Newspaper Page Text
Sbe Clmlanb Courier.
Offiaal Organ of Whitt County, Go
Publirbed Weekly at Cleveland (in.
Jab. P. Davidson, Editor.
Entered et the Poe* iffice at
Ga.. ae second claws mail matter.
Member Ninth DietricI Press Associate
" Georgia Press
“ National Editorial
** Frets Confrts* 01 Tie World
Subscription, 11.50 per yeas
in advance
The Buford Advertiser
that the road between the
county line and Duluth lias
completed, and that the |road
there to Buford will be rushed
comdletiou so as to take care
the summer and tourist travel.
The Georgia Forestry assoc**
tion will conduct a forestry
contest in every school in
The prizes will be awarded
Christmas. Every teacher
induce their pupils to enter
contest. The contest will not
assist the pupils in his literary
tainments,but it will bring a
er appreciation of forest
J. J. Brown, who was defeated
for reclection as commissioner
agriculture, has announced
candidacy for the legislature from
Appling county, to fill the
jnred term of the late G. B. Tip*
pins. Mr, Brown’s term as com¬
missioner expires in June. The
election will be held March *3.
A gold rush is now on in Death
valley, Nevada, Two boys found
the rich veins. It is stated that
the ore assayed 178,000 a ton.
R. Claude Norman, of Washing¬
ton, Ga., was appointed by Gover¬
nor Walker state tax commissioner
to succeed the latejames H.Dozier,
of Athens, and Judge Max E.
Land, of Cordele, has been ap¬
pointed oh the state industrial
board to succeed Mr. Land. Judge
Thos, F. Green, of Athens, has
been appointed us trustee of the
University of Georgia to succeed
Mr, Dozier,
While tn Cleveland Inst Satur¬
day B. M. Lufburrow, state forest¬
er, informed TheCourier that there
hjpl been 3,000 less forest fires dur¬
ing the past ten months than dur¬
ing corresponding previous periods
of lime. Mr. Lufburrow was
highly pleased with the coopera¬
tion the people of White county
are giving his department in keep¬
ing down lorest fires.
Hon, James H. Dozier, state
tax commissioner, chairman of the
state game and fish commisson,and
u fnost lovable character, died at a
hospital ir. Athens Thursday of
last week. Mr. Dozier dted just a
few minutes after funeral service*
had been held for his father.
Mr. Dozier managed Governor
Walker’s first campaign for gover¬
nor, and has always been an un¬
selfish, devoted and loyal friend to
Governor Walker.
Tne Editor mourns with hit,
countless other friends throughout
The committee appointed by the
Men’s Brotherhood Class to con
**ult with the various Sunday
schools in White county are going
die ad making plans tor a great
-Sunday School celebration to be
field iu Cleveland Hpril * 4 .
It is the hope of the committee
and the class that every Sunday
School in White county will par¬
ticipate in the program and tliai
the occasion may be made one ol
she greatest days Cleveland evei
Lad. The other committees art
actively at work on their variou*
duties. The Courier will probabh
be able to give a good story nexi
week on this occasion.
Messrs. H. M. and Di ugl is
Stephens, of Atlanta, were in
Cleveland on business Wednesday.
Dr. L. G. Neal made a speech
before the medical association held
at Alto Wednesday.
Xocal flews
Mr, and Mrs. L. O. Price, of
Athens, spent Tuesday with .Mr.
K. S. Price and family.
Mr. A. S. Bond, of Royston,
spent Tuesday night with Mr. K.
S. Price.
Mr, and Mrs. F. G. Tell, of
Athens, spent Tuesday with Mr.
W. H. Bell and family.
While in Atlanta last week
Judge Underwood called on the
Game & Fish commissioner regard¬
ing the propagation of Mexican
quail in White county. Commis¬
sioner Twitty informed Judge that
be was forbidden to send less than
twelve to a county. Judge tells us
that he will take two. Who next?
Mr. Fred Fitts has been appoint
ed 1 oostmaster postmaster at at Dablonega, Dahlonem.. sue suc¬
ceeding Mr. Frank Meaders.
We have mailed out notices to
all of our subscribers whose time
has expired. Not very rrfflny have
responded up to this time. If you
want The Courier you had better
come around to see U9 at once.
The Men’s Brotherhood Class
raised at their meeting Sunday
morning 1*25 to cover the roof of
the house “Uncle Joe” Bryd is
living in, which is the property of
Messrs. Jesse and Tom Hunt, and J
to buy him a suitable bed and other
Mr. F. G. Jones, president of
the class, appointed the following
on the committee to see that this
work is done at once:
J. H. Telford, chairman ; Alex
Davidson, F. G. Mauney, Prof.
Frank B. Stevens. II. D, Wiley,
A. J. Jturard and W. L, Norton.
The pastor will fill his regular
appointment Sunday morning and
evening at the Cleveland Baptist
Church. He w ill also preach at
Tesnutee at 2 130 P. M.
The pastor is conducting a study
course at the Jfnptjst Church this
week. He has a large class and a
splendid attendance.
Several people from Cleveland
attended the funeral of Judge
Mr. Charlie Allen left
days ago to work at BiJtmore.N.C.
Miss Lois Henderson, student
Bessie Tift College, is at home for
a few days.
Mr. A. M. Dean has returned
from Florida, where he spent
several days.
Mr. J. H. Telford was on the Hu
list for a few days this week.
Messrs, Marvin and Sam Allison
spent Sunday with their mother,
Mr. H. A. Allison.
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Faulkner,
of Chestatee, spent Sunday with
relatives in Cleveland,
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Hicks left
last Sunday for High Point, N. C.
Mr, Caswell, of lbe,Pfi~ter &
Vogel Land Company, of Milwau¬
kee, * ee ’ passed pafiSed through throUg " Cleveland Lleveiund la»t la.t
?f Mr, U Caswell , rda * on h came » to to Georgia lilair8vi,!e at *
this time to attend the funeral of
Judge Candler.
Mr. O. Y. Cook, the efficient
and capable highway patroiman in
White county, attended a meeting
patrolmen in Jefferson lost Fri¬
day. The board members were all
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Palmer, of
visited Cleveland fast
Mr. Anna Kenimer returned to
Sunday uftei spending
days in Atlanta,
Mr. Edward Burnett left for
Tuesday morning, where
will be one of the pitchers for
Columbus league this season.
Poult ion in Mountain Home
Young woman of culture
and advanced education de
position as companion to
lady, or governess tn pri- !
home. Willing to accept j
and board as renumeration.
of threalned nervous con¬
her physician has advised I
to mountain climate lor i
months. Highest references
to character ar)d ah'lily pan be
Addreksc-o Room f4f j
Hotel, Atlanta, Ga. 31;
Floor Varnish
that wean
HPHERE arc only two reasons foe varaiab'
1 mg a floor—to protect the surface of the
wood—to add beauty to the floor.
Therefqjre a floor varnish must have those
qualities which will withstand the most severe
abuse without marring and still retain its elas¬
WISH ticity Pee Gee and Floor toughness Varnish to act has as proved a protector. its worth
in thousands of homes—there is no
varnish made.
Cleveland, Ga.
ME CLEVELANB éfififiifih .cmavamn. mam; . *
March 21
Pleasant Retreat HAM
W. A- Turner’s store 10 ”
Adair’s mill 11:30
Mrs, W. M. Satterfield’s 6tore 12
Biueridge L. G. t PM
Lundsford’s store 2 ”
ToWn Creek L. G. 3 : 3 ° ”
March 22
Asbestos station 8 A M
J. M. Glover’s store 9 ”
J. H. Jarrard’s store 11 ”
Roberlstown 12
Helen 1130 P M
Hardman’s mill 3 ”
: Wallace Bell’s mill 4=30 ”
March 23
ilickorynut school houae 9 AM
W. L. Hyend’s store 11 ”
W, 1 . Stovall ta
Sautee post office 1 P M
C. W. Oakes 2 ”
Nacoocbee station 8 "
' March *4
Oakes Clmpel 8130 A M
J H. Stovall’s store 9:30 *’
Leaf postoffice 11 .-30
Tomlin’s store i PM
Barrett’s mill 2 ”
March 25
Alexander & Dorsey’s store 8AM
W. J. Presley’s store
Charlie White’s store
Mossy Creek L. (i.
Hulsey’s mill
Pete Whitfield
Frank Chutubler
March a6
J. D. Hulsey’s store
Meldean station
C. M. Ashmore’s 6tore
Shoal Creek L. G.
Charlie Wilkin’s store
Palmer’s mill
W. A. Stover’s mill
Black’s store
^ ax °P* B I‘el»,
c * oscs ,st -
W. W. Lot bridge.
This is to advise that the Federal
Land Bank will receive applies
until April 8, 1927 for next
\\\ M. McGhee, Sec’y-Trea*.
C, N. F. L. A.
Georgia, White County:
Will be sold before the court
door in the town of Cleveland, said eoun
ty.on the first Tuesday in April
within the legal hours of sale to
o — ..............
highest bidder for cash all that
tract or parcel of land described as
lows: Part of lotof land number
(51) in the fourth land district of
eonnty. Commencing at a corner
ditional) on the public road leading
way of the late residence of R. M. Ash
aud J. L. N : x at a point where this
joins that formerly owned by W. M.
terfield, thence south with the line of
said W. M. Satterfield tract to the
and west original line of lot No. fifty,
same being the original line on the south
side of lot No. 61 in said district,
w«st with said original line to the origi¬
nal corner, thence north the original
line to the above named public road,
lb nee east with said public road to the
beginning, containing fifty acres of land
more or less, said land levied on as the
property of B. C. Ash to satisfy three
tax fi fas Issued by the tax collector
said county w for state and county taxes ----- •
for the years 19150, 1925 and 1924 against
B. R f’ C. Ash A til:
Also at the same time and place and
upon the same terms, will be sold the
following described lands to wit: Parts
wi of lots m of wiu land ntra. Nos. 101 iui ana and no 116 in in the uit*
second land district of said county; de
scribed !1 as follows: a 11 Commencing at a
black gum corner in the ford of t he creek
east of where W. E. Crane formerly lived
thence east a conditional line 10 pine knot
cooner, thence north to a pine knot cor¬
ner on the south side of the Cornelia
root) just above the fork of the road,
thence west along said load to the forks
of the Gainesville and Cornelia road,
thence east to the Clarkesville road to or
near the old Woodlawn school house,
thence west the original line to the creek
thence down the creek to the beginning
corner, containing 120 acres more or less
and best known as the P. S. Dorsey old
home place in Mossy Creek district of
•old eounty and the place whereon tne
defendant T. B. Aoojier now lives, to¬
gether wifh all improvements thereon,
salt land levied on as the property of T,
B. Hooper, to satisfy an execution issued
on the 5Ui day of March 1923 from the
city court of Cleveland, Ga., in favor of
the Armour Fertilizer Works against T.
B. Hooper. Said fi la now held and
owned by and proceeding in favor of
White County Bank as transferee of said
plaintiff in fi fa.
Also at the same time and place will
tie sold the following described property
to wit: A|; that tract or parcel lying on
the north side of the Gainesville and
Northwastein Railroad beginning at a
point on the Cleveland ami Nncoocliee
public road just 204 feet north of said
railrood right of way and on tiie right
hand side of said Nacootdiee and Cleve¬
land public rpjid where this tract joins
that of lire. Ollie McGee said tract front¬
ing on the Cleveland and Nacooehee
public: road 100 feet and running back
w'lta the said Mrs. Ollie McGee. Proper¬
ty 100 feet in width a distance of 454
feet, said tract being 100 feet by 454 feet
and lying parallel with the said Mrs.
Ollie McGee property, said property
levied on as the property of Mrs. R. 14
Barrett to satisM two tax fi fas issued In
the tax eel lector of said county agpinst
Mrs..R. H. Barrett fur state and county
taxes for the years 1925 hihI 19-6.
at same time and place will be
sold the following property to wit : One
house and lot located near and adjoining
the Ktris school house property in Town
Creek dim riet of said county containing
about one-half acre more or less and
known As the place where C. W. Jackson
resides. Levied .>n as the property of C.
W. Jackson to satisfy an execution issued
from the Superior Court of said county
.in the a»lh day of April 1926, in favor of
II. A. Jarrurd & Son against C. \V. Jack
son and C. A. Garmon. There is on this
tract store house and dwelling.
Also at the same time and place the
following lands to wit: All that tractor
parcel of land lying and being in White
County. Ga„ and being part of lot of land
No. 157 in the 3rd district said county
containing 23 acres of land, more or less,
and beiug that part of said lot willed to
Mary Blalock by M Cox and bounded as
fallows : On the north by the lands for
m e rly owned by J. C. Ball, on the south
and west by the lands of S. K. Cox and
00 the east by the lands of R. L. Allison.
There is on this tract of land a splendid
.1 welling house and out houses. Thie
tract of land to he sold to satisfy an - \
•cation issued from the Suitor Coin, [
,4' W nits County in fay or of the Farmer s
X Merehaats Bank and against 1 I.
Thurmond, Q. W. Turner and Frank
Black aud sold as the property ofO. W. I
Turner, ’
Also at the same time and place the fol- i
mg- lands to wit: All that tract or parcel of I
laud lying and being in White County. Ga
aud 45 sod being described parts of lots follows: of land Nos. 4 4 an.! j
old as Commencing
at AD gully near the old John Smitn
home and running the gnllv to the branch.
thence a straight line to the original lint*. ;
t hence south to the soutervest corner of lot
No. 45 . thence east one-half lot. thence j
north to the original line near rhe public |
mod to the old saw mill road, thenca th. i
old saw null road to the beginning corner.
there ts a spiend.d dwelling house and out j
sold hous s on satisfy this land. 7 he above land to be J
to two executions issued from
th« Supe-iior Com t of said county, one h.
favor of Hvnry Turner and against Lewis
! Legal Advertisements
! Georgia, W site County :
j j Ypril Will 1927, be sold on the first Tuesday in
* ’ at public outcry, *, at at the tuc wuri court
I j hours house of in said county within the Irgal
sale to the highest bidder for
icash certain property of which the fol
! lowing is a complete and full description:
j 40 acres of lj.nd more or less lying and
i being in the South Central part of let of
land No. 1-29 i n the second land district
of White Cnunty, Ga. Commencing at
a 'oek corner on the public road leading
from Cleveland to Clarkesville, Ga., near
C.i. Kcnimer's old blacksmith shop,
thence in a westerly direction with said
road to a rock corner, between this
property and C. F Kenimer property,
thence south to a rock corner, between
this property and C. P. Kenimer and Lee
Head’s property, thence east to a rock
corner, thence north to the beginning
cornei and known as the E, L. Stephens
place. Also part of lot of land No. 32!)
second land district of White County,
containing SO acres of land more or lees,
fully - described ----—- as follows: — ou. Commencing vvijiiijrm.iiig
S at a rock corner between this land ai.d
luml land r.f of James I .v, . TN_____ Forefiterand . i » Joe < Craven _
and running south a straight line to *he
Cleveland and Clarkesville public road,
thence rather east with said road to a
hollow .......... near the K. L. Stephens tuu old auuse, house.
'hence northwest to the original line of
said It I let lot, thence t 1 i on * the l. .... said * J original > • , , line • to
the starting point. Also part of lotof
land No. 129 in the second land district
of White County. Beginning at tne
original corner of Idf of No. 129, thence
north to the creek, thence up the creek
to the bridge. Also all of lot No. 196
lying west of the creek in the southwest
corner, thence a westerly direction up
the Cleveland and Cornelia road to the
corner between the lands of A. F. Kcni.
mer, thence a southerly direction to the
corner or original line to the lands of Lee
Head and Mrs. W. A. Dillard, thense
east the original line to the beginning
corner, containing 29 acres mere or lesi*.
Also part of lot of land No. 129 in the
second district of said county, beginning
on the Cornelia and Cleveland road at a
rock, thence n-rth to a pine knot on the
road, northeast to the original line rock
corner, thence the original west line to a
rock corner, thence a conditional line to
the public road (Cleveland and Cornelia
road,) thence eastwardiy the public road
to the beginning corner, containing 43
acres, more or less. This being the
same properly described in a deed from
N. 11 . Skelton to Farmers &. Merchants
Said property levied on as the proper¬
ty of N.H, Skelton to satisfy an execu¬
tion issued from the Superior Court of
White County, Ga., in fever of Farmers
& Merchants Bank of Cleveland, Ga.,
and against said N. H. Skelton. Said
property being iu the pus ession of said
N. It. Skeltoya Notice of levy given as
the law directs.
This the 1 st day of March 1927.
W. A. Jackson, Sheriff.
Georgia. White County
Will be Sold, on the first Tuesday in
April 1927, at public outcry at the court
house iu said county, within the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder for
cash, certain proerty, of w hich the fol¬
lowing is a full and complete description;
Three one-ton Ford tractors. One motor
No. 9500546, model 24 ; one uiotor No.
11258i68, mix]f-1 25; and one motor No.
8500426 . model 24. 8 *id pi opei ty levied
on ns the prnpeity of Morse Bros. Lum¬
ber Co., to satisfy an execution issued
from the City Court of -Cleveland, White
County, Ga., iri favor of Tesnattee Kx
change said Morse Bros. Lumber Co.
Sa’d property being in the possession of
Morse Bros. Lumber Co.
This the 1 st day of March 1927.
W. A. Jackson, Sheriff
Recce. W. A. Reece and W. (4. Spencer
from the Superior Court of White
County, Ga., April 29 th, 1926 and one in
of \\ hite County Bank and against
W. O. Reece and VV. G. Spencer. Said
sold as the land of one of the defen¬
W. G. Spencer.
Also at the same time and place will lie
the following described persona! prop.
to wit: One mare mule, weight about
1100 lbs., color bay, age nine years. One
T mule weightabout >°<*> 1000 '»* lbs color color
. ,
’ ^ two ' horse w : a 8 0 »
.7 ’ 7 *7 ° ‘' 1 ° ***? U “ arne bout * s - 900 ( -»ne lbs horse nine
“ ” color s ? r
„ !' 7 * a ” d one * et si ^
harness * S a,d P ro pv> ty leyied on as
Pr ° Per ‘ y °' ^riton Alley to satisfy an
h, '? c"o!Tv C<nm.y gT Ga , on the 29th ^ day * of
7 K “ n A,left aga ‘ n *
We f tr » orel * ,, ‘‘.
1 hls lhe da J’ of March M 1927.
M A. Jackson. Sheriff.
^ ‘ r °° n bungalow for rent
. velatld.
F.Jj Jones.
U', m 1 Stove Wood
See me for wood ready for the
fg.oo ] oad placetl ^ J
q p " ■. CC
‘‘‘ *
e VeLnd, Ga., Route 4.