Newspaper Page Text
The Editor has not been able to give his usual time and at¬
tention to the arduous yet pleasant duties of The Courier
this week, due to the stork visiting our home Saturday morn¬
ing und leaving a very sweet and lovely little girl to kindle
the home ties more closely and engender a deeper feeling of
responsibility than those heretofore resting upon us.
This new comer into our home has been given the name of
Barbaru Anne.
Yes, we can now sympathize with ’‘Walt” as he waited all
but patiently for the outcome of that trying ordeal.
The editorship of The Courier now has a deeper responsi¬
bility and we assure you that we will do our utmost to give
you a better newspaper.
She (tlcvelanb Courier,
Offtcta! Organ of Whitt County , Ga
Published Weekly at Cleveland Ga.
Jam. P. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at the l'oet ittlee at Cleveland
Oa.. hh second (daee mail matter.
Member Ninth District Pres* Associaion
“ Georgia PreRS “
44 National Editorial “
" PreM Congress 0( Tli« World “
Subscription, >1.50 per year
in advance
Colonel George B. Harvey, for¬
mer ambassador to Great Britain
in the Hurtling administration,
and editor of the North American
Review, wliioh he acquired sole
ownership in I899 and edited al¬
most continuously until he sold it
m iy 2 (>, when he retired from ac*
live work. Besides this widely
known publication, Mr, Harvey
was president and editor of Har¬
per’s Weekly, the magazine ht
used to further the candidacy of
Woodrow Wilson for governor ol
New Jersey and president and the
enthusiastic support of which be¬
come tlie direct cause of tlie en
strangement between the fiery
editor and the presidential candi¬
date. He is generally credited
with having launched Woodrow
Wilson upon the political seas.
Mr, Harvey fell out with Wood
row Wilson and was bis bittei
enemy. He opposed the League
of Nations.
Barron G. Collier, a wealthy
New Yorker and also a developei
of large interests around Albany
Ga., purchased the first bale o)
Cotton ruised in Georgia, which
was sold in New York City Iasi
week by Mayor Walker. The
proceeds went to At Smith’s cam
Some of the Smith’s in Georgi 1
may vote for Ai Smith, but Luther
Smith says he wont.
Rev. Billy Sunday, world-fam¬
ous fighting evangelist and dry
Crusader, made a stirring and bitter
attack on the presidential candi¬
dacy of Governor Al Smith before
a crowd of more than 5,000 at
Fairbury, Neb., Tuesday.
“The Democratic party has a
nerve to nominate a man who
stands for an institution of such
CU»sedness,”Jshouted Sunday in bo
well-known high, rasping voice.
Rev. Sudduy turtuer declared it
that vast audience : “This is i
day when people should forge>
party lines and vote for principles
“Al Smith lias about as much
chance of being elected President
of the United States as the Pop,
has of being elected imperial * iz
ard of the Ku Klux Klan,” br
He paid high tribute to memory
of William Jennings Bryan, and
declared if the former Democratic
leader were alive Smith “never
would he a Presidential Candida
date on a wet ticket.”
In our editorial comment of II.
G. Hastings, of Atlanta, being
made Hoover’s campaign manager
in Georgia for some unknown
that “membership of the Hoover
club carries no obligation beyond
that of supporting Mr, Hoover for
President in November.
Comes a card from Cleveland,
Ga.. reading as follows: “Mr. and
Mrs. James P. Davidson announce
the arrival of Barbara Anne on
August 18, I928; weight 8 r -4
pounds.” Welcome to our com¬
monwealth, Miss Barbara Anne.
I It was just about this time last year
that the Georgia Press Association
was adopting ringing resolutions
praising ‘‘Jim” Davidson for his
common sense in marrying “ a cer¬
tain party”to whom for some time
he had bean most attentive. If
Miss Barbara Anne had speeded up
her arrival a hit, the Georgia Press
Association might have adopted
further resolution at its late meet*
mg in Statesboro.— JamesB.Nevin
editor The Atlanta Georgian.
One of the clearest and most
wonderful interpretations of rules
two and five is given by Ed Mad¬
dox in his letter to Judge l nder^
wood, which appears elsewhere in
this issue. You should read the
comimui cat ton closely.
Hoover Fan
1% lyl /T«S. the MARY Republican LEAVITT, candidate sister for ot
A President, who used to cook
for him. She says he never complained
of the way his steak was cooked. That
Is another reason, she feels, that the
housewives should support him.
L©eal Maws
We are requested to state that
Cleveland High School will open
Monnay, September 3. We will
try and secure a list of the teachers
and publish in our next issue,
lion. Ciias. S. Barrett, president
the National Farmer’s Union,
Wednesday night at his farm
at Mt. Yotiah. Mr. Barrett stated
lie was glad to know that The
was on the side of the
Lord in the presidential fight.
Mr. II. J. White, of Washing
D. C., is on a few days visit
to relatives in Cleveland and
Mr. C, C. James, chief warden
the game and fish department,
informs The Courier that the squir¬
rel law opens Nov. 20.
The Macon News has come out
against Al Smith.
Mr. G. I). Adams, of Atlanta,
spent a few days since out last is¬
sue in White county.
Mr. J. M. Morris and daughter,
Miss Essie, of Atlanta, are visiting
relatives in White county.
Mr. Fred Palmer, Jr., of Ches
tatee, is visiting in White county.
Mr. John W. Smith, of Atlanta,
is visiting in White county this
Mr. Vaughn and Mr. Yar¬
borough, of Williamson, Ga,, spent
one night last week with Mr. II.
A. Jarrard.
Miss Sarah Mauney gave a social
Monday night.
Mrs. J. B, Bowling, of Blairs
ville, spent last Thursday night in
Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson
and Mr. John Hiester, of Colum¬
bus, spent a few days last week
with relatives in Cleveland.
Miss Christina Davidson return
home with parents after spending
several days with her brother,
Dr. L. (i. Neal, Messrs Robt.
Kenimer and S, L. Brown attend¬
ed the Ninth District Masonic
meeting in Cornelia last Friday.
Miss Jessie Davidson returned
to Greensboro, N, C , after spend¬
ing the week with parents, Mi,
and Mrs. Alex Davidson.
Al Smith made his acceptance
speech at Albany, N. Y., Wed¬
nesday afternoon.
Senator Curtis made his accept*
atice speech to the vice presidency
on the republican ticket Saturday.
Mr. W. O. Sparks, ot Hiawas
see, was in town lor a short time
one day last week,
Mr. Stanhope Rogers, of Blairs
ville, was visiting his cousin, Mr.
Paul Mauney.
"Mrs. C. II. Nelms,of Commerce,
is spending a few days with her
daughter, Mrs. Jas. P, Davidson
Messrs Frank and Charlie Car
roll returned Wednesday afternoon
from an auto trip to Washington.
1 ). C., Philedelphia. They slate
they had a most pleasant trip.
Fraternity pin at Mossy Creek
Camp ground Thursdao, August
16, with letters of Greek inscrip¬
tion, shield shape, gold pin will
enamel design.
Finder leave at The Couriei
William E. Wylain.
You Tell ’Em
George—It isn’t the amount of
money that a fellow’s father has that
counts here at college.
Gene—No, it’s the amount of the
father’s money the son lias.
On the Blacklist
The Producer's Agent-—This here
flllum shows married life as It ts.
Tlie House Mauager—It’d never get
by our local censors. Fight pictures
are barred.
Modern Dress
Wife—The seamstress says that she
can make a dress for me in less than
30 minutest
Husband—What part of it doe* aha
wasts to much Ua* ca.
For Representative
To the voters of White County:
•‘Uucle Tom” Iianie offers himself as
candidate for representative of
county, in the Democratic primary
Sept. 12, 1928. I’m ready to go or
to stay just as the good voters of
county say, I therefore pledge you
word and honor if I ain elected I’ll
der the best service that. I can in the
half of the county and state. I stand
the rights of the rich and poor, the
and low, the bond and the free.
my hand on it as your vote for me
will be appreciated.
T. J. Hanie.
P. S. I’ll address the people in differ¬
ent parts of the county as soon as possi¬
To tlie voters of White County:
I hereby announce myself as a can¬
didate for repaesentative of White.
I pledge you that 1 will vote and work
for the interest id’ White county to the
best of my ability.
Your vote and influence iri tlie state
primary, September 12 , will tie greatly
Respectful.y yours
W. J. Presley.
To the voters of White County :
I am a candidate for representative ot
White county subject to the primaiy
election to be held September i 2 , 1928.
If elected, 1 prom 1 Be to abide by the
wishes of the people of my county ac¬
cording to my very best knowledge and
Fred Palmer.
To the voters of White County :
1 shall be a candidate at the coming
primary election for state senator from
this, the IJ2nd senatorial district of Ga.
I shall base my candidacy solely on my
previous record as senator and repre¬
sentative and my fitness for the position.
1 invite all to examine that record ami
see if 1 did not faithfully keep and dis¬
charge the trust then reposad in me as
your servant, at that time.
It may be possible that 1 will not la
able to see ail tlie voters of the county
before the election but will see as man)
as I possibly can whether I shall be do
so or not, l will appreciate your support.
If nominated ami elected I shall give
my whole time ami best efforts to dis¬
charge of the duties the office imposes.
I shall not undertake to influence any¬
one’s vote either for state or national
candidates. I shall carry my own skillet.
Four fellow citizen,
J. W. 11. Underwood.
i'o the voters of White Gouty :
1 hereby announce m\self a candidate
for senator of the thirty-second senatorial
district of Georgia in the coming state
primary to be held September,
1 promise, if elected, to exercise rnj
best judgement in behalb of the interest
of all the people in ail matters pertaining
to this section and Georgia.
1 will greatly appreciate your vote and
influence in behalf of my candidacy.
Very respectfully,
J. 13. K. Barrett.
I'o the Vo’ers of tlie Ninth District:
lu announcing my candidacy for th«
Democratic nomination for election to the
;lst Congress, 1 desire to express my grati
tude to the people for their continued con
tidence, and I sincerely trust I may receive
*the unanimous vote of the people at the
ensuing primary, t shall employ my entire
time and best endeavors in tlie interest ot
the people individually and collectively, as
1 have tried to do in the past.
May 1 express the hope that every quai
itied voter, both male and female, will cast
their ballot for me this time regardless ot
tiieir attitude in the past. 'I’o receive ah
the votes cast will encourage me greatly in
my efforts for the people and 1 will try to
do my full duty to everybody.
My fondest hopes are and my most cher¬
ished ambition is to make myself worthy ot
the confidence of the people 1 so much ap¬
I shall visit all the counties before the
Sincerely yours.
Thus. M. Hell.
Our farm,located in Shoal Creek
District of While county, Ga., con¬
sisting of 120 acres more or less,
together with improvements there¬
on is for sale. Anyone interested
please write me at Winslow, Ari¬
zona., P. O. Box No. 773.
This is part of the old home
place of H. II. Bowen. It tun
some of the best land to be opened
up that there is in White coun.ty.
Some ot the timber is being re¬
moved now making it easy to put
the land in cultivation.
A. O. LaPrade.
Fay Your Subscription Now
A wedding of interest to
section was that of Mr. Pat
to Miss Audrey Black. We wish
them a long and happy life.
Mr. Paul Allison, who has been
working in Atlanta the past few
weeks is spending a few days with
Miss Floyada Hefner is visiting
relatives at Cornelia at present.
The sick in this section are im¬
proving some.
Mrs. Lyman Westmoreland is on
the sick list this week.
Miss Pauline Thurmond, who is
teaching at Laurel Hill, was visit¬
ing Miss Mabel Thurmond last
Mr. and Mrs. Iiarve Allison are
visiting Mrs. Allison’s parents, Mr
and Mrs, Perry Winkler, this week.
.Mr. and Mrs. Joe Black, of At
lanta, announce the birth of twins
Mr. and Mrs. David Dorsey,
were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Black las’ Sunday.
Misses lone Thurmond and
.Viable Price, of Rabun Gap, wert
visiting here recently.
Legal Advertisement*
Georgia White County.
Will be sold before tee courthouse
door in the town of Cleveland, said
county, on the first Tuesday in Septem¬
ber 1928 next within the legal hours ot
J sale to the highest bidder for cash the
following described property to wit: Part
of lot of land number 305 in the third
land district of said county, containing
60 acres of land more or less and de¬
scribed as follows: Commenoing at the
mouth of tlie lane and running the oh.
road to a corner of the Calhoun and Mt
Vonah orchard property, thence nearl)
north to the top of the ridge at the Cal¬
houn property, thence neaGy east alori^.
the top of the ridge to a rock corner a;
II. N. Clark property, thence north sail.
Clark line to tlie beginning point and be¬
ing the same land described in a deeo
from W. !$. Thurmond to W. E. Bell
dated February 16th, 1926 and recorder
in the clerk’s office of said county in
recordof deeds hook ‘"W” page 186 t«
which last named deed reference is here¬
by made for description herein.
Said above described property leviet
on as the property of W. L. Bell to sat¬
isfy two tax executions issued for statt
and county taxes for the years r.D 6 ana
{ 627 . Levy made by L. P. Faulkner.
L. C,of said county and turned overt*
me for the purpose of advertisement and
Also at tlie same time and place ami
on the same terms will be sold the fol
lowing described property to wit: Pan
of lot of land number 7.3 in the third lam*
district of said county and described as
follows: Commencing on the southeast
corner of said lot, thence north lOO rods.
thence west 100 rods, thence south toe
rods, thence east 100 rods to the begin¬
ning. Said tract containing sixty-tw<
anc one-half acres of land more or less,
and known as a part of the Almond Led¬
ford tract in Tcsnatee Militia district 01
said county.
Said last named tract levied on as tin
property of 0. S. Lee, guardian, to sat¬
isfy r tax execution issued by J. H
Campbell, tax collector of said county 01
the 20 th day of December j926 for statt
and county taxes for the year 1926.
Said tract levied on by L. P, Faulkner.
L, C. of said county and turned over t<
me for the purpose of advertisement and
Also at the same time and place and
under the same terms will be sold .tin
following described property to wit: AL
of lot of land number 28 in the fourth
land district of said county, containing
250 acres of land more or less. Said land
levied on as tlie property of Mrs. Han¬
nah Buekhannon to satisfy two tax ex
I editions issued by J. H. Campbell ta>
I collector of said county for state am
county taxes for the years 7926 and 192;
Also at the same time and place ant
| under the same terms will be sold tin
j following described property t~ wit: Twi
certain town lots in the tow n of Cleve
j land, Ga., and known and designated a
j lots Nos. 48 and 49 in Idoek “1 1 " of tlo
j Underwood sub-division of the town o
Cleveland as surveyed and platted by F
j G. Jones, whieu plat is of record in tlx
j elerk’s office of said county in record o!
(deeds book ‘* 0 *’ pag-s *210-31 and being
j same lots deeded to P. S. Dorsey by .1.
j P Saxon by deed dated Feb. 10th, 1916
and recorded in book record o 1
i deeds said coun»y page 2/9.
Said property levied on by Walter
Dorsey, L. C„ of raid county as the
property of P. S. Dorsey to satisfy a tax
J ti fa issued by J. H. Campbell* tax col¬
lector of said county for state a mi-county
taxes for the yeaa 1926.
This August 7th 1928.
W . A. Jackson, sheriff.
Subscribe For The Courier
Maddox Interprets Rules
Governing Yoters and Candidates
Rome, Ga., August i8th, 1988.
Hon. J. YV. II, Underwood,
Cleveland, Ga.
My Dear Sir :
J beg to acknowiege receipt of
your letter of the 16th instant, I
noticed the statement of Mr. How¬
ard to which you refer. I am en¬
closing you herewith copy of the
rules ot the State Democratic Ex¬
ecutive Committee, and call your
attention to rule five which pro¬
sifies that no person shall be deem¬
ed a candidate in the primary un
lass he is a “valid member and ad¬
herent of tlie Democratic Party in
both State and National Politics.”
The concluding clause of rule
eleven confers upon the County,
Senatorial and Congressional Com.
mittees the power to levy assess¬
ments and fix closing dates. This,
latter clause, to my mind, illus¬
trates the policy of the Party
which has uniformly been followed
by the Slate Executive Committee,
so far as I know, to confer exclu¬
sive jurisdiction upon local com¬
mittees in local matters the State
Committee retaining jurisdiction
only in matters pertaining to Stale
affairs. The rules of the State
Committee set forth generally the
Party policy, and it is and has been
my opinion that the proper thing
is to leave with the local committees
the question of handling the situ¬
ation in their own respective com¬
My own interpretation of rule
two with reference to qualification
of voters is that a person voting in
the September primary merely
pledges himself to support the
nominees of that primary. I base
this interpretation on the long es¬
tablished custom pursued through
a period of years in permitting
every white elector to vote iu our
primaries regardless of his political
affiliations in National affairs. YVe
have expressly or impliedly invited
all white voters to participate iu
our primaries and they have done
so for many years past, and the
effect has been that we have settled
all of our State and local matters
in those primaries, and there has
been no organized opposition to
our nominees, except in a few iso¬
lated cases. Rule two itself ex¬
pressly says that the primary shall
be conducted in accordance with
the customs of the party. In my
opinion to take an arbitrary view
of the rights of the voter at the
present time would be disastrous
to the Democratic Party, It is just
what many of the opposition lead¬
ers would like best udder the pres¬
ent situation and I agree with you
that it would likely result iu iude*
dendent candidates in opposition
to otir nominees from Governor
Personally 1 do not believe, how¬
ever, that any person should be
permitted to be a candidate in the
Primary who is not a Democrat.
There is a very wide difference be¬
tween the voter who merely seeks
to exercise the right ot franchise
and a candidate who is seeking the
honors of the Party and a position
of leadership in the party us a
party candidate.
\\ nii best wishes, I am,
Very truly yours,
G. E. Maddox
Chairman State Democratic Ex¬
ecutive Committee,
Subscribe For The Courier
Help 1 y
your Hens
Get them beck to tayln, with
Dr. LeGear’t
Ml* It with the feed. It not satisfied, you t i
»W be refunded. SOLD 8V
Cleveland—City Cafe
Helen—Helen Drug Co.
Naeooehee—P. L. Hood & Son
Turner’s Store—L. W. Turner