Newspaper Page Text
VOL. XXXI. No. 45
Just from the .Mountains.
Mrs. Hays, of Gastonia, N. C.,
is visiting her daughter, Mrs.- Doc
Mr. Rmory Freeman attended
ttie church dedidation at Mt. \ iew
Mr. Harrison Nix was out this
way Tuesday.
Mr. Boyd Denton, who lias been
troubled v ith rheumatism this sum¬
mer, is now much better.
Messrs Paul Mauney and Guv
Hunter passed through Tuesday.
Mr Irvin Pardue is now work¬
ing for the Dixie Gravel Co,
Mr, John Cannon, ot Nacoochee
was Down in this part last week.
Rev. B. W. Kilpatrick was pass¬
ing this way recently.
Messrs Iadlaw Adams, bred
Freeman and E. D. ) hunnond are
still saw milling.
There is a very good crop ot
apples at the Bam Tate orchards
this time.
Rev. II. II. II. Humphries and
Mrs. Oscar Cook were up in this
■•ectiou Wednesday.
There has been no airplanes pass¬
ing over this summer.
You have heard that soy beans
always bloom in August, but there
are some blooming in September
The recent rains came in a most
needy time and we are thankful tor
the same. We need rain in todder
time as ever. Uncle Jimmie Mer¬
ritt, who lost his eyesight at the
Gettisburg fight, always told that
corn needs the ram most just after
todder is pulled.
If you haven’t got your coat of
tan or taken your annual bath,now
is a good time—for the last week
was the hottest of the seusen.
Mr. Smith is Jin trouble again.
The tourist are breathing some of
the fresh air over his farm and his
neighbor’s bees are gathering the
pollen from his fuff flowers, He
will probably enjoin them soon.
The liens have gone on a strike
and therefore eggs will reach their
peak by cold weather.
Slate colored coffee is an added
feature at the Asbastos Inn.
You don’t see many derby bats
now. They are the best that lias
ever been made for cats couldn t
make their beds on them.
They named the new baby “In¬
stallment.” L being born between
the third payment on the radio and
the fourth on the ihver.
Some here have been attending
church services at Cleveland.
Land For Sale or Rent.
500-acres, about 20 miles south
Athens, Ga„ 6 miles from Maxes.
Ga. Will sell on eary terms; wt!
rent all or part of land. I wil
swap any of my lands for othei
real estate, about 75 acres of bot¬
tom land on this above tract, well
watered and timbered, creek equal
ly divides it. This could be made
a good dairy farm.
Also tor sale or rent on easy
terms no acres, about same dis¬
tance from Athens, Ga.,
miles from Lexington, Ga., good
3-horse farm, almost level land,
easy to cultivate. Would kwaj
this farm for mountain-timbered
lands. For particulars write.
S. M. Cruce, Athens, Ga.
Pay Your Subscription Now
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
Judge j. K. Kenimer says the
pleasant showers are wonderfully
fine on his late corn.
Mr. laisper Hefner and sunNevvt
was over the other day and took
dinner with us.
Well, we are still looking lor
that wedding.
Mr. Gables has got his new in¬
cubator running at till! time now.
Well, we don’t hear much news
and the most we do hear is not apt
to be so.
Mr. C. F. Allison is still grincU
itig good meal lor the -people.
We learn that Mrs, Eli Gerrels
is much better we hope she will
soon be better.
It is fodder pulling time, for it
rains every day or night,
Mt. Hl&sant MIthodist Church Ndws.
The members and friends of Mt.
Pleasant Methodist cburcl got
their heads, hearts and pocket
books together, and practically
built a new church, and leveled oil
the church yard. The work has
progressed rapidly to completion,
they are anxious to have it ready
for our revival, which begins .Sutiv
day night, Sept. 22, with the past
tor doing the preaching.
You are cordially invited to at¬
tend these services and worship
with us.
B. W. Kilpatrick, Pastor.
W’e have been hav ing some heavy
rains for the past few days.
A large crowd attended the bap¬
tizing at Mt, View church last,Sun¬
day afternoon,
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Satterfield
ot Lafayette, Ga,,"spent Saturday
night and Sunday with parents,
Mr. and Mrs. ). M. Allen.
A large crowd * attended the
ganization of the Mt. View church
A large mambership has already
beon added to the church. Rev.
J. G. \ oung was appointed pastor
for the coming year and Mr. John
Westmoreland clerk.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Robinson,
it Ducktown, Tenn., have moved
into the house with parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. .V, Robinson, on Tes
There will be Sunday School at
Vlt. View churrh next Sunday at
3 p. m. Everybody invited to
come and take part.
Mr. John \ 1 . Allen has been on
the sick list for several days.
Mr. Lon Winkler and Miss An¬
nie Mae Westmoreland were united
m the holy bonds of matrimony
last Sunday. We wish them a long
nappy and prosperous life.
This community was saddened
by the death ot Rev. J. M. Nix
Friday nignt, Aug. Mr. Nix
was a good man and will be miss¬
ed. He leaves to mourn his sad
ieparture a widow, several child¬
ren and a host of relatives. His
remains were laid to rest in I own
Creek cemetery, funeral services
•jy Rev. J, G. Young and others.
When using electric stoves and cook¬
ing devices always ‘follow the mamy
facturer’s directions and observe the
usual rules for saving hear.
Railroad Information
The cog railway to the top of Pike’s
peak, over 14,000 feet high, is probably
the highest railroad line in the United
States. Corona, Colo., on the so-called
“Moffat road,” is 13,060 feet. The
longest railroad tunnel in this country
is tlie Cascade tunnel, 1 miles 3,420
yards long. The Moffat tunnel is 6
miles 176 yards^long and is 0,200 feet
above sea level; it was begun in Sep¬
tember, 1023, and completed in Febru-
1 ary, 1928.
Blue Ridge Dots
We are having plenty of rain
at the close of Dog days, which is
good on the early and lute planting
Mr. Osqorn Satterfield, who re¬
cent ly come up from South Geor¬
gia, reports that the boll wfctvil is
destructive down there.
We were glad to see Mr. Peter
Davidson, of Asheville, tiere lust
Dr. I,. G. Neal tells me that he
thinks of building a tent at Louds
vilie campground.
Visitors here last Sunday after¬
noon came near getting water
Mr. j. W. Lunsford dug him a
well last week.
According to the decision of the
late Col. G. S, Kytle, no one is
more-liable to make a mistake than
• Mrs. E. S. Allen accompanied
her sister home to Young Harris
Work on Mt. Pleasant church is
going on fine under the direction
ot Mr, Marlin Palmer.
Mr. J. II Jarrard is some better
at present.
1 have not been very well for a
fern days.
Messrs G. W.Winkler and H.A.
Satterfield and families visited re¬
latives on Town Creek Sunday.
Brother Charlie Freeman tells
me that he has been connected with
Sunday School work for the past
20 odd years.
Mrs. Johnston, who has been at
her summer home, left Sunday for
her home in Atlanta.
Miss Snider, of Florida, is visit¬
ing Miss Susie Lumsden.
Mrs. Ralph Conover, of Atlanta,
is spending this week with her
mother, Mrs. C. W. Oakes.
Mr. Fred Stovall was operated
on Saturday for appendicitis. His
many friends tire glad to know he
Is getting along nicely.
Mrs M. A, Allison spent last
week in Flowery Branch with her
sister, Mrs. Harry Williams.
Miss Mary Schaffer Williams is
visiting in St. Petersburg.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kenimer, of
New York,are visiting their aunts,
Misses Annie and Lizzie Glen.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wilson, of
Augusta, spent several days last
week with their sister, Mr. and
Mrs. R. B. Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brandon
spent Monday with JJparents, Mr,
aid Mrs. S. B. Logan.
Miss' Emily Logan spent last
week in Gainesville.
Mr. J. K. Coit was visiting in
1 he Valley last week.
Our revival at Cleveland Metbo
list church will begin Fourth Sun
day in September. Rev. W. W.
j Watkins will do the preaching. A
j cordial welcome will greet you at
the church. So you come and
bring your friends.
B. W. Kilpatrick, Pastor,
The Adams reunion will be held
it Mossy Creek camp ground Sun
| dav, Sept. 15. blood
All that are refitted by
marriage are cordially invited to
come and bring baskets. Come
early if you want the full program.
A. H. Adam6.
Miss Mary Henderson left, last
week to attend the State Normal
School at Athens.
Messrs Henry ami Raymond and
Misses Eula and Viigie Mae Bar
red entered Young Harris
last week.
Miss Addie Davidson returned
to Atlanta Sunday after spending
several weeks at home.
Mr, Marvin Trotter returned
home Monday from Detroit, where
lie has been for ttie past lew weeks
He lias accepted a job with Pied¬
mont Drug Company in Gaines¬
Mrs. Maude Norton and Mrs.
Victor Kenimer and little daughter
ot Bishop, spent Tuasday night
Mrs, F. A. McAfee.
News has been reported inCleve
land that the State ,1 ligli way Board
has permitted an extension of tin
contract to Sam Finley to pave
from Quillian’s to the river.
Mrs. W. D. Dbance, of Atlanta,
is visiting Mrs. B. VV. Kilpatrick.
Miss Willie Mae Cooley has re¬
turned home after a visit to her
uncle in Maysville.
The A. II. Henderson, Sr., old
barn, across the tracks from the
depot, burned down Monday night
snortly after preaching services at
the Baptist church. The orgin of
the fire is not known.
Jar Economical Transportation
the ear you want
... and you can be assured when you
LOOK buy it Srom us that it represents
at These Bargains II Dependable and Honest Value!
CHEVROLET No matter what price you wantjto pay for a used car—
15)2K Coupe we can supply you with a better automobile than you
A real bargain for ever expected to buy for that amount of money!
someone. Injgoori We have on hand at this time the widest selection of
shape in fine used cars in our history. Many of them cannot be
every told from new. The motors have been thoroughly
way. $350. overhauled—upholstery and hardware are in excel*
CHEVROLET lent condition—and some have even been refinished
in pleasing new colors.
15)20 Touring Here is your opportunity to get a real bargain! And
A real buy for you can have absolute confidence in the cars that
some one. SI25. bear the red “O. K. that Counts” tag — because they
have been carefully checked over by skilled inspec*
CHEVROLET tors, and represent definite, known values.
1027 Cabriolet Come in and pick out your car now —while we have »j
Come in and see wide selection tor you to choose from!
one for $250.
Cleveland Chevrolet Company
Mrs. f as. P, Davidson is visiting
parents, Mr. uud Mrs. C. II.
Nelms, in Commerce this weeq.
Mr. T. F. Lundy, of Helen,
spent a short time in town Wed¬
nesday at ternoon.
Miss Mertie Lee Turner entered
^ oun g Harris College last week
\\' e are requested to announce i
that there will be a play staged at j
Xion School house Saturday night, ’
Sept, lq, by the 7 th grade entitled
“Miss Sanie or the CurtailedCourt
ship.” Admission 10 and 1.5 cents
Rev. C. VV. Henderson, of Quit
man, will do the preaching in tile
revival at Crescent Hill Bnptist
church, beginning September 22.
1 he public is cordially invited to
attend each service and hear this
great man of God. lie has a mes¬
sage that will be uplifting to all.
I)on’t fail to hear turn.
The revival at Cleveland Bap¬
tist church is progressing fins. If
you have not heard Biother Head,
the evangelist,you should hear him.
lie is doing some good preaching
this week. The interest is fine and
and attendance good at each ser¬
I Want a good reliable man to go
into business lor himself in Lump¬
kin. county selling K.vwleigh’sGood
Health Products to farmers, A
permanent, profitable, and pleas
ant business all your own. Very
Iittle {capital required. See me
quickly G, W. Poole, R, 1, Leo Ga
Tiie Honest Bill and Moon Bros. Shows
SEPT. 25
Presents a reproduction of the
days of the Golden West, introduc¬
ing champion cowboys nnd cow¬
girls, in n program of Jpnstime and
pleasure of the early frontier, with
many old time favorites of the sud
die and the lariat in fancy and trick
riding as well as the bucking bron
CQ on. The any’hor^'mule management will pay
$lou f OI or steer
our cowboys can not ride. Bring
um in. YVe will give you a (.free
ticket to see it well done, so come
early and see the fun.
Northern Georgia and Power
corporation, which has been oper¬
ating here for (lie past year and at
sjj carrying on development and ex¬
pansion work, has been taken over
by O. M. Dickerson and T. F.
Christian, and is now being opera¬
ted uned the name and style of
flowser Brothers, incorporated.
This step was necessary id order to
re-finance the operation and assure
the customers supplied by the
Northern Georgia Light audPower
corporation adequate and efficient
service in the future.—Dahlouega
Advertising is the oil that lubri¬
cates the machinery of business.
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