’ to
supply an abundance of vitamins
the diet. A salad of raw vegetables,
or lettuce and fruit, may be counted
as one of these vegetables, and.
taken In addition to the other two veg¬
etables suggested it increases still fur¬
ther the chance that sufficient vita-’
mins are being provided.
Succession of Crops.
Plant the garden with one eye on the
menus. Certain crops like snap beans,
lettuce, peas and spinach can be
planted at Intervals throughout the
season, and consequently they will
seldom be missing from the family
table, after the first crop has matured.
A number of crops can be given a start
of ten days to three weeks if the seeds'
are planted in a window box or “flat;”
Tomatoes, cabbage, peppers, eggplant,
cauliflower and lettuce can thus be
started early. •
When a waxed door becomes dull and
grimy It should . o given a more thor¬
ough cleaning with a cloth wrung out
of warm soap water, or better still
moistened with turpentine, er- gaso¬
line. Both turpentine and gasoline
are very inflammable, however, and
should not be used in a room where
there is an open flainq of any kind.
After the waxed floor Is Cleaned, rub
on a new thin-coating of wax and
polish with a weighted- brush or a
woolen cloth, . , „
Oiled.floors should .be swept with
a soft brush aqd dusted with an oiled
cloth or mop. . They may- be cleaned
occasionally with a cloth wrung out
of warm soapy water and then pol¬
ished with' a cloth moistened with
kerosene or a good floor oil. Excels
of oil should be avoided. Water ana
soap should be used very sparingly
on oiled floors. Similar treatment is
used for painted . floors.
Various Excellent Uses
for Cooked Rabbit Meat
Cold cooked rabbit may be ground
up and used Just as chicken or ; other
cooked meat is used for hgsh, cro¬
quettes, shepherd’s pie, or similar
dishes, points out the United States
Department ef Agriculture. Meat loaf
or meat balls may'tbe made of raw
chopped rabbit meat in the same way
as beef or veal. Sausage cakes may
be made from twice-ground rabbit
meat with any preferred seasoning, If
pork flavor is , desired one part' fat
pork may be mixed with two parts
ground rabbit meat.. .Very good sau¬
sage flavor will result from mixing the
following proportions: three pounds
twice-ground raftblt meat, one minced
onion (which may he omitted), one
tablespoonful salt, one teaspoonful
pepper, one and one-half teaspooiifuls
powdered sage/, one . buy leaf, pinch
each of thyme and allspice, four to
•six table'spo6nfu!§ finely crumbed dtf
bread or cracker crumbs, one -beaten
egg, find 6ne-half cupful of rich sweet
Lettuce Is Favorite of
All Salad Vegetables
Many home makers think thht asalad
without .lettuce- is as impossible as an
omelet without eggs. Though strictly
speaking a stalk of celery or a radish
eaten with salt is a salad, lettuce Is
the prllhe’fav.prlte of all salad vege¬
tables. It Is also orfe of the green-leaf
group- that contains vitamincs and
minerals. M.lke the. others it supplies
bulk too and se helps to keep the food
moving through the digestive‘tract in
a healthy way. Lettuce by itself Is so
mild in-flavor that It. needs a well
seasoned, dressing. Adding- "a little
rdquefort cheese to French dressing or
grating a little American cheese over
the’'top after French dr mayonnaise
dressing has been added is an easy
way . of giving appetizing flavor to n
plain lettuce salad. • .
A small garden is not bard to take
care of if it is carefully planned on
paper before it is set out. On the farm
a good-sized space can sometimes be
demoted to what is usually known as
the “farm” or “kitchen garden.” A
garden planted In long, narrow rows
la easiest to cultivate. One long row
may have several different vegetables
planted in It.
Economize on Space
Plant -only guc&i vegetables as will
yield godd retards for .the table in pro¬
portion to the space they occupy, if
available ground is limited. Potatoes,
corn, cucumbghs. melons anp peas re¬
quire considerable space. Lettuce,
’spinach, beefs, chrrot’s, snap beans oi
tomatoes are more economical of space
and therefore adapted to growing in a
small arear-\. . ... ...
,■ The Individual tastes of the family
will, of course,'determine largely'what
Is to be planted .in the garden., All the
green-leaf vegetables, such as spinach,
cabbage, kale, smss chard, beet greens
’and lettuce, are^rieh in vitamins. Car¬
rots, rutabagas, tomatoes and string
beans are&*fe4 excellent. Ail vege¬
tables furnish minerals and roughage
as well as vitamins, and so are Impor
tant in the diet of most persons.
If Back Hurts
Begin on Salts 1
Flush Your Kidneys Occasionally!
by Drinking Quarts of
Good Water
No man or woman can make a mis¬
take by flushing the kidneys occasion¬
ally, says a well-known authority.
Too much rich food creates acids
which clog the kidney pores so that
they sluggishly filter or strain only
•part of the waste and poisons from
the blood. Then you get sick. Rheu¬
matism, headaches, liver trouble,
nervousness, constipation,, dizziness,
sleeplessness, bladder disorders often
opine from sluggish kidneys.
The moment you feel a dull ache in
the kidneys or your back hurts, or if
the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of
sediment, irregular of passage, or at¬
tended by a sensation of scalding, be¬
gin to drink soft water sn quantities;
also get about four ounces of Jail
Salts from any reliable pharmacy and
take a tablespoonful in a glass of wa¬
ter before breakfast for a few' days
and your kidneys may then act fine.
This famous salts is made from the
acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com¬
bined with lithia, and has been used
for years to help flush clogged kid¬
neys and stimulate them to activity,
also to help neutralize the acids in
the system so they no longer cause
Irritation, thus often relieving bladder
disorders. «,
Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot
injure; makes a delightful efferves¬
cent lithia-water drink, which every¬
one can take now and then to help
keep the kidneys clean and the blood
pure, thereby often preventing serious
kidney complications.
There is a remedy for every wrong
and a satisfaction for every soul.—
Emerson. "
Homan Eye Eye Balai Balaam, applied at night upon
retiring-, will freshen -and. ’ strengthen • eyes
by morning. ng. 372 Pearl St.. N. Y. Adv.
One may know what lie! wants anti
occasionally he knows he oughtn’t
to have it.
1 C. white flour. C. Molasses.
1 C. graham flour. 1 level tsp. salt.
8 level 1, tbsp. sugar. 1 C. milk.
tsp. Calu¬ 1 egg*, well beat¬
met Baking Pow¬ en.
der. 2 tbsp. melted
Sift together twice flour, sugar,
baking* powder and salt. Add grad¬
ually milk, egg- and melted butter.
Bake in greased muffin pans 25 min¬
utes In quick oven (400-450 degrees
Filling Up
“Is this a filling'station?"
“We want five gallons of gas and
eight hot dogs.”
Bell-Ans Really Sure Relief
Thousands of Testimonials From Doc¬
tors, Nurses and Dentists Say So.
For correcting over-acidity and
quickly relieving belching, gas, sick
headaehe, heartburn, nausea, bilious¬
ness and other digestive disorders,
BELL-ANS hus been proved of great
value for the past thirty' years. Not
ft laxative but ft tespuI-Suro-Relief for
liidigestion. take.'S^l ■■’Fbffoctly ifbrinless arid
pleasant to for free samples
tin Boll & Co., IBc., Orangeburg, N. Y.
^ Adv -' ij'tt 'f :v ; ■ •
A Slap
(jHady*—I wisi), J could keep* my
good looks! {be-first ", '
Mar^eTT-Weli, tiling I would
suggest', 'dear, 1«‘to get' sfyrie, !■*;
■ V'- 1 ——-~* - :
Strong and Active at 78/ ‘
flanjord’s Balsam o£'"MyrjJk-.has heaftjd ari^
Cuts, Burns, Braises ant} gores on man
beast durifig-ftll those .years. 3 sizes.—Adv."
~ A Bad Break
Mother—‘Why tire you crying/: Bob¬
by? Bobby—1 ' ; ■ ' ■*< ’.'L
have a toothache and
(here’s no sc|j,ooytQd.jiy.
Usually,'an, egotist is so egotistical
that #>u:.-for. he agreeing oven i^eglects with to him. Compliment
If you want bakings that are per¬
fect in taste and tenderness—
that are pure and wholesome, use
,jgpo B/MBNG
..... -III——MA M —— 11 1 ' ■
Sales J 1 /, Times Those of Any Other Brand
Unless you see the “Bayer Cross” on tablets you are
not getting 1 the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe
by millions and prescribed by physicians for 25 years.
* Accept only “Bayer” package
which contains proven directions.
Handy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists,
Seemed Suspicious
A butcher, hearing a boy whistling
Ills shop, said:
"What are you making all that noise
you young scamp?”
“I’ve lost my dog,” answered the
“Well,” the butcher asked, "do you
I’ve got your dog?”
“I don’t know, guv’nor,” replied the
“but every time I whistle those
Mother! Its
Cruel to “Physic”
Your Child
To Dr. W. B. Caldwell, of Monttcel
lo, 111., a practicing physician for 47
it seemed cruel that so many
constipated infants and children had
to be kept constantly “stirred Up” and
half sick by taking cathartic pills, tab
salts, calomel and nasty oils.
While lie knew that constipation
was the cause of nearly all children’s
little Ills, he did not believe that a
sickening "purge” or “physic” was
In Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin he
discovered a laxative which helps to
establish natural bowel “regularity”
even if the child is chronically consti¬
pated. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
not only causes gentle, easy bowel-,
movement but, best of all, It never
Clock Induces Sleep!
Based on Ihefact that a softly 1mm
monotonous sound often serves!;
induce sleep, a clockwork appara¬
patterned by a German doctor pro¬
the- desired noise for about
minutes after winding. In order
to awaken the person using it by
abrupt cessation of the sound, this
becomes weaker until It
dit-k away .'—Popular Mechanics
Tablets Without Fear If You
See the Safety “Bayer Cross.”
Warning! Unless you see the name
on package or on tablets you
pot getting the genuine Bayer
proved safe by millions and
by physicians for 26 years.
Say “Bayer” when you buy Aspirin.
may prove dangerous.—Adv.
It is foolish to fear that wluit you
The money paid the infant’s nurse
likely to be hush money.
Helping the Dream Along
Mrs.- Binka—My dear, I want a hat
—a perfect dream of a hat. Will you
get it for me?
Sinks—Sure. I’ll make, a Welsh
rarebit for you to eat just before you
go to bed. • •
The opening of new coal fields in
southeast Kent, England, has revived,
the project of a tunnel under the
gripes, sickens or upsets the most del
Icute system. Besides, it is absolute¬
ly harmless, and so pleasant tlmt even
a cross, feverish, bilious, sick child
gladly takes it.
Buy a large GO-cent - bottle at any
store that sells medicine or write
“Syrup Pepsin,” Monticello, Illinois,
just see for yourself.
Dr. Caldwell's
miwimimrs syrup
The lofints* and Children’s Regulator
Pleasant to give—pleasant to
take. etable Guaranteed and absolutely purely harmless. veg¬
It Quickly overcome* colic,
other diarrhoea, like flatulency and
disorders., ^
The open published
formula appears on
every label.
A Perfect Food
And a Gentle Yet
Forceful Tonic
Has enjoyed the confidence of
the medical profession for over
88 years.
E. J. Hart Sc Ce. f Ltd., NcwOrleaa*
t mumuumunam i iiHM i imimu u i