Newspaper Page Text
Just from the Mountains.
You can’t make hay neither can
fl^e bee make honey when it rains.
The waters will not be low this
fail. The present equinoctial rains
have been t he heaviest in years.
What has been is liable to be again
Some few years ago when Pierce
and Waterhouse were trying to
float logs down I he* Chattahoochee
to their saw mill near the Clark
Bridge in Hall, there came a heavy
east rain. Yon have heard of a
land boom but this was a water
boom. The logs quit the channel
and were scattered from Have
Martin’s to the Gulf of Mexico.
The chain broke at the saw mill
and turned nil the log' loose. Be
bine the clouds tlie sun is still
shilling. Every cloud has a silver
lining. Where were you at when
I he flood hit the show ?
There is talk of a shortness in
breath, rations, and fuel, but there
is no talk of a shortness in salt.
There was a salt famine in the
Southern Confederacy in the 6o’s
and the people nod to dig up the
ground in their smoke houses to
get salt. Jt some fellow could
have foreseen this he could have
made his millions for man and
beast have got to have salt. Salt
is going down our streams all the
time. When water is taken up in¬
to the air it leaves the s.dl in the
sea. The Dead Sea and Great
Salt Lake in Utah have no outlet.
Fish and animals can’t live in them
The salt supply now comes from
ibo suit mines, but the time may
come when the supply will come
from the sea.
You don’t Isear them sing now
that good old song, “Keep a little
sugar in the gourd. Don’t roll the
gourd about but keep a little sugar
in the gourd.
We think nothing strange about
the most common things of lile. H
the sun shone once only in fifty
years it would be a great event ,
■if lhe stars overhead made their ap¬
pearance only once in a thousand
years it would be heralded as some¬
thing wonderful; and if your
another-in-ia w was to visit you
once it. a hundred years you would
kill a fat calf and cut a watermelon
if your cat or dog was to stay away
ten years you would be glad to see
them. You would give the cat
cream and the dog a bone from the
Land Lor Sttb*.
85 acres, i mile from the City o!
.then*, Ga., has good 4-room
ouse and lo acres of bot'om land,
ud i* near a good market and
ood schools and colleges. V\ ould
;nt it. See
T. [. McDonald,
Cleveland, Ga
Special Excursion Lares
f o
Pickets on Sale October S-qwilh
inal Limit October nth. Tickets
n Sale October ii”-i2 With Final
.iinit October 13th.
Round-Trip Fare from Gaines
jHe SI.75 For Tickets or Furtli
r Information apply to Ticket
J. C. Bearn, A. G. P. A.
Atlanta, Ga.
A iievv~ [lasteurizing^method electric was shocks in¬
spired by the slight
an inventor received when tasting to¬
mato soup. It is well it did no: hap¬
pen in Mexico, where 110-volt chili is
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
The rain for the past week lias
caused the streams to be the high¬
est they haive been in years, which
has been a pat of damage to the
Mrs. I. G. Thomas has returned
home after a tew days visit with
her brother and sister ar Cuthbert,
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Jackson
gave the voting people a candy
drawing Saturday night which
was enjoyed by a large crowd of
The bridge -across Tesnatee on
the Boll properly was washed away
last week by I lie creek being sc.
There will be prayer meeting at
Ml. View churcii Thursday night.
Everybody invited to come and
take part in ilia good work.
The Sunday School Ml. \ lew
met and organized Sunday. Mr.
T. \V. Warwick as supt. and Miss
Onie Hunt secretary.
Rev. George Wahace, of Belton,
will preach at Friendship on the
Third Saturday night at 7 :3c and
on the Third Sunday at it. The
public is cordially invited to come
and hear him.
Miss Melvina Miller is attending
college at Brenau.
The friends of Mrs. Lee Spivey
regret to learn of her illness.
Mr. Fay Keith is suffering with
lonsilitis at present.
Miss Bertha Sargent, who lias
been teaching at. Iltckorv Nut, is
spending a short vacation with
Mr, and Mrs. Newt Thomas
visited .Mr. and Mrs. Fay Keith
Sunday. <
Mr. Aldon Westmoreland, ol
Commerce, was visiting Mr, D. D
Sargent last week.
Remember Sunday School at
Friendship every Sunday at 10:30.
Mr. and Mrs, E. W. Lancaster,
little daughter, l ; ay, and Miss
Annie Thomas were the dinner
guests of Mr. and Mis. 1 C L. I rot¬
ter Sunday.
Several from here are planning
! to attend the White County Sing¬
ing convention at White Creek
church next Saturday and Sunday.
j We oouldn’t seem to gel along
j without the dear old Courier, bul
jit would be more interesting still
if all ihe writers were as faithful
in sending the news as Asbestos,
Tesnatee and Blue Ridge.
Subscribe Lor Hie Courier
OCT. 4
j “The Man and the Moment”
j Stars: Billie will Dove find and Rod this Ilu¬ La
Rocque. You
bes! picture I have brought to
Cleveland. Opening with an air¬
plane wreck, and closing with the
crash of a huge glass swimming
tank, in which Miss Dove and
oilier girls are swimming. It is
more than a romcnce—it has action
and thrills throughout, Admissiot
for tIris great picture will be 2of
and 4 oe. Y r ou will not forget this
picture for many moons.
is by train. The safest. Most com¬
fortable. Most reliable. Costs less.
Inquire of Ticket Agents regarding
greatly reduced fares for short trips.
Pay Your Subscription Nov
Robertstown News
After so long a time we will be
represented in the pages ol our
good county paper, of which we
are pound.
We are glad to report that Mr.
Frank Abernathy’s wife L re¬
covering after several wfeel-s of
severe illness oj typhoid fev£t
The recent rains have dimiaged
lots of fodder through this section.
They have organized a ni \ . P.
V ■ at Robertstown Baptist -church
with a good line of officers, which
we hope will be a great success.
We are glad to note that we
have certainly got a good school,
being taught fry Mrs, O. fl, Kan
sey, pr:n., who has the experience
it lakes to teach a good school,
along with her experienced: fissisj
t ants.
The box supper at Robertstown
school house was better than was
expected last Saturday night.
It seems that hard times bus set
down on news in tfiis section just
at present as well as money and
we will have to go visiting more
and doing about more so we Can
get our names in the paper. I
heard a man say once in a certain
town that he was a stranger there
and it looked like he would: have
to do something so his name would
be in the paper. So let's all do
some “little something good, no
matter how small, all over the
county. just think what some
little something good would do?
Detroit, Oct. 5 —The Chevrolet
Motor Company announced' cere
today that more than i, 2 oo,ooo of
the new six cylinder Chevrolet cars
ffaye been placed on the road since
the first of the year.
This achievement accomplished
in little over nine months, is three
times the best showing of any
other manufacturer of six cylinder
cars in a calendar year and tops
Chevrolet’s record total lor the en¬
tire year of 591b.
It is now certain that six cylin¬
der production will set a world
record this year, surpassing for the
first time in the history of the in
dustry the output of four cylinder
cars. This leadership of tfie sixes
will come about chiefly because ot
Chevrolet’s record showing this
Chevrolet factory officials de¬
clare that the dominating reason
back of tlie leadership of (lie six is
public preference for the advantag¬
es which this type of construction
affords. They point out too that
the influence of great volume pro¬
duction, which lias enabled the in¬
dustry to get six cylinder prices
down to the lowest on record and
has tnade it possible for Chevrolet
through maximum volume to offer
six eye finder performance at a
price that formerly bought only a
With a new nearly record as¬
sured, Chevrolet factures are con¬
tinuing 011 tee biggest Fall pro¬
duction program evjr undertaken
by the company. Nine essembly
plants and seven large tnanufactur
mg plants are facing ttie busiest
final quarter that Chevrolet has
ever known.
The heavy Fall factory program
was made necessary, it was ex¬
plained, to bring production up to
tlie level of the demand and make
possible quicker deliveries to ow¬
VY'e know of no way of fully’ ex¬
pressing to our friends and rela¬
tives our appreciation of their
kindness and sympathy during the
illness and death of our precious
Mother. We can only thank you.
The Woman's Club met with
Mrs Gruar at Helen last week and
had their first meeting of the new
year works A very interesting
program was (given,
Mr. Edwin Williams, of Flov
ery Branch, spent the weekend ,- t
home with parents.
Misses Mary Glen -. nd Virginia
Alley, of Tallulah Fulls Sclioo 1 ,
the weekend at home.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Galloway
spent last week in Athnia.
Mrs. Ray Westbrook, of Fair
burn, is visiting her mother, Mrs.
Annie Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallet; Brandon
and Miss Leona Logan spent Sun¬
day with pare ms, Mr. and Mis. S
B. Logan.
Mrs. John Wright is spending
this week with father and mother,
Mr. and Mrs. If. C. Wright
The many friends of Mr. Fred
Stovall are glad to knot* he 1
liome from Gainesville hospital and
doing nicely.
Oct. Term, 1929
John B, Turner
Jas. B. Simmons
Win. Eaimer
O. M, Lot bridge
Ed Palmer, Sr.
V. L. York
E. E. Abernathy
G, W. Winkler
Will Blalock
A. Es Alexander
J. G. Rogers
C. R. Turner
S. S, Crumley
J. L. Satterfield
G, 11 . Leonard
W. R. Howard
W. II. Bell
R. T. Logan
J. L. Craig
II. N. Abernathy
Sam Howard
C, P, Sosebee
F. D. West
J. H. Telford
J. F. Cantrell
J. N. Turner
W. J. Craven
The Traverse Jury below is
in order they wore drawn.
A. F. Kenimer, C. M. Aslan m
J. W. McAfee, J. N. Hulsey
Aaron Humphries, Johull. Adam
A. L. Freeman, Walter Dorsey
Fraiser Haynes, J, L. Craven. \V
B. Freeman, (. M. Glover, Marvn
Chapman, W. E. Kinsey, I). F
Dalton, C. S. Moore, D K. Dor
sey, Grady Henley, J. E. Hark in
G. A. Vandiver, C. L. Akins, j’
L. Hood, II. H. Purdue, J. B
Winkler, M. J. Craven, K. 1 ).
McCollum, Y C. Freeman, W.M
Hamilton, Boyd Hunt, J. B Lewis,
J. W. Lunsford, Hubert Christy,
|. A. Dorsey,B. F. Taylor, Claude
Humphries and F. C. Truelove.
Subscribe For The Courier
Left my home Sep . i 2 one malt
shoat, weight about 75 lbs.,Keiluin
stock. Notify me and receive re
ward. J
Chas. Hamilton,
Cleveland. Ga., Rt.
- -----
Pay Your Subscription Now
Advertising is the oil that lubri¬
cate* th« machinery of business.
-• £ ‘"'N^
„ r
Buckeye fires
are made by
Buckeye tires arc a good, sturdy, honestly
made products, built by Kelly-Springfield to meet
the demand for reliable tires at a lower price level
than the regular Kelly line. * *.
In proportion to their cost no better tires are
built. While Buckeyes are frankly a secondary
line, they are standing up and delivering mileage
that compares very favorably with that of many
makes of first line tires.
If you dop't feel that you need tha extra mile¬
age of regular Kelly-Sprinfields, come in and let us
put Buckeyes on your car. They arc built in the
Kelly factory and guaranteed by the Kelly Com¬
pany, and though low in price they will give sur¬
prising service.
Whitmire 8 Head
Cleveland, Ga.
Quality Merehandise at Popular Priees
A1LANTA (Plenty Parking Spare) GEORGIA
1’he continuing rainfall for the
past few weeks has caused the far¬
mer-. to lose a lot of their fodder.
Mrs. Hugh O K im. " l
ed from a visit t 1 [i.irc nts in
Mr. Be Jones contemplates
locating in ome other county
Mr. Toini Crow, who has been
helpless for the past £19 months,
still bears bis afflictions with Chris¬
i tian grace and fortitude.
Shoal Creek Was made by
I the aim u sudden deaib of Mrs.
Caroline Cnnsne, which occurred
jFiiday, Aeut. m*. Sue was taken
while pre-pci uig dinner. She
liter little y .ear old girl for
I near neighbor to come to her
• lief, and late- asking that the
at work in the field be told of
condition. After some few
the faintly was called to witness
the sad scene which tmistjCome to
all, Mrs. Christie was Miss Caro
line Anderson before her marriage
to Mr, Joe Christis.J'who was ac
cidently killed by .1 falling tree a
j few years ago. Her body was laid
j to rest by the side of her husband
at I’hiiippi church. Mrs. Christie
was 50 years of age, and freely
talked of her hope of heaven. i>be
was a devoted mother, looking
after the welfare of her four child¬
ren, who, with a host of friends
and relatives mourn her passing-.
j .Mrs, Alma McGhee, of Cler¬
j mont, visited in this section last
j week.
| G We Ire; tit are is glad recovering to know f$>t» that NT spell s-.
| of tonic poison.
Shoal Creek school lias closed
; foi the summer term,