Newspaper Page Text
Just from the Mountains.
Mr. Fred Freeman was plowing
in Mi. Frank Turner’s orchard last
Mr. Billy Denton broke his arm
trying to crank a second handFord
All of our people had plenty of
moonshine last week.
The flood situation is not as bad
as {was reported. Sam Coker’s
ducks was not drowned.
Everything is so slow here that
the smoi|e where the hogs were
killed last fall is still lingering
John Smith, before renting to
Sam Jones, asked him if he laid
any children,.dogs, cats, organs,
phonographs or radios. Jones told
him he had none of these but he
had an old corn sheller, an old
gander and five old peafowls that
made a terrible noise on a rainy
Two airplanes passed over last
week going toward San Francisco.
It was a bright October day, rio
cloud was in the sky, and Lind
burgh told them it was to fly. And
every little airplane said-. •'i’ll
try I’ll try.”
Daddy Smith spent his summer
vacation down on the Gulf ol
Meaico. After the niisquitoes,
flies, gnats, Mediterranean fliet
and sweat bees got their toll hi
clothe' looked like an Irish iituiih
had just moved out of them. Bu
since lie returned to the mountain?
and attended several picnics, iisi
ifries, half a dozen campmeetings
-breathed some pure air and dranl
some good water, lie is now be
gHitting to fill up his clothes agaii
A burnt child dreads the liie.
The seven ages of men are : baby
iitlie boy, the boy, the old man,tin
old titan, '.lie old man, the old man
And the seven ages ot women are :
infant, little girl, the girl, tin
young woman, the young woman,
the young woman, the younj.
There is something the rnattei
with our boasted civViz it ion whet,
the farmer—the man that teem
i hem all—is growing poorer ant
poorer all the lime while others
seem to grow richer and richer al
the time. There are more tenant?
than formally. But we now Imv.
farm reliei. It was a i 'ttg linn
getting here, but it got here at last
They say they are going to lielj
ti e farmer help himself. 1 imt
w ill tell the tale.
I^and For Salt*.
8s acres, I mile truin the City m
Athens, t j a.. has good 4-roon
house and lo acres of bot'om lam.
and is near a good market am
good schools and colleges. W011I
jent it. See
T. J. McDonald,
Cleveland, Ga
Pay Your Subscription Nov
Straight Salary : $35. per wee!
ud expenses. Matt or woinai
vith rig to introduce Egg Fro
ucer. Evreka .Mfg. Co;, East
Louis, 111 .
We are offering a rare value in :■
ia,.o wliioh has been turned back
ue to inability to keep up pay
tents. Can be sold at an attrac
figure, giving terms to re
pot.sible parties. For particulars
ddress Box 1007, Atlanta, Ga.
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
Mr. Ray Warwick and Guy
Allen were visiting in Atlanta
Sund: ty.
Mrs. Ab Nix and son, Loy. are
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jesse
Hark uig.
Mr. Will Nix lias returned home
after spending a tew weeks witli
his sister. Mrs. John Alien.
A large crowd attended the
pound supper at Mr. John Allen’s
Monday night. a
Mr. John Robinson visited re¬
latives at Helen last week.
.Mr. \V. 11 . Befcsyisited Mr.John
Allen last Sunday.
Prayer meeting every Sunday
night at M“ View. Come, every¬
body. Mr. Virgil Hunt Jis leader
for Sunday night.
Mr. Hubert Turner lias been
making syrun for the people in
Since court has adjourned 1 judge
The Editor will he scarce of news,
so 1 write from this neck of the
Hog killing time in s commenced
and so its hog and hominy.
Miss Ella Anderson who war,
the prize on deportment ftmnSlioa
Creek school, contemplates enter
mg tile Chattahoochee 1 1 tsh
Mr. John Kaonly, who lias been
■eriousty stek with acute u.dtges
tiou. is slowly recovering.
Miss Berth 1 Smit it is attending
Cleveland High School.
Mr. Mat (> 1 .ocit will in • > ve t■
Clermont in tin: near fill tire.
Three voting ladies. Miss Leon
Dot sey, Mis- Minna Miner am
\li~s Mildred Dorset, ail ot Mossy
Creek, vi-iled this sect ion last Sun
Mr. Fate Gooch, ot Clermont
a ill locate in our section soon.
Mr. Albert Dorsey and wilt
visited Mr. |, A. O’kelley Sunda\
Mr James Pahnei recent lv snh
100 gallon' of svrup t<> T-itoni A
Rev. Will Grindle.ol Duhlotiega,
das been called to the pastorale ot
Shoal Creek church.
Rev. Mr. Souther hi' returnee
o his home from the Imspnai ii
" When ii R ain't: P mirs” inn
lie pusoiiage at Ci- vr am! JI»-lj
nentl the leaks b\ e-unmg lo see f
The Fascinating Fannv Brown |
1 two act lilav. winch will i>e -tag
■d at the school auditorium S-itur
lay evening. N >v. and.
Tile characters in thn- piav ire;
,’erci va i G a-e. L a 1111 >< r t Mender';
Billy Pearson, ! in Head; Hejjrx
Dudley, Buford Kilpatrick; Mrs.
Juldweli, Pear! Heat : Andy Caid
.veil, Ethel Edwards; Durtlut Dud
ey, Sallie Davidson; Frorenct
ilowe, Nellie Palmer; Mrs. Mof
r’ett, lennie Edwards. Martha,
Dora Ella Kilpatrick.
Miss Margie McAfee,of Detroit,
trrived in Cleveland Sunday for n
visit to parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. McAfee.
Governor L. G. Hardman spent
t short time in Cleveland last Fri¬
Mrs. Clarence Barrett lias re
turned home after spending several
days with the Barrett children at
Young Harris.
Advertising is the oil that lubri¬
cate# the machinery of business.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith, of
Cornelia, visited relatives here last
Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Satterfield
and Mrs. Jordan, of Atlanta, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Curtis
Miss Ola Mae McCollum is visit¬
ing relatives in Cornelia at present
Mr. and Mrs. Quilliau Shelnut
spent the weekend with* relative#
m Gainesville.
Mr. and Mrs. Allred Stovall
spent Sunday with the former’s
parents, Mr. Jim Stovall.
We are sorry to say that Mrs. j.
II. Shulnut is on the sick list al
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McCol¬
lum have returned to their home in
Cleveland, Tenti., utter spending
several days wit relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W, McCollum
spent Sunday with Mr. Colqutt
Harper at Habersham Mills,
has been very ill.
Blue Ridge Doth
The Mrs. RebeccuRobinson.Lou
Etris, Eli Allen and Mary Cleve¬
land gave Mrs. Allen a call la#t
S , rup inaking is 1 he order ot t In¬
lay here.
We saw tn airplane pass 11
ither day and we were reft, in dr.
4 a poe.11 expression: "lie s*ii
.auk to the east ami 1 looked to tl
.vest and saw the cradle comini-
40 eleven nurses and a dabhle
_?rev mule and the lines ol the ot In
■ ide of Jot dan.
Mr. Drew Lunsford, ot Hum
counts, spent Saiuttlay ami Sm
day nights with Mr. J. \\ l,u -
melon Iris wav to do smile roa
\Ork on the L ouisville road 1
R "her(st o w i).
Mr M. T Lunsford lias iimvi
< Robert stow 11 lo work lor Id
40 ven 1 men t ii' (11 e gun id.
] . \\ . Lunsford, J.. left Moml 1
morning lor d ninth niouiil nil'
where lie will be this season a?
lookout 111 1 tt.
Mr. J. YV - Laii'tord is i t(j,-liner
v ille on busi ness.
Laud For Salt*.
fust outside the incorporat.
units of Cleveland, Ga., one n"
tcre lot and one 40 acre lot. Th
price is tight. We are to gt
•learic liglits soon and eveiy in.
orovenient makes properly ulvanc.
in price Now is ihe time to iiu
land. For paiticulars 'ee.
T. J. McDonald
Mali to -ell quality tires diivt
:<> car owners Dealers price* i
Exclusive territory. Easy work ;
$73 week. Experience n<>t nrces j
sary The G. II. Stewart Co , ’
East Liverpool, Ohio.
Fay Your Subscription Now
SAVE 'A - 'A a °"!g“
ATLANTA (Plenty Parking Space) GEORGIA
Methodist News.
An adjourned session of the
fourth quarterly conference for
Cleveland Charge will be held at
the Cleveland Methodist church
the First Sunday, Nov. 3, at 4p.n1.
It is hoped that each church will
report pastor’s salary paid in full,
or by Nov. to. Also a good re¬
port on conference claims and mis¬
Our annuel conference meets in
Atlanta Nov, 13, and the Faster
hopes that the charge will have
KQod reports to send to the con
er enci5 -l
j During the have
year we re¬
ceived Z2 members on profession
of faith and 2 by certificate, a
new church building at Mt Pleas¬
ant, and plans for Sunday School
rooms at Cleveland wifi be includ¬
ed in Hie Pastor’s report to the
annual conference. Why not let
him report finances in tub? We
can if every member will feel in
j ,4reslt ‘ d « nou K‘»
B. VV. Kilpatrick, Pastor.
N 0 T I ( K
l have charge of selling hunting
licenses East of the G. A N. W.
R. R. 111 White county. See me
if you are going to hunt.
11 k. While,
The (’hattahooclier Go deal Chd
viii have their first e.hrv'ai the
imn conlesr and exliilnl Oelober
aS I rom 3 to 3 p. in , at I lie 11- -h 1
• link b II d 11 i 11 g
The judge' are: Miss l.tii- Ed
vard', district :i-_e it Groiga.i t .
-ge of Agt'icu 1 r. e Aiheii'; \ii
.ueiie I»11 r r • ugfis. demon -ir 111 1
gem of White eon o' v. m d Mr
lias H. \! 1 i e.r. td ll.-c -
AT. I r n-nds iiqi 1 c'-ti d in :G
unit ami gfutving i f lliitm? ai
ttdi,ii|\ invited l.t ,iiu-"d ami c
tillage ClHtll film -e In e G.111U
Ntlb in their ll 't ptililit ree.rpi i'n
Georgia Uaa Ion;; labored under Hi.
burden of malaria. 'J lie mosquito
shoiibl have long into ti.-m considered
a greater menace lo Georgia’s pros
jjvrity than the boll wanvil. Hid you
ever hear of a mouiuneut being erect
. d signifying the bh- sing of tbn mos
<jiii,r,r No. but such a monument
was e ceded in a uci-,h boring Slate to
I.U# bail weevil which as a bltsstns its
Pennine promoted diversification ot
nips However, there have hen
iuriiis lids past year fa.7 ground ex
avatious ill Gs.-il-xia and at the heat'
f each no doubt it monument will h
, cted not significant of the benefit
.om an insect but of this sad result
,! ihe mosquito's dradiy bite. Tlrini
of ibis in isirrmi of economic lost
,h>*Vil suffering, mental anguish
li it v,-e now virion the dawn ot n
ten era The public is interested as
u-.-var b fora Cities and towns nr*
<w-::air:S appropt-jutioilS for lues
liiiiu control. Counties arc providing
ildilional levies and personnel fo;
Ilia must important health work. Tin
gourd of llealtli Is working
i-.i m),.t<.; v in rendering assistance
.host- facts speak for themselves
Uiil.'i ia wilt h,- conquered. It can
b* done, act! economically. Necessity
has motile,led the invention of new
tud economical methods. Science
has been observant and has witnessed
success bright dawns t£t» day
resplendent with the light of opti¬
mism, Malaria witi be conquered.—
Georgia’s IleaHh.
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