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Clcvclanfc Courier
Official Organ of Whitt Count). Ga
i'ut’liBlieii VV«*pkly »' Cleveland Ga.
.Us. 1’. Davidson, Editor. .
Kn'are'l at the l’»»' a* Cleveland
Ga.. hj* 8 «*coi»<i chiBft mail inau«r.
Member Ninth District Press Aasociaion
u Georgia Prest
“ National Editorial
“ Press Congress Of The World
Subscription, * 1.50 per year
in advance
Senator Carter Glass, ot \ irgin
ia, has been convinced by Virgin¬
ia’s Cash plan for bbilding roads is
the best method, lie bases his o
pinion upon the experence of Vir
g in i a.
Assistant Secretary of Treasury.
Lowtnan, has issued warnings to
customs officers along t lie Canadian
border against the use of firearms
sttcli as were used iu the killins in
the last few days. They were or¬
dered to use only the service pistol
and not sawed oil shot guns or
rifles us before.
Efforts are being made to stop so
much shooting iu the enforcement
ol the prohibition law. President
Hoover is expected to take the
matter up at an early date.
The gas plan for building roads
in Virginia lias been tried and is
proving a success. People of that
state who were once it) favor ot a
bond issue are now in favor of and
are strong supporters of the “pay
as-you-go 1 ' plan.
Governor Byrd, of Virginia,
says that lie believes that not one
per cent of the people of that state
aie now in favor of a bond issue.
They have found out that the gas
lax is ample for building roads
without bonds, lie slates that 20
per cent of their gus tax was paid
by foreign tourists. That slate is
now able to pay off its bond issue
of Civil War times.
Under the pay-as-you-go plan Vir¬
ginia has already hardsurfaced
nearly all the main roads in the
state. They how have at interest
ttie farm to-market roads which
will accomodate the farmer as well
as the tourists.
This plan of roail building has
been a big factor in attracting new
industries to Virginia.
Children 01 the Ritz
llarrett Auditorium
Cleveland, (in.
Friday, June 2N
Drama of a daring debutante
who went seeking more than life
could give. She makes her debut
in luxury—her llhale in proverty,
but with a love she wouldn’t sell
for a million. Dorothy Mackaill
and Jack Mulhall bring this start¬
ling love story to you as their big
gest hit!
With Dorothy Mackaill andjack
Mulhall. Story by Cornell Wool
rich—A John Francis Dillon pro¬
duction A first national picture.
When the wind whistles it is bad
luck to burn trash near the house.
A flue hole covered with wall papei
Is a definite indication of Impending
Unlighted cellar steps foreshadow
the downfall of some member of the
He loved her. j
She loved Mm.
They loved each other.
And her father didn’t like his In¬
And her mother didn't like his
But his mother didn't like her
And his father didn’t like her ex¬
So they were married and lived
quite unhappily until tils father and
her father and his mother and her
mother all became grandparents.—
Kansas City Times.
L®eal News
We are requested to state that
Rev. W. N. Turner will preach at
Antioch church Sunday afternoon,
June 30, at 8 1 *. M.
Mr, W. O. Sparks, of llhtwasseC
was in town for a short time Wed¬
Miss Betty Lundy, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, T. F. Lundy ofHelen
was married to Mr. Tom J). Hos¬
kins, of New Orleans, La., Wed¬
nesday at the Lundy home in
1 leleit.
Mr. T. F. Lundy, of Helen, was
iu town last Friday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Jarrard,
of Cornelia, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. JI. A. Jarrard.
Mr and Mrs, H. H. Davidson,
of Li Fay ette, Ga., spent Saturday
night and Sunday with relatives in
Nacoochee and Cleveland
Assistant District Attorneys R.
M. Cook and Lindsey, of Atlanta,
stopped a short time in -Cleveland
Sunday morning returning from a
fishing trip near Arthur Woody’s.
Mr. W. A. Killiam, of Blairs
ville, was in town Monday and
made arrangements to put on an date picture show in the Bar¬
rett auditorium Friday night, June
28. Thereafter he will show two
nights a month, lie promises to
give the people a high class picture
at each show.
Mr. Lewis Bonds, of Jefferson,
-pent a few days with relatives
here this week,
Mr. G. R. Freeman, of Atlanta,
spent a day or two with .relatives
here this week.
Mr. W. A. Whitmire has been
away from Ins duties at the store
for the past week on account ol
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Allen, ol
Buford, spent Saturday night lit
Kenimer Lodge with several
friends from Atlanta.
The Georgia legislature meets
next Wednesday.
Mr. Roy Clark, who has been
visiting parents at Rooertstown,
returned to Detroit Mich., Mon¬
Mr. Ashby and Thos. Hill, ot
Atlanta, spent the week-end at the
Kenimer Lodge,
Chicopee defeated Helen in a
thirteen inning baseball game Sat¬
urday afternoon q to 3.
Born to Mr. and Mrs, Henry
Nix Saturday morning, twins, a
girl and boy. Henry has been
rather late getting to liis work at
the saw mill, but be has a good
reason to be late.
Mrs. Harvey Newman, ofGaities
ville, is at the home ot her mother,
Mrs. Anna Kenimer, suffering from
a general breakdown.
Col. Thos. F. Underwood has
been appointed clerk to Ordinary.
We are requested to state that
there will be a Children’s Day at
the Methodist church Sunday
Mrs. II. A. Jarrard went to
Winder Monday to attend the
funeral of her uncle, Mr. J. I
Hill, ol Atlanta,
Miss Bonnie Palmer is suffering
Tom a broken bone in her foot,
which she received when she got
ut of an automobile “and stepped
ni a round rock.
Mrs. Ralph Freeman and two
sms, of Iloschton, spent the vveek
nd with her sister, Mrs. li. A.
M. L. R. Merritt Inis installed
m up-to-date feed mill.
Marked Down Age
Harrington—How long have you
known that girl?
Carrington—Judging by her figures
of her age l have known her longer
than she has known herself.
A Dark Voyage
Salesman—Nice weather for travel
Station Agent— Yes, but I’m afraid
to travel any more. 1 became engaged
once while going through a tunnel.
Legal AdMertisemente
Georgia, White County.
To whom it myy concern:
W. W. Tilgrim, » resident of said state
arid county, having iri due form made
application to. letters of guardianship of
the person arid property of Garland,
John and Vener Pilgrim, minor grand¬
children of petitioner, who are residi nts
of said county, notice is hereby given
that his application will he heard at the
next term of the cour’. of Ordinary of
said county on the first Monday in June
instant. Witness my hand and official
signature. June 3 rd 1929.
A. L. Dorsey, Ordinary.
Georgia, White County.
Whereas M. J. Williams, administra¬
tor of Eugene S. Javrett, represents to
the court in his petition duly tiled that
he tias fully administered the Eugene 8 .
J arret I estate. This is, therefore, to cite
all persons concerned, kindred and
creditors, to show eaua , if any they can,
why said administrator should not lie
discharged from his administration, and
receive letters of dismission on the first
Monday in July, 1929.
A, L. Dorsey, Ordinary.
Georgia, White County,
fo whom it may concern:
C. K. Hulsey, guardian of tqe person
and property of P. 8 . Dorsey, who has
been adjudged an imbecile, having ap¬
plied to the undersigned Ordinary for
leave to esjl a portion of the estata of
his said ward for the purpose of paying
debts and taxes, both state and county.
This is to cite all persons interested to
lie atuj appear at the July term, 1929, of
the Court of Ordinary of said county and
show cause, if ahy they can, why said
application should not be granted arid if
no cause is shown to the contrary said
application will he granted as prayed.
This tiie 3rd day of June 1929.
A, L. Dorsey, Ordinary.
Georgia, Wnite County.
Will he sold before the court house
door in said county on the first Tuesday
in July 192k, next, within the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder for
cash the following described property to
All that tract or parcel of land lying
and being in the second land district of
said county and lining parts of tots land
numbers 13 I, 133, i09, 108 and 110 in
said second district of said comity, con
laming 220 acres of land more or less
and known as the A. H.Henderson place
in blue Creek district of said county and
later known as the Jack Mooie place
and fully described by metes ami bounds
in a deed made J. H, Stovall to Charlie
Dixon, Said deed dated Feb. 27th 1928
and recorded in the Clerk's office of said
county iu record of deeds book “S",
pages 350 and 351, which deed is by
reference made a pa't of description and
a more complete (description of the
property herein referred to.
Said above described land in the
possession of C. W. Dixon. Said land
levied on as the property of C. W. Dixon
to satisfy a ti fa issued from the Superior
court of said county on the 2 lith day ot
April Drill in favor og Cleveland Grocery
company against E. D. Thurmond and
C. W. Dixon. This June 5th t929.
W. A. Jackson, Sheriff
Don’t run If you want to catch your
No matter hoiv tall a man is he Is
not above criticism.
The female compositor is certainly a
girl of the period.
An egotist is a man who points with
pride—to himself.
Ail women are equally fair—when
the lights are extinguished.
The fire of genius isn't always cap¬
able of making the pot boll.
The widow’s grief generally lasts as
long as the bride’s happiness.
Most of our time is passed getting
used to tiie tilings we didn’t expect.
People who have the least to say
usually have the most to talk about.
Not all women who are proud of
their fingers are expert calculators.
Many a man has ruined Ids eyes by
using glasses other than spectacles.
Occasionally a sermon is almost
long enough to reach down to our
Most women know prices, some of
them even know values.
A pedestrian should always have
himself under control.
Luck is something to which other
people owe their success.
A man with no aim iu life is just
as much handicapped as a dog with
no tail to wag.
Experience teaches us that if we
want a thing cheap we must pay pret¬
ty dearly for it.
)( HEVR *£.*>
^Ihe Chevrolet Six offers
all the Distinct Advantages of
Never in all the history of the stedt—and finishes are mod is hike
automotive industry has a low* smart and lustrous.
priced car provided coachwork of In construction, too, the new
such outstanding style and quality Fisher bodies represent a marked
as the new Chevrolet Six. advance. Built of selected hard¬
The smart new bodies are built wood and steel—they provide a
by Fisher, with all the mastery in measure of strength, endurance,
design and craftsmanship for comfort and safety unapproached
which the Fisher name is famous. in any other low-priced
Lines are long, low an d graceful— automobile.
seats are deeply cushioned and Visit your Chevrolet dealer today.
luxuriously upholstered—interior See and inspect this sensational /|
hardware is fashioned by Tern- new Chevrolet Six.
TU ..*525 The
Roadster, .,. tfi
The .*525 Sedan *595 : 1
Coupe...... Phaeton. The ... . *595 $c 595 Deliver? Lixhl Delivery *400
The *675 1M Ton Jr Z>45
Sedan ...... Chaui........
Cabriolet. The Sport *695 All blit prh icet/.o.h. Mich if facto cm.L‘i. n wt.hc»b650
.. nt , an
Cleveland Chevrolet Company
Here’s VVluj
rite* Tires Hold All Records m
I PQJ mm
• Jwuttd idttoo TwixcJ Twisted Cords Before Cords After
FtUr* Pt»« Cord Cum Dtpppng Gum-Dipping
' I 'HE PICK of the long staple cottc
J. crop is bought by Firestone experts l
in the primary cotton markets. It is ship¬
ped to Firestone’s own cord fabric mills
—the largest in the world—where it is
first twisted into tir.y threads. These
threads are then tightly twisted into ply
yarns, and three of these are twisted in
the reverse direction into cords of fish¬
line strength. Exactly the right number
of twists are carefully determined to se¬
cure the greatest strength and elasticity.
C.Not satisfied with cords of superior
strength and elasticity, each individual,
cord is Gum-Dipped—a patented Fire¬
stone process tn which every cord is sub¬
merged in a vat of pure liquid rubber
gum—where every single fiber of every
cord is saturated and completely covered
with rubber, Thar's why Firestone Gum
Dipped Tires give most miles per dollar
and hold all world records for speed,
safety and economy. Your sire is in our
stock — come in. We save you money
and serve you better.
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