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Ebe Clevelanb Courier.
Offutal Organ of White County. Ga
Published Weekly *t Cleveland (in,
Jas. P. Davidson, Editor.
Kntered *t the Post >ffiee at Cleveland
Ga.» ** second class mail matter.
Member Ninth District Press Associaion
** Georgia Pfes* **
“ National Editorial “
** Press Cootres* Of The World
Suhscriptiofi, *1.50 per year
in advance
Lindbergh has been made a
Colonel in the Missouri National
Guard. He will also be made a
Major in the reserve corws of the
U. S. Army and receive the Lang¬
ley medal. Washington will give
him a welcome as they have never
before honored any man, and he
deserves it. lie will fly from
Washington to New York where
lie will be honored.
Charles D. Chamberlin and
Charles A. Levine successfully
made the longest non-stop flight
yet made. They were forced to
hind in Germany a short distance
from the border. They are being
royally entertained in Berlin.
Please tell us how many people
in Cleveland are really interested
in a hotel here.
You should give all your job
work to The Courier, We are
laboring for I lie development of
White county and it seems to us
that you should not send any of
your work out of the county.Wont
you show your appreciation of our
efforts that much?
The Decatur Chamber of Com¬
merce, of which Marvin Allison ts
the efficient secretary, has inaugu¬
rated a movement to “See Geor¬
gia First” during the week of
June 11-J9.
font is a splendid idea. It is
amazing just how few Georgians
know Georgia. We teach the
Georgia youtli in our text books
about foreign countries and our
own land, which is ail good and
well, but isn’t it essential that they
know Georgiu—the Empire State
of the South—first? Yet when
you begin to think of it you wont
find so many parents in this great
state that know Georgia,.
Georgia is a wonderful state.
She has unbounded natural re¬
sources undeveloped. Her majes¬
tic mountains towering into the
heavens is a source of relaxation
for mail’s weared body and in¬
spires his midd for greater and
nobler things; her crystal • brooks,
sparkling and murmuring as they
go rapidly leaping over the beauti
fill waterfalls, making their way
into the larger streams, is always
interesting. There is much that
can be said of Georgia’s education¬
al institutions, industries, high¬
ways, farms, seashores,cities,towns
and unexcelled citizenship.
Capable speakers will visit vari¬
ous sections of the state to explain
(lie plan. Each community is
urged to direct tiie delegation to
the points of interest in their ter¬
ritory. and no entertainment is ex¬
pected. However, it would be
very fine if some courtesy was
shown these visitors.
Definate plans have not baen
announced, but it is hoped that a
delegation will visit White county.
Our people will gladly render
them all possible assistance and
shower them with real mountain
Why do people borrow their
county newspaper? The Courier
only costs $1.50 u year, and every
body can afford to take their home
We met Rev. A. C. Cantrell, of
Smyrna, Ga., who was on his vrav
across the Blue Ridge. Mr.
iretl is a notive of White county,
who joined lire M. E. conference
at Augusta, Ga., in 18S1. He was
among our many visitors here last
Sunday.—Duhloneea Nugget,
Xocal Hews
We are requested to state that
the Men’s Brotherhood Class will
meet at the Cleveland High School
auditorium Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Wilev and
the Revs. Graham spent Thursday
at Neel Gap.
Mr. Sam Tate, of Tate, was in
Cleveland one day last week.
Mr. Arthur Reece has returned
to Galt, Calif.
Miss Grace Palmer returned last
Friday from a visit of several days
to Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Jariard
spent last Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. L. Y. Irvin in Cornelia.
Mr. Stanley, of Covington, Ky.,
spent a few days in Cleveland the
first of the week.
Miss Lois Henderson, who has
been attending school at Bessie
Tift, is now at home.
Morse Brothers Lumber com¬
pany have placed their gasoline
shovel at the disposal of the state
highway department for two
weeks in constructing the road be¬
tween Cleveland and Nacoochee.
Mr. Frank McAfee spent a few
days at home since our last issue,
returning to Conasauga Sunday.
The asphalt work on the high¬
way between Cleveland and Hall
county line will begin by Monday,
June 20.
Mr. Howard and Miss Atkins,
of Helen, were married by Judge
Logan last Friday.
Mrs. F. A. Allison, of Clermont
died Monday. Her remains were
interred in Shoal Creek cemetery
Tuesday. She had been ill for
some time.
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Burnett, of
Buford, Ga., visited his son, Rev,
J. (). Burnett, a few days last
Ray Miller, who was driving a
Dodge roadster, nndClarence Tro -
ter, who was driving a Ford tour¬
ing, had a collision on the bridge
over the creek this side of Mr. II.
B. Underwood’s last Saturday
night. Considerable damage was
done to both cars.
Miss Melviua Miller, of near
Mossy Creek camp ground, spent
Saturday night will) Miss Sallie
The following out of town peo¬
ple attended the Confederate sol¬
diers reunion: Col. John W,
Clark, Miss Ellen Cannon, Mrs.
C. Nl. Liddsey, McDowell McLeod
and Col. Sam VV. Wilkes, of At¬
lanta ; Col. George W. Westmore¬
land, J. Z. Carter, H. G. John¬
son, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Holliday
A. E. Pittman. Rev. L. B. Linn
and Dr. E. M. McDonald, of Jef¬
The two year old daughter, Har¬
riet, of Mr. and Mrs. C. L, Dil¬
lard. of Sylva, N. C., died Thurs¬
day night of last week and was in¬
terred in Chattahoochee cemetery
Saturday morning. The little
child had been in ill health for
some time.
The Georgia Weekly Review, j
which is being published in At*!
lauta, devoted to industrial, agri-!
cultural, educational and political'
activities for the week, will be re-;
ceiaed tn Georgia most heartily. !
[n the last isrue was a directory of J
the officers of White county and
extracts from The Courier on high-!
way work in our county.
j Revs. F. M. and Mrs. Graham,
who are lidding a meeting in
Cleveland, will be at Mossy Creek
Saturday at 11 A. M. Everybody
urged to notify your friends of
I this meeting. Don’t miss this
J meeting
There will be preaching atMossv
Creek Sunday morning at at Zion
at 2 P. M, by -ha pastor.
Sbuscribe For The Courier
Legal Advertisements
Notice 1» hereby given that 1 will in¬
troduce at the next session of the Gen¬
eral Assembly, which convenes on the
Fourth Wednesday in June, 193;, a
Local Bill of which the following is the
An Act to create a board of County
Commissioners of Road and Revenues
for the county of White, to provide for
the election and creation of said board,
to provide for the election of their suc
hessors, to provide for their terms of of¬
fice, to provide for a eierk of said board,
to provide for the appointment of a road
supervisor or engineer including his
compensation, to provide for and attor¬
ney for said board and for his compen¬
sation and how paid, to provide for the
filling of vacancies on said board, and
for other purposes.
This the 17th dav of May 1937.
C. H. Turner. Hep. White County.
Georgia, White County. .
Notice is hereby given, that a petition
of fifty free-holders has been filed in my
office asking that an election be called in
the county on the question of “Fence” or
or “No Fence’’ and that a counter peti¬
tion has also been filed and that this
counter petition has been met by twenty
five additional freeholders.
It is therefore, ordered that an election
be held on the first Wednesday in July
1937 on the question of "Fence" or “No
Fence" and that said election tie held
the same rules and regulations
elections for members of the
Assembly and that said election
held in each militia district in the
aforesaid (White) and that the ;
thereof be made to the under¬
not later than 12 o'clock on the I
Those voting for fence will have print¬
or written on their ballots “FOk
FENCE” and those vot'ng for stock law
have written or printed on their
All qnalified voters in the county are
to vote in said el-ction. Provided
all voters will be required to vote
their own militia district.
This the JOth day of May 1927.
8 . B. Logan, Ordinary.
White County.
Mrs. J). C. Westmoreland, having
application for twelve months sup¬
out of the estate of 1). C. Westmore¬
and appraisers duly appointed to
apart same having filed their returns,
persons concerned are hereby required
show cause lie'ore the Court of Ordi¬
of said county on the first Monday
July I927, why said application should
not tie granted.
This June 1 st, PJ27.
S. B. Logan, Ordinary.
WANTED: Man who is capa¬
ble of earning from #35 00 to
$150,00 weekly to handle national¬
ly known and advertised household
necessity. Prefer someone now
employed, who is in position to
furnish bond and automobile. All
correspondence will be treated con¬
fidently. ;
If interested, write
District Manager,
Gainesville, Ga., Box 119,
Bring all your blacksmith work
on to tny shop, as I have secured
the service of Mr. Sim Brown as j
my blacksmith. All kinds of auto
repair work done. j
J. L. Pepper,
(Saine’s Tie Yard)
exchange offering of new
N»tie« it giv«n of a new offering of
dated Juno 15, 1927. and bomring intoroot
from that date at the rato of IS P«*
coni. Tbo bond* will mature in twenty
year*, but may be railed for redemption
after sixteen years.
Second Liberty Loan bond* will be ac¬
cepted in exchange at par. Accrued fn- j
tcreet on the Second Liberty bonds of¬
fered for exchange will be paid ae of
June 15. 1927.
Second Liberty Loan bond* have been
called for payment on November 16, 1M7. '
and will cease to bear interest on that
date. Holders of »uch bond* who desire
to take advantage of the exchange offer
should conoult their bank or trust com¬
pany at once. The exchange period privilege
will be available for a limited only,
and may aspire about June 15th.
Further information may be obtained
from banks or trust companies, or from
any Federal Reeerve Bank.
Secretary of the Treasury,
Washington, May 31, 1927.
We pay dozen, sewing
bungalow aprons at home. Spare i
time. Thread furnished. No but¬
ton holes to make. Send Stamp. :
Cedar Garment Factorp, Amster¬
dam, New York,
I s
Why spend your money for a tire that is out-of-date, behind the
Buy the new tire—the 1927 tire—the tire that is proclaimed as
The Greatest Tire in the World
It’s the new-type All-Weather Tread Goodyear Balloon. It changes
all present ideas about balloon tire mileage. It gives positive traction,
protection against skidding.
No more tread pot-holes! No more cupping, and uneven, costly
wear! This new tire fixes that!
We have this great new Goodyear in your size. It costs no more
than old-fashioned balloons. See it today. You’ll understand better
why “More People Ride on Goodyear Tires than on any other kind!”
Dn rrett Motor Company
Cleveland, Ga.
Everything quiet down here.
Crops are looking very good
speaking. Of course our
looks a little bad, our best
is not up yet,
Frof, and Mrs. J. B. Simmons
attending summer sciiool at
C^uite a number of folks around
attended commencement at
Oh! good lord, if we just had
wings and were not too Dig a
we would fly across the
and let them French gals
us. Whooee! yum, yum.
one time we went plum off
New York afoot. No hold on.
we say New York? That’s
the p'ace. Let’s see what town
it? Why yes, it was Winder.
you are. Well, that’s where
went and there were not as
as a half a dozen “shemales”
us on the trip.
Well, there will be many a fel¬
found dead along the coast
a bundle of fodder under each
having tried to fly over to try
luck among the French
Some few around have seen some
weevils. We found one nest
the side of the mountain. They !
hutched out already and the j
ones were bringing in young
for the young onet to
The bean beetles had to put on a
crew. There’s so many they
all get on the vine at the
time. “Looks like sutnpins
We are requested to announce
the White County Singing
will be held at Town
church Sunday, June 12
invited and urged to
well filled baskets. Many
singer* will be present.
Mr. and Mrs. William Church..)
Miss Amur Stovall and brolhar.)
Farrel are spending this week in*
Mr. Frank Tatum, of Cornelia, 1
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
J. D. Tatum. !
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sl.eimit, of j
visited relatives iiere i
last Sunday. i
.Miss Mary Lee Tatum and Miss
Lois iiusiia, oi Toccou, were the
week-end guests of Mr. Mr. j. D.
Tatum and family.
We are sorry to say that Mrs.
Jack Sheluut is very ill at this
writing. j
Misses Ruth Tatum and Olamae
McCollum spent a few days last
week with friends and relatives in
Cornelia and Clarkesville.
Mrs. J. G. Johnson spent one
day last week with her daughter, |
Mrs. Ethel Stovall.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold McCollum,
Helen, spent Sunday afternoon
with friends and relatives here.
We take this method to thank
the good people who were so kind
to us during the short illness and
death of our dear husband and
father also our sweet little baby and
brother. May God bless each and
one of you.
Mrs. W. T. Dorsey and family.
Not long ago some one at Cler¬
mont boughr and turned loose nine
jack rabbits over there. One has
come and located in the outskirts
of Dahlonega, giving the ^°£> s
, here lot , or
a B
UggC '__|
; ’ 5
Fay Your Subscription Now 1
Wiley Dorssy Dies
Of Acute Indigestion
Mr. Wiley Dorsey, 51, died of
acute indigestion at his home in
Mossy Creek district, Saturday, at
1 i\ M. after an illness of two days,
Mr. Dorsey was a splendid man
:md a Consecrated Christian and
s P el,t greater part of his life in
this county, where lie was born.
His demise was a great shock to
the community and his many
friends throughout this section.
He was a member of Mossy
Creek Methodist church since early
childhood and was a loyal and de
voted member.
He leaves to mourn his departure
an a S e ^i father and mother, Mr.
ant ^ -'l rs . ^ - 1 ■ Dorsey, five sis
lers ’ ^ rs> J‘ck Ravan, of Leo;
Carl Halcomb, of Mossy
Creek district; Mrs. Tom Slaton,
of Greensboro; Mrs. Jim Adams,
of Lula . and Mrs , Moody GntHn ,
of Clermont; four brothers, Her¬
bert, of Leo; Albert, of Mossy
Creek district; Charlie, of Helen;
and Paul, of Dear Lodge, Mont. ;
nine children, two having preced¬
ed him to the grave, a widow and
a host of friends and relatives.
Sometime Saturday nighi his in¬
fant baby, George Rogers, i8 days
old, died. The infant lay in its
father’s arms when the two were
interred in Mossy Creek cemetery
Sunday. Rev. J. O. Burnett con¬
ducted the funeral services.
Dr. Kea! Operated 0a
For Appendicitis
Dr. L. G, Neal was taken witn
acute appendicitis Thursday night
of last week and carried to Dow
ney’s hospital its Gainesville Friday J
morning by Dr. W ... elchei , , , and , oper
ated cn Friday afternoon. He is
doing splendidly according to the
latest reports,