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She Clevelan&^JTouriet
Offutal Organ of White Count) Go
t-tiblinhuii Weekly *t Cleveland <»a.
,Jas, I j - Davidson, Editor.
K,Pared *t the IW ittie.e at Cleveland
On,,, a* second clans mail rnauor,
Merab.i Ninth District Press Atsociainn
** Georgia Pres*
“ National Editorial
** Press Caogiest Of The World
Subscription, 11.50 per year
in advance
Georgia, White Cousty.
In the Superior Court <if naid county,
Forfeiture «f recognizance A.prilT?rin
1929, with Judge’s order for perfecting
eei vice October Term, 1929.
L. fib Hardman, Governor vs. J. J>
Carter prin.. and G. F, Sholer eucurity,
non-residents of said county.
Greetings: You are hereby required
to be and appear, personally or by at¬
torney, at, the next term of the Superior
court to be held in and for said county
on the seconc Monday in October, 1929.
to show cause if any they have why
judgement should not he rendered again¬
st them for the r mount of recognizanoe
forfeited as aforesaid, as in default there¬
of the court will proceed as to justice
stui 11 appertain. Judge
Witness the Hon, I. H. Sutton.
of said court, this 22nd day of Aug, 1929.
W. H. Hulsey, C.B.C.
Georgia, White County.
In the Superior Court of said county
Forfeiture of recognizance April Term,
1929, with Judge’s order for perfecting
service October Term, i929,
L. G. Hardman, Governor ve. Coie
Keucdy. colored, prin. and W. A. Hu neb,
security, non-residents of said county.
Greetings; You are hereby required
in be and appear, personally or by at¬
torney, at. the next, term of the Superior
Court, to be held in and for said county
on the second Monday in October, 1929.
to show cause if guy they have why judg¬
ment should not be rendered against
.them for th* amount of their recogni¬
sance forfeited as .aforesaid, as in de
tfalt thereof the court will proceed as to
justice shall appertain.
Witness the Hon. I. H. Sutton, Judge
«»f said court, this 22nd day of August,
W. H. Hulsey, C. 8. C.
The Peterson bill, providing for
a re-organization of the state
igoveraineiH along plans of Gover¬
nor Hardman, was defeated in the
Georgia legislature Tuesday but a
motion was made to reconsider the
bill. The main attack was the
‘•autocratic form of government”
which would result from giving
the governor power to appoint and
remove some of the department
The Georgia house of represen¬
tatives passed tiie 6 cent gas
lax bill, which was signed by the
governor |Thursday.
The home of A. G. Rhodes wns
accepted to be used by the state
department of archives and history
The 6 cent gas tax will add two
cents to the present gas tax and
will mean an increase of$5,000,000
annually to the state. It will be
effective September 1, Four cents
per gallon of the new gits tax will
to the highway department,
whereas, under the old plan the a£
cents was allocated to highways.
Under tne new law the counties
get iceut per gallon and the school
equalization fund gets x cent,
which doubles the falters propor¬
The conflict between Russia uiui
^hitia continues with severe fight-!
ng. The dispute is over the
Jluneae control of tlie eastern rail¬
way in Manchtia. The Chinese
niuister Wu .stales that Clxiua will
aol go to war unless compelled to
io so tu self defense.
A bill to abolish the A. & M
schools- in Georgia has been de¬
bated in live senate but was final!)
•abled and w.ill probmbiy not be
;ousidered again during this ses
Advocates <d the bill declared!
hat these schools , , are no more than !
igh schools and should not be
hown “partiality” by the state.,
fpponents of the bill deciar these
;hoois worth one hundred times
ihat they are casting the state.
ubscribe For The Courier
Local N®ws
Rev. 11 H. Humphries did the
in tlie good meeting just
at Oak Grove church in the
association. The
was greatly revived and 81
added to the membership.
Rev. H. H. Humphries it in a
this week at Center Grove
will be at Juno church
Rev. VV. L. Head, of Atlanta,
will assist the pastor at Mt. Yonah
Baptist church in a two week’s re¬
vival, beginning Sept. ist. You
are invited to attend each service
at 3:15 and & P- in -
The White County Sunday
School convention w.U put on a
splendid program at Robertstown
Baptist church Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. (J. A. Brown, of
Atlanta, formerly of Cleveland,
spent Sunday with Judge an dMrs.
W. H. Underwood.
Messrs Robt. Brownlow and Al¬
bert 1 'otts, of Atlanta, spent the
weekend with their father, Mr.W.
T. Potts.
Miss Lyra Telford, ot Muysville,
spent the weekend with her cousin
Miss Janie Telford.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Martin,after
spending several days at \Jr. H.B
Underwood’s, returned to their
home in Florida Monday.
There are several cases of mumps
in town.
Loudsville campmeeting begins
next Tuesday.
We are requested to Mute that
Saturday, Aug. 24, is set to clean
off Tesnatee cemetery.
Mr. J. H.|Telford and family
spent Sunday in Maysville
Mr. Telford’s tjjtoDw
Miss Jessie jjavidsoti is
In Greensboro, C., this week.
The unveiling of the
of Cash Dillard at
church will take place at t p,
Mr*. Florence Bell moved
her house on Underwood Street
last week. Mrs- Jenkins has mov¬
ed iuto the hoys# with her.
The Georgia Lgi*iatu/\e closes
Pev. Jesse Warwick, of La
Gruuge, Gu,, spent Wednesday
night witli parents, Mr. and Mrs.
D. N. Warwick,
Messrs ItlConici Bob Johnson and T, f ( V. f ■
Glover left Tuesday afternoon
Savannal) to attend the National
Rural Letter Carriers convention.
George Ervin McAfee, who is
employed by C. M. Lyle at Blue
Ridge, Ga., spent the weekend
with homefolk*.
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Reece, of
Blue Ridge, Ga., spent Saturday
night and Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. F. A. McAfee.
Postmaster Alexander Davidson
and Messrs W. C, Henderson, B.
G. Allisou and Frank Carroll left
Monday morning for Savannah to
attend the National Rural Carriers
convention that is in session there
this week. They will retusux Sat¬
urday or Sunday.
The ForestService will construct
a lookout tower on Black moun¬
tain soon.
Mrs. T. F. Underwood aud baby
have been ill for several days.
Miss Mary Porter, of Lake City,
Pla v .is visiting relatives in White
Mr. Floyd Dot^ay and Miss Nell
Dorsey returned to ipety.qit and
Akron, respectfully, Marvin Trot¬
ter accompanied FJoyd to
Mr. and Mrs. Hershei Evans
' Mr. Frank Evans, of Atlanta
.pent the weekend with r ■'
:. ' '
Mr. gjtd ...... Mrs. J. P. Evans.
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Cooley,
' ’
of Atlanta are ynptiiig Mr. ^
Mrs. \V, M. Cooley Coo e\ this tils yf.-e^k v.eek.
We are,requested to state
Rev. C. W. Heneerson will preaqh
at the Methodist church Sundi^y
legal. Advertisements
Georgia. .■‘White County.
Ky viiffue of an agreement of the
legatees'under the will of William Mor
rits, late,->f said county deceased, will be
sold at. public outcry at the court house
door in Cleveland, Georgia, on the first
Tuesday in September 1929 the fallow¬
ing lands to wit: That tract of land in
said coujity known as the home place of
the said William Morris and being parts
of lots of land Nos. 81 and 82 in the 2nd
land district of said county containing
162 acres taken as a whole.
The above property will be sold in
two tracts known as tract No. 1 an<1
No, 2. Tract No. 1 {will be sold first.
This tract contains sixty-five and five
eighths acres, more or less. Then tract
No. 2 will be sold, this tract contains
ninety-six and one-fourth acres, more
or less. - Thensthe entire tract will be
exposed for sale and when thus exposed,
if it should bring more than the two
tracts should bring when sold separately
then the bidder for the whole tract get
the same.
Tract No. 1 tias on it about i5 acres of
bottom land with two very good houses
aud outbuildings, the balance of said
tract being upland in cultivation and old
fields and timbered lands.
Tract No. 2 has on it two dwelling
houses and splendid outbuildings with
about 20 acres of bottom land, some up¬
land in cultivation, the balance in tim¬
ber and old fields.
The rents for this year is reserved.
Possession will be given January 1st,
1930, the estate to pay the taxes forl920.
Terms of sale: Ons-tUird cash, the
balance due January 1st 1930- Notes
will lie taken for the balance without
interest and bond for titles made. Bight
is reserved to reject any and all bids.
Said lauds will be sold by the acre ac¬
cording to a plat made by C, H. lid
wards, which plat is of record in the
Clerk's office said county in deed book
Z page 1 j3. Any person who contem
places bidding on this property is in¬
vited to inspect said plat before bidding
on any of said land and also to inspect
the „ property
Thia property taken as a whole ie one
of the best farms in the county of its
size. It is an ideal home with splendid
wells, springs ami creeks.
J. W. H. Underwood, Executors at
the last will of William Morris,deceased
Georgia, White County. J
August term 19)9, will he »°ld f°f c *' 8h
on the (jrst Tuesday in s?ept nett* lief ope
the puipt house door jn CleyehtPfl- G».,
the following rthd estate to wit: Fart
of lot of band jfo. 1,14 In the and land
district in e»id county containing about
12 acres more or less and bounded as
follows: Commencing at the southeast
corner at rock, thence west the line,
conditional, to a rock corner, thence N.
to a conditional line to an old fence row,
thenceEthe road to a rock Corner.thenee
S a conditional line to a rock corner,
tbejjce VV. to a rock cornex, thence S a
conditional H»je Jo the beginning and
known as the lands bought by Mary
Pi grim from James Nelms ami otherp,
and known as the Mar.< Pilgrim place.
There is on this tract of land a nice
dwelling and some outbuildings and a
«u»#J %mount of cleared land. A small
but good IjijtJtJp Ijome, August 6tu
\y. w. Pilgrim, Guardian.
Gee gift, White County.
To wimm i* Way concern:
W. M. Cooley, having in proper form
applied to pi£ for permanent letters of
administration on the estate of Mrs bon
Wofford, late of said county, this is to
cite all a»d singular the creditors aud
nest of kin of the said Mrs. b'’U Wofford
to be aud appear at my office within the
time allowed by law, and show cauge, it
any they can, Jwby permanent adminis¬
tration should not be granted to W. M,
Cooley on Mrs. Lou Wofford’s estata.
Witness my hand and official signature
This nth day of August 1929.
„V. L. Dorsey, Ordinary.
Georgia, White County.
Will be sold before the court house
doyr Jn said county on the first Tuesday
in Saptember 1939. next, within the legal
hours of sale to the highest bidder for
cash, the following property to wit:
All that telephone outfit of the Cleve¬
land and Nacooctiee Telepbonh Com¬
pany, including lines, wires, posts «nd
all other telephone supplies aud equip¬
ment belonging to said Cleveland and
Nacooehee Telephone Company. Said
property levied on as the property of
the Cleveland and Nacooehee Telephone
Company to satisfy an execution issued
from the Superior Court of said county
in favor of A. B- Mobley, Superintent
dent of Hanks, against the Cltvel- nd
mid Nacoochae Telephone Company.
This August Tth, I929.
W. A, Jackson, Sheriff'.
The new county commissioners
were sworn in by Judge A. L.
j Uor6ey Monday morning. J. H.
' Telford was elected chairman and
'jp.ff. Q. Mauney Mauney clerk. clerk They will
meet again op the first W ednesday
Pay Your Subscription ^iow
By A Writer Much Flat
Hello friend, we may be too lute
wee j c t0 [e j| you anything,
even if we had anything worth
writing. But, anyway, everything
will come right wash day.
Mossy Cieek campmeeting came
ito a close last Sunday. There was
an unusual large crowd attended
and everything seemed to have
been very quiet for such an enor¬
mous gathering of people.
Chattahoochee High School be¬
gins its fall term next Monday,
August 26. The outlook for a suc¬
cessful term is good.
Well, we may be wrong, but it
just seems like if old Pharoh, when
he was deciding and backing out
so much, had of gone to his garden
and found all of his beans eaten up
by^beeties, and some neighbor’s
Collie dog keep him awake every
night as long as the dog lived, or
the neighbor didn’t move away.
Yes it does seem like thfit the old
j^nan would have said : “Hey
Mosy get tout gang and vommoose
from here.”
Well, we don’t know anything
for certain. If we were to try to
tell everything we believe it would]
take too long, but we will tell some 1
things we believe: We believe!
that the girls aught to whitten their 1
faces, for we believe in white
supremacy; we don’t believe in
mixing whiskey and gasoline, [
neither do we believe in mixing
whites and blacks; we believe in a
government where people m »y
worship God according „ to the
'dictates of their own conscience;
we have nothing against any
church so long as it appreciates the
freedom this government gives it
and don’t seek to run the govern
We helipye the Eighteenth
law we have- If it is not exactly
whitt it should be we should give it
our cooperation until we could get
something bejter.
Well, well| maybe we can think
of some fellow to talk about by
next week, but we want him to
live a long ways off.
Pay Your Subscription Now
Jr- o 1
-V' *-> !
$wpnm toll*#*
T^OR you who demand the last word in tires— endurance
Jl far ahead of modem driving conditions— the Firestone
Supreme was created. C.Here is the tire that is stronger, more
durable and better looking than any tire ever made. It costs more
and is worth more because it is more economical and gives you tire
service above and beyond anything the motor world has ever known*
It has everything and more than the famous Firestone Gum»
Pipped Tires which already hold all records for speed
safety, economy and mileage. This means greater air
volume—thicker tread—added number of plies of
Gum-Dipped Cords—better non-skid protection for
safety—improved riding qualities. C.Come and see
|t—ypu will w’ant a full set on your car at onefc—d
liberal allowance will be made for your old tires.
Jit. u-t * *' - * “V- • 'X* 1 . . j ^ ‘ '
Cleveland (Chevrolet Company
Special Vales
This Week and Next
Men’s suits, Hats, Shoes, Pants, Over¬
alls, Shirts, Neckties, Hose, and Under
Ladies Ready to wear, Hats,
Hose, Underware and Dress Goods.
Whitmire & Head
Cleveland, Ga«
J Quality Merchandise at Popular Prices
jfij §
Land For Sale or Rent.
5oo-ucres, about 20 miles south
Athens, Ga., 6 miles from Maxes,
Ga. VVi 11 sell on eary terms; will
rent all or part of land. 1 will
swap any of my lands for other
real estate, about J5 acres of bot
tom land on this above tract,
watered , and . umbered, , , , creek , equal- ,
ly divides it. This could be made
a good dairy farm,
or rent on easy
terms 110 acres, about same
tance from Athens Ga. aud ^
miles from Lexington, Ga,,
3-horse farm, almost level
easy to cultivate. Would swap
this farm for
lands. For particulars write.
S. M. Cruce, Athens, Ga.
Advertising is the oil that lubri¬
cates the machinery of business.
Georgia, White County.
In the Superior Court of said county.
Forfeiture of recognizance April Term,
i929, with Judge’s order for perfecting
service October Term, 1929.
L. G. Hardman, Governor, vs. Arthur
Reece, prin. and J. B. Recce, 'security,
non-residents of said county.
Greetings: You are hereby required
,0 be “"‘i a PP** r . Personally or by *t
torney, at the next term of the Superior J^nty
Couft to be h „ 1(J jn an(i for Mid
„„ , he SW!()n(i Monday , B ,939,
to show cause if any they bavewhyjudg
ment should not be rendered against
them for the amount of recognizance for
feited as aforesaid, as in default thereof
mr the coiii court i will 1 proceed as to justice shall
( -,aiu.
Witness the Hon. I. II. 8utton, Judge
of said court, this 22 nd day o( August,
> 929 .
V\. H. Hulsey, p. S. C.
z^r:. — ——' -■ - 'Jinx
Mr. John Head has gone to
Akron, Ohio to secure employment
Mr, F. G. Jones is spending a
few days at home.