Newspaper Page Text
Sbe courier.
()final Organ of Whitt County, Ga
Published Weekly at Cleveland Oa.
- Jm. T. Davidson, Editor.
Kntered at the Poet >ftiee at Cleveland
da., ae second class mail matusr.
Membei Ninth Dintrict Press Associiinti
« Georgia Pres* ** ~
“ National Editorial
*’ Pres* Congress 0( The World
Subscription, * 1.50 per year
in advance
It is stated that
Coolidge Las many positions
ing him should he definately
cide not to ask for the
athe next republican
Well, nobody seems to
definitely what Mr. Mr.
meant when he stated that “he
not choose to run for president
i628,” He may still hold
present job, but we doubt it.
It takes the boys to find out
grows the best apples in this
The weekly parade ou the
palachian Scenic highway is
regular occurrence.
The many friends of Hon.
W. Wilkes, pnblicity agent of
Georgia railroad, in White
will be delighted to know that
enjoyed his 73rd birthday at
home in Atlanta Wednesday,Aug.
3 1 *
The Constitution come out Tues¬
day with an entirely new make-up
on the front page, but as far us,
we like the old dress a great deal
better on that great newspaper.
This business of bopping-off
some foreign land has become,
numerous that the migototy
may soon wonder, if they do such
a thing, if the season doesn’t
change often.
The South is looking forward to
at least 30 cent cotton.
Everybody is anxious to see the
new Ford soon to be on the mar¬
Governor Hardman says there is
no indication for calling an extra
session. We are mighty proud of
that, for we all need a rest.
The Editor is very grateful to
Hon. Sam W. Wilkes, of the
Georgia railroad, Atlanta, for his
letter to us regarding Cleveland
a modern hotel.
Colonel Wilkes fully presents an
unanswerable argument on Cleve¬
land being logically located for a
modern hotel. More than that, he
goes to the bottom and tells what
must be done to interest
capititl. Now, citizens of
land, these facts are before you,
what will you do?
The Courier has been persistent
in trying to interest our local
ple that Cleveland needs a modern
hotel, but to our regret we
not thus far received much local
encouragement. We have, how¬
ever, hud considerable encourage¬
ment from people residing outside
of Cleveland, Why is it outside
people are more interested in
Cleveland having a modern hotel
than our local people? Is it that
they can see further than our local
people? We were even asked the
other day if Rip N un Winkle did¬
n’t spend his time here. What
could we say in reply?
Now honest, we haven’t only
bean asleep, but we are still dead
asleep. Suppose we throw aside
our selfishness and arouse from
this slumber.
We will never get anything or
anywhere by being stool
and gro.wliug about some
town getting all the roads
making rapid strides in a
sive way. We must go after them
with a pronounced spirit of unity
and exile all the knockers if we
forward as other towns in this sec¬
tion. If you doubt that, wake up
Ung enough to get s glimpse of
the true situation atid see what
Cleveland has done for tha past 10
The Courier has gone along in
this matter in a gentle way labor¬
ing wholly unselfishly for the pro¬
gress of Cleveland, and only a very
few liavfe Jtold us that they too
wanted to see at modern hotel in
Cleveland, t . , , but . will ..... not be dis¬
couraged. Just a little local
couragement will keep us
ing away until Cleveland does
a modern hotel.
Mr. W. C. Henderson
Saturday evening from a two
day tour of Western North
lina and is highly enthused over
many modern hotels in that
of the Tar Heel State. He is
to take stock in a modern hotel
Cleveland to his financial limit.
The Courier knows that
capital can be easily secured
, local t people 1 •
soon as our are
ested. Mr. C. F, Saine,
ville, stated to us over a year
that he would subscribe $5,000 in a
modem ,50,000 hotel in
U«mC.N. Maloof and
^ye, o elen, a so stari^ to
(Courier that they -........ would » take stock ^
Now what will Cleveland do?
The Mrs. J. H. Hunt will case is
being aired this week in Hall
superior court. There is a brilliant
array of counsel on both sides, and
it is expected to be one of the hard¬
est fought esTitate coses in many years
The is estimated to
around $1,000,000.
Col. C. II. Kdwardi and Rev.
C. W. Henderson made
at the opening of Chattahoochee
High School at Clermont Monday
ol last week.
The legislature passed a resolu¬
tion naming Ernest Neal, of Cal¬
houn, Ga,, as poet-laureate ofGeor
gia, Mr Neal succeeds the late
Frann L. Stanton.
The citizens of Cleveland should
turn out en masse on the square
Monday morning and welcome the
motorcade as they pass through
Cleveland. We should at least do
that much in expressing our ap¬
preciation of such a distinguished
body of men passing through our
town. If we don't show our ap¬
preciation, what can we expect?
The Atlanta Journal is keeping ihe
__________________ mention of the public ____________ on travel
ing the Appalachian Scenic high
Cleveland was the first town in
Georgia to organize.
Paul Redforn, who hopped-off
from Brunswick, Ga., for Rio De
Janeiro, Brazil Thursday of last
weak, har been losf. The young
orator may have been compelled to
make a force landing in the Carri
liean sea or in the Amazon jungles.
Either is veiy hazardous, however,
reports continue to come in that a
plane has been sighted Over Orino¬
co delta in Venezula. He will be
“Lucky Fred” if lie is still alive.
The legislature just Closed cost
Georgia $146,284.68.
Bobby Jones won the national
amateur golf championship for the
third time Saturday. Bubby is a
very handsome young man. Ladies
he will pass through
next Monday. Belter be on the
squara and take a peep at him.
Since work began on re-soiling
the Appalachian Scenic highway
from Cleveland to the Hall county
line there has been paid out for
labor and teams to the citizens of
White county approzimateiy $3,-
500. They have paid approxi¬
mately $525 for soil. This has
been a great relief to the people of
White county.
Governor L. G, Hardman and
family are spending a few doys at
his farm in Nacoochee Valley,
Warran T. McCray, former
governor of Indiana, who has serv¬
ed three years of his ten year sen¬
tence in the Atlanta penitentiary
on a chvrge of fraud, has bean
ftii cLeVeland courier, Cleveland. Georgia.
Xocal' IFlCVPS
Mr. and Mrs. J,, M. House, Mr.
'and Mrs. Ert.est Southand and son
Benton, of Atlanta, visited Cleve
land Sunday.
f Mr. VV. L. Norton has been ill
| with . , cold , , this , . week.
Messrs and Tom Hunt are at
tending the Hunt will case in
Gainesville this week,
j Lightnsng struck a pine tree
near the dormitery Wednesday
afternoon and shocked Prof. A. W.
Ash quiet a bit.
Mrs. Waiter Stone is visiting
i LT‘ her parents, *"*‘ 7 ’"°!’ Col. and Mrs. C. H.
Mr. A. J. Jarrard has been ill
5 with dysentery since our last issue.
i Messrs Martin and L. B. Spertri
i f _ the , ... highway
Q state department, ,
0 f Gainesville were in Cleveland
! on business Tuesday.
j .. ... ' t L , T 1|1 '
: ' '
Life and Accident "*<»».»•
j company in
Chattanooga, Tenth, last week.
We are informed that Hall
ty will complete laying the con¬
crete on the Appalachian Scenic
highway from Flowery Branch to
the Gwinnett county line
thirty days. Arrangements have
also been made to extend the con
Crete into Buford. Hall county
wiH like! y extend the concrete to
j the Whi,e counl y !ine next > ear ’
Mr. G. W. Hummill, who is at
| the home , of „ his , . daughter, _.
Frank Carroll, is not recovering
horn his illness as fast , as it
iiopedhe would,
Mr. Gus Oakes, of the American
telephone and telegraph com
pany, of Atlanta, is spending a
few days with his grandmother,
Mrs. H. A. Allison.
Mr, W, B. Lumsden, of Nacoo
ob.. Volley, n in Cl.v.l.nd 0
, business . Tuesday. ,
Miss Jessie Davidson is spending
this week with homefoiks.
Mr. VV. C. Henderson and fanr
ily made a two day tour of western
North Carolina last week.
Dr. J. A. Sharp, president
Young Harris college, spent a short
time in Cleveland Iasi Friday '
his Gainesville. 1
way to
Mr - Grad y Henley returned
Mo “ da3r u!ter 8 P eniliu K a lew d “>’ 6
in ’ n Atlanta. Atlanta.
Mr. A. M. Dean is spending a j
I few days with his brother, Mr. W.
K. Dean, of View, who is seriously
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Allison, of
Decatur, are spending this week
: wit i, relatives in Cleveland and
Nacoochee Valley i
1 Air, Lester Faulkner’s mother
died after a lingering illness in
Jackson county last week.
Miss Mary Morris, of Atlanta,
spent a few days with her sister,
Mrs. Oscar Gillstrap, this week.
Mr. John Martin, of Atlanta,
formerly of White county, is in
Cleveland for a few days.
^lark and Aiiss Clara Lee
i returned Sunday to Atlanta
after s P e,ulill K la st week with par
ents ’ ‘^l f - and Airs. VV. H. Bell,
Mr. F. G. Bell and family of
Athens, spent a few days last week
with Mr. VV. H. Bell.
Have you paid your subscription ?
Hon. John N. Holder, cliairmrn
of the state highway board, will be
| in the motorcade next Monday,
i Mr. Holder has always been deeply
interested in the A. S. II.
Mr. Junior Skelton wrecked his
Ford coupe late Saturday afternoon
afternoon on the highway in front
of Hardman Park and demolished
his car considerably, besides re¬
ceiving a number of cuts and
The Xlen’s Broilierhood Class
went to Nacoochee last Sunday
after the banner, and they sure
brought home the bacon. This
class always has a good attendance,
and it should have, for it has one
of the best teacher in Georgia, Mr.
1 11. D, Wiley.
Legal Advertisements
Georgia, White County.
Will be sold before the court house
door in said county on the firet Tuesday
in .September I9S7 next, within the legal
hours of sale the following property to
wit: The entire stock of merchandise.
• drugs, furniture and fixtures and soda
fount and all property or goods now in
tbt brick store house of H. A. Jarrard on
the north side of the public square in
the town of Cleveland, Ga., as the prop¬
erty of Cleveland I>rug Company to
satisfy a mortgage hi Fa issued by the
Superior Court of said county on the 10th
day of August 1927 against Cleveland
Drug Company and in favor of the
Farmers & Merchants Bank of Cleveland
Ga. This August 11th, 192y.
W. A. Jackson, Sheriff.
Hubert Morris vs Laura Morris
Libel for divorce in White Superior
Court, October term 1927.
To the Sheriff of said county, Greetings:
The defendendant. Laura Morris, is
| by hereby cited and he required personally the or
attorney to ana appear at
; superior Court to be held in and for .aid
county on the second Monday in October
1927 then and there to make answer or
deftnsive allegations in writing to the
i.I.inur.lW,.,]» d.I.oli ib,„ollb.
aoo„ .m p.oeerf .ec.rtlo, ,0
qte in such cases made and provided,
Witness the Honorable I. H. Sutton
judge of said >
court. This the Sotli day
of August 1927.
J. B. K. Barrett, clerk.
Don’t fail to roead the notice of
the Big Sale at H. A. Jarrard &
Son Slore '
You are go,ng to m,ss something
if if you you don’t don t attend attend tnis tnis sale. sale. It is
, . .. ,, „ ,
now a u ast ror " 1
until late in the evening, or as long
as thete . are any customers,
We have just received a new lot
of dresg good6i notio ns, also a lot
of ladies l >um P" and stra P shoe8 ’
a,so beautiful » ew li,,e of me,, ’ s
black and tan oxfords.
We are selling shoes from 49
1 r p “ i ' up -_ Ev 7 ‘ h !"S« l
wholesale cost. This 1 sale will not
last , . long. Sept. 0 . 15th . wiH ... soon
roll around.
—— —
R >’ i,U raean,kuow your dentist
be,,er! We !,re liv,n B '» a fast
nge * S P end,ng Inindreds and
thousands of dollars on temporary
luxuries and pleasures giving very
liu|e attenlion to our health . These
luxuries and pleasures receive more
than their just due in dollars and
cents. Give more attention to the
health and care of the teeth. Do
not wait for toothache or cavity to
develop before visiting a dentist,
B * P u,ting U off > ou are doing un ’
told dnmage to >' our tee,h ’ >’ our
mou,h ->' our appearance and your
If you treat your teeth right now
they won’t treat you false later.
Children’s teeth examined free.
VViII buy all old gold crowus and
bridges, highest price paid. Office
in Barrett building,
T. J. McDonald, dentist,
Cleveland, Ga.
“Why'd yer take a milk-wagon Job7
There ain’t any chance to rtae?”
“Believe me there ta—at five o’clock
every mornln'l”
Geography Note
Why Greenland and Iceland dost
swap names.
la aomethla* that puaalaa me;
For Iceland'! greener than Greenland,
Greecland a the Icier, aee?
Perfectly Uealeee
Mrs. Newrlch (looking over house
plan)—And what'* this thing here go¬
ing to be?
Architect—That'* an Italian stair¬
“Just a waste of money. We prob¬
ably won’t ever have any Itatlaa*
mg to see as.”
Mr. Ed Crane, of Atlanta, was
up this way Monday hunting
Mrs. Will McRae, formerly Mrs.
John McGee, and two daughters,
of Eastman, Ga,, spent a few days
here last week.
Mr. Chap Bowen, son and son
in-law were out this way buying
cows. )
™ 1 lie next thing - tfie t
on program
after campmeeting will lie fodder
Mr. Litt Barrett, of Cornelia,
was over last Monday buying
milch cows.
Mrs. H. K. Phillips and Miss
Mary Curtis, of Helen and Roberts
town, respectively, were down this
way recently on business.
Some of us are thinking of ask¬
ing to be an oil inspector. Our
knowledge of oil is limited how¬
ever you can do like the rest of the
oily boys; O. K. everything that
comes under your observation and
draw a fat salary. After the para
goric. spoons and midnight squall
periods they freely gave you castor
oil in green apple time and kero¬
sene when you caught cold. You
took them for they were given in
September is here and the school
bells will soon be ringing for you
to come drink from the fountain of
knowledge that flows freely for the
rich and the poor. The door of
opportunity stands ajar and it all
depends upon -you whether you
enter or not. If you do not drink
from this great living fountain you
will be sorry some day. Where
there is a will there is a wav. In
former d iys it took money to get
an education but now if you have
willing hands you can work your
way through. Life is a battle and
all the tbroughful see it so. It be¬
hooves us to prepare for this great
battle during the plastic period.
Today is the day of preparation.
No time to delay. You must make
hay while the sun shines. It is
not all smooth sailing for difficul¬
ties will arise mountain high but if
your vessel is well rigged it will
surnount all these. All is not gold
that glitters but you area diamond
in the rough and now is the time
to be polished.
Time has wrought a great change
at Loudsville campground. There
were several noted characters there
in former days but there was a
clear call, an evening star and they
bav* crossed iht bar, There wen
CAPITAL $ 30 , 000.00
—Member Federal Reserve System
—Under United States Supervision
—We Invite Accounts Large or Small
T. H. LI TTLE, President,
W. T. BREWER, Vice-President,
F. M. REEVES. Cashier.
39C3QI iocaa
Real Estate For Sale
If you waet to buy a place with good house, store build
mg, good barn, good orchard, splendid community the
above can be bought right on easy terms, £ cash 1-2 and
3 years on balance. Will sell the entire farm, consisting
of 130 acres, more or less. Ift if suits purchaser better will
selli 25 to 30 acres off with house, barn and store houser
This property is known as .he Hughes Smith stand, and
is one of the best places in Georgia to do a nice business
also ideal place for service station. This place is in Lump¬
kin county, near Mt. Zion church, and is on the proposed
highway from Lumpkin county line to the Habersham
county line via Cleveland. If I don’t sell this place then it
can be leased to someone who might want to run a store
and station there. Everything is in good repair. Sea
T. J SMITH, Dahlonega, Ga
We are having some nice cool
weather at present.
Fodder pulling and pea picking
will soon be the order of the day
in this part.
Wonder what has become of the
Shoal Creek correspondent. Better
hurry up or you will get behind
time. Time is flying fast and it
will get away with you.
We are sorry to state that Mrs.
Henry Hunt is not anydietter.
That’s it good people, come
ahead and let us have a good Sun¬
day School at Hood’s Chapel.
Some people will stay away from
church because he has a hard feel¬
ing toward his neighbors. Some
will stay away from Sunday School
because some of his neighbors has
said something about him.
Everybody come to Sunday
School and let’s teach the young
people what is right and wrong.
Mr, Virgil Glover is now wear¬
ing his broad smile because the
road is not so sticky and lie knows
this week is campmeeting and he
will get a chicken leg.
Cotton crops in this part are
looking fine if clie boll weevil does
not get started.
Crosstie cutting in this section
has just about ceased. They seem
to think that prices are getting too
Weir Boyd, Newt Austin, Bit
Spencer, Lem Allison, Andersoi
Cantrell, Wesley Allen, Bob Smitl
and a host of othere whose voici
we hear no more. Several year
ago “Uncle Newt” prayed for at
earthquake to shake things up ani
sure enough there came one on thi
31st of August, 1886, which w»i
the most severe that has ever beei
before or since. “Uncle Newt’
was a quaint charatter and wiv
always present at all the publii
gatherings. Once during the camp
meeting they ate everything but at
old rooster and an old duck foi
they hid out in the swamp. Afte:
all had gone they came out. Ttn
rooster flopped his wings aot
crowed, “Lorenzo is gone,” ant
the duck quacked, “Betsy too
Betsy too.”
Adolph S. Ochs, publisher of the
New "k ork Times and the Chatta¬
nooga, Times, will join the Atlan
ta-Montreal-Quebec automobile
tour in Binghamton. N, Y,
Governor Hardman hat declared
next week at “Sweet Potato”