Newspaper Page Text
you;* \x\i. No. 28
,Ius( from (he Mountains.
The school entertainment :it
Y'fmahy OUiil.iy iiiuht was well ni¬
ton lieii.
Mr„ Roheif Caveiuler, formerly
of Snake River Idaho, win in lilis
section lately.
..J-ohn'Nmil h’> old steer cot hot
the other day and rofu-ed to pull
the plow. They tried to toll hint
up’.with (fodder, bran ind corn.
Finally he took the shovel and
coVriied him up with dirt, except
his fiend da inf jrn/tts. The 11 he put
a brush pile on the lap-of the dirt.
He set the brush pile ulire. That
steer’rose with a bawl and hoisted
his tail, arid is still running. I'lley
will have to set lite to .Mr. Smith
so he ran catch that steer
£he weather as we go to press
is ^r'et-fino ,r little dry but is plenti
“Sweet heart on l’urad” has just
struck A'sbeVtos. All the old maids
are now taking setting up exercise
[ulm Smith’s wile says the hard
est t lung to do is to scratch her
light elbow with he: right hand.
Try it and see,
Nancy Hawks says the trail'll’
problem will be solved it they keep
raining the [trice of gasoline.
John Iloover’s wife who runs
fl tpper shop i, now showing some
snappy transparent stockings this
week. John Hart goes a mile out
of his way every morning to take a
look at them.
Everything now looks like we
m im a*ow got ug T«s taive a*wuiusu-f#l V
early spring. Stand back winter
and let iter come.
A timber famine is not tar in
the distant future. Now “Lucie
Saur’sees where we are drifting to
and is now buying up the timber
land. They claim this land is in
be a great playground. In a few
years he will be selling a big price
and lie will take pictures of these
trees to sell to those who have
never seen trees. In this respect
we are drifting in the same way as
China. They destroyed the trees
on the mountain’s and now they
are washing down. There has not
been any su list it ute found lor wood
cross!ies yet. The people have to
have wood. ll you have forest
laud think twice before you cut it
down. Wood, spare that tree.
General Auto Repair Work,
have opened a general auto re
r shop at Rocky Branch, ^miles
•th of Level and on the A. S.H
.York done cheap am! all guaran
d Come to se me.
Rocky Branch Garage,
G. R. Abernathy, Prop.
I’tirm Land For Rent
30 acres; 20 acres fine bottom
land and 10 acres good up land.
Owner will furnish stock it
Good house on place. Jixcelent op¬
portunity for good than.
II. F. Miles. 4J miles, East of
Cleveland. Blue Creek District
Why Saptize Babie*.
t is held by those churches which
ieve in the baptism of Infants that
Old Testament covenant was ap J
■able to all members of the family.
m the youngest infant to the oldest
n. They believe the New Testament
e’nant is equally to be applied and
t baptism is the sign and seal of i
ticipation in this covenant. It is j
this reason that most Christian
irehes baptize infants, at the same j
e requiring their parents to obit-j
e themselves to bring the children)
in the Christian faith.
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and industrial Interests of White County
llmv often one hears it,said:, “1
could have been as gieat as he, but
was never given the opportunity.”
What is this wonderful thing so
trequeiitlv referred to audio whom
is it restricted! Apparently, some
believe that it is a gift offered to
only a favored tew who, immedi¬
ately upon receiving it, are borne
upward by its wonderful qualities
to the height of fortune without
further effort upon their part. Too
often,those imbued with such a be¬
lief wait patiently with idle hands,
contentedly dreaming <>i future
success, each confident that the
God of Chance, at whose shine
they worship, will choose him as
tlie. recipient of that wonderful
gift by which he will enabled to
reach the height ot "tame. Thus,
1 hey dream on. Daily tasks, forced
upon them through the necessity ol
living, are lightly regarded, held
held in compempt, and accomplish¬
ed with no other thought than to
end them in the quickest and easi¬
est way possible. As time goes qn
and old age creeps upon them, the
dreams lade to replaced by the
realization of wasted lives. Em
hilled. disillusioned, cyncial, they
cry of the cruelty of fate.
Too late they- leaned that oppor
unity is not a gift but the rev ard
ol preparation and tireless send) ;
that success is not a certain but
only a possible result of opportun¬
ity. As a swimmer who has Hot
trained is unable to get out in the
channel and forge his way against
the current, but must be content to
stay near the shore among the
driftwood, likawise, the man who
has not prepared himself to battle
with the current of life must drift
aimlessly with his fellow idlers and
seek sustenance from the tidbits
that come within reach. It is not
there that opportunity is found,
t hose who would grasp it must get
out in midstream and have the
determination and preparation to
battle on up stream where lies the
goal towards which it leads it leads
— H-—Scottish Rite News Bureau.
Miss Annie Glen spent the week
end at Clarkesvilte with Mrs.
R bodes.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Allison and
children anil Mrs. Eula Allison
visited Mrs. Cainpqell Sunday.
Mr. S. B. Logan and son, Simp¬
son, are in Gainesville this week.
Mrs. R. B. Miller and son,
Robert, spent last week in Decatur
visiting Mrs. R, M. Matson and
Mrs. C. S. Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bu'eSl, of
Atlanta, spent the week-end with
Mr. James Glen and children.
The Women’s auxiliary will
neet at the church Tuesday after¬
noon, and after the meeting will
begin the study of the Book of Acts
Mr, Hartley Davis, of Augusta,
[tent last week-end with his sis¬
ters, Mrs. E. ]’. Mallory,’
Georgian Near Death
In Suicide Attempt
Gainesville, Ga., April S.—
(■’sunk Ilollifield, a resident ol
Lumpkin county, shot and critical¬
ly wounded himself Sunday after¬
noon at the residence of his broth
er-m-law, Ben. Willis, near D.iw
- oiville. He was taken to Dow.
ney hospital and is not expected to
recover. He is said to have ex¬
pressed regret at his action.
is by train. The safest. Most com¬
fortable. Most reliable. Costs less.
Inquire of Ticket Agents regarding
greatly reduced fares for short trips.
The past few days pretty weath¬
er has made the farmers wear a
new smile, which we hope will
coni inne.
Several iron) this part attended
preaching at Town Creek Sunday.
Mrs. Marion Ja.ikson spent
Saturday night and Sunday with
relatives at Helen.
Mr. an<l Mrs. Clarence Wright,
of Gainesville, was visiting their
sister on Tesnatee last Saturday.
Several from this part attended
preaching at Cleveland Sunday
Rev, J, M. Nix will preach ht
Hood’s Chapel the Second Sunday
in April at 11 A. M,
Naoooehee anti Saiitcc News
Mx. and Mrs. J. L. Clark anil
Mrs. Frank Abernathy were
shopping-in Claikesville Friday
Miss Annie Glen spent (he week
end with Mrs, II. \\ . Rhodes in
(Mai kcsville Friday.
Miss Emily Edward*, of Blue
Creek, is spending this week with
her sister, Mrs, Carlton AHev.
Messrs Jesse and Frank Aber¬
nathy, of Rnhertstown, were visit¬
ing relatives in the Valley Sunday
The friends of Miss Lillian
Cason are glad to know she ts able
to he up altei being quite ill with
Rev. J. M. Richards, ofCtnrkes
vdle, is visiting in the Valley,
.Mr. and Mrs. Bart lliltou, of
Toccou, and Mr. and Mrs, Andre.w
Hilton, of Atlanta, were visiting
relatives in the Valley Friday.
Mr. Charlie Carroll, of Cleve¬
land, was in the Y'alley Friday,
soliciting orders for automobiles.
Mr. C. S. Anderson is in^Alhin¬
ts, where he has accepted u posi¬
Mr. and Mrs. Chitwood, of
Habersham nounty, were visiting
in 1 lie Valley Sunday.
Mrs. Frank Abernathy, of
Robertstown, spent last week
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J.
L, Clark.
Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Lydia and
Mr. and Mrs. C, M. Loudermilk,
of Mt. Arty, were the guests of
Mrs. Bessie QuaiIlebaum and Miss
Lillian Cason Tuesday,
Mr. W. L Hood and Mr. J. I,
Sutton were in Claikesville last
week gn business,
Mr. George W. Westmoreland
and family have moved back to the
Y'alley from GainekviUe. The
Valley is a good place to Jive, and
we are glad to have them hack
Several people in- (hit? section'
are attending court at Cleveland
this week.
Honor Roll Helen School, March
1st Grade Douglas Burke and
John Johnson. 2nd Grade Na¬
dine Dye, Moiitine Sims, Wilburn
Burke Dick Adkins, John Adams.
3rd Grade Pay Palmer) Mildred
Perdue. Irene Sims, Florence Nise
wonger, Inez Burrell, Irene A her
nathy. 4 th Grade Imogene Day
and Louise Holcomb. Jjih Edna
Adkins and Louise Perdue. 71b
Iris Dye, Bernice Simmons, Aus
line Wilson, Nelle JLoggsns, Alary
Moore, Mary Perdue and Nora Lee
Burke. Sill Grade Enid Allen.
r. j. McDonald
Office in Barrett Bldg. All woik
The school entertainment at
Yonah Saturday night was enjoyed
by all present. Music was furnish¬
ed by Paul Elliott, Jack Vandiver,
Bart lilack and Mrs. Sylvia West
Mr. PuulEiliott and family spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Newt Blalock.
Mr, and Mr:, (jus Dorsey and
Mr. ToUie Jackson were in this
sectidif Sunday.
Mr. Oscar Allison and family
are moving back from Greenville,
S, C. They are going to move
to Mr, 1 Jesse L'hurmond’.s™pl.iee.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Allison left
Tuesday morning for Atlanta
where they will make their home.
Mr. jG. V, Hefner is scraping
the rof&ts in tins section this week.
1 TgHRi
Sunday School at Yonah is im¬
proving nicely. We had the hug¬
est crowd Sunday \ve have hud
this yea/. Let’s try to make this
year tft# best yet.
OAKE& chapel news
¥ v
Mr. i ad Mrs. pm Allison,
a of
Clot ketTyi fie, visited Mr. and Mrs.
C^uiilifirbSheSnutt, , Qj-tg ot l ’m i Grove,
Spent Sftmiay with Miss Mary l.on
< Ajili'' v,
Miss Shelnult is Cubing
friendtfftuW^tbhilive* i» Carolina
C :*W,
Lester Stovall arid
a**- Hint Ruby,
spent •.W. Handiiy 'with Mr. and Mrs.
VT 1 Freeman.
Mrs. W. R. (, Tatum and
Wtimer and Hubert, of Cornelia,
visited Mr. and Mrs. ). t). 'Tatum
Miss Ruth Tafum spent Sunday
with Miss Cora Lee. Freeman,
Mr. and Mr*. Iry Mayfield and
■Hid. children, of Lula, spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. 11
Mr. and. Mrs. Edgar Smith, of
Cornelia, visited relatives here
We were xoiry to learn of the
death of Little Christine Shelnutt
who died lush* Friday. She leaves
10 mourn her departure a host ol
relatives and friends who have out
deepest sympathy in their bereave¬
Several from l ere. attended the
singing at Bethel Sunday.
White Superior Court closed
Thursday afternoon after disposing
of. a great number of cases.
The-Grand Jury reported 43 true
bills, . 'Their presentments will ap¬
pear in the -/ next issue ot The
Courier, in their presentments re¬
garding the Tax Collector’s office
they have left.the matter of settle¬
ment up to the Ordinary, who will
act after April 20. 'They set forth
that unless seUlernent is made in
accordance with the audit and the
finance committee report by the
Tux Collector by that dale the
Ordinary is requested to employ
competent counsel and bring suits
against the Tax Collector and his
bondsmen for any shortages. T.
V. Cantrell, W. B. Robinson and
J. F. Glover have been designated
to assist the Ordinary with settle¬
The Jones case and the Johnson
case was postponed.
Walter Botin w is found guilty
kidnapping niid lias asked tor 11
new trial. The suit ot A B. Mob¬
ley against C: C. ftliri Mrs. C. C.
fa trued resulted in favor of the
plaintiff, new trial bus been asked
Bills were made for Frank Allen
and Sam Cuntrell U r murder.
Placed under $2 joo bond.
Loans and Discounts, 107,208.22!
Cel I ill cities of arid ;
bonds and Stocks owned 5,444 97 ;
Furniture banking House and Fixture*. and Lot 2,026.05 |
9,775.70 i
Other Heal Estate ..... __ 1,620.00 j
Cash in vflult and amounts due
from approved Reserve
Agents —....... ... 21.Stil.8lS
Checks for Clearing- .nut due
from other Banks .. _______ i.'h (if.
Cash Items 266.50 '
. ________
Overt) rafts Resources....... (if any}________________ 228.80 ! j
Other __ 280.9;
Total. _______141,567.13 j
Personally appeared before the undersigned, an officer authorized to administer
oaths in said county F. O. Matiney who, on oath, says that he is the Cashier of
the White County bank, and that the above and foregoing report of the condition
of said bank is true and correct. F. (5. MAUN BY. Cashier.
Sworn to and subscribed before me. this 3rd day of Arpil. 1928.
D. <?. HEAD, N. P.
We tins undersigned directors of said hank, do certify that we have read said re¬
port , ami that t he same is true and correct, according to the heat, of our information,
knowledge and belief, and that the above signature of the cashier of said hank is
the true and genuine signature of that officer.
I’his 3rd day of Arp. 1929. j. \V. H. Underwood J. H. Telford, Directors.
Loans and Discounts . 92,164.95
banking lloueo jmd Lot__ 3.399.71
furniture and Fixlun*____________ 1,174- /0
Other Real Estate.__________ 3,311 85
Cash in vault and amounts due
from Approved Reserve
Agents __________________ 88,031.35
Overdrafts, if any . r ,__ ......
Atty. Fee ............ ........30.00
Total .183,794.49
Personally appeared before the undersigned, an officer authorized to administer
oaths in said county M. .1. Willinius sv ho, on oath, says that he is the Cashier of
the flank of Helen, and that the above and foregoing report of the condition of said
hank is true and correct. M. .1. WILLIAMS. Cashier.
Sworn to and subscribed before, me, this full day of Arpil., 1929.
Arispab Allison. N. I’., State at I.atge.
We. the undei signed directors ot said bank, do certify that we have carefully
read eaid report, and that the same is true and correct, according to the host of our
information, knowledge and belief, and that the above signature of the cashier of
eaid bank is the true and genuine signature of that officer.
This 10th day of dan ., 1929. C. N. Maloof, T. It. Henderson, Directors.
HH I.l l ' i nTu i i ir 4 rxT ll'irTri? 7 i~~trk~rif^ 3 qrfi 3 TrT i ~i t I T " n 11 l l t r iri r ir trtrir
We Don’t Get Mad!
We have the proper toolt* and equipment. We have
(he experience—and we like (he work—so why
tret, fume, puli, (ear hands, (wist and ruin clothes
when you need a puncture repaired.
We are also prepared to wash ears and will give
you a real up to date job.
We will save you money if you will drive your car
here for all needed repairs or overhauling. Give us
a trial. All work guaranteed.
Crane’s Garage
~Tr~n ten
TT’ir'FlTirTrTTrifTr TTir
Subscribe For The Courier
[PRICE $ 1,50 A Y Ea 1 . IX ADVANCE
Capital Stork 15,000.00
L ndivided IVotitS _________ 1,827.16
Cashier's Checks . 2,181.88
Demand Deposits_______ 37,058.63
Time Certificates of Deposit. 85,909.46
Total.. . ...141,587.13
j Capital Block . _ _ 15.000. 00
Surplus Fund 10 . 000 . 00
Undivided Profits . 6,724.66
Cashier's Checks. 58.59
; Demand Deposits.. ______ i" ‘Ms?
Time Certificates of deposit 64,517.60
Total .133,794.49