Newspaper Page Text
The United States
41,931 32 acres oE
land situated in
Dawson, Fannin, Number 1106 at
Gilmer. Habersham, Law
Lumpkin, l nion Proceedings to
and White counties, Condemn Land
Georgia, Morse
Bros, idumber Co.,
Blood Mountain
Lumber Co., et al.
J- M. Almond, Executor; Garnett
Ballew; Mrs. Lula Hallew; Clinch H.
Ballew; Isaac A. Ballew; Turner P
Ballew; Mrs. Sarah S. Ballew; Frank
G- Benham; Charles PI. Brcvnian, Pres- :
ident o£ standard Gold Mining Com¬
pany; Fredric A. Camp; William .1
Chastain; David F. Chastain; Henry
E. E!dridge: T. W. Feruald, officer of
Suteihpot t Extract Company; Andrew
Genii.-rt; N. YV. Cmmett, Mrs. Esther
Gray, Executrix; James Galusha; Ar¬
thur Gaiusha; Inyo County Bank;
('has. D. Matthews. Jr.; Mm. S. Morse,
president Morse Bros. Lumber Com
panv; McArthur ,t Sons Company;
Garnett McMillan; Mm S. Morse; J
Henry A. Patten; Mrs. Mary Pace |
Sterling Phillips; C. E._ Rowland,
President of Howland Lumber Com¬
pany; Milo D. Smith, President of >
Cobh & Smith Timber Company; Aug. i
11. Vogel; Fred J. Vogel; Mrs. Eliza¬
beth M aloof: Wm. S. Morse, President
Blood Mountain Lumber Co.; Cobb a;
Smith Timber Company; Standard
Gold Mining Company; .Janie Har¬
mony Brandt; W. A. Davis; Francis
C. Garmons; Howard H Gavmony;
Jasper J. Garniony; Ben. Harris; J. I
W. Lunsford-; J. II. McClure; Edwin
N. Cobh; George D. Crawford; Ben
Walden; Edd Walden; John Walden;
Linie Underwood; Kenneth P. Craw¬
ford: Stranleigh B. Crawford; Jitu
Walden; Mary Ann Lamar Cobb:
Newton Weaver; Guy Foster; Miss
.Fannie Bell Adams; Groves Stargei,
residences are unknown or
fa) The following persons or their
heirs at law: Mrs. Mary P. Allison;
S. A. Addison; Benjamin Allison:
William W. Alley; Boykin Aiken;
James ,W. Ashley; J. it. Anderson:
John Annistead; Warren Ambrose;
John C. Addison; Christopher Avery;
Seago Abbott; William D. Algors;
Marry Ann Anderson; John H. Aber¬
crombie; James H. Abercrombie; ("has.
Arthur; Mary Lois Alexander; Wil¬
liam G. Anderson; David Adams;
David J. Anderson; Sarah Adams; C.
C. Averett; Joseph Ash; David Atta
v.ay, Jr.: David Anglin; William An¬
derson; John Anderson; A. G. Ander¬
son; W. W. Anderson; Coleman W.
Ash; Daniel Brown; J. H. Brown; T.
If. Blake; V. H. Brown; Francis Bird;
Samuel J. Bryan; Mrs. T. H.
Blake; Pope Barrow; Virgil Bar¬
nard; James Boring; Joseph Boren;
Harris Brantley; John Blow, Jr.;
Freeland Buckner; McCager,Burnette; Brown; John lien
livman Biron; Janies
ton: T. A. Beck; William B. Beliney;
G H. Breyman; G. H. Bryeman; Car¬
ney W. Black; George Eli II. Baxter; Marcus
A. Bell; H Breyman; John H.
Banks; W. H. Baker; Patrick Butler;
James 3. Bullock; J. S. Buist; J. E.
Barnard; Isaac Butler; Jesse Burts; j
Richard Banks; William It. Busby;
James M. Bradford; James R. Butts; j
Joel Bryan; Nellie F. Brimberry; Wil- !
liam Denson; Laurie A. Bovd; J. B.
Bell; Phillip H. Buiford; Flora
Brown; Joseph Y. Booth; Henry Y.
Brick well; William Butts; George M.
Ballew; Joshua VI.' Ballew; John
Bland; J-. L. llnist; William Barnnett;
John Bryant; James Beasley; Ebe- -
nezer Bothwell; Bull Brannen; Joseph i
Burns; R. P>. Besaev, Charles F. Bet- j
ton; Dyer B. Bancroft; William Bur- :
den; fc. If. Brown; William M. Bo- j
Iran; Burrell Bailey; Stephen Bout- '
well; Addison A. Bell; Ida H. Beil;
Malinda Brock; J. K. Bearden; Harry
C. Brogden; Louisa M. Butt; James Boyd;
T. Bothwell; J. H. Bryant: AVyer
Ingram Bass; Samuel Burnett; Mary
Banks; John Benham; N. P. Brown;
J. T. Becks; John W. Bryan; Richard
Blackstock: John A. Bates; Hyman
Brvan; William Ballon; Joe Royal
Blackwell; Madison Barnett; James
Boyd; R. P. McDowell Boyle; Wil¬
liam Bo vies; Arch Bradford; John
Byrd; C. O'. Blalock; A. B. Bostwick;
Thommas Braddys; W. .1. Burts; Sam¬
uel Baker; William Bunion; R. E.
Burt; Margaret Chancey; Benjamin
Cleveland; Off. tfantadl; Benjamin
Cawdell; Emma I* Clark; Joseph S.
Clarke; Abel Cain: George Cathey; ■
Cvrus D. Craig; Thomas \V. Carr; Eli¬
jah YV. Carr; Florida C. Carr; Mrs. Jane
Carr; M. L. Conner: Lee Cantrell;
William A. Carr; J. Cartledge; YV. A.
Connor; William R. Cowan; James
Clarke; Robert Crum, James Cole;
Arthur Joseph Chalk; Green P. Co
start; Alfred C. Caldwell; Nancy Cole:
Martha Chastain;---Colier; J. YV.
Cooper; Richard Castleberry; R. E.
Campbell; Thomas Cobb; B. B. Crew;
James Cannon; A. S. Connor; Jacob
Caliihan; John YV. Carson: Isaac J
Colier; B. E. Cheney; Meredith B.
Caldwell; Matthias Caldwell; James
At. Clark: John Carroll; Martha Cop
iarnl; Alnrv Carder; R. Coulter; Mary Isaac Cain; Cheap- '1 ill
well; John Calffin; James
man Cox; Horace B.
F Cooper; William H. Cleghorn; Felix
Crawley; John Calahan; James Car¬
lisle; Marv VV, Cheatham- Robert Cn>
ven; Robert Cowen; .James Cross;
Thomas L. Cliugman; Isaac A. Clem¬
ents; William Casslin; James Conner,
Sr.; John S. Cleghorn; James H. Cox,
jr ; G. Coker; John Crosby; Joseph
Chester; Jacob Collins; Mar then Cars
weil; E E. Crisson; John C, Clarke;
Susan J. larky ; Charles B. ( Jingham,
H en ry d. Clayton; D.B. Carlin; James ,
N Cochran; Edmund Collins; Samuel
Crump; Iverson Carder; Benjamin
Culpepper; Duncan Cannon; Ledford
O. Corbin; B. A. Crane; Levi Clark;
William Corner; William Comer; Wil¬
liam Cox; T. G. Christley; F. C. Coch¬
ran- Hiram Cramer; James Chest¬
nut; Mary M. Clement; YV. W. Cain;
David Dickson: Surry Davis; Thomas
Dick- Sarah I>eBevoise; Asop Dotson;
Louis DeLorgle; Daniel 0. Dafford;
Tenv Davis; George Dnrin; Charles
F Duke; Mrs. R. P. Dempsey; Samuel
Denton: John Dortch; Milla Darnel;
Rosev p. Daniel; John G. Davis; G.L.
Dorman; Charles Day; Vincendier
Dugas, Jessie Durance; Thomas B.
Dorsey; Bennett Dooley; John Du¬
pree; Elisha Davis; Jacob Deck;
Moses W. Dobbins; Roger Q. Dickson;
John Dewberry; Martin M. Dye; Lo¬
renzo- Davis; Cable Dov.ney; Emma
Davison: Robert J. Dickson; Daniel
Davis; Thomas J. Davis; U. L. Dover;
Robert 8. Die.W r.-.on; c E. Davis; J.
M. Doth;: J. Dunn; Edward J. Dell
gal; Edward Dangler; L. D. Davis;
YViliiam D. Dickey; F. B. Davis; Wil¬
liam Dunn it’.-oi; S. i. Delemar; Davis ;
1 aw son; ,1 H. Dorsey; 1 -axils Del.eigh;
YViliiam Evans; Mk-ajah Estes; John
Eidsdn; i'nnuie A, Everett; John liteh
ison; Jam i-.wici!.: Daniel K. Edes;
Eli a Ftio i idgv.; Rt-lui en IS. Everiug
Uam; Lindsey KUberry; Janies Es¬
tes; Martha Evans: William Edwards;
Mrs. M. F. Lari; Esther Lydia Eiling
tonj YV. H. Lyv.y; P F.nvhoden;
Isabella F t,.-,; Thomas J. Eubanks;
Leroy Fieri wood; H. t-ortner; Robert
Foster: Rofieri Frankunt; YV. J. Ful¬
ler; Francis E. 1 - ..ling; William
Freeny; William Anna Freeny; Alary
Virginia Freeny; Mat-ia Alice Freeny;
John <> car Freeny; William French;
John Flowers; Simon Fraser; John
B. Fish; Henry Fodder; Aaron For¬
mat, i : .1. J. Fiiltlio .-; Rohr at. Findley;
C. ;D. Finley; william A. Findley; Al¬
len Findi.-y; i n Findley: YV. B.
Fry; Sarah A. Finds y; Ellen Foruer;
Joseph I- iuciier; ..-am Eulgham;
David !>,. Kiaa v. K. M. F.:.,iett; Elijah
Folsuin: John id an: William Fish;
Eliza bet h Kant; Rebecca Frederick; J.
I). Fields; Mucdak na Freeland; Lewis
Freeland; Asnle w s. Foster: T. N.
Flemiio a,, i-iaraii - . William
Free; John F. Fester; Garland Floyd;
Robert FE-iyev; John C. l-d-rroll; King
1' Fold ■ : Jia i Fi. : F, a, .s M. Fruity,
meil. Kil.o; Fosier; .larn-s Fowler;
George YV. Flinirnoy; John Gibbs;
Buveric (iutiony; Alim-r Glower; R. II,
Glenn; 1. P. Glover; j. p. Glover; John
Groover; la Key Green; Charles f>.
Griggs; John fii-a. 1 ; Richard Grist:
Robert Urines; 11. F Cess; James \V.
(iodkiu; James F. G.irrisim; George
Jriffin; Ralph Gaines: YViliiam W. Gay;
Robert, M. Gaw.-r; Edward Garlick;
i ewis Gaddis; tailing Glover; Joseph
Gariey; L. J. Gall; Thomas Guiledge;
James !!. (Iordan; Ann M. Uilgare;
John Gil'.i-.-rt; Iredell Gaddis; James
Gooch: Ji een ii. Graham: ]>. T. C.rif •
fin; H. D. Gariey; Edward J. Gellgal;
lohu N. Gaddis; William Gordy; Wil¬
liam Gordy; Osburn Garner; W. H.
Griffitb: Cornelius Goble; E. 0. Gran
niss; Caleb Greiison: James Gaddis;
Vv’ilev Gilineie: Jaob Gallihen; Dee
Tildei! Grin iii: 1. ,1. Hand; John YV.
Hanson; J. r, Harris; Tracy D. Hull;
Joshua Hat; lntoml; William Hunt; J.
C. Hood; I small Holcomb: Calvin J.
Hanks; Tits lophiltis T. Horsley; Isaac
Hicks; YVi Ilium Haynes; Jonathan
Haynes; ft. Humphries; Wyatt Har
per; Mollie R. H; .1. D. Head; P.
Haynes; John if -y 11 r. How
laud: Dyer c. 1-lou‘o; Edward I!. Hook;
Harper Hay; , j. p. H.-uson; Jacob
Hubbard; A. \\ , ihiisbaw; George YV,
llusigil; John Hodce , YV. L. Hobart;
Georg)' F. Hobart; Jesse Hanson;
John Hnwdep: ■ < IL.-lcriy; B ).
Jlutnphivs; (tuitteey Hay; AI. Head;
Harwell; Giles C. Hayes; Amos
YY'. Hamntond; YViliiam Heath; Thom¬
as Hunt; Hubbard P. Heard; YViliiam
Halady; N. J). Hand; Benjamin liar
good', Henry P. Hampton; A, S. Ham¬
ilton; Abram Howell; John P. How¬
ell; Thomas Hole ,v; T. j. Hill; Wal¬
ker 11 ndon: .1. L. Harris; Gideon
Holmes; Thomas Hi;, ginbottom; Er¬
win i-Iut.ohi.-son; fiat front; James
Edward-Horn; G. Hughes; Wyatt Hes¬
ter; John Ham; YY'. L. Higgins; Augus¬
tine II. Jlanseli; Samuel Hart; Moses
Hamilton; Emuuuel Hammock; Eli¬
jah Het-viant; 'Winchester Hull; Alex¬
ander Hawkins; Edward Haynes: .3.
E. Hicks; YViliiam Harris; James Hud¬
gins; J. P. Inibodex; William Iverson;
Hugh L. Irwin: Nancy Ivey; Seaborn
Jones; N. B. Jones: Louisa T. Jones;
Jonathan Johnson; Lemuel it. Jones;
Henry P. .tom-:;; Narhariah Jour
dan; Littlelon Johnson; Amos
Johson: John Jenkins; Jonathan Jet
fries; Henry Johnson; Hal L. Johnson;
James Johnson; Benjamin H. Jones;
■Samuel Jar!;; A. S. Jones; J. H. John
sen; J. Lamb Johuson; David S. John¬
ston; William U. Johnston; Gilbert
Jones; John Jordan; J. D. Justus;
J. [», Justice; Den L. Jones; Benjamin
James; James L. U. King; Mathias
Haggle; Washington Knight; Calvary
F. K nigh I; Zaeharialt A. Knight; John
Kendrick; .Anson Kimberly; William
A. Kain; Tobias Kepner; James M.
Killgare; Janm.- Key Kindall; Janies
Kitchens, J;nm a Kiilei-oise; Aloab Kir¬
by; Thomas L. Kliugman; Mrs. T. II.
Kepner; Sarah A. Kimberly; James
Kerr; David Knight; Hugh P. Kirk¬
patrick; William L. Lampkin; James
Lamb; Richard Long; — -— Dodson;
— — Hudson; J. K. P. Lance; T, J.
Lance: Peter Lawton; Willis T. Leon¬
ard; H. A. Lyon; William Lorrency,
.1,- ; John LaPt-ade; John D. Leonard;
VI. M Ledford; Simeon Lodge; Rich¬
ard Loyal!; Thomas Leavitt; James
S Long,: David M. Lanee; Tltomas J.
Lee; John Lindsey; David M. Landers;
YViliiam it. Long,; Joseph Leonard;
Wilibim t). Ltimsden; John B. Lee;
Peter Langster; Bedford Langford;
Emily Lee; C. H. Lain; Louisa Lee;
Albert Lee; Henry Lee; Daniel Lew¬
is- John Ungorfelt; David Loring ;
firs. C. V. Lynch; Benjamin Lamb;
YViliiam Leavens; — — Lark; Thom-
1.3 Lance; R. G. Lee; J. H. Lang; E.
L. Mason; Hudson Moss; William
More; B. If. Martin; it. 0. MaldotG
John Moore; John Mercer; Joel E.
y ereer; Leonidas B. Meis-ev; J. M.
Miller; (Ionaway Martin; L. K. Mau
uey; M. L. Munney; YV. 0. Martin;
William Murray; Newton Medill; Jesse
Moore; Thomas Matthews; Jeremiah
H. Moore; Joseph Miller; John Mor¬
gan; YViliiam Marell; Jordan Moore;
Thomas Mims; Aaron Mathis; Ephra¬
im Mathis; Joshua Mayo; j. F. Moore;
Thomas Moore; Alexander Martin;
William Maxwell, Sr.; I'. J. Mullins;
James Morris; John Ategahee; Thom¬
as YV. Miller; D. S. Monroe; W. C.
Mitchell: William Massell; Felix Mur
phv; Sarah Martin; Samuel Martin;
YViliiam Mann; YViliiam A. Mincey;
Reuben P. Mincey; Joint Mulkey; —
— Manning; — — Maharry; Daniel
Maioy; John L. Moore; J. < • Maddox;
David N. Martin; John Mavchment;
John Mat 1 ox; C ,-or.gc 3. Morris: Jo
s pi. M, McDougal; S. McCarty; Frank
AicGregOi-; Gorrtus McGaiUy; Daniel
Mclnnis; G. M. Me' 'irniack; B. P.
McCormack, H. J. .McGinigall; J■ L.
McAllister; Airs. N. A. McLendon; D.
r McI 4 » iv iilin ' Archibald McLaugn
Mi; Sarah Margaret AleFarlin; McFarland; V. YV. A. AIcDer- H. Mc
med; Stephen McPherson; YYnllian.
(■j a -ivs- AIcGrogan; Thomas
XicBurnt ; Frank Alc.Lendoh; W.
jr, N McGairan; Dennis G. McNelley; Madison
McAfee; YV.
McAlpin; Archibald AIcGarity; James
VcKrearv Archibald McCollum;
Thomas G. McAfee; A. F. McDonaid;
s; m McClennan, John McGahee,
iienjamin G. McCloskey; Daniel
3. McKay; Alex.
Charles Matthews; K. C. Mtu
d. K Main; Michael Moan;
•fames If. Nabors: J. H. Nichols,
George Newton; Dame! Newton, E. n.
Newberry; Newton; Chas. P. North; Hannah
YViliiam Nettss; James Nes¬
bitt: Ephraim Nolas: James Norton;
Jordan Nelms; Gideon 0. Norman;
YY i liant Nixon; Herbert Newton; J.
Lipscomb Newton; James Norris, rir.;
William J. Nance: John D. Overstreet;
Roland Osborne; YY'. C. Osborne; John
Owen; E. B. Owens; John M. Osborne;
J. B. Owen; John Overstreet; Zentma
O'Neal; Nancy O'Kelley, Alary Ogles¬
by; Janies Batt Owen; John O'Neal;
Rosetta Owens; J. I). Phillips; G. I).
Phillips; Benjamin F. Patton; Joseph
YV- Pharr; Andrew P. Phillips;
Eli A Phillips; George H.
Palmer; Charles A. Printble;
J inathan Palmer; \\ tlliam Pace; An¬
drew D. Phillips; Charles Price; Wil¬
liam Pipkin; Flora McKay Peterson;
A.lbef* 1 u Pitner; Samuel Pennington;
Robert Pvidger; YV. W. Price; James
Pop we 11 : F. T. Polhill; Samuel Pock;
Hurry D. Payne; Chesley Pearson;
John D. Paradise; John Palmouv; SVy
iio t'. Pantoni; Mary Phillips; J. P.
Parker; J. .\1. Parks; John Prather;
John M. Patterson; J. L. Patterson;
William Proctor; YViliiam Peck; YVy
i G. Phillips; Mart her Pitner; YVll
- gun C. Perry; J, H. Patton; William
i'ark; David L. Pew; J. P. Powell;
J. 1. Powell; George YV. O. Powell;
Joseph D. Parish; William Pelley; Sol
I'almour; John A. Parker; Lewis
Porks; James 1), Potter; A. B. Par¬
ker; R. E. Pierce; Wayne Phillips;
I'homas Peeble; W. C. Parramore;
Tltoutas Pate; Joseph Phillips; James
Ramsey; Alex ltoberison; James M.
Rauzce; S. C. Rhodes; Peter Red¬
dick; Allen Rigsby; H. H. Ridley :
James A. Ramsey; YViliiam Rider;
ihomas YY. Revie; H. P. Redding;
i’homas Rantsey; Jesse Robinson; Jo
st>p ; . Rider; Jessie L. Riley-; H. YV.
Riley; E. J. Read; Emanuel Ray; Ste¬
phen Higdon; S. T. Higdon; George
i. Rodgers; Phillip H. Rttinford; A.
Reed; Martha Rolmck; Phillip Rouse;
John ii. Rttinford; A. Jieed; Martha
Kobuck; John Philip Rouse; Rogers; Joint Albert P. Rob¬
son; C. L.
Richardson; YV. C. Rafferty; .losittia
Sutton; John Sutton; Cornelias A.
■Swords; Thomas Sumter; T. YY'. A.
Sumter; John Sprague; William F.
Storey; Larkin Stephens; Mary Sea
b~ilt; Thomas S. Shormuu; William
if. Shelton; Stephen E. Spears;
Asia A. Stanley; Jonathan Smith;
John T. Stanctll; John H. Situs;
Jacob Sims; Riel M. Stancil;
L>. 'i Silve.v; L. A. Simmons; Samuel
M. Street; D. C. Sutton; E. T. Sutton;
James 11. Shellnut; Sam Smith; A. J.
K. Saffold; James C. Steele; YViliiam
Smith; Willis H. Stevenson; B. M.
Smith; Eason Smith; N. Stephens; E.
Schryver; Cecelia Schryver; George
Stain-il: John L. Self; Sarah Stancil;
Friuli S. Seeword; Thomas Sattnda
fur; Jacob Streker; Joseph Stover;
Jacob Smith; Howell Spell; Simeon
Strickland; J. Smith; Charles H. San
'ers; Solomon Streckland; Raymond
Sanford; William Stover; Reuben
Seals; James Asbnry Sledge; Peter
Sea bolt; John C. Self; John M. San¬
ders: James Seabolt; Scan Smith; J.
g. Se:.s; Lawson Saine; Henry
Strickland; .1. N. Swift; Thomas L.
Swift; Henry Stair; James G. Swaim;
M. L. Smith; .1. H. B. Shackleford;
Lewis Spinks; Joint Simmons; Eliza¬
beth Stringer; Seaborn J. Safford;
William (). Safford; Rolin YV. Stevens;
IS. Stallings; Ephraim Schley; Samuel
A. Street; Moses Sadler; A. D. Shack
i'-ford; Henry F. Scott.; Susan Simms;
William Spikes; Leonard S. Steed;
J. V-, Sauteil; J. S. Senter; Joel Ste¬
phens; Casper Self;* Dimly Stover;
John Silrmitt; Arthur StHtesberry; J
j. Stargei; William Shaw; Owen Spur¬
lock; Stephen 11. Smith; Slntgas Seat;
W. AL Shivers, Jr.; Alfred T. Star
gel; Sail: E. Shipp; John Skinner,
Jr.; John YV. Smith; Charlton re
Smith; Jacob H. Smith; A. F.
Sherwood; Thomas Sanford; Al¬
len Seago; B. VV. Swanson; E.
AL Swanson; Ami F. Sherwood; Sarah
j. Senkbeil; John J. Todd; Osborne
Tilley; Mrs. L. E. Tumble, Thomas
Turner; George YV. Tiirrentine; Eliz
abetf Tilley; Henry Turner; Martin
tiller; Mary Cain Tilley; Elizabeth
Tant. YViley C. Taiitom; James Twtl
ley; James Thigpen; Thomas Tate;
George YY. Turner; Thomas Taylor;
A J. Taylor; W. J. Tucker; H. C.
Thompson, Richard F. Travis; YV. P.
Turner; ilryant A. Tindale: Absolem
j’hornton; John R. YV. Thompson;
James !<’. Thompson; Joseph Tltotnp
son; John Turner: Sarah J. Tucker;
Susan Agnes Thomas; George Dud¬
ley ihomas; Burwell Taylor; le
Li- Taylor; Davis M. Thomas,
Thomas Tribble; Levin YY. Tall; O.
f. Thomas; David D. Torvin; Joel
Thompson; Reuben Taylor; John 'Ii
con; John I. Tatum; Marmaduke T.
llnderhall; A. F. Underwood; Gay Up
■inirch; David Vincent; James Visage;
A. B. Vandiver; Isaiah VandetTord;
>1. H. Vau Dyke; Dyer B. Vancroft;
R. J. Williamson; John Walden; Jo—
;: nli I. Walton; Barsaha Wright; J,
p. vYeilborn; Samuel Williams; James
Williams; John Woolfolk; Prairie
Walker; Samuel Warden; YViliiam C.
Warden; V. M. Whitehead; John Way,
Sr.; Sarah Walker; John Whelchel; C.
F. Willbanks; Mrs. John West; YV, K.
Williams; Mary Whitaker; C. L. Wil¬
liams; Charles L. Williams; Asa
Weaver; Thomas Wilson; Stephen
Wells; Jacob Williams, Sr.; Doran
Williamson; John Woody: .). M. Wil¬
kins- Littleton Williamson; Eliza YYal
lace -’ Matthew Whitfield: Curtis Well¬
born; It. It. Webb; Margaret YVooley;
Yada White; YV. J. Worley; Bever¬
ly Walker; YV. M. Waters; Moses
Whelchel* M. 3. Wilkins; Joshua
Winn; J. N. Wilkins; W. B. Wilson;
Walter S. Wilson; Sam M. Waters;
Eliza S. Wilder; Rebecca Williams;
H White; Douglas C. Watson; Sam
m l Walker; Priestly E. Willis; James
Wilkes; L. L. Wittock; C. J. Well¬
born; Daniel Weaver; Lucretia Will¬
ingham; P. O. Whittaker; Joint Webb;
Henry H. Wells; Miilicent Wright;
Nancy Wynne; Samuel Wilson; E. C.
Walker; Thomas Wesley: McPherson
B. williams; S. G. Williams; Lucy
YVindham; William Warwick; Mini
Wall; Joltn Wilcox, Sr.; West Walker;
Harimrt VVheelts; F. M. YYilharos; J.
H. Worley; Graham Williams; John
G. Washington; William YVatts; E. W.
Watkins; Fred Wright; Pickens E.
Willis; Moses Wilkes; Mary Ann Wil¬
liams- Josephine Woody; Sophia
Young- W. M. Yarbrough; Philip
Young; Ellis Yates; Y. Abercrombie;
Trttmer Baker; YY’heeter Baker; Hen¬
ry Banks; George C. Barber; Richard
M. Beavers; Henry Bell; Dapiel Blake;
YViliiam T. Bowden; Samuel Brat;
Thos. L. Brown; Sarah C. Butts; Pun
can Cameron j Clenneth Oat roll; T, O.
Castleberry; Stephen Caudell; Chastain; Cas
sander Chambers; Martha
John Chester; John 0, Chester; f- K.
Clark; Archibald M Collum; John
Craig- F. J. Craig; Alfred B, Davis;
Charles A Davis; John Davis; Wm. D.
Davis- Sarah IteBensies; J. C. Dowdy;
Hiram C. Ducket; Emma S. English;
James Estes; J. B. Floyd; Elijah Fol-
spm; J. II. Fortner; Robert Franklin;
Jos. B. B. Frankunt; Sarah J. Fran
kum; YVni. Free; Robert Galusha;
Samuel Garrard; James Gregory;
George M. Griffin; James li. Grizzle; H.
Hampton; Groover; John M. Harniss; T. Haines; Hiram
Hatch; Arvit M.
J. F. Head; Charity C. Hicks;
Z. A. Hicks; Jasper Holcomb; B. S.
Holden; J. S- Johnston; L T. S. Jones;
William H. Jones; James O. Justice;
Samuel C. Kirby; Lewis Landers; J.
M. Lang; B. D. Langford; James Law;
Reuben Lawsom; Wm. Lunoipkin;-Bev.
A. Martin; Fannie K. Martin; G.onoway
Martin; Martha C. Martin; YY'in. Mar¬
tin; Charles F. Melius; Elizabeth Mil¬
ler; Mason Miller; W-attau Moldev;
Wm. Moore; Wm. Moss’ Orphan; Mi¬
chael Moss; F. J.. Murray; J. C. Mc¬
Connell; Thomas McCune; Thomas It.
McGahau; Daniel McDowell; G. M.
MeGnire; Joseph McKee; J. YY’. Mc¬
Millan; Robert McMillan; .lessee
Oaks: Lewallen Oaks; John M.
Osborn: Henry A. Patten; John
Pahnour; N. N. Pendergrass; C.
D.. Phillips: Robert Pope; John
W. Reece; Edward Rhymer; James
M. Rowzee; Jolm M. Sanders;
Daniel O. Safford; F. M. Scott; John
Seabolt; Wm. B. Shelter; John C.
Sheppard, Henry Simmons, John Sim¬
mons; Jolm Simms, John H. Sims, L.
W. Shackleford; Wm. Shaw; Ami
Sherwood; A. F. Sherwood; W. M.
Shivers, Smith; Jr.; James H. Shellmutt; Em¬
ily E. Irerm B. Smith; James
F. Smith; James S. Smith; AL C. Stal¬
lings; Alex J.. and A. B. Stanley;
K. Stance); YV. c. Street.; E. S. Sut¬
ton; J. E. Tate; Alice Temple; Wm,
Tilley; Bryant M. Tindale; Alfred
Trammell; Robert P. Tucker; YVaiker; Elias
Turner; Elijah J, YV. Walker; L. B.
Wallace; John M. YVate; Heurv
F. Welch; J. W. YVike; James Wilkes;
Elisha Williams; James Wilson; J.
Me Wood; Wm. YVorwick; Hamilton
Wynne; Nancy Wynne; James Jones;
J. B. Temple; Mattson Miller; Frank
Harris; Chas. A. Robinson; J. S. Sose
bee; Harvey J. Stancil; Mary M. Stan
cil; Mrs. Lula Ballew; Garnett. Bal
lew; Turner P. Ballew; Mrs. Sarah
5. Ballew; Mrs. Mary Pace Ballew;
'■Ti V. Stancil; George W. Stancil; G.
VV. Satterfield; Hamilton li. Garmony;
Maud YValden; Helen 1). Moll; Frank
Searcy; John Duncan;
(1 | The following named corpora¬
tions, companies, partnerships, agents,
their heirs, successors or assigns: An ¬
derson and Jones; Alexander and
Thomas; Adams Land Company; Bag
well and Gower Manufacturing Com¬
pany; Consolidated Gold Mining Com¬
pany and of Georgia; Georgia Gold Mining
Power Company; Gower Manufac¬
turing Company; Henderson and Van
dergt'iff; Hall Merchandise Company;
Hyatt; McBuruey & Company; Look¬
out, Mica Manufacturing Company;
Miller, J. M., and Company; S. Alaier
and Company; North Georgia Mining
aid Investment Company; Ohio Trust.
Company; Schryver and Hobart; Un¬
derwood and Phillips; The American
Freehold Land Mortgage Company of
i ondon, England; Dinkins, J. C., &
Company; Trustees Oak Grove Meth¬
odist Episcopal Church or their Suc¬
cessors; Piedmont Land & Lumber
Company; Oaky Mountain Lumber
Company; Nisbet, James A., Trustee
or Successor; K. D. Ervlne, Agent;
Howe-Adams Land & Mining Compa¬
ny; McArthur & Sons Company;
To all and every person unknown, or
notj yeHidctiW Who claims any described right,
title of interest in said
lands, or the funds which may he paid
i;;to whether Court as a result of this proceed¬
ing, under or in right of any
of llte above named or otherwise;
duired ad admonished to take notice
that the United States has filed a pe¬
tition in (lie District Court of the
United Slates for he Northern District
of Georgia, Atlanta Division, to con¬
demn in Dawson,
41,934.32 acres of land
Fannin, Habersham, Lumpkin, Union
and White Counties, Georgia, being
In the land lot« and districts of said
counties as follows, to-wit:
Parts of land iols 24, 33, 25, district
6, White County, Georgia; parts of
land lots 37, 38, 71 (which Jap oil frac¬
tional lot 19. district 5), district 16,
section 1, Union County, Georgia; land
lot 127, and parts of land lots 109,
111), .124, 125 and 126, and all of frac¬
tional land lots 128, .129, ISO and 131,
district 4: and land lots 32. 33, 34, 35,
36, 101, 102, 171. 238, 239, 310, 241,
164, 24, 25, 91, 181, 292, 220, 221, land 22g
and 256, district 5, section 1; and
lots 314, 302, 298, 263, 278 and 240;
and parts of land lots 312, 313. 300
303 and 332, district 6, section 1; and
land lots 1117, 3118, 1119, 3120,
1321, 1158, 1359, 3 160, 1 161, U03.
J181, 1165, 490, 556, 557, 489.
493, 351, 2. 3, 67. 68. 09, 72. 73,
139, (i ami 65, district. 32, section 1:
and land tots 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,
40 43, 102, 103, 104, 305, 106, 107, 108,
109, lift, 111, H2, 113, 114,
115, 11(1, 173, 174, 175, 176, 377,
378, 179, 180, 1H1, 182, 183, 18a, 186,
387, 188, 189, 190, 243, 244, 245, 246,
247, 248, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 258,
259, 260, 261, 262, 317, 318, 319, 323,
324, 325, 326, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332,
333, 334, 386, 387, 388, 390, 391, 392,
393, 394, 389, 398, 399, 400, 401, 403,
403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 458, 459, 460,
401, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466, 467, 468,
409, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 47o, 476,
477, 478, 479, 480, 526, 527, 528, 530,
531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 536, 537, 538,
539, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 546,
547 548, 549, 550', 551, 552, 553, 554,
555, 599, 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605,
606 607, 608, Si 610, 611. 612, 613, 615,
616 617, 61 619, 620, 621, 622, 625,
070, 677, 678, C8o, 681, 683, 686, 687,
688, 690, 691, 692, 693, 694, 747, 749,
750, 751, 752, 753, 755, 7«6, 701, 702,
8‘>4 825 42 759, 903, 895, 896,
1040, 1049, west, half of 1048, 1047, 1192,
1793, H80, 1052, 818. 819, 820,
K38 071 071, 697, 098. 595, 596, 597,
628 1286. 1288. 1158, 1086, 1000, 939
1007, 1009, 1010, 1079, 1084,, 930, west
half of 827. and parts of land lots
321, 322; 327, 482, 748, 764, 457, 408,
335. 851, S52, district 11, section lj and
land lots 177, 155, 175, 173, 319 and 340,
and parts of land lots 100 and LA, dis¬
trict 15, section 1. Lumpkin, County.
Georgia; and land lots 58, 146, 147,
214, 200, 261, 283, 265. 280, 332, 333,
210 130. 143, 144, 197, 198, 70, 4. 5. 63,
64, 65. 74. .138, 189, 202. 203, 206, 20..
and 192, district 5, section 1, Dawson
Countv, Georgia; and land lots 23, 34,
35 57 and 63, and parts of land lots
t0,’ II, 12, 13, 69, 16, 70, 17, 29, 18, fi 19, t, 65, 24 t.O 26. and 32.
33, 56, 58. 59, 21 and 30.
67. and fractional land lots
and parts of fractional land Iols 20
and 22. district 6, White and Halier
sham Counties. Georgia, and fractional
land lot 28, district 11, White and Hab¬
ersham Counties, Georgia: and land
lot 45, and part of fractional land lot
i.9 district 5, and land lots 31, 600, 667.
668 702, 703, 704, 721, 726. 727, 728, 736,
737, 73S, 774, 775, 778, 784, 785, 786,
787, 788, 789; 790, 791, 792, 793, .794,
797, 798, 799', SOT, S02, S07, 80S, .809,
810, 811, 812. S13, 814, 843, 855, 844, 815,
846. 847, 848, 849, 853, 854, -858,
857, 858. 859, 830, SGI, 862, 803, 877’,'STS; 864,
805, 800, 870, 873, 874y-875, SvG,
879, 880, SSL. 882, 922,* 8S3, .884, 910,-917, 94f,
919, 920, 921, 924, 925, 926,
948, 949, 950, 954 , 852, 953, 950, 957-, ■
958, 959, 989, 99.0. 9V1„ 9^,.993, 995,
996/ 997t 998. 1018, 1019; l02tl,U027,'. 1020,
1022, 1923, 1024, 1025,
1059, 1060, 1061, 1032, 1063, 1004, 1005,
1066, 1068, 1069, 107.0, 10.71, 1095,* .1072, llT97, 1088,
1089, 1090, 1093, 1094',,
1099,' 1133, 1134, 1125-, 1170, 1120, 1137, 1138,.
1140, 1143, 1105, 1166, 1172, 1205.
1206, 1207, 1211, 1212, 1237,-123S;T344,
1246,-1247. 1248, 1240,-1250, .J2.74j.J382, .
1283, and 1284, and parts of land lots
385, 783, 815, 872, 960, 1090,1144,1145,
1 107,. 1168, and 1171, 1202, 1303, li, 1243, 1375,
1245, 665', district section 1;
and land lots 1, 2,. 8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13, 14, 15. 16, 17, 18. 22, 23, 24,
25, 26, 27/28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 30, 37,
38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 40, 47, 50, 51.
53, 54, 57, 5S, 59. 61, 65, 66, 67, 68, 71,
72, 73, 74, ,5,-78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 85, 86,
87, 88, 89, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96 97, 98, 113,
117. 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133,
135, 130 and 137, and parts of land lots
55, 39, 100, 107,. 114, 115, 116 and 171,
and fractional land lots 19, 21, 34,35, IS,
49 and 90, district jig section 1, Lump¬
kin and Union Counties, Georgia; and
land lots 122, 123'a'tul 151, district 5,
section 1, Lumpkin and Dawson Coun¬
ties, Georgia; and land lots 194, 195,
202, 203, 204, 205, . 228, 232, 233, 236,
237. 238, 267, 26.8, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273,
ami 304; and parts of land lots 201
and 231, district 6, section 1; and land
iols 27 29 39 and 40 district fi sec
tion 1,. Lumpkin, union and tannin
Counties, iuin.O| Georgia; f-j it* , and land lots 90, .i”,
91, III 125, t-.r, 120, tvi: 127, 1 160, 1 itn 161, 162, IK*. 163 )!’.'■ and mill
164, district 6, section 1; and land
lots 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 47,
48, 49, 50, 51, 56, 87, 117, 118 and 156;
and parts of land lots 88, 110, 157, 184
and 185, district 5, section 1, Lumpkin,
Dawsdn and Fannin Counties, Georgia;
all of said lands aggregating a total .of.
41,934.32 acres, more or less, and be¬
ing situated in the State of Georgia ami
being known as the lands of Morke
Bros. Lumber Company and Blood
Mountain Lumber Company, et al, as
shown and described in Exhibit "A,’’
attached to the petition.
This matter will be heard in the
United States Court Room at Atlanta-,
Georgia, on the nineteenth (19th) day
of March, 1929, at ten o’clock A. At.;
If you or either of you have any
righls in the premises, or desire to
p.i.'mr l tmu\\nd%lmre , e mak/know,,
( to
your objections, if arty, your claims
as to Die value of the property, or
your respective interests therein, or '
in the funds arising therefrom, or any
other matters material to your re¬
spective, rights in the property sought
to he condemned; otherwise the Court
will proceed as to law and justice may
In witness .whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed the seal of
the said United States tvnwt at- At-,
lattlu, Georgia, thin the 9th day of
February, 1929. j
(Seal) O. C. FULLER,
Northern xi ku u ^d-SRttes District, of.Qsoj’gia,.
By C. 'A'. foeGFlHWDWify rtmfc ....
,v ... f .
c o p o a a o c o a-dixinatp-ab a-a-c* .-*«■> a
r-Thwe has been, .miicii'’ s(k*, :, u- (
liilion as (o (he original appli
eution ill' “•halter” in '-‘mad ks &i
a hatter.’’ H is (d-obniil.v-^nei-p' ■
I.V a. corctinihqi pf.’TijJdec’i ■in- i $
Ihe older phrase ‘‘nyid* allufes-'S as uii S
adder,”- wlii'ch (J.viVuAv
g In lo Ihe Hie nsfenietmiKi ostentatious manner-nn menneOsn--S
g which the adder shoiys nVigej 0*’
5 iri'iiiil'bii. .In A.ngIo-S:ix,<>t(,,aiul:
g Old Efiglisii'“tiiad” 'was' used in'
§ the of -ftfrtoRh> angry,’:(imi-*
even venomous,. and ,it is- jcl-Hf'
widely used for angry in Eng¬
lish dialect, as well as in the
United States. OjigihaRy Putad ■
as a hatter” meant vop' ..augi’j
or furious; now it is more fre¬
quently' used Hit tfie sense <S
violently insane. .There j’ofutold js jiroli v
aii'ly no (rutIi in the
story that the ’pliraYe oHgitmliy ■ 1
referred, Jo a .crazy iial-nmk-er j
who was elected to Hie English
parliament frohU ftiiutiiwn'i'l; in |
the early part 'toft lie '-.Nineteenth |
century. It is sometimes stated | i
that ”mad -fts A fthdiAr’' w(ts first !
employed, in .1893, by Clmrles
Lntwidge*Dod^siRi in ‘‘Alice In I
Wonderland.” That is incur \
reel. The plirase was used by |
Thomas Chandler Ilalihurton in
“Tlie Cloekinnicer; or Tlie Say¬ j
ings and Doings of Samuel
Slick of Slickville,” which was |
first tmblished between 1837 and
1810. Ilalihurton wrote: “Sis
ter Sail . . . walked out of
Hie room, as mad its a halter,”
Tn 184!) William .Makepeace
Thackeray wrote* in “PemL-.t
tiis”; “We were . . . chaf
ting Derby Caks—until he was
mad as a hatter.”—Pathfinder
Why .ave Nine Live* |
The saying Hint a cat tins nine I Wes j :
is very old. It was proverbial long
before Shakespeare's time. The idea
was probably suggested by the tael
that a cat is more tenacious of
life than niosi other animals. Those
who 11av-e undertaken to kill oats ap¬
preciate that fact. Attempts have
been made to trace the origin of the
common' expression hack to anclenl
Egypt. It is often said tint! Psisht, or
Haslet, the • Oat headed goddess of j
Egypt, had nine lives, and Hint this
circumstance 'gave rise to the old say ¬
ing about a eat having nine lives. Bill
Egyptologists find t>o evidence far tlie
statement. In fact, Bastet, being a
goddess, would be regarded as im¬
mortal. Nine, however, yvas a favorite I
number In Egypt; as well ns with ,
other orientals, and it may have some- j
how been associated with the cat- -
headed goddess.—Exchange,
!m:Jrov£f ! Uniform International
j ! .
, I Lesson*
I (By REV. £\ B. FITZVATKR, D.D., Dftao
M 6b J y ‘ £$ f fi I fc f n f h t *t f e bf C t’i f ca Rfo;) '
, ((C), iV 2 «>, VTcfstern NlTjv»f>afr>«r 'Uirfcj*.)
i Lessou»fpr March *17
Matthew I2:l-S.
GOLDEN TEXT—For the Son of man
I* Lord even of the Sabbath Day.
JUNIOR TOPIC— God’s Day, Sunday.
IC —Keeping the Lord’s Day.
IC—The Lord’s Day in Modern LIf
The designation “Uhristians Ss
bath" is a misvuuner The word ’‘Ks
bath” has u definite meaning it si
nilies rest, cessation from action
When God had finished Hie heavens
and earth, lie desisted front creative
action (Gen. 2:1-3). Since God’s cre¬
ative wort; was completed in six days,
( He [u , ceased front n-mn notion m-mm on on the me seventh sevemn
j ' wllidl WJIS therefore called the
1 Sabbath, , , or Lost ,, , I ay. ... live definite . „ .
I ohjecis may lie assigned to the Sab
i ball):
j J. To commemorate tlie work of
j creation (Gen. 2:3. cf. Ex. 20:11).
j 2. To keep alive the knowledge o’-
1 the true God. Creation witnesses o'
n creator. Keeping Hie Sabbath id
mind kept in mind Hie creation, and
the creation made real (lie Creator
3. A forward look to the time when
man shall enjoy full fellowship with
God (lieb. 4:1-10).
4. 'i'o Israel it was n sign of the
covenant between them and God
(Dent. 5:12-1.7).
0. ft mis ntttde for man’s well-being
.(Mark 2:27).
At least - while man’s earthly condl
^'rtlnuos, the Sabbath is needed
to keep n ptoper balance between ills
body and his soul,
I. — The Fourth ~ Commandment (Ex.
1. Obligations enjoined (20:9, 10).
' (1) Work through six days (v. 9).
The command to work six days is
just as binding as (lie command to
rest (lie seventh day. In fact, there
cut! be uo rest unless there first be
(2) Rest (in the seventh day (v. 10)
There must be cessation from all
work on the Sabbath. Since God guv:
(lie example and.then sanctified tin
day, II should be kepi holy, it
not only to give relief Rv the physical
body but lb,be ay-time wln-a man’s
' thought, wop Id be. iprned. to God. If.
designed* ,
was' to” keep fresjt. fn. his
ftiinii *ff)«^"fcon&$Sfshe8S*-of' God nfid*?.hjnppn spirit*should fiod’s .
be refreshed ,bj . the. Study of .
'Word. ' *' '* ' * '
2: iWw iflt+s- 1 e'oinfrhtifAnehrSta^ be
brolvon. v .. , . ■ »’’*••
(1) 'v By •’•>. engaging v ia .Jnbor or piij’sn
This .
bnsifiess interests on sacred,
^ f
(1 a Y’ ‘
, ^- .devplrng it,-to AiTn.tsotS(i|ifs. .
. wa^designed to ^ceeg freslt
mind the coitsciousuess of God. ,
<ft)-TAN’ muktugdt ti-day ’df feasting.
If. The Son Of Matt'JsiC'ard of
The (Aijitt, l^:l-§) disciples # r .-plu.ckipg •-» #-.
jfprnTv. 1. hungry *’ . *
l)t” " ' '
; ’I’+iis- look place en tlie J 6abbatb *dat
'(ftid. bei;ai).ie-ijie occasion;for criticism,
2. ” The tharisees finding fault Jv. 2)
They Ssserfed lit n’t t'hrlst’s disciples
were lireaking' the lavv, 'when in real
•if.v (hey, were ouly. violating the tradi-i
lions wi'fh "whicit the law was encum¬
bered. The I.ord’s purpose in Institut
ipg-Hie Sabliatli was to conserve man's
highest interest and contribute to Ids
happiness, If is extremely unfor
Yunh'te when human tradition is ele
vhted above the YA'ord of God.
3. Christ’s reply to Die cavils of the
Pharisees (v. 3-8).
In this reply He shrewdly answered
the Pharisees and pressed His tran
sceudent claim ns to the dignity of
His person. This claim moved them
to plot His death. As to His claim,
(1) He is greater than their great
est king (v. 3, 4). David, when re¬
jected, was forced to do that which
was unlawful for him fo do (I Sant. 1).
Because they had rejected the one
greater than David, ihe plucking of
the ears of corn became a necessity.
(2) He is greater than their sacri¬
fice and priesthood (v. fi). If the
priests-, because of their position and
services, could violate the Sabbath
laws and be blameless, much more the
One greater than they in performing
His work of sacrifice and redemption
for them should be considered gullt
less. He was fhe true sacrifice and
(3) lie is greaier than Hie temple
tv. (i). ’flic temple, with all its gor¬
geous rites and ceremonies, was typ¬
ical of Christ. Mueli more then did
He have (lie rigid to do what He did.
(4) He is greater than the Sabbath
(v. 8), because He is Lord of the Sab
Great Task of Happineu
If was for the joy that was set be¬
fore Hint that our Lord endured Ihe
Cross, despising the shame. The joy
of die Ascension is but an echo of
the joy of Bethlehem, and the task of
Christ was one “great task of happi¬
To Gladden Our Heart*
Love’s ciflings often precede His
liftings. He sifts to get rid cf the.
chaff, and He lifts to gladden our