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nhc Ckvelanfc Conner
Official Organ of IVhite Count) £,*<■
I'llbliahwi VVi-ftkty at C-fovelaml ‘ta.
Jas. l\ Davidson, IvJilor.
i hi the IN»«’ at. i j(iv*~l&n*.
Ok,* second c!hrh umil to&’
Member Ntaih District Prea* A*&ociaintt
** Gcoigia Press “
“ National SWltnrial
** Prm Consteas Of The WorM **
SjuOseription, tl.f>0 per year
in a ivance
Claudus H, Huston, of I turn.,
has accepted the post of chairman
of tlie republican national commit
tee, succeeding Dr. Hubert
who lias let red of his own accord
Mr. lltyuou announces tiiat he is
giving up all other active bushiest
connections so that he may give hn
full time to the building up of the
Mr. Hoover placed m the rccort
of the committee the appreciation
and gratitude of himself, the re¬
publican party, and the public
generally for the services of Dr.
A mysterious illness caused tin
death of two children and serious
illness of two others in Irion, Ga.
Food poisoning was thought at
first to be the cause but physicians
later diagnosed the disease as spin
n! meningitis and quaranieed tin
residence of the children.
Ordinary C. R. Brown, ot Hub
ersliam county, announces that
state and county taxes for Haber
sham county will be reduced when
fie finish** his levy for 192U. Tin¬
es due to the inctease in property
Rural residents of Habersham
county are relieved from road ‘tax
dor 1929 also.
\\ iren President Iloovei spent ;•
vacation in Virginia near Iks Rapi
dian river fishing cuinp during the
■sultry days of summer, replied ti
the welcome he received by tin
citizens otVirginia ami commentei
on the hospitality of the people o |
Virginia and explained why In
considered fishing a happy pastinn
Here's what the president say
eiliout fishing :
“Next to prayer, fishing is the
most personal relationship of man
and of more importance than the
fact itself, everybody concedes that
the fish will not bite in the pres¬
ence of the public.”
“Moreover, it is a constant re¬
minder of 1 lie democracy of life, ol
humility and of human frailty—for
all men are equal before fishes
And it is desirable that the presi¬
dent of the United Stales should bt
peroidically reminded of this luti
diunental fact—that the forces oi
nature discriminate for no man.
The following persons whose resi¬
dences are unknown or yyho arp
themselves wholly unknown, towit:
ta) The following persons or their
heirs at law, whose names and resi¬
dences are unknown; S. S. Abernathy;
YV, YV. Abernathy; William Adams; J.
li. Dean; Juhe or Jude A. Lyles; T. A.
Seawright; A. B. Vender; William L.
Walker; Lydia A. Martin; Ellen D.
Clarae; Mrs. Dorothy D. Cobb; Bell
Martin; VV-uja Ann Ramey; David M
Urouster; Cora D, Weilwood; Mrs.
Pell Martin Arwood.
tb) Heirs 141 law of the following
named persons, w hose names and res¬
idences are unknown; Fratus Aber¬
nathy ; Georgia A, Abernathy; fdrts.
Mary P. Allison; John Bailey; Johna¬
than Bailey; 1. L. Brown; Dr, L- K
■ Burns; Thonias Bussey; James Cham¬
j bers; A. Connor; Robert Thomas Clay; Rebecca B. Cooper; Coffee; Cos¬ M.
well Cross; Thomas Cross; Richard
F. Davis; P. E. Dugas; Lewis A. Du¬
j gas; Pen p. Dutton; George B, E<J
Jerome England: Jesse Fry;
i Robert Heath; B. C. Holcomb; Jessg
Hunt; H. a. Janes; J, Lapib John¬
ston; John O. Jordan, Jr.; William
Latimore; YV, T. Leonard; Elizabeth
1 M. McAfee; Joseph McKee; Robert
McMillan; Andrew J. Nichoh*; Benja-
1 miu F. Patton; Prior L, Pitaer; Riclp-
1 ard L. Powell; Charles Roberts; Ste
I pheu Smith; Caleb Stephens; S. V.
j Stewart; Joshua Sutton; Melinda 8.
Sutton; Ella F. Temples; Samuel
j Walker; William M. L. Walker; Wif
liam G. Waller; W. A. Weaver; Ade
line Westmoreland; C. C. Westmore¬
land; Reeves Westmoreland; R. L.
YY't-sjmorehmd; YV. R. YVestmoreland;
Edwin P. Williams; George YV. Wil¬
liams; American Lumber Company, a
Corporation, its successor or assigns;
D. A. Gibson; Byrd-.Matthews Lum¬
ber Company, a Corporation, its suc¬
cessors or assigns;
Air. Austin F. Dean, son of tin
late Col. If. 11 . Dean, of Gaines
■ville, has purchased The Gaines¬
ville Eagle from Editor F. D.
Mi. Dean will be the neweditoi
off The Eagle and Mr. John Crouch
formerly editor of the Cobb Coun¬
tv Times, as business manager.
Mr. Dean was on the sniff ol
The Atlanta Journal tor several
years. Mr. Singleton has givei
out 110 plans for the future.
Robert C. \\ - Ramspeck,
Debittur, Ga., wos overwhelming
ly elected •congressman from 1
Fifth District >\ ednesdav eve
Hooper Alexander and a Mr. Pal
Land For Stile.
Just outetzie ihe incorporatt
limits of Cleveland, Ga.. one n;
acre lot and 011c 4-® ;v.’ie lot. Tin |
price is rifrht. We are to g ■
•electric lights soon and every in. ;
$s»rovemeut makes property .uiv nice
tu price Now is the time to buy j
« 1 nd. For particulars see.
T. I. McDonald.
J64jbsc\ribt> l or The (.'.mirier
Local 'M®w®
The revival-at Mt. Yonuli was a
great success. There were sixteen
additions to tire church, fifteen by and one by letter, and the,
church was greatly helped by tl»e
spiritual and inspiring messages
which Brother Head brought each
hour. We arc grateful to the |>»b
hc-i-n general for their cooperation
during the meeting.
Mt, Yonah church members gave
the Pastor a pantry shower recent¬
ly at prayer meeting. The Senioi
B. Y. 1 ’, U. was reorganized with
Vliss Walker as president. They
j w jj] 1Iu;e t each Thursday night at
before prayer meeting.
i 1 Mrs. Mrs. Jenkins, jenkiiis, who who the ,
spent spent
summer in Cleveland, left Monday
to accept a position at New Al¬
bany, Ind.
Telford & Kenitner informs The
Courier that tiie ad in our JJIast is¬
sue bright many to their store,
as they purchased around $200 in
cdickens and eggs.
Mr, Homer Warwick hadpened
to the misfortune Monday* of get
ing a bone in his ankle out ot
place when his mule slipped and
fell on his foot.
Messrs Mood and Pat Allison
ire remodeling Mr. John Wife's
Mr. A. M. Allison spent Wed
nesday with his son, llarve.
Walker Mt. Camp, W. O. W.
will have an oyster supper in the
IN the district court of the
The United States Number 40 at
Vs. Law
3140.06 acres ot land Proceeding to
in Habersham and Condemn Land.
White Counties,
Georgia, Connie
Hicks, et at.
To the following persons who are non¬
residents, to wit:
Lewis Carr; George W. Clarkson;
George W. Clarkson, Trustee; George
C. Dutton; Harry Dutton; C. E. Gor¬
don; Sam P. Jeffries or Jefferies; Sam
P. Jeffries, or Jefferies, Trustee; C.
H. Hobbs; Mrs. Nina D. E. Jones ;
John E. Mitchell; CleJlk Stevens Mieh
erfelder; Mrs. Clara D. McGregor; Oli¬
ver & Hooper Corporation; Lena E.
Stevens; J. C.Xlaltes; W. S. Oakes; C.
E. Gordon an' incorporator of The
American Lumber Company; C. H.
Hobbs an incorporator of The Ameri¬
can Lumber Company; Arthur E. Mar¬
To all and every person unknown, or
non resident, who claims any right,
title or interest in said described
funds, or the funds which may be
pat if i n(c) Ffiurt ps the result of this
proceeding, whethei finder or ip fight
of auy of the above named or other¬
required and admonished to take nor
tice that the United States has filed
a petition in the District Court of the
United States for the Northern Dis¬
trict of Georgia, Gainesville Division,
$.9 condemn 3,146.06 acres of laud in
Habersham and White Counties, Geor¬
gia, being in the land lots and jdis¬
tricts of said Bounties aij follows, tip
wit: Being land lot 80 and part of
land lot 54, district 13, Habersham
County, Georgia; and land lot 136 and
parts of land lots 137 and 153, District
3, and land lot 10, and parts of land
lots 1, 11 and 15 and Southwest part
ot land lot J3, District 5, and land lots
25 and 62, District 6, geiitjoij J, Whjtp
County, Georgia, and being known as
the lands of Connie Hicks, J. L- Al¬
lison, John H. Jarrard, Mrs. M. A.
Adams; Mrs. Effie g, Frankljp, Uetifl
E. Stevens, John E. Mitchell, E, id.
Abernathy, R. D- Smith, Oliver &
Hooper Corporation, ami others.
This prattey will be heard in the
United States Coni'! Roojp at Atlanta,
Georgia, on the 30th flay of October,
1929, at ten o'clock A. M
}f you or either of you have any
rights in the premises, or desire to
be heard in the matter, you are re
quired thep and there to make known
your objections, if any, your claims
as to the value of the property, or
your respective interests therein, or in
the funds arising therefrom, or any
other matters material to your respect¬
ive rights in the property Bought tp be
condemned; otherwise the Court will
proceed as to law and justice may ap¬
In witness whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed the seal of
the said United States Court at At¬
lanta, Georgia, this 9th day of Sep¬
tember, 1929.
(Seal.) O. C. FULLER,
Clerk United States District Court,
Northern District of Georgia:
Deputy Clerk.
LRarrett auditorium Saturdav nitrh;.
Ocr. 5.
Air. J. T. P. McDonald was
carried to the state sanitorium at
Mgillegdeville Monday.
1 lie Cleveland exchange has
baen moved into the office former¬
ly occupied by Dr. T.J. McDonald
in the Barrett building. Mrs.
Florence Bell is day operator.
Mr. Ray Miller has rented E. L
Russell’s barber shop.
Mr, \V . K. Dean, a former resi¬
dent of White county, died at his
home in Habersham county Timrs
day of last week and was buried
the following day.
Mr. W. J. Dorsey was found
dead around noon near the home of
his daughter, Mrs. M. A. Stover.
It is believed suicide is the cause.
A bottle was found near him label¬
ed ‘‘poison.”
Mr. Prank Tatum moved tu
Cornelia Thursday.
Mrs. Jennie Cannon has gone to
Mr. J, If, Stovall’s to keep house
for him during the winter,
Mr. Charlie Carroll began work¬
ing 'or I), (i. Head Thursday.
The revival at the Methodist
church closed Wednesday nigln
wi)h one addition to the church.
Statement Of The Ownership and Managemen
Published weekly at Cleveland. Ga., for
Oct., man. Editor, Managing Editor,
and Business Manager, J. P. Davidson,
Publisher, J. P. Davidson.
Owner, Ale*. Davidson.
Known bondholders, mortgagees, ami
other security holders, holding 1 per cent
or more of total amount of bond#, mort¬
gages. or other securities; None.
(Signed) Jas. P. Davidson.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this
3rd day of October, i929.
1>. G. HEAD, N. P.
White County, Georgia.
Notei Made Legal Tender
The legal tender act came into effect
on February 25, 1802. This act pro¬
United vided for States the Issuing of $150,000,000 ti|
notes. These notes were
simply paper money, but the act de¬
clared them to be lawful money for
the pa yment o f all dents.
POP A far you ahead who of demand modern driving the last conditions—the word in tires— endurance Firestone
Supreme was created, CLHere is the tire tiiat is stronger, more
durable and better looking than any tire ever made. It costs more
and is worth mere because it is more economical and gives you tire
service, above and beyond anything the motor world has ever known..
It has everything and more than the famous Firestone Gum
Dipped Tires which already hold ail records for speed,
safety, economy and mileage This means greater air
volume —thicker tread—added number of plies of
Gum-Dipped Cords—better non-skid protection for
safety —improved riding qualities. CCome and see
it—you will want a full set on your car at once—a ^ ?
liberal allowance will be made for your old tires.'
C levehmd C lit*vrolct € 1 oiiip<iiiy
•'■■’rSESS:*- iC ' W)
■ •> 1 w L
Ml 1
Jbr Economical Transportation Most people realize that the New*
WAR; SgJdjFY ( hevnffe! 1 a Six in the price range
' 1 the four. But not everyone knows
what a really wonderful Six it is!
* Chevrolet engineering staff spent
more than four years in the de¬
velopment of the Chevrolet Six.
Materials are selected from the
In Design - - altogether, 'vor; s finest mere markets are nine and, thousand taken
inspections during the car’s pro¬
duction and assembly!
In Materials I he result is exactly what you’d
- expect— tetial quality in design, in ma~
and in workmanship that
ass:: satisfactory res years of dependable and
In Workman service!
sh‘ '■ ana Come dri in e today. th I car—for We want it will you give to see
new idea what the you
• as to buyer of
4 n o a his low-priced car can now expect for
hi. 5; - fiffaa- The The , ' Coupe, Coupe. SS!S: J 595 595 The ; : The The r Phaeton. nut-run. Sport Snort *0^0; tSiS- Coupe, Conn*. The j ne S645: 1/wt. fjooch. Coach.
Built the * The Th*
to HhT l-vs&tx, SKSSSSlXSttiSi
( “ -Id til. deiiv -red price as well as the list (f. b.)
Standards! U > o.
est ‘ r ; ’IS automobile values. Our dealers’
'B Y 1 r ‘ lr iu ' Je on| v authorised charges lor
- and dulivor - and the charge for addirionA 1
Accessories utvmcing det»ired. any
or (s9 2 -s**)
Cleveland Chevrolet Company
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