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Clbe Cleveland Courier
Official Organ of Whitt Count) Go
PuMtuhwl Weekly »' Clevtilun*!
•Us. 1*- Davidson, KA'uor.
Kn'^aTTuie IV ai t’4»v>l*n«1
Ga.. «h necorni clue* mail ei -
Membet Ninth District Pres* Associaton
14 Georgia Pres*
'* National Editorial
" PreM Congte** 01 The World
Subscription, ♦ 1.50 | ,eI ' V 31 ' 1
iu aivance
The rainfall for rhe first u day
of this month in Atlanta exceeded
the normal rainfall quota for Nov
by more than half an inch.
Mr, Von Herrmun states that
the rainfall record lor a single year
exceeds slightly 65 inches-, but that
with this month and December hi
is sure all former records will bt
The 6 nrd annual ol
the North Georgia Methodist
church opened Wednesday morniiq
at the first Methodist church ii
Atlanta, Several hundred dele¬
gates attend this conference.
Judge H. A- Matheson of tin
superior court in Ft. Valley, Ga..
upheld the right of the state high¬
way department to relocate a stall
route in Houston county. Proper
ty owners in Huston county sougln
to keen the department from re¬
locating Route 7 between l’crrj
and Myrtle. The |peiition was
The property ownars also ob¬
jected to tlie department not divid¬
ing the road money ‘ according to
mileage. Judge Mathews explain¬
ed that tile highway board was not
bound to do this. However, he
stated tout Houston county sltoula
not object to the department’s
method of distributing the funds
as they had already accepted mort
than they would have gotten undei
the milerge p'an,
Georgia grieves tire death of out
of its devoted servants and since
19*4 its revenue commissioner,Col
John M. Vandiver.
Col. Vandiver was a native ol
N.C., hut came to Georgia in
early manhood and rose into pub
lie service, being Roipe's first city
commissioner, and taler its post¬
master. In 1912 he was a delegati
to the Democratic convention in
BaUimoie which nominated Wood
row Wilson for resident.
He has scores of friends in tlu
South who morn his death.
R. lingerie Matheson, of Hart
well, was appointed Tuesday by
Governor Hardman to succeed Col.
The Hall county officers captur
ed Ode (Jack) Christy a few days
ago whe is wanted for several dif¬
ferent cases, we understand. Out
is for breaking into an express of
lice gelting|money orders and cash
ing them, some in Gainesville. Hi
signed them as George Lang. Wt
are told that Christy had recently
completed a two year term on 11
simiiiar violat ion.—Dahlonegi
’The radio will make all Ameri
cans talk alike within 23 years.*' The
North Dakota legislature has just
pnssod a bill to make American in
stead of English the official language,
and down in New Mexico a move to
dispense with the reading of the jour
iwl In Spanish has been defeated L>\
the house of representatives.
Italy has found a new way of “rub¬
bing it in” on Austria. The Italian
government lias converted three car
loads of Austrian paper money, with
a prewar value of 2,000,000 crowns
into confetti for use during holiday
carnivals. The eliopped-up currency
was collected in former Austrian*ter
rltory acquired by Italy,
One of our foremost authorities on
etiquette iuforms us that we must
never say a word more than “how do
you do” when Introduced to a person,
but it*B pretty hard to teach an old
Cog new tricks and we suppose we
shall continue to say as usual, cup¬
ping our left hand behind our left
ear: "What wa* the name, please?”
Local Mews
Col. Sain late informed 1 be
Gainesville News that that portion
,f the Appalachian Scenic high¬
that is not paved would be
way is
• oefed at once. This news a
source of much gratification be
;au-.e it is now almost impassable.
Mr. G. V. Hefner returned t<
Georgia Baptist Hospital Wednes
Mr. Howard McAfee, who is
unployed at Blue Ridge, is at
mine for a few days visit.
Mr. Rarks Bell returned to Al¬
ania Monday,
Mr. Sim Reece, of Blue Ridge,
pent a day or two in Cleveland
[ agl w cek.
Have you p>id your subscription
o The Courier? Better do it and
ieep your county paper coming to
.on weekly.
The Town Council of Cleveland
titered into a contract with the
Georgia Power Company ‘Tuesday
o furnish eight 150 watt street
ights at a cost of $.;‘2o.8o per year,
six of these lights are to be located
,n the public square and one at tlir
Baptist church and one at the
vlethodist church.
Mr. Jess Hunt took Miss Fiuticb
Cox to the Georgia Baptist Hos
>itai Monday,
B u rn to Mr. and Mrs. Lestei
ihelnut Thursday, Nov. 7, a girl.
Miss Gladys McAfee, of Atlan¬
ta, spent tlie weekend with parents
Born to Mr and Mrs. Clarence
Cooley Saturday, a girl.
Mr. C. J. Menders spent last
.veek at Penlund, N. C.
Mr. Paul Mauney took a load ol
vases to Rochelle, Ga., Saturday.
Rev. B. W. Kilpatrick and Col.
J. H. Edwards are attending the
Methodist annual conference in
Atlanta this week,
Mr. J. B. R. Barrett is con
•articling a house near C. E. Bar¬
Dr. T. J. McDonald returned
Tuesday after a few days in jeffer
Mrs. Channing Hall has return¬
ed to her home in Miami, Fla.
Mrs. R. L. Henley spent a few
lays since our last issue visiting in
We are requested to state that
ill Odd Fellows are requested ti
meet at the Masonic Hall Saturday
light, Nov. 16, The Dept. Grand
Master will he present.
The Editor is indebted to Mr
A. C. Bowen for three nice turnips
weighing 7 lbs.
Mr. Jack Ravan was carried to
Downey Hospital Saturday and
will he sent to a government hos¬
Mr. J. B. R. Barrett informs
Tlie Courier that in 1927 So % ol
the automobiles in White county
were Fords, but now it lias the
lowest per cent rate of Model A
Fords ol any county in the United
This Fortune Teller
Out of the Ordinary
“Of course I don’t believe In fortune
tellers and all that bunk but I w*ent
to him just out of curiosity. Betty
swears by him. She says he told her
things about herself that even she
didn't know. So 1 went to him just
out of curiosity. Well, my dear, he
said 1 lmd the most extraordinary
crystal. He'd never seen a crystal as
extraordinary as mine. He said my
aura just glistened with fame and for¬
tune. He said that 1 would make a
wonderful writer. Yes, he said he saw
pens in my crystal. And I’m going to
travel. Maybe not this year but next
year or the year after. He didn’t say
exactly where I was going but he dis¬
tinctly saw a train or a boat In my
crystal. And listen to this, dear. He
said I was going to marry a talllsh,
sort of dark man with grayish-brown
eyes. Isn't that a perfect description
of Fred: He isn’t exactly tall, but he
is more dark than light and his eyes
are more gray than blue. I'm sure he
means Fred. He said we'd be mar¬
ried next summer or the winter after
that It's really quite remarkable the
things he tells you. Of course, I don't
really believe in fortune tellers and
I know It's all foolish, but he's awfully
good and you must go to him—just
out of curiosity.—Kansas City Times.
yUk cumsLANbj^vBtki Cleveland, Advertisements
Oeorgis. White County.
Notiee is hereby given that the under¬
signed has applied to the Ordinary of
said county for leave to at J1 land be¬
longing to the estate of Mrs. John H.
f,ondoii fo, the purpose of payment of
debts and distribution. Said applica¬
tion will be heard at the regular term of
Court of Ordinary for said county to be
held on the first Monday in December,
1929. This the 7th day of October I 929
VV. E. London, Administrator of the
estate of Mrs. John II. London.
Meoi-g-ia, White (County,
Wilt he sold on the first Tuesday in
December, next, at public outcry at the
court nouse door in said county, within
the legal hours of sale to the highest hid
ler for cash the following property to
Part of lot of land No, 3k in theSecond
[yarn! District of said county and in
the Town of Cleveland, Ga., and being
the property conveyed to Edward Car¬
penter by Erank Carroll, and containing
about five acres wore or less, and
known as the Edward Carpeuter place
in said town and fully r escribed in a
deed made by Frank Carroll to the said
EdwHi-d Carpenter- There ts on this
property one splendid dwelling house
with eight k uice rooms, sin^ke house,
barn, garage and about one arid one
half acres of the laud is branch bottom.
One of the nicest homes in^town ; situat¬
ed on the road Railing fount Cleveland
to Clarkesvllle.
Haul property levied on as the prop’>•
ty ot Edward Carpenter to satisfy an
execution issued from the Superior
Court of Richmond county, Git , in favm
if White County Bank against Edward
Carpenter. Said property being in
possession of W. A. Whitmire, tenant ot
said Carpenter, deft. Oct. 31 , Wilt.
W. L. Allison, Dept. Sheriff.
Georgia, White County.
Will be sold before the court house
door in said county ou tlie first Tuesday
in December, 19*9, within the legal
hours of sale to the highest bidder for
cash, the following described land, de¬
scribed as follows:
Beginning at the corner ofCbtiroh and
McConnell Streets and ruuning in an
eastern direction along said McConnell
Street to the property of W. A. Russell,
thence along the line between F. G.
Jones and W. A. Russell 100 feet in a
northern direction, thence in a western
direction to Church Street, thence 100
feet along Church Street in a southern
direction to the beginning corner. Said
property located in the Town of Cleve¬
land, Ga. Said property levied upon as
the property of F. G. Jones to satisfy a
tax ti fa issued by the Tow" of Cleve
land for lq28 taxes.
Also at the same time and plaee and
under tue same terms the following
property to wit:
Beginning at a point on the old Cleve¬
land and Blairsville load in the Town of
Cleveland on the. line between D. F.
While ai d 0. V. Cook and running said
line in a western direction 126 feet,
thence in a northern direction 100 feet,
thence in a eastern direction r 2 $ feet to
the old '(Cleveland & Blairsville road,
thence in a southern direction 100 feel
to the beginning corner along said old
road. Said property levied upon t<
satisfy two ti fas issued by the Town
of Cleveland, Ga., for town taxes fin
years 1920 and 1 y 1 x.
This the 4th day of November, 1929.
L. P. Faulkner, Town Marshal.
Rev, J. G. Young filled liis
regular appointment at Mt. View
Saturday and Sunday.
Rev, J. G Thomas and son,
Jesse, spent a few days last week
in Gainesville ou business.
A large crowd attended Sunday
School at Mt. View.
It has been announced there will
be an all day singing at Town
Creek next Sunday.
Rev. Hubert Turnr will preach
at Mt. View the third Sunday at
3 P. M.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dockery and
j children . ... spent Sunday , with . . rein
• lives near Mt, \ iew
School at Pleesant Retreat i
progressing fine with Mr. lesse
Black as teacher.
Surgeons have transplanted the
cornea of a good eye to one that was
injured by a cataract, the spare part
being furnished by a ruau who had
to lose It on account of a tumor, if
successful, It will be almost a miracle
of surgery, but not much more re¬
markable than the luck of the patient
In finding an odd eye In the hospital
when he needed it. Men have had
worse luck than that with buttons.
Surgery has about reached the point
where hospitals will have to estab¬
lish a joint stockroom where orders
for slightly used organs can be filled.
$ jHere’s Why
Tires Hold All Records
*«d Cmwo TwUtCvi Touted Cord* BtJfore Gum-Dtpping Cords After
faun Sutiuii PihC* Cord Cum Dipping Cum-Dippmg Insulated Every Cord with and Fiber
1 I 'HE PICK of the long staple cotton
-1ST A the crop is bought by markets. Firestone experts <
in primary cotton It is ship¬
ped to Firestone’s own cord fabric mills
j®^‘ ' first —the twisted largest into in the tiny world—where threads. These it is.
threads are then tightly twisted into ply
yams, and three of these arc twisted in
the reverse direction into cords of fish¬
line strength. Exactly the right number
of twists are carefully determined to se¬
cure the greatest strength and elasticity.
CNot satisfied with cords of superior
Strength and elasticity, each individual
cord is Gum-Dipped—a patented Fire¬
stone process in which every cord is sub¬
merged in a vat of pure liquid rubber
gum —where every single fiber of ev<-re¬
cord is saturated and completely cowrea
with rubber. That’s why Firestone Lurn
Dipped Tires give most miles per dollar
I and hold all world records for speed,
safety and economy. Your sice is in our
stock — come in. We save you money
^Und serve you better.
for Economical Transportation
“Everybody’S Six
Smart* Smooth - Safe*
Dependable—and Priced
Within the Reach Qf All!
fr^HE new Chevrolet'was is smooth, powerful and un¬
A designed and built to usually swift in acceleration,
bring the advantages of six- ft is designed throughout for
cy linder performance within greater safety and depend¬
the reach of all those who can ability. And its low first cost,
afford any automobile. For combined with its outstanding
that reason it has met with economy of operation, makes
sensational success—more it truly “Everybody’s Six.”
i?!i than a million two hundred Come in today for demon¬
fifty thousand the a
and on stration!
road in less than nine months!
The Roadster. $52$: The Phaeton. $525 ; Ths
We cordially invite you to Coach. 1595; The Coupe. 1595; The Sport
Coupe , $645; The Sedan, $675; The Imperial
come in and see this remark¬ Sedan. $695; The Sedan Delivery, 1595; Light
able Its Fisher Delivery (Chassis only). $4()0; l Vi Ton Truck
car. smart (Chassis only). $545; / Va Ton Truck < ChassD
bodies styled in the latest with Cab). $650. All prices f. o. b . factory,
are Flint, Michigan.
mode—with tasteful mould¬ Consider the delivered price as well as the list
ings, concave front pillars and (f. o. b.) price when comparing automobile
values. Chevrolet delivered prices he elude
oblong u indows. Its great six¬ only authorized charges for freight and deliv¬
valve-in-head engine ery , and the charge for any additionai accep¬
es liqder tor iesor ftuancing desired.
Cleveland Cmvrolet Company
Cleveland, Georgia
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