Newspaper Page Text
L®©ail N®w§
Mr. Taylor S;>tterfield. ot Bir
mitigiiam. Ain., ,Mn-, G. R. i'ref
■ I>:t 11 of Atlanta, was failed to the
bedside ol there sister. Mrs. John
i Viekety, who is very ill.
Mrs. Tlios. F Clark and family.
1 of Hartwell, spent tile week-end
! with K S. Price and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Ertzberger,
of IF'wersville, spent Sunday with
1 K . S. Price and family,
i Major E. \V. Kelley, district
forester, and Mr. !•. C. Kircher.
who succeeded Major Kelley April
1 st, were in town Tuesday tor a
short time. The friends of Major
Kelley has made in \\ hite county
will regret that he is leaving this
territory May ist to take charge of
I 1 lie forests in Montana and Ihaho.
1 Mr. Kircher is a very pleasant
gentleman and we tru-t he wtil
visit us often.
j Ward, of tfie North
j,; g |„ A Power company,
was in town Tuesday.
M r. J. L. Pepper, ol Jefferson,
VVJh * ov% " nt ' '9 *
1 Over 400 gallons of rainbow and
brook trout were propagated in the
j headwaters of Chestatee river and
! Chattahoochee river Tuesday.
Mr. John 11. Moore, of Daldon
j -‘ga .g Ui W „ K j„ town Wednesday,
j Messrs. M. A. and Hoyt Cooley,
1 ff Marietta, were in town Wed¬
Boen to Mr. and Mrs. Charlii
j Stephens, .1 to 1 1 11). hoy, 1 ues
day afternoon.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jim 1 tir
uer, a bov. one day this week.
Mr. H. M. Stepliens, of Allan
la, and sister of Chicago, were in
' town for a short time \\ ednesday
! ‘* lcrnoon -
Dr. John B. Rudolph, ofGaines
I v i|le, died of heart trouble Wednes
{ day morning
! It seems 'that impeachment ol
Governors is in order. Oklahoma
and Louisiana have just vacated
j their executive- by that method.
Rev. R. W . Allison, of Dacula,
spent Wednesday in Cleveland,
Mrs, Annie Hall, of Miami,Fla.,
irriveil Tuesday night on a visit to
tier mother, Mrs K E. lleulev.
Born to Mr. and Mrs, Frasier
' Miller, a boy, Monday morning.
' Col. Robt. (files, ot Atlanta,was
1,1 ’own lor a lew days this week.
The wedding of Miss Daisy Dor¬
-ey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A
[a. Dorsey, of Mossy Creek, and
M r . George Bulgin, son of Dr. W.
R Bulgin, which accurred some
weeks .igo, was made known Sun¬
Mr. 11. E. Dorsey -pent a few
days this week with homelolks.
"Encle Benton” 'Trotter, ot At¬
lanta. is visiting in Cleveland this
Mr. Vaughan Head, who has
been attending an electrical soliool
it Chicago, returned home Sunday
Mr. M. K. Miles, president of
Hie Atlanta Audit company, spent
Sunday with parents, Mr. andMrs
U. F. Miles.
Mrs. ()’lie Gillstrap, of neat
Clermont .died last Friday morning
•>f pneumonia and was buried at
Mossy Creek Friday afternoon She
leave* 1 husband and five children.
The Cleveland-Xacoochee road
will be maintained hereafter b\
Mr. O. Y. Cook. TbeState High¬
way Board has made a special al¬
lotment for this year.
Mr. John Jackson, of Chatta¬
nooga, Tenn., who has been a\vn\
from White county for a number
ot years, is visiting in- nephew.
Sheriff W. A. Jackson.
Mr. Dewey Head, son of Mr.
and Mrs, Head, broke his arm
Thursday morning while playing
hall at school.
Subscribe For Tlie ( tuirier
Subscribe For I'he (Courier
Ebc Cleveland Courier
Official Organ of Whitt County Go
Weekly Cleveland ( »h.
,!as. P. Davidson, Editor.
,u’Are<l at Ihe 1 ‘oai at ('levelur
Oh., an second lIjihk mail ma'ier.
Mrmhet Ninth District Prex* As»»oc»ai^n
Georgia Pres*
“ National Editorial
** Prew CongttM 0( The World
Subscription, * 1 .At) per year
in advance
The l S. Department of Com-1
merce announces that for the cotton
{/inned in White county up m
March 20 of the lylS crop 1 "S'
bales, against S 57 of the same
period in 19 J 28 of the 1927 crop.
The Fnion County Chamber of
Commerce at Blairsville announces
they will erect big signs on the A
S. 11. in their county advertising!
Union county to travelers. That’s!
a fine spirit of those people. Such
cooperation will get results.
The News A Farmer of Louis-j
ville, Ga., which has been printed
ai Augusta by The Chronicle, Inis
purchased a modern equipment
and will hereafter print I fie paper
at Louisville.
■ ......
I'lic Carnegie Foundation for
international peace has selected
representatives from ten American
newspapers to study social, politi¬
cal and economic, conditions in the
Orient, This study of conditions
is fur the purpose of hinging about
a closer telationship between
America and lagan and China
Francis W. Clark, managing editor
of the Constitution, has been se-j
let-led as a member of this journal-J
ist parly.
Although formal aniinmaicmetil
has not yet been made of it, Presi-j
dent Hoover has selected former
Vice President Dawes as ainbassa
dor to Great Britain, The appoint
inent has not yet been accepted by
the British government, but friends
«>t Mr. Hoover and Mr, Dawes
have no doubt that it will be. Mr.
Dawes will succeed Alonson B.
Houghton, of New York.
'The charge Honorable I. II.Sut¬
ton to the Grand |ury Monday
morning was an exceptional fine
He stressed in forceful and tin
mistakeable terms the several
criminal laws that deal with the,
protection of people and govern
He dwelt at length on the pro
hibition, pistol, and auto driving,!
He stilted that in his opinion a law
should be made requiring all per¬
sons to stand some kind of an ex¬
amination before they could drive
an automobile. With so many ac¬
cidents happening daily we readily
agree that Judge Sutton's -ugges
tion is indeed worthy of considera¬
tion by our law makers.
/VVJR Dll a£ 'WAkh ADS ARE
EVECveopy pokfr reap
About r lie hollowcst sensation is
feeling a tremendous hurst of sym¬
pathy for some unfortunate and find¬
ing that tie is completely unaware of
needing it.
the Cleveland coukieiC Cleveland. Georgia.
Legal Advertisements
Georgia. Whit** County.
Will Dr* Mold 011 th#-* Tuesday iii
May U/W, at public outcry at the cMliA
iiotiM* in toe Town of Cleveland, Ga.,
said county, within 11»* j legal hours of
sale, to the highest bidcVer for cash tier
tain prnperiy <.f which the following is a
full and complete description, to wit:
Ahum three arms of land lying ami , w .
’mg’ in the Town of Cleveland, Go., and
being tin* place* win rc -I. L. Nix now
liven, and bounded on tint west by the
Cleveland and Gainesville highway, on
cast Methodist Ii_v the street ruining from the
church via Cheese factory and
J ii- L, rcpjicr place t and i on tin* ,■ north i by
Sutton Hfoh. proper \y . Sabi properly
levied on an the property of Mrs. J. L.
Nix to satisfy tax ti fas for town taxes
for the years C.* 2 ri, 1U27 and JD28.
This the 25th day of March 15*29.
W. A. Jackson
Marsha! Town of Cleveland, Ga.
Georgia, White County.
\Vill be sold on the tirst Tuesday in
May i929 at public outcry at the court
h<> ise in said countv, within the legal
hours <»f sale, to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, of which the fol¬
lowing is a complete description: Alj
that tract or parcel of land lying ami be¬
ing in Shoal Creek Milita 1 istrict,
White county, Ga., arid containing fifty
acres more or Iia- and being a part of
what is known as the obi Vickery home
place and ]he part set aside to Elizabeth
Vickery as a dower and bounded as fol¬
lows; On the nort h by the Jlands of O.
T. Nix, on tin* east by the lands of Miss
Nelia Bowen and on the west by the
land of M. G. j^ix and being the stum
land surveyed to C. K, and J. L. Hulsey
by K. M. 11ulsey.
Said property levieil on as tl«e proper¬
ty of J. b. and K, Hulsey to satisfy
an execution issued from II ft I) City
Court of Anil County, Ga., in favor of
j. B. U. Barrett and against said .J. i.
and C. K. Hulsey This the Utb flay ot
April 1929.
W. A. Jackson, Sheriff,
Six Southern county agricultural
agents who have put into effect and
are continuing an outstanding soil
improvement program and who were
rewarded with a free trip to tlie an¬
nual meeting of the Association of
Southern Agricultural Workers iu
Houston, Texas, have been named.
These agents come from North Car¬
olina, Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma
and Arkansas, and are being awarded
the trips by the Southern Division,
Soil Improvement Committee, tlie Na¬
tional Fertilizer Association.
First place was awarded to H. K.
Handers, Roxboro, Person county,
North Carolina. The other five places
are listed alphabetically, as no rank¬
ings were made of these five: W. L
Hall, Conway, Faulkner county, Ar¬
kansas; H. C. Heath, Lafayette,
Chambers county, Alabama; C. L. Mc¬
Neil, Canton, Madison county, Missis
sippl; Earl W. Smith, Muskogee, Mus¬
kogee county, Oklahoma; and W. G.
Yeager, Salisbury, Rowan county,
N. C.
To Stimulate Interest
"These awards were made to stimu¬
late interest in soil improvement pro- j j
grams, as recommended and approved
by tlie various State experiment sta¬
tions and agricultural extension ser¬
vices,” according to J. C. Pridmore, di- i
rector of the Soil Improvement Com¬
mittee. “The six outstanding reports
were selected by a committee of ag¬
ricultural college workers in co-op¬
eration with the extension service of¬
ficials who have charge of county:
agent work in the various States.
Winners were selected on the basts of
a uniform score card which took into
consideration accomplished results in
soil improvement in the county, meth¬
ods of putting the programs Into ef¬
fect, and plans for future soil improve- ;
ment efforts based on an analysis of
the situation as it exists in the
The winning county agents were giv¬
en an opportunity of attending the
Southern Agricultural Workers meet¬
ing and also the agricultural extension
w< rkers’ jubilee convention commem¬
orating the establishment of the first
agricultural extension office in the
country at Houston 25 years ago.
The awards include gold medal fobs
presented by the Soil Improvement
Committee as permanent trophies of
accomplishment, along with certifl-!
cates that may become the property
of the county represented by the win- .
nlng agent.
Members of the judging committee
were O. S. Fisher, extension agrono¬
mist United States Department of Ag¬
riculture, Washington, D. C.; W. B,
Mercler, director of extension, Lou¬
State University, Baton Rouge;
i. O. Schaub, dean of agriculture and
director of extension in North Caro¬
lina State College, Raleigh; T. S. Buie,
head of the department of agronomy,
College, S. C.; and J. R. Ricks
director of the experiment station, A
and M. College, Mississippi.
It you want ?t fir-t class FRICK
Saw Mill, new or used, see
A L. Dorsey.
- --—------- ■ ■ ~". -—-—~
Advertising is the oil that iuhrt
the nmch.nery ot business.
- i—iwin-
^ n i * ( ‘ bounty.
All creditors of tb- estate of; Mary E.
Ki,ks “>- late of While .Manly, ........ ase.!,
are 1 "' 1 ' e, ’>' ""dlied to render in th h de
nutnds inands to 1 d the tin-* undersigned it lult-i-sj i according te
law, and ail persons indebted to said es¬
tate, are required to mttke immediate
payment to me. March 1U, (919.
•J. 1>. R Barrett
Administrator of Mary F. Kirktsey.decd
I will sell you monuments as
cheap as any than, J U't give me a
R L. Mi/.e
Cleveland ( i it
it* for Hastings' Catalog
Hastings’ customers will get 50c:
worth of beautiful flower seeds abso¬
lutely free with their orders this
spring. Also you get 25c worth extra,
of your own selection, with each dol¬
lar's worth of vegetable and flower
seeds ordered. The big, new, spring
Catalog tells all about it.
This great value is the Hastings'
policy of giving more good seeds for
your money than you can get any
where else.
The South’s Planting Guide- Has
(Jpgs’ big, new, 136 page, 1D29 Catalog
of Seeds, Plants and Bulbs with vain
able planting calendars, culture direc¬
tions, 380 pictures from actual pho¬
tographs and dependable descriptions
of the best of “Everything That
Grows"—comes to you by return mail
it A post card will do. Please write foi
Jor Economical Transportation
efore you buy your
next auto JFffigy _ M-r && e
lea* It ■jns la T/Mii over
39iJ]? $ ooo
The COACH iisive aireadij
$ 5 g 5 cliosen the New
The ROADSTER . . . f525 Chevrolet Six
The ;.y 2 y
PHAETON . . . Since January fir- : r 300,000 people have chosen
The .
COUPE..... .'595 the Che .-olet i\ And ever dav sees an increase in
The .'675 "eiiicndou. 1 iic
SEDAN..... t {>: a ;ept.u:ee—
The Sftort .695
CABRIOLET . . —for tie re C ev. let no. ml brings the enjoyment
The Convert¬ .725
ible LANDAU . of six-cviir. hr pt. iormancc within the reach of every'
The *595 hob,v here, h gives the Chevrolet buyer Delivery . every it a
The l ij»h( Kassifr *400 greater Jolla; v.iL:c that) any ether low-priced car.
Delt \ ery C
The .-545 Just
i . Ton Chassis . consider E.f \o - in die Chevrolet Six! The
The 1 5 _> Ton *650 smoothness, tie of six-cylinder
CiiAbnis with Cab . - , v , . ■ coiver a
All prices f. o. b. factory, engine which L. , ; .un twenty miles to the
Flint, Mich. gallon. Toe beaut v .1 i\ v i f bodies bv Fisher «ith
. . .
adjustable driver's seat, i he eliorttess control of big,
C O M P A R E quiet, non-locking 4-a heel h .kes and ball bearing
the de'ivoreJ steering. Then conduct Chevrolet prices! And you w ill
price ns wo'! ns discover that this fine .-tcalltv fix actually be
the list price i t ee-nsiv’nrtoij can
automobi !e va ! ties, c hev- bought in the of
only rolet’s reasonable JelivcrevJ pru charges i rstlude fur price range i; r ; ■ur! L tune in. Ictus
delivery and iinat.cing. prov e thut any :: • v, ho can ■i J any car can afford
Cleveland Chevrolet Company
Ilxppritiii nfs anti ol- ..r\ •: - of the
behavior <>-! [mint uml.-r varying con¬
ditions ami eirt'iimst/inces indicate
(lint |>:iint ikies i.iit ready adhere to
wood at least after the paint has dried
out thoroughly, but hangs on chiefly
by gaining mechanical grips in minute
openings in the surface of the wood.
Where there are plenty of openings
the paint hangs on, hut where tiie
openings are too few, or too small,
as in very dense wood, the paint does
not hang on .so well.
To understand how the grain of
wood may affect paint retention it is
only necessary to observe paint failure
on \vood> having wide annual growth
rings and in which there is a sharp
contrast between spring wood and
summer wood. In such woods the .sum¬
mer wood is much denser than the
spring wood. Taint -scales off more
quii-kly than it does off the bands of
spring wood
The scientist who says that a man
has a keener sense of smell than a
woman, never tried to disguise a
suspicious breath.
What with bronchitis, pleurisy,
pneumonia and all the rest, it looks
as if the original Pandora's box had
been the tinman chest.
The government threatens to sus¬
pend ten radio stations. That would,
as the saying is, have a tendency to
dear up p 1 atmosphere.
ADVERTISING is like liniment. I 1
cant be applied effectively with a
powder puff. It needs rubbing in
And the harder the rubbing the better
the results.
RUB 11 IN HARD—Increase your acvertis
ing—put in the sales pressure—create enthusi
asm and enrgy arid optimism throughout your
organization—and watch the progrss you make
Gainesville Iron Works
(atiincsYeilc, (hi.
Foundry and Machine Work
Engine, Machinery and Saw Mill Supplies
Cod liver oil is said to have been
made “as nearly tasteless as eod liver
oil can lie.” The children will prob¬
ably think it isn't nearly enough.
Half the trick in becoming a leader
E counseling the inevitable, as when
the poet exclaimed, “Roll on, thou
dark and deep blue ocean, roll.”
When interviewed recently, Trotsky
said .Mr. hi- general vigor was unimpaired.
Trotsky can probably attribute
this fact to having died so often.
Public Library: A large, free in¬
stitution, where people could find hi
per cent of the Information sought, in¬
tend of sending out questionnaires.
The international revenue bureau
reports that the five cent cigar is
coming hack. It lias not really been
awry. Only (lie old price has been
A psychologist advises parents not
to say “Good night” to their children.
It would be tiresome, though, being
awakened by children as they come in
nt 2 n. m.
It has been decided an explosion
wliieh ripped part of the front from
a western post office was an accident,
it lias therefore been marked Opened
by Mistake.