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do not cost more
There are several good makes of tires on the mar¬
ket, but some are better than others. Among these
better tires Kelly-Springficlds hold an undisputed
high place.
Kelleys have always been built to give service.
That is what has given 'hem their reputation This
reputation has created an impression that Kellys
cost more than the so-called "standard makes,"
As a matter of fact, they don’t. You can buy a
Kelly for the seme price you would pay feisewhere
for a tire with a lesser reputation.
(live us a call the next time you need a tire; you
wont regiet it. The Kellys of todad are the tough¬
est, longest-wearing and easiest-riding fires that
ever came out of the [Kelly plant—and the prices
are the lowest in Ki lly h Tory.
Whitmire & Head
Cleveland, Ga.
Quality JVIerehand, e at Papular Prices
is the master key of our civilization,
the means through which we have
achieved art:, education and industry.
It is well worth the very highest
efforts of its craftsmen.
The Cleveiand Courier
Commercial Prim-o : of Every Description W
0 , ''0f0^0$0 r£r% 0 '\
One Day Only
Rain or Shine
2 & 8 P.
Leg ^tdvertisemenbE
(}e.nrg in. While County
To wl oin it may concent:
131 jn i;i laOniUm , having iri j.itojier form
ftpplie 1 to .lie for permanent fetter, s oi
a 5 roii it* lr;i 1 iori on the estate of Mr,
John Lmndon, late rf'eai'l county: I'm n
is to <dtr* .all and singular, (he credit<m
and next 4 >f kin of saifi Mis. John 1 . on
don to lie and appear at. ufy office within
the, time allowed l,y law, and show
cattSe. if M-ny they can, why pet nutrient
adminit.tliUi on should not he granted to
Elisha London on Mrs. John London's
e late. Witness my inind and. official
signature. This the 2nd das of Kepteth
her am.
A. L. Dorsey,.Ordinary.
Georgia. \\ liite Couniy.
Will he sold at thecoiiH. housedpo, >0
aid county on the first Tuesday it,
October 1339 within the legal hours o:
sale, the four tracts of hind Mi. t-cribed a
ft) J. \. PALMER LAMP.
All that trad of land located in Six
Creek District of said county containing
ifai) acres more nr less and being kno
as till of the old R. Ji. Anbury home pbo".
lying East of Shoal Creek and lining th
same plant on which j. A. Palmer row
resides, and fully described in Book t
of mortgages, pages ->77 t° n/K- Lev
anti to bo sold separately as the pro
petty of J. A. Palmer.
( 2 ) V. W,'SHELMUT. LAND.
Also all that tract of land located in
| lilac Creek District of said county, con
I taining 3 ( 11 acres mote or less and b
I the place known as file Isaac Oal>i
i home place anti more recently known as
i the Vf. ,1. Oakes place,tmd fully “T".
ed in deed recorded in Hook Page •'
Same levied on and to-be sold separately
as the of f. W. Sliclnut,
Also all the parts of lots of
Numbers 108 and IO 9 in the Second land
district of Haiti county known a* the
feed 11 . V e.mmn old Imm'-place,, con
taining »H) acres more or hiss, and fully
described in deed recorded in Deed Book
"K", page 39 I. This Iran levied on ami
to he sold separately as th« property ot
T. T. Satterfield.
Also all that tract of .land located it
said ......... containing SS acres more ot
less being known as the 11. A. Autry
land and fully described in deed from
U. ft. Moore to II. A. Autry recorded in
Deed Book *T”, pages 230-t. This tract
levied on and to he sold separately as
the e property p'-upm'ty of t" II. ". A. • Autry. ttl111 .'; j
All naW four tracts sBvarauy leymd on ]
tint} to be separately sold an above stated
to satisfy the ti fa issued on lft-li day of
June !939 by A. L. Dorsey as Ordinary
of said county in favor of White county
against •!. H ■ Campbell tax collector tm
principal, J. A. Palmer, ’1- 1 .Satie, field
0. H. Wiki?, W. K. Bulgin, F. W. Slieb
al “'»• Surety VV - Company and Southern Surety 1
Company as sureties on bond of said
tax collector.
All of above owners, and the following
tenants in possession: Federal Land
Bank of Columbia, White County Bank
and Y. A. Blackwell given written notice
>f levy as provided by law.
This tilth day of September, 1929.
W. A Jackson, Suet ill.
296 j [people in White couniy
mve seen the motion pictures j
illow 11 by trucks 1 and 2 of the
Southern Forestry Educational
Project recently.
These pictures were of forests
tnd forest fires and give an insight
is to the conditions in tlie btrite in
egards to our timber supply.
Subscribe For The C ourier
125 People, 50 Horses and ISlietlaiid
Ponies, 4 Camels, 'Z Ilabv Camels, Z Drom¬
edaries, Herd of Elephants, Dog’s, Goats,
Dears, Russian iSlotli, only one in U. N. A,;
IO Lions, 5 Baby Lions Leopards, Tigers,
Hyenas, Mules; YY ire Walkers, Jugglers,
Riding Acts, Funny Clowns, Pretty Circus 1
Girls. See outside free show at 1 and
p. m. Special Prices: Children 25 and Adults 50. Big Free Street
Parade At Noon.
Twuted Twined
Phe* Cord
crop is bought by Firestone experts (
in the primary cotton markets. It is ship,
ped to Firestone's own cord fabric mills
—the largest in the world—where it is
first twisted into tiny threads. These
threads are then tightly twisted into ply
yarns, and three of these are twisted in
the reverse direction into cords of fish¬
line strength. Exactly the right number
of twists are carefully determined to se¬
cure the greatest strength and elasticity.
C.Not satisfied w ith cords of superior
strength and elasticity, each individual,
cord is Gum-Dipped—a patented Fires
stone process in which every cord is sub¬
merged in a vat of pure liquid rubber
gum—where every single fiber of every
cord is saturated and completely covered
with rubber. That’s w'hy Firestone Gum
Dipped Tires give most miles per dollar
and hold all world records for speed,
safety and economy. Your size is in our
stock—come in. We save you money
and serve you better.
Georgia, White County.
In the Superior Court of said county
Forfeiture of rocogfnizanee April Terra,
U>29, with Judge's order for perfecting 1
service October Verm, i$29.
L. ir. Hardman, Governor vs* CoJe
Keripely, colored, prin. and W. A.fUmob,
security, non-residents of said county.
Greetings: You are hereby required
to be ami .ppear, 1 pc-smiallv or or by by at¬
torney, t _ at . the next term of tim Superior
Court to In held in and for said county
on the aetauiil Monday in October, 1 Pag.
to show cause if any they have why judg
toenl. should not be rendered against
theni for the amount of their recogni¬
zance forfeited as aforesaid, as in de¬
tail thereof sluill'appeHaiti? the court will proceed as to
WiinesH the Hon. I. H. Sutton, Judge
of said court, this 22nd day of August,
W, H. Hulsey, C. S. C.
Faith of Childhood
Who, if lie is honest towards him¬
self, could say that the religion of bis
manhood was the same as that of his
childhood, or the religion of his old
age the same as the religion of his
manhood? Tt is easy to deceive our¬
selves and tq say that the most perfect
faith is a childlike faith. Nothing
can be truer, and the older we grow
the more we learn to understand the
w isdom of a childlike faith. But be
lore we can learn that, we hnve first
to learn another lesson, namely, to put
away childish tilings. There is the
same glow about, the setting sun as
there is about the rising snn ; but there
'lies between the two a whole world,
a journey through the whole sky and
over the whole earth.—Prof. Max
(leorgia. While County.
In the Superior Court of said county,
Forfeiture of recognizance April’IVim
1929. with Judge s order for perfecting
service October Term, 1939.
L. G. Hardman, Governor vs. J.
i Carter prin., and ( 1 . F. Sholer eucurity,
i non-residents of said county.
Greetings: You are hereby required
to he and apjnan, personally or by at
torney, at the next term of the Superior
court to be held in and for said county
on tiie seconc Monday in October, 1929 .
to show cause if any they have why
judgement should not be rendered again
st them for the rmouut of recognizance
forfeited as aforesaid, as in default there¬
of the court will proceed as to justice
shall appertain.
Witness the Hon. 1 . H. Sutton, Judge
of said court, this 22 nd day of Aug,1929.
W. H. Iluleey, O.fkC.
Honest Bill and Moon Bros. Show
September 2T>
Has absolutely the best Trained
Troupe of elephants traveling, and
only go to show what kindness will
JCC ligh vv!ien M „pressed upon
, the mind ..... of this big dumb brute by
proper authority, as tiiey present
an entirely New ni d Sensational
: Series ot Wonder Acts that are
amusing as well a- instructive,
Day Your Subscription No>v
One Day Only
Rain or Shine
Z & 8 P. M.
| Georgia, White C ounty.
^ u l’ er * <,r Court ot said county.
j Forfeiture of recognizance April Term,
; i929, with Judge’s order for perfecting
service October Term, 1829.
I T. 0. Hardman, Governor, vs. Arthur
J Reece, prin. and J. B. Reece, security,
; eon-residents of said county,
Greetings: You are hereby required
*° * ,e aru * appear, personally or by at
; ^nay, at the next term of the Superior
Court to he held in and for said county
on the, second Monday in October, 1928,
to show cause if any they have why judg¬
ment should not be rendered against
them for the amount of recognizance for¬
feited as aforesaid, hb in default thereof
the court will proceed as to justice shall
Witness the Hon. I. II. Sutton, Judge
of said court, this 22nd day of August,
W. H. Hulsey, C. 8 . C.
We are requested to announce
tlie baptizing will take place at
Mt. Pisgah ciiurcti next Sunday
morning at 10 o’clock at the usual
place, near T. W. Turner’s Store,
on the A. S. H.
FOR RENT : Nacoocbee Roller
Mills. Filling Station and Hotel
all adjoining. Possession given
November first, or earlier if desired
Apply J. B. Hardman, Commerce,
Subscribe For The Courier