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Ebe Cleveland) Courier
Official Organ 0 / White Count) Go
rutilished Weekly nt CleveUna »*«..
,!,vs. I*. Davidson, Editor.
Kn'aretl at the Bob'. >fftce a 1 Cleveland
Ch.. hh necotni <:!»»» mail uiauer.
Member Ninth District Pre«» Associaion
" Georgia Pres*
«« National Editorial
** Press Congress Of The World
Subscription, $1.50 per year
in advance
The Gainesville Eagle carried a
news slory in their last issue that
judge John S. Wood, of Canton.
of the Blue Ridge cir¬
cuit, while in Gainesville recently
informally announced his candidacy
for congress from the Ninth con
gressional district.
Judge Wood is an uncle by mar¬
riage of Bobby Jones.
More than $90,000 of S. S. Car¬
ter’* estate was recently sold at
action, which ia around #10 an
Interest is being manifest in
Gainesville for the early paving ol
the highways to Cleveland and to
Cornelia. The recent rams have
made it imperative that immediate
attention be directed to tlie paving
of these highways. The Courier
predicts that the highway leading
to Cleveland will be given consid¬
eration first.
We learned this week ihatjudge
Jones will likely be a candidate ioi
judge of the Superior Court il he
listens to the call of his many
friends.—Dahlonega Nugget.
The Courier is watching eagerly
for news that will mean the rapii
development of this section. We
cannot help bur believe that the
Georgia Power Company official
knew what is sooner or later com¬
ing here, else they would nevei
have taken this territory on.
When the railroad is carrier
across the Blue Ridge mountain*
into Tennessee and made u trun 1
line you will then see W bite court
1 y take on new life. We believe
it wont be very long until some¬
thing will start it.
Th6 fiftieth anniversary of the
incandescent lamp was celebrated
near Detroit at Dearborn, the
Henry Ford estate, in honor ol
Thomas A. Edison Oct. 2t. Tin
village of Dearborn was recon¬
structed into a village of 1879 Tin
presidential party was transferred
from the Capital Special to a train
drawn by a wood-burning locomo¬
tive. Mr. Ford had dirt shipper
from New jersey to surround Mr
Edison's old laboratory in ordei
that it might look as much like tin
original as possible.
Monday night Mr. Edison touch¬
ed a button from ibis laboratory
which lighted a beacon in lias
Orange, X. J. This monument i
.1 tubule to Mr. Edison by tin
pioneers who worked with him ii
the early days.
General R. De'l'. Lawrence,
distinguished Marietta Confederatt
veteron, was appointed state pen¬
sion commissioner by Governoi
Hardman Monday afternoon ti
succeed the late Col. John W
Mrs. W. A. Russell was visiting
Mr. sad Mrs. E. L. Russell Wed
Mr. and Mrs. (). V. Cook look
The Editor and \\ ifeSenday alter
noon to see tee paving on ttie Dah¬
lonega road from QuiUtan's. which
is being rapidly pushed toward
Subscribe For The Courier
is by train. The safest. Most com¬
fortable. Most reliable. Costs less.
Inquire of Ticket Agents regarding
greatly reduced fares for short trips.
Subscribe For The Courie
r ■_ , Courier,
1 cLKVELA^b Cleveland, Georgia.
L@©al News
The V. T. A. of Cleveland High
School will hold the regular meet¬
ing Phursday, October 31. You
wiil enjoy the program that is be¬
ing prepared. Also there is busi¬
ness to discuss, e. g.. the election
of [officers, etc. Come! Cleve¬
land High School needs >our co¬
An enjoyable event occurred at
1 he home of Rev. and Mrs. II. H.
Humphries where more than 30
relatives and friends assembled to
join in the celebration of the
seventy-ninth birthday of Mrs.
Clarecia Humphries. Rev. Hum¬
phries. The greatest
day was at the noon hour when the
bountiful picnic dinner consisting
of many good things to eat was
pread The day will be long
remembered by those who were
present and all wished Mrs. Hum
phries many more pleasant birth¬
Mr. Charlie Head lost his keys
Thursdays and they were found
and handed to Judge A. L. Dor¬
sey. Mr. Dorsey told The Courier
of it and The Courier made men¬
tion of it and Charlie had his keys
Friday morning. That shows you
it pays to advertise in The Courier
Mr. Charles Hardy, of t he
Gainesville News, and Col. Smith,
of Gainesville, were in Cleveland
IN the district court of the
The United State* Number 40 at
Vs. Law
3146.06 acres o£ land Proceeding to
In Habersham and condemn Land,
White Counties,
Georgia, Conule
Hicks, et al.
To the following persons who are non ¬
residents, to-wit:
Lewis Carr; George W. Clarkson;
George \V. Clarkson, Trustee; George
C. Dutton; Harry Dutton; C. E. Gor¬
don; Sam P. Jeffries ox Jefferies; Sam
P. Jeffries, or Jefferies, Trustee; C.
H. Hobbs; Mrs. Nina D. E. Jones ;
John E. Mitchell; Clella Stevens Mich
erfelder; Mrs, Clara D. McGregor; Oli¬
ver & Hooper Corporation; Lena E.
Stevens; J. C. Oakes; W. S. Oakes; C.
1£. Gordon an incorporator of The
American Lumber Company; C. H
Hobbs an incorporator of The Ameri¬
can Lumber Company; Arthur E. Mar¬
The following persons whose resi¬
dences are unknown or who are
themselves wholly unknown, towit:
ta) The following persona or their
heirs at law, whose names aud resi¬
dences are unknown: S. S. Abernathy;
W. W. Abernathy; William Adams; J.
R. Dean; Jube or Jude A. Lyles; T. A.
Seawright; A. B. Vender; William L.
Walker; Lydia A. Martin; Ellen D.
Clame; Mrs. Dorothy D. Cobb; Boll
Martin; Denia Ann Ramey; David M.
Brouster; Cora D. Wellwood; Mrs.
Boll Martin Arwood.
tb) Heirs at law of the following
named persons, whose names and res¬
idences are unknown: Fratus Aber¬
nathy; Georgia A. Abernathy; Mrs.
Mary P. Allison; John Bailey; Johna¬
than Bailey; 1. L. Brown; Dr. L- K.
Burns; Thomas Bussey; James Cham¬
bers; Robert Clay; Rebecca Coffee; M.
A. Connor; Thomas B. Cooper; Cos
well Cross; Thomas Cross; Richard
F. Davis; F. E. Dugas; Lewis A, Du¬
gas; Ben F. Dutton; George B. Ed¬
wards; Jerome England; Jesse Fry:
Robert Heath; B. C. Holcomb; Jesse
Hunt; H. S. Janes; J. Lamb John¬
ston; John O. Jordan, Jr.; William
Latimore; W. T. Leonard; Elizabeth
M. McAfee; Joseph McKee; Robert
McMillan; Andrew J. Nichols; Benja¬
min E. Patton; Prior L. Pitner;
aid L. Powell; Charles Roberts;
phen Smith; Caleb Stephens: S.
Stewart; Joshua Sutton; Melinda S
Sutton; Ella F. Temples;
Walker; William M. L. Walker;
liam G. Waller; W. A. Weaver;
line Westmoreland; C. C.
land; Reeves Westmoreland; R.
Westmoreland; W. R- Westmoreland;
Edwin F. Williams; George W.
liams; American Lumber Company,
Corporation, its successor or .assigns;
D. A. Gibson; Byrd-Matthews Lum¬
ber Company, a Corporation, Us suc¬
cessors or assigns;
Hir. M. S. Fuller has moved to
N si*- Holland.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cooley, of
A JiUaxLi, spent Sunday with par
• at*.. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cooley.
Mr. J. W. McAfee lost anEnder
satiety razor in town Wednesday
and would like for the finder to
return it to him.
The Epworth League Union at
the Methodist church Sunday after¬
noon was well attended.
Work is going forward -toward
construction of a warehouse of the
lot where “Uncle Albert” Hen¬
derson’s old barn stood.
The Georgia Power Company
men have been in Cleveland this
Mr. F. G. Mauney was called to
Atlanta last Friday on the Manley
Mr. J. B. R Barrett is construct¬
ing a dwelling on his property on
the highway north of Cleveland.
Mr. G. W. Cantrell returned to
home in Maysville Wednesday
afternoon after a visit of several
weeks here.
You will find the Grand Jury
Presentments on Page 5.
Mr. Sidney DeCarnp returned to
his home in Westfield, N. J., after
spending several days at the Hen¬
ley House.
judge aud Mrs. J. W. II.Under¬
wood will celebrate their 02nd
wedding anniversary today.
Legal iVdMertisemente
Georgia, White County.
Notice is hereby given that the under¬
signed has applied to the Ordinary of
said county for leave to sell land be
longing to 1 he estate ot Mrs. John It.
London fo. the purpose of payment of
' debts and distribution. tsniil applies*
tiou will be heard at the regular term of
Court of Ordinary for said county to lie
held on the tirst, Monday in November.
! 1929. This the 7th day of October lg29.
i W. K. London, Administrator of the
estate of Mrs. John H. Icndon.
To all and every person unknown, or
non resident, who claims any right,
title or interest in said described
lands, or the funds which may be
paid into Court us the result of this
proceeding, whether under or in right
of any of the above named or other¬
wise; YOU AN1) EACH OF YOU are
required and admonished to take no¬
tice that the United States has filed
£ petition lu the District Court of the
United ptates for the Northern Dis
plot of Ceorgia, Gainesville Division,
to condemn 3,146.06 acres of lund fa
Habersham and White Counties, Geor¬
gia, being in the laud lots and dis ■
tricts of said Counties aa follows, to¬
wit; Being land lot 86 and part of
land lot 54, district 13, Habersham
County, Georgia; and land lot 136 and
parts of laud lots 137 and 153, Dlstiiet
3, and land lot 10, and parts of land
lots 1, 11 and 15 and Southwest part
of land lot 13, District 5, and land lots
25 and 62, District 6. Section 1, White
County, Georgia, and beiug known as
the lands of Connie Hicks, J. L. Al¬
lison, John H. Jarrard, Mrs. M. A.
Adams; Mrs. Effle S. Franklin, Lena
E. Stevens, John E. Mitchell, E. E.
Abernathy, R. D. Smith, Oliver &
Hooper Corporation, and others.
This matter will be heard in the
United Stales Court Room at Atlanta.
Georgia, on the 30th day of October,
1929. at ten o'clock A. M.
If you or either of you have any
rights in the premises, pr desire tp
be heard I 11 the matter, you are re¬
quired thep and there to make known,
your objections, if any, your claims
as to the value of the property, or
your respective interests therein, or in
the funds arising therefrom, or any
other matters material to your respect¬
ive rights iu the property sought to be
condemned; otherwise the Court will
proceed as to law and justice may ap¬
In w itness whereof I "have hereunto
set my hand and affixed the seal ot
the said United States Court at At¬
lanta. Georgia, this 9th day of Sep¬
tember, 1929.
(Seal.) O. C. FULLER,
Clerk United Slates District Court,
Northern Distl'ict of Georgia:
Deputy Clerk.
Subscribe For The
T^OR you who demand the last word in tires—endurance
17 far ahead of modem driving conditions—the Firestone
Supreme was created C.Here is the tire that is stronger, more
durable and better looking than any tire ever made. It costs more
and is worth more because it is more economical and gives you tii*®
service above and beyond anything the motor world has ever known*
It has everything and more than the famous Firestone Gum
Dipped Tires which already hold all records for speed,
safety, economy and mileage. This means greater air
volume—thicker tread—added number of plies of
Gum-Dipped Cords—better non-skid protection for
safety—improved riding qualities. CCome and see
it—you will want a full set on your car at onc£—a
liberal allowance will be made for your old tires.
Cleveland Chevrolet Company
Millions of
of Constant r testing
to maintain the outstanding /’
quality and dependability of A r* 5 ^ - .4 i
The Chevrolet Six Vi- r t- .f
In spite of the fact that a
million Chevrolet Sixes have al¬
ready been placed in the hands
of owners, and have proved their
performance and stamina by
billions of miles of service over
every type of highway the
nation affords—
—the Chevrolet Motor Com¬
pany continues to take new
Chevrolet Sixes from the assem¬
bly line at the factory and
subject them to pitiless testing
on the roads ol the General
Motors Proving Ground!
This passion for proof— this
consistent refusal to accept any
30 A fifth wheel tgeedometer accu
r«triy measure* speed and mile
age eat 40 Chevrolet test ruaa at
9k* Frvvai Qrouad.
Cleveland Chevrolet Company
Your Now
tests as final —is one of the
fundamental reasons for the
overwhelming popularity of
Chevrolet cars. For in no other
way is it possible to make the
Chevrolet-Six so sound in design
and materials—so dependable
in performance—and so eco¬
nomical to operate!
If you are considering the pur¬
chase of an automobile, come
in and see the new Chevrolet.
You will find that it is more
than a Sis in the price r* nge of
the four. In every way it is a
finer car than you ever thought
possible in the low-price field!
COACH 5 95
The $;-)C DZD The Imperial VtD
ROADSTER..... SEDAN wvm ^,.
PHAETON ......*525 St-dao P*Uw*7*595
aiSE.......’645 ?£Wa,«J545
sedan ...........*675 32£S5cJ6tt l
Ait prices ]. o. t>. factory. Ilint, Stick-