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When you use (saint use a color
that will harmonize with the other
colors with which it will be seen.
Pee Gee Color Selectors automat¬
ically solve this problem for you.
There are two Selectors, one shows
perfect color combinations for in¬
terior decorating, while the other is
for exteriors. You can have both
just for the asking.
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@ S ejector
New Color— ™ jjgpajrei
New Life- 'SsT . - J.
New Charm
Oftentimes a piece of furniture which you have
decided to put up in the attic or discard can he
transformed in a few moments to take on new life
and new charm simply by a change in color.
A good paint brush and a can of
PEE GEE Wonderloid
Brushing Lacquer
{• all you need. We have both. This remarkable
lacquer is the quick drying kind—ready to use in
an hour—it seems as though there is wide no wear out to of
it. And you'll be surprised at the range
attractive colors. Come in, we'll help you select a
shade that will go well with your other furnishings.
It takes just a tew minutes and the cost is small. wonderloid
H. Jarrard A & Son slee-Gauib^
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Cleveland, 6a
Economical Transportation
Dependability, Satisfaction
v and Honest Value /
A Few of our exceptional Used Car
Values “with an OK that counts”#
Chevrolet Touring, 11)2.1 Chevrolet Touring. 11)2(1
A real‘bargain for if 150 cash. Good tires; new paint job. First
:lass condition. Cash or terms.
Chevrolet Touring Dodge Roadster, 1027
Original paint, good tires; First class condition in every
thoroughly inspected and re¬ way. Good tires; bumper and
conditioned. Good buy for rumble seat. $1*5 down, balance
#.250 cash or terms. 10 months.
Cleveland Chevrolet Company
Cleveland, (>a.
Look tor the Red Tag with an OK that counts”
Conversion of Yankee Girl
Second cf Its Kind.
Bombay.—Considerable Interns! has
been a roused in the proposed "puvitt
cation" of the American girl. Miss MU
ler, in preparation for her projected
marriage to the ex-maliaraja of Indore,
since the ordeal is .said to he suffl
cientiy strenuous to prove an actual
hardship to many.
I'ixe years ago there was no recog¬
nized ‘‘purification" or conversion to
Hinduism. However, owing to Hit
ilopiali riots in Malabar ot 19U1-22, in
which thousands of Hindus were forc¬
ibly converted to Islam, the pride of
the orthodox Hindu priests gave wa.\
to the exigencies ot the times and.
with the consent ol the high priests
throughout India, a newly recognized
ceremony was settled upon and a defi¬
nite ritual drawn up
It is called the ceremonial of sacri¬
fice for the erratic, or Vratyu-Homa
Vklhi, us explained in the old Vedic
scriptures, if Miss Miller is convert¬
ed, it will be the second case of lids
kind, the precedent having beep es¬
tablished when poet or Ketkaf, Vh. U.,
of Poona, married an American girl a
few years ago and inter established
what is commonly known as Neo-Hin¬
Jn order to purify the vibrations ot
an Impure nature due to the eating "1
beef and other sins of like description
Miss Miller will have to live on u fruit
diet for three days previous to the
actual ceremony. On the day of the
ceremony she will submit to the first
purification bath, when the holy water
of the Ganges “ - y and Jumma are poured
o . accompanied by the
upon her head,
chanting of Vedic hymns and prayers. \
She will next be given the i’am-lm
Gavya, or the mixture ot the products
from the cow—milk, curds, clarified
butter, honey, and sugar—the whole
ooneoc hip being sprinkled over with
the stems of the sacred kusha grass.
The Sacred Fire.
The neophyte is next taken to the I
nearby sacred (ire, which friction bus been of j
specially lighted by the j
two pieces of sacred wood. Here, seat- :
,.(] on a wooden seat and dressed in j
pure silk, Hie will prepare cow’s milk, small place bails j
< rice cooked In
them in 4 spoonful of clarified butter,
mid give tiie offering to the sacred
After this the candidate for purifica¬
tion approaches another wooden bench
on which rows of betel nuts are nr
ranged on rice mixed with red pow¬
representing the ancient Aryan
Here she will take the obliga
of following the good path In the
ordained by them, (die will
be given a Hindu name, which
will write out with a diamond ring
in the rice grain spread out on 11
plate. The priest performing
tiie ritual next places the red kum
kunia mark on her forehead, thus
admitting her to tiie holy ranks
Indian womanhood.
The Hindu marriage ceremony be¬
gins with the Invocation to the ele¬
phant headed god Ganeseh, wlm
blesses all auspicious ceremonies and
events. The most important part oi
the ritual Is saptn-padl, or walking
around the tire In seven steps, the
husband leading bis wife, registering
the sacred vow, after having Invoked j
the seven sacred sages, symbolized by
the seven stars of the Great Polar
The Wedding Ceremony.
Before his marriage can become le
gaily binding the high caste Hindu
must solemnly promise: ‘I will not
transgress in religion, in prosperity,
and in passion.” The bride and the
bridegroom stand facing each other,
with a veil between them, while
priests chant Sanskrit verse., invoking
the blessings of all the world on this
union and throwing saffron colored
rice upon the bowed head of each.
Both the bride and bridegroom are
dressed in silk and both wear the man
davali, or chainlets of pearls, on their
foreheads. When Hie veil is raised at
the end of the chanting the . newly
wedded couple garland each other,
while the husband ties round the neck
of his bride the sacred mnngalsutra. a
necklace of black beads with a golden
leaf in tiie middle.
However rich tiie married couple
may be, this necklace is of the sim¬
plest character, and can be bought for
a couple of shillings in the market
place. With this final gesture the
couple are now declared man and wife
in the eyes of God and tiie law-. They
then join tiie wedding guests to take
part in the reception and tiie subse
qent days of feasting, which are fol¬
lowed with a grand procession, fire
works, and similar festivities.
Turks Greet Their First
Locomotive With Kisses
Amassia, Turkey.—In tiieir glee
over the arrival of tiie first train here
on the new Turkish-built Samsoun
Sivas railroad, scoreg of peasants
rushed toward the approaching flow
er-decked, flag-draped engine, scram¬
bled up tiie fender and covered tiie
steaming locomotive with kisses.
While lips loudly but reverently
smacked the dusty iron, peasant
women standing by shouted vivas for
Is met Pasha, Turkey’s prime minis¬
ter and sponsor of the republic’s vast
railroad program.
As this region is rich in fruits, es
peciaily apples, anil in wheat, Tur¬
key as a whole as well as the locality
will benefit greatly by the new trans¬
portation facilities.
of the
Noted Star of the
Pittsburgh Pirates, writes:
‘When I arrived at the Pitts¬
burgh training camp 1
noticed my brother Paul
smoked Lucky Strikes exclu¬
5 sively y and he explained why.
r You w ill agree that ive were
in a close and exciting Pern
riant race and it certainly
called for splendid physical
condition to withstand the
tax and strain upon one's
nerves and wind. Like Paul,
my favoriteCigaretteis Lucky
Strike .”
No Throat Irritation - No Cou gh
©1928, The American Tobacco Co., Inc.
Gainesville Iron Works
Gainesville, Ga.
Foundry and Machine Work
Engine, Machinery and Saw Mill Supplies
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And the harder the rubbing the better
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